What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

You should take care of your house and let others worry about theirs.

Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
You are correct.
You don't speak for Jesus.

The bible is filled with his words--Who do you speak for?
I certainly don't get in his way claiming to speak for him. And since you not only judge others but rationalize that you don't, you don't either.

I don't need your interpretation of what Jesus said.

I share -truth of what Jesus said. Fact of Israelite god worship history, proves it, The teachings of Jesus prove it. Your translations teach 2 different Gods--
Paul explained who God is--simple English--1Corinthians 8:6-- There is one God to all-The Father. The correct path = John 4:22-24-daily. When did your teachers explain to you that John 4:22-24 is done daily 24/7,365. The real Jesus sends one to his Father. It just takes believing Jesus.
You worry about yourself and let me worry about myself. Do you need a scripture reference for that?

Again, I will listen to Jesus.
You should take care of your house and let others worry about theirs.

Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
Satan quoted the Bible too.

Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Because you're both Christian cherry pickers who only believe in the part that you want to believe.
kjw47 is immeasurably more honest than you are, Taz.

I believe her mistakes are honest mistakes. I can't say the same for you. You are intentionally mendacious.

Her is a he.
Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
Satan quoted the Bible too.

Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Because you're both Christian cherry pickers who only believe in the part that you want to believe.
kjw47 is immeasurably more honest than you are, Taz.

I believe her mistakes are honest mistakes. I can't say the same for you. You are intentionally mendacious.

Her is a he.
Sorry. My bad. No offense was intended.
Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
You don't speak for Jesus.

The bible is filled with his words--Who do you speak for?
I certainly don't get in his way claiming to speak for him. And since you not only judge others but rationalize that you don't, you don't either.

I don't need your interpretation of what Jesus said.

I share -truth of what Jesus said. Fact of Israelite god worship history, proves it, The teachings of Jesus prove it. Your translations teach 2 different Gods--
Paul explained who God is--simple English--1Corinthians 8:6-- There is one God to all-The Father. The correct path = John 4:22-24-daily. When did your teachers explain to you that John 4:22-24 is done daily 24/7,365. The real Jesus sends one to his Father. It just takes believing Jesus.
You worry about yourself and let me worry about myself. Do you need a scripture reference for that?

Again, I will listen to Jesus.
So do I.
You should take care of your house and let others worry about theirs.

Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
Satan quoted the Bible too.

Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Which religion are you?
Matt 5:5--The meek will inherit the earth---who is Jesus speaking to?
I reject your interpretation of it. They are two different things.

Jesus is speaking to the exalted. The exalted will be humbled and the humble will be exalted. This has practical application in THIS world. All of Christ's teaching had practical application in THIS world. You focus on the destination, when it was the journey that matters and what he was teaching.

Virtue is the ultimate organizing principle. Two loving people will always have a better relationship than two hateful people. To humble people will always have a better relationship than two arrogant people. Two forgiving people will always have a better relationship than two people who harbor grudges. Two thankful people will always have a better relationship than two thankless people. Two honest people will always have a better relationship than two dishonest people. Not some of the time, all of the time.

You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about life and make it about death. You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about the way to live life to make it about being rewarded or punished not in this life but in the afterlife.

The reality is that being virtuous naturally leads to success in all things in this life. That is what is meant by the meek shall inherit the earth. It is not a reference to dying and an afterlife. Being meek does not mean what you or most people think it means. Being meek is hard work. Being meek means to die to self to confront reality about yourself. You would rather turn scriptures on others when in reality we are intended to turn scriptures onto ourselves.

The message of Christ was not a societal message. It was a personal message. Not instructions to judge others, but to judge yourself. Being meek is hard work.

Jesus rejects your interpretation.
You don't speak for him.
No I'm not. I'm answering you to the best of my ability.
And you still haven't been clear to me about original sin.

I want to to give answer to what I believe about original sin. In LDS thought, mankind, before coming to this earth, were spiritual sons and daughters of God the Father. God the Father is the literal father of our spirits:

Hebrews 12:9
9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?

Acts 17:28-29
28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.
29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device.

But before we were born as the spiritual sons and daughters of God the Father, we existed as intelligences. The nature of intelligence is eternal.

Doctrine and Covenants 93:29
29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.

What this verse suggests is that a part of man, (his intelligence), has always existed. In this respect, mankind are eternal beings. The mind of man has always existed. God took of these intelligences and combined them with spirit matter through the process of procreation and created our spirits, ie His spirit children.

If God could have created mankind out of nothing, then surely he could have created mankind to be perfect like unto himself. But mankind is not in a state of perfection. This is because we have within us that eternal intelligence that has always existed and that was not created or made and neither indeed can be. For this reason God could only create our spiritual bodies by organizing these eternal intellgences with spirit matter through the process of procreation. Since God could not make us perfect, like himself, he devised a way whereby mankind could progress to become more like God. This process involved letting free will beings choose good over evil.

In the pre-mortal world of spirits, some chose to go against God with their free will and were cast down to this earth without the opportunity to receive a body.

Revelation 12:7-11
7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Those who did not rebel in heaven were given further opportunity to progress to become more like God. Part of this path of progression was to come to this world and experience a temporal mortal existence. From the experiences given to us in this mortal life and through overcoming this world by choosing good over evil, we could progress even further by learning to overcome the world. In the pre-mortal world, we were all given the opportunity to come to this earth as mortals and we all chose to take on this part of our progression. We wanted to become more like our Father in Heaven.

For all this to occur, it was necessary that God place this earth into a mortal state. Adam and Eve were placed on this earth in a celestial state but in a state of innocence, not knowing good from evil. A veil was placed over their minds so they would not recall their pre-mortal existence. Satan and his minions were already here waiting to further rebel against God and tempt Adam and Eve to disobey God. Eventually they succombed to the temptation which God foreknew would happen. Thus the mortal probation of man had begun.

God had created a state of mortality that man might have opportunity to experience it and grow from it. Man was not to be held accountable for Adam's transgression but was to be born into it to further help them progress to become more like God. Soon after Adam's transgression, our Father in Heaven, speaking to others, said:

Genesis 3:22
22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

This was the will of God. Mankind would live in mortality but not be punished for Adam's transgression. The atonement of Jesus Christ covers original sin and all mankind whether good or evil will be restored to a state of immortality to cover the fall of Adam.

Acts 24:15
15 And have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust.

We will all receive immortality but we will all be judged according to our deeds.

John 5:29
29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

To those who come to this life, being subject to the fall but never receiving a knowledge of the gospel, the Prophet Mosiah states:

Mosiah 3:11
11 For behold, and also his blood atoneth for the sins of those who have fallen by the transgression of Adam, who have died not knowing the will of God concerning them, or who have ignorantly sinned.

1 Corinthians 15:22
22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

Basically, the resurrection to immortality is unto all, both those who do wickedly and those who are righteous in this life. However, eternal life (a life like God's life) will only come unto the righteous. Original sin is automatically forgiven of God through the atonement of Jesus Christ. All mankind will be punished for their own sins and not for Adam's transgression. The fall of man was a necessary step in the progression of mankind. Mortality is a test to see who will choose good over evil in some of the more trying circumstances. It is an opportunity for us to choose eternal life and to overcome and become strong against evil. We are not held accountable for Adam's transgression and we will only be judged for not repenting of our own sins. May we all seek to be good beings and only do those things that are for the benefit of our eternal welfare.
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Satan quoted the Bible too.

Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Because you're both Christian cherry pickers who only believe in the part that you want to believe.
kjw47 is immeasurably more honest than you are, Taz.

I believe her mistakes are honest mistakes. I can't say the same for you. You are intentionally mendacious.

Her is a he.
Sorry. My bad. No offense was intended.

none taken
The bible is filled with his words--Who do you speak for?
I certainly don't get in his way claiming to speak for him. And since you not only judge others but rationalize that you don't, you don't either.

I don't need your interpretation of what Jesus said.

I share -truth of what Jesus said. Fact of Israelite god worship history, proves it, The teachings of Jesus prove it. Your translations teach 2 different Gods--
Paul explained who God is--simple English--1Corinthians 8:6-- There is one God to all-The Father. The correct path = John 4:22-24-daily. When did your teachers explain to you that John 4:22-24 is done daily 24/7,365. The real Jesus sends one to his Father. It just takes believing Jesus.
You worry about yourself and let me worry about myself. Do you need a scripture reference for that?

Again, I will listen to Jesus.
So do I.

That's great news Ding. I am happy to see you listen to Jesus

Matt 6:33-- Therefore, keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his( YHWH(Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added to you.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Jesus sends his true followers to his Father to accomplish this-John 4:22-24-- If Jesus has not sent you, you have the wrong Jesus.
Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
Satan quoted the Bible too.

Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Which religion are you?
Matt 5:5--The meek will inherit the earth---who is Jesus speaking to?
I reject your interpretation of it. They are two different things.

Jesus is speaking to the exalted. The exalted will be humbled and the humble will be exalted. This has practical application in THIS world. All of Christ's teaching had practical application in THIS world. You focus on the destination, when it was the journey that matters and what he was teaching.

Virtue is the ultimate organizing principle. Two loving people will always have a better relationship than two hateful people. To humble people will always have a better relationship than two arrogant people. Two forgiving people will always have a better relationship than two people who harbor grudges. Two thankful people will always have a better relationship than two thankless people. Two honest people will always have a better relationship than two dishonest people. Not some of the time, all of the time.

You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about life and make it about death. You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about the way to live life to make it about being rewarded or punished not in this life but in the afterlife.

The reality is that being virtuous naturally leads to success in all things in this life. That is what is meant by the meek shall inherit the earth. It is not a reference to dying and an afterlife. Being meek does not mean what you or most people think it means. Being meek is hard work. Being meek means to die to self to confront reality about yourself. You would rather turn scriptures on others when in reality we are intended to turn scriptures onto ourselves.

The message of Christ was not a societal message. It was a personal message. Not instructions to judge others, but to judge yourself. Being meek is hard work.

Jesus rejects your interpretation.
You don't speak for him.

All true followers speak for him--They have--unity of thought-1Cor 1:10
Satan quoted the Bible too.

Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Which religion are you?
Matt 5:5--The meek will inherit the earth---who is Jesus speaking to?
I reject your interpretation of it. They are two different things.

Jesus is speaking to the exalted. The exalted will be humbled and the humble will be exalted. This has practical application in THIS world. All of Christ's teaching had practical application in THIS world. You focus on the destination, when it was the journey that matters and what he was teaching.

Virtue is the ultimate organizing principle. Two loving people will always have a better relationship than two hateful people. To humble people will always have a better relationship than two arrogant people. Two forgiving people will always have a better relationship than two people who harbor grudges. Two thankful people will always have a better relationship than two thankless people. Two honest people will always have a better relationship than two dishonest people. Not some of the time, all of the time.

You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about life and make it about death. You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about the way to live life to make it about being rewarded or punished not in this life but in the afterlife.

The reality is that being virtuous naturally leads to success in all things in this life. That is what is meant by the meek shall inherit the earth. It is not a reference to dying and an afterlife. Being meek does not mean what you or most people think it means. Being meek is hard work. Being meek means to die to self to confront reality about yourself. You would rather turn scriptures on others when in reality we are intended to turn scriptures onto ourselves.

The message of Christ was not a societal message. It was a personal message. Not instructions to judge others, but to judge yourself. Being meek is hard work.

Jesus rejects your interpretation.
You don't speak for him.

All true followers speak for him--They have--unity of thought-1Cor 1:10
How do you know you are a true believer?
Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Which religion are you?
Matt 5:5--The meek will inherit the earth---who is Jesus speaking to?
I reject your interpretation of it. They are two different things.

Jesus is speaking to the exalted. The exalted will be humbled and the humble will be exalted. This has practical application in THIS world. All of Christ's teaching had practical application in THIS world. You focus on the destination, when it was the journey that matters and what he was teaching.

Virtue is the ultimate organizing principle. Two loving people will always have a better relationship than two hateful people. To humble people will always have a better relationship than two arrogant people. Two forgiving people will always have a better relationship than two people who harbor grudges. Two thankful people will always have a better relationship than two thankless people. Two honest people will always have a better relationship than two dishonest people. Not some of the time, all of the time.

You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about life and make it about death. You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about the way to live life to make it about being rewarded or punished not in this life but in the afterlife.

The reality is that being virtuous naturally leads to success in all things in this life. That is what is meant by the meek shall inherit the earth. It is not a reference to dying and an afterlife. Being meek does not mean what you or most people think it means. Being meek is hard work. Being meek means to die to self to confront reality about yourself. You would rather turn scriptures on others when in reality we are intended to turn scriptures onto ourselves.

The message of Christ was not a societal message. It was a personal message. Not instructions to judge others, but to judge yourself. Being meek is hard work.

Jesus rejects your interpretation.
You don't speak for him.

All true followers speak for him--They have--unity of thought-1Cor 1:10
How do you know you are a true believer?
Because he doesn't believe the stories in the bible are true either. :highfive:
God sacrificed his son so the rest of us wouldn't have to worry about sinning, because Jesus paid that bill by dying on the cross.
Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Which religion are you?
Matt 5:5--The meek will inherit the earth---who is Jesus speaking to?
I reject your interpretation of it. They are two different things.

Jesus is speaking to the exalted. The exalted will be humbled and the humble will be exalted. This has practical application in THIS world. All of Christ's teaching had practical application in THIS world. You focus on the destination, when it was the journey that matters and what he was teaching.

Virtue is the ultimate organizing principle. Two loving people will always have a better relationship than two hateful people. To humble people will always have a better relationship than two arrogant people. Two forgiving people will always have a better relationship than two people who harbor grudges. Two thankful people will always have a better relationship than two thankless people. Two honest people will always have a better relationship than two dishonest people. Not some of the time, all of the time.

You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about life and make it about death. You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about the way to live life to make it about being rewarded or punished not in this life but in the afterlife.

The reality is that being virtuous naturally leads to success in all things in this life. That is what is meant by the meek shall inherit the earth. It is not a reference to dying and an afterlife. Being meek does not mean what you or most people think it means. Being meek is hard work. Being meek means to die to self to confront reality about yourself. You would rather turn scriptures on others when in reality we are intended to turn scriptures onto ourselves.

The message of Christ was not a societal message. It was a personal message. Not instructions to judge others, but to judge yourself. Being meek is hard work.

Jesus rejects your interpretation.
You don't speak for him.

All true followers speak for him--They have--unity of thought-1Cor 1:10
How do you know you are a true believer?

God reveals himself to those that learn and apply his will.
I reject your interpretation of it. They are two different things.

Jesus is speaking to the exalted. The exalted will be humbled and the humble will be exalted. This has practical application in THIS world. All of Christ's teaching had practical application in THIS world. You focus on the destination, when it was the journey that matters and what he was teaching.

Virtue is the ultimate organizing principle. Two loving people will always have a better relationship than two hateful people. To humble people will always have a better relationship than two arrogant people. Two forgiving people will always have a better relationship than two people who harbor grudges. Two thankful people will always have a better relationship than two thankless people. Two honest people will always have a better relationship than two dishonest people. Not some of the time, all of the time.

You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about life and make it about death. You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about the way to live life to make it about being rewarded or punished not in this life but in the afterlife.

The reality is that being virtuous naturally leads to success in all things in this life. That is what is meant by the meek shall inherit the earth. It is not a reference to dying and an afterlife. Being meek does not mean what you or most people think it means. Being meek is hard work. Being meek means to die to self to confront reality about yourself. You would rather turn scriptures on others when in reality we are intended to turn scriptures onto ourselves.

The message of Christ was not a societal message. It was a personal message. Not instructions to judge others, but to judge yourself. Being meek is hard work.

Jesus rejects your interpretation.
You don't speak for him.

All true followers speak for him--They have--unity of thought-1Cor 1:10
How do you know you are a true believer?
Because he doesn't believe the stories in the bible are true either. :highfive:

Making lies up does not make a truth. Making lies up--proves that ones god is satan.
Most see like this-2Cor 4:4
I reject your interpretation of it. They are two different things.

Jesus is speaking to the exalted. The exalted will be humbled and the humble will be exalted. This has practical application in THIS world. All of Christ's teaching had practical application in THIS world. You focus on the destination, when it was the journey that matters and what he was teaching.

Virtue is the ultimate organizing principle. Two loving people will always have a better relationship than two hateful people. To humble people will always have a better relationship than two arrogant people. Two forgiving people will always have a better relationship than two people who harbor grudges. Two thankful people will always have a better relationship than two thankless people. Two honest people will always have a better relationship than two dishonest people. Not some of the time, all of the time.

You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about life and make it about death. You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about the way to live life to make it about being rewarded or punished not in this life but in the afterlife.

The reality is that being virtuous naturally leads to success in all things in this life. That is what is meant by the meek shall inherit the earth. It is not a reference to dying and an afterlife. Being meek does not mean what you or most people think it means. Being meek is hard work. Being meek means to die to self to confront reality about yourself. You would rather turn scriptures on others when in reality we are intended to turn scriptures onto ourselves.

The message of Christ was not a societal message. It was a personal message. Not instructions to judge others, but to judge yourself. Being meek is hard work.

Jesus rejects your interpretation.
You don't speak for him.

All true followers speak for him--They have--unity of thought-1Cor 1:10
How do you know you are a true believer?

God reveals himself to those that learn and apply his will.
Why wouldn't god simply reveal himself to everyone?
I reject your interpretation of it. They are two different things.

Jesus is speaking to the exalted. The exalted will be humbled and the humble will be exalted. This has practical application in THIS world. All of Christ's teaching had practical application in THIS world. You focus on the destination, when it was the journey that matters and what he was teaching.

Virtue is the ultimate organizing principle. Two loving people will always have a better relationship than two hateful people. To humble people will always have a better relationship than two arrogant people. Two forgiving people will always have a better relationship than two people who harbor grudges. Two thankful people will always have a better relationship than two thankless people. Two honest people will always have a better relationship than two dishonest people. Not some of the time, all of the time.

You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about life and make it about death. You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about the way to live life to make it about being rewarded or punished not in this life but in the afterlife.

The reality is that being virtuous naturally leads to success in all things in this life. That is what is meant by the meek shall inherit the earth. It is not a reference to dying and an afterlife. Being meek does not mean what you or most people think it means. Being meek is hard work. Being meek means to die to self to confront reality about yourself. You would rather turn scriptures on others when in reality we are intended to turn scriptures onto ourselves.

The message of Christ was not a societal message. It was a personal message. Not instructions to judge others, but to judge yourself. Being meek is hard work.

Jesus rejects your interpretation.
You don't speak for him.

All true followers speak for him--They have--unity of thought-1Cor 1:10
How do you know you are a true believer?

God reveals himself to those that learn and apply his will.
Actually that isn't true. God reveals himself to everyone.

Why are you limiting him?
Jesus rejects your interpretation.
You don't speak for him.

All true followers speak for him--They have--unity of thought-1Cor 1:10
How do you know you are a true believer?

God reveals himself to those that learn and apply his will.
Why wouldn't god simply reveal himself to everyone?
He does. Not everyone sees it.
You don't speak for him.

All true followers speak for him--They have--unity of thought-1Cor 1:10
How do you know you are a true believer?

God reveals himself to those that learn and apply his will.
Why wouldn't god simply reveal himself to everyone?
He does. Not everyone sees it.
So why doesn’t god make everyone see him?

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