What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

Actually that isn't true. God reveals himself to everyone.

Why are you limiting him?

If that were so--there would be one religion, one God, One truth--oh there is--99% missed it Why?
You should tell Jesus that.

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Peter lived over 125 years before the religion that came out of Rome popped up. No similarities whatsoever to the religion Jesus began.
Peter? You mean the first Pope of the Catholic Church. That Peter?

Saint Peter (Syriac/Aramaic: ܫܸܡܥܘܿܢ ܟܹ݁ܐܦ݂ܵܐ, Shemayon Keppa, Hebrew: שמעון בר יונה‎ Shim'on bar Yona, Greek: Πέτρος Petros, Coptic: ⲡⲉⲧⲣⲟⲥ, translit. Petros, Latin: Petrus; r. AD 30;[1] d. between AD 64 and 68[2]), also known as Simon Peter, Simeon, or Simon ( pronunciation (help·info)), according to the New Testament, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ, leaders of the early Christian Great Church. Pope Gregory I called him repeatedly the "Prince of the Apostles".[3] According to Catholic teaching, Jesus promised Peter in the "Rock of My Church" dialogue in Matthew 16:18 a special position in the Church. He is traditionally counted as the first Bishop of Rome‍—‌or pope‍—‌and also by Eastern Christian tradition as the first Patriarch of Antioch. The ancient Christian churches all venerate Peter as a major saint and as the founder of the Church of Antioch and the Roman Church,[2] but differ in their attitudes regarding the authority of his present-day successors (the primacy of the Bishop of Rome).

Saint Peter - Wikipedia

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles

That is strange--Peter clearly taught--Jesus has a God-his Father( 1Peter 1:3)-- so the teachers that followed his line--teach that truth as well.
"The New Testament is very clear that Jesus was a full human being. He had to grow in wisdom (Lk 2:52) and learn obedience by going through trials, just like every other human being (Heb. 5:8). He grew hungry and tired, like the rest of us. He experienced the same range of emotions as the rest of us and was tempted in all the ways we are (Heb 4:15). He was, in other words, made like us “in every way” (Heb 2:17). Jesus was a full human being. In fact, all indications are that Jesus still is a full human being, albeit in a resurrected and transformed state.

At the same time, the New Testament also clearly teaches us that Jesus is God. John tells us that, while no one has ever seen God as he is in himself, the Word (Jesus), who is himself God, has made him known (Jn. 1:18). Similarly, in his epistle he refers to the Son of God as “the true God” (I Jn 5:20). Along the same lines, Paul refers to Jesus as “God over all” (Rom. 9:5) and “our great God and Savior” (Titus 2:13) while Thomas calls Jesus “Lord” and “God,” and Jesus commends him for his faith (Jn. 20:28)...."

Was Jesus Fully Human and Fully God? - Greg Boyd - ReKnew
Actually that isn't true. God reveals himself to everyone.

Why are you limiting him?

If that were so--there would be one religion, one God, One truth--oh there is--99% missed it Why?
You should tell Jesus that.

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Peter lived over 125 years before the religion that came out of Rome popped up. No similarities whatsoever to the religion Jesus began.
Peter? You mean the first Pope of the Catholic Church. That Peter?

Saint Peter (Syriac/Aramaic: ܫܸܡܥܘܿܢ ܟܹ݁ܐܦ݂ܵܐ, Shemayon Keppa, Hebrew: שמעון בר יונה‎ Shim'on bar Yona, Greek: Πέτρος Petros, Coptic: ⲡⲉⲧⲣⲟⲥ, translit. Petros, Latin: Petrus; r. AD 30;[1] d. between AD 64 and 68[2]), also known as Simon Peter, Simeon, or Simon ( pronunciation (help·info)), according to the New Testament, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ, leaders of the early Christian Great Church. Pope Gregory I called him repeatedly the "Prince of the Apostles".[3] According to Catholic teaching, Jesus promised Peter in the "Rock of My Church" dialogue in Matthew 16:18 a special position in the Church. He is traditionally counted as the first Bishop of Rome‍—‌or pope‍—‌and also by Eastern Christian tradition as the first Patriarch of Antioch. The ancient Christian churches all venerate Peter as a major saint and as the founder of the Church of Antioch and the Roman Church,[2] but differ in their attitudes regarding the authority of his present-day successors (the primacy of the Bishop of Rome).

Saint Peter - Wikipedia

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles

That is strange--Peter clearly taught--Jesus has a God-his Father( 1Peter 1:3)-- so the teachers that followed his line--teach that truth as well.
If god hates sin so much, why did he create it?

The 3 rebels in Eden caused this system. God showed all his will-- Mortals to live forever, knowing only good, choosing to listen to Gods advice. Aging, suffering and dying is what satans advice got all. Gods kingdom will be a cure all.
So god isn’t all powerful? Some shit he can’t stop?
We are never to think of God's power in terms of what he could conceivably do by the exercise of what we may call sheer omnipotence which crushes all obstacles in its path. We are always to think of God's power in terms of his purpose. If what he did by sheer omnipotence defeated his purpose, then, however startling and impressive, it would be an expression of weakness, not of power. Indeed, a good definition of power is "ability to achieve purpose. Does it fulfill its purpose? God's purpose is to achieve a specific outcome under specific conditions.
What purpose do deformed babies have? Cancer? Mental retardation?

And god could have any outcome he wanted without all the threats. If he's actually omnipotent.
So in your universe, unless everything is perfect - a utopia - there can be no God? Am I understanding you correctly, Taz?

That if there are babies that are born with birth defect, there can be no God?
You said god wants a certain outcome, so why the cancer and deformed babies? Why is god wanting that outcome? For what purpose?

If everything in the universe isn't perfect, it doesn't mean there's no god, but that god wanted it that way. Either that, or He's not perfect either. Which is it?
If god hates sin so much, why did he create it?
Who said he did?
Evil is not extant.
Not sure I know what you mean by that, are you saying that evil wasn't created at Creation and someone else brought it into god's creation?
I am saying that like darkness or cold, evil does not exist. Darkness, cold and evil are are the absence of something else.
Darkness and cold don't exist? Of course they do, they are called nightime and winter. Both are provable. As for evil, I guess Hitler never existed. The Jews are going to be SOOOO happy. :biggrin:
God HATES sin== He will not deal with sinners.
I thought that Jesus came for the sinners and hung around with the sinners.

God hates sin but loves the sinners.

A being did come, it was not God. He did come for sinners. He didn't hang with them much. to teach them, heal them, showing all what Gods kingdom will accomplish.
And yet, John leaped in his mother's womb before the presence of the Word of God, just as David leaped and danced before the Ark of the Covenant which housed the Word of God.

Do you know if the Jews believed that the Covenant of the Ark housed God himself?

I doubt the Jews thought God lived in the Ark.
Since you believe they did--They have been telling your teachers for centuries--NO TRINITY GOD EXISTS--you wont believe them about that.
So you think you know what I believe because I asked a question? Interesting.

One of my favorite passages is when David - after building a palace for himself - laments that the Ark of the Covenant is still under a tent. Are you familiar with this passage and God's response?
The Ark of the Covenant is nothing more than a myth.
The 3 rebels in Eden caused this system. God showed all his will-- Mortals to live forever, knowing only good, choosing to listen to Gods advice. Aging, suffering and dying is what satans advice got all. Gods kingdom will be a cure all.
So god isn’t all powerful? Some shit he can’t stop?
We are never to think of God's power in terms of what he could conceivably do by the exercise of what we may call sheer omnipotence which crushes all obstacles in its path. We are always to think of God's power in terms of his purpose. If what he did by sheer omnipotence defeated his purpose, then, however startling and impressive, it would be an expression of weakness, not of power. Indeed, a good definition of power is "ability to achieve purpose. Does it fulfill its purpose? God's purpose is to achieve a specific outcome under specific conditions.
What purpose do deformed babies have? Cancer? Mental retardation?

And god could have any outcome he wanted without all the threats. If he's actually omnipotent.
So in your universe, unless everything is perfect - a utopia - there can be no God? Am I understanding you correctly, Taz?

That if there are babies that are born with birth defect, there can be no God?
You said god wants a certain outcome, so why the cancer and deformed babies? Why is god wanting that outcome? For what purpose?

If everything in the universe isn't perfect, it doesn't mean there's no god, but that god wanted it that way. Either that, or He's not perfect either. Which is it?
Sorry, but if you don't believe that God cannot exist unless there are no deformed babies, you are literally making an argument you don't believe.

So which is it? Can God exist if deformed babies exist? Or is it impossible for God to exist unless there are no deformed babies?
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I thought that Jesus came for the sinners and hung around with the sinners.

God hates sin but loves the sinners.

A being did come, it was not God. He did come for sinners. He didn't hang with them much. to teach them, heal them, showing all what Gods kingdom will accomplish.
And yet, John leaped in his mother's womb before the presence of the Word of God, just as David leaped and danced before the Ark of the Covenant which housed the Word of God.

Do you know if the Jews believed that the Covenant of the Ark housed God himself?

I doubt the Jews thought God lived in the Ark.
Since you believe they did--They have been telling your teachers for centuries--NO TRINITY GOD EXISTS--you wont believe them about that.
So you think you know what I believe because I asked a question? Interesting.

One of my favorite passages is when David - after building a palace for himself - laments that the Ark of the Covenant is still under a tent. Are you familiar with this passage and God's response?
The Ark of the Covenant is nothing more than a myth.
Kind of like your belief that God can't exist unless there are no deformed babies or cancer or anything bad?
Who said he did?
Evil is not extant.
Not sure I know what you mean by that, are you saying that evil wasn't created at Creation and someone else brought it into god's creation?
I am saying that like darkness or cold, evil does not exist. Darkness, cold and evil are are the absence of something else.
Darkness and cold don't exist? Of course they do, they are called nightime and winter. Both are provable. As for evil, I guess Hitler never existed. The Jews are going to be SOOOO happy. :biggrin:
Sorry, you need to take a science class.

Cold is the absence of heat.

Darkness is the absence of light.

Neither exists on their own, they exist as the absence of something else.

Now do you understand?
So god isn’t all powerful? Some shit he can’t stop?
We are never to think of God's power in terms of what he could conceivably do by the exercise of what we may call sheer omnipotence which crushes all obstacles in its path. We are always to think of God's power in terms of his purpose. If what he did by sheer omnipotence defeated his purpose, then, however startling and impressive, it would be an expression of weakness, not of power. Indeed, a good definition of power is "ability to achieve purpose. Does it fulfill its purpose? God's purpose is to achieve a specific outcome under specific conditions.
What purpose do deformed babies have? Cancer? Mental retardation?

And god could have any outcome he wanted without all the threats. If he's actually omnipotent.
So in your universe, unless everything is perfect - a utopia - there can be no God? Am I understanding you correctly, Taz?

That if there are babies that are born with birth defect, there can be no God?
You said god wants a certain outcome, so why the cancer and deformed babies? Why is god wanting that outcome? For what purpose?

If everything in the universe isn't perfect, it doesn't mean there's no god, but that god wanted it that way. Either that, or He's not perfect either. Which is it?
Sorry, but if you don't believe that God cannot exist unless there are no deformed babies, you are literally making an argument you don't believe.

So which is it? Can God exist if deformed babies exist? Or is it impossible for God to exist unless there are no deformed babies?
I just said that god can exist if deformed babies exist but that god either wants it like that(why?), or he’s not perfect either.
A being did come, it was not God. He did come for sinners. He didn't hang with them much. to teach them, heal them, showing all what Gods kingdom will accomplish.
And yet, John leaped in his mother's womb before the presence of the Word of God, just as David leaped and danced before the Ark of the Covenant which housed the Word of God.

Do you know if the Jews believed that the Covenant of the Ark housed God himself?

I doubt the Jews thought God lived in the Ark.
Since you believe they did--They have been telling your teachers for centuries--NO TRINITY GOD EXISTS--you wont believe them about that.
So you think you know what I believe because I asked a question? Interesting.

One of my favorite passages is when David - after building a palace for himself - laments that the Ark of the Covenant is still under a tent. Are you familiar with this passage and God's response?
The Ark of the Covenant is nothing more than a myth.
Kind of like your belief that God can't exist unless there are no deformed babies or cancer or anything bad?
Never said that.
Evil is not extant.
Not sure I know what you mean by that, are you saying that evil wasn't created at Creation and someone else brought it into god's creation?
I am saying that like darkness or cold, evil does not exist. Darkness, cold and evil are are the absence of something else.
Darkness and cold don't exist? Of course they do, they are called nightime and winter. Both are provable. As for evil, I guess Hitler never existed. The Jews are going to be SOOOO happy. :biggrin:
Sorry, you need to take a science class.

Cold is the absence of heat.

Darkness is the absence of light.

Neither exists on their own, they exist as the absence of something else.

Now do you understand?
Darkness doesn’t need anything to exist.

Cold is the natural state of the universe. It’s the things in it that give off heat.
God HATES sin== He will not deal with sinners.
If god hates sin so much, why did he create it?

The 3 rebels in Eden caused this system. God showed all his will-- Mortals to live forever, knowing only good, choosing to listen to Gods advice. Aging, suffering and dying is what satans advice got all. Gods kingdom will be a cure all.
So god isn’t all powerful? Some shit he can’t stop?

All have free will. If God interfered, it wouldn't be free will.
So god created stuff he can't stop but will punish you with roasting forever if you use it. Brah, that doesn't even make any sense. Please try again.

You are correct--Only those living in darkness believe in eternal torment--The true God= Deut 30:19
If that were so--there would be one religion, one God, One truth--oh there is--99% missed it Why?
You should tell Jesus that.

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Peter lived over 125 years before the religion that came out of Rome popped up. No similarities whatsoever to the religion Jesus began.
Peter? You mean the first Pope of the Catholic Church. That Peter?

Saint Peter (Syriac/Aramaic: ܫܸܡܥܘܿܢ ܟܹ݁ܐܦ݂ܵܐ, Shemayon Keppa, Hebrew: שמעון בר יונה‎ Shim'on bar Yona, Greek: Πέτρος Petros, Coptic: ⲡⲉⲧⲣⲟⲥ, translit. Petros, Latin: Petrus; r. AD 30;[1] d. between AD 64 and 68[2]), also known as Simon Peter, Simeon, or Simon ( pronunciation (help·info)), according to the New Testament, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ, leaders of the early Christian Great Church. Pope Gregory I called him repeatedly the "Prince of the Apostles".[3] According to Catholic teaching, Jesus promised Peter in the "Rock of My Church" dialogue in Matthew 16:18 a special position in the Church. He is traditionally counted as the first Bishop of Rome‍—‌or pope‍—‌and also by Eastern Christian tradition as the first Patriarch of Antioch. The ancient Christian churches all venerate Peter as a major saint and as the founder of the Church of Antioch and the Roman Church,[2] but differ in their attitudes regarding the authority of his present-day successors (the primacy of the Bishop of Rome).

Saint Peter - Wikipedia

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles

That is strange--Peter clearly taught--Jesus has a God-his Father( 1Peter 1:3)-- so the teachers that followed his line--teach that truth as well.
"The New Testament is very clear that Jesus was a full human being. He had to grow in wisdom (Lk 2:52) and learn obedience by going through trials, just like every other human being (Heb. 5:8). He grew hungry and tired, like the rest of us. He experienced the same range of emotions as the rest of us and was tempted in all the ways we are (Heb 4:15). He was, in other words, made like us “in every way” (Heb 2:17). Jesus was a full human being. In fact, all indications are that Jesus still is a full human being, albeit in a resurrected and transformed state.

At the same time, the New Testament also clearly teaches us that Jesus is God. John tells us that, while no one has ever seen God as he is in himself, the Word (Jesus), who is himself God, has made him known (Jn. 1:18). Similarly, in his epistle he refers to the Son of God as “the true God” (I Jn 5:20). Along the same lines, Paul refers to Jesus as “God over all” (Rom. 9:5) and “our great God and Savior” (Titus 2:13) while Thomas calls Jesus “Lord” and “God,” and Jesus commends him for his faith (Jn. 20:28)...."

Was Jesus Fully Human and Fully God? - Greg Boyd - ReKnew

You believe lies out of error filled translations.
You should tell Jesus that.

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Peter lived over 125 years before the religion that came out of Rome popped up. No similarities whatsoever to the religion Jesus began.
Peter? You mean the first Pope of the Catholic Church. That Peter?

Saint Peter (Syriac/Aramaic: ܫܸܡܥܘܿܢ ܟܹ݁ܐܦ݂ܵܐ, Shemayon Keppa, Hebrew: שמעון בר יונה‎ Shim'on bar Yona, Greek: Πέτρος Petros, Coptic: ⲡⲉⲧⲣⲟⲥ, translit. Petros, Latin: Petrus; r. AD 30;[1] d. between AD 64 and 68[2]), also known as Simon Peter, Simeon, or Simon ( pronunciation (help·info)), according to the New Testament, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ, leaders of the early Christian Great Church. Pope Gregory I called him repeatedly the "Prince of the Apostles".[3] According to Catholic teaching, Jesus promised Peter in the "Rock of My Church" dialogue in Matthew 16:18 a special position in the Church. He is traditionally counted as the first Bishop of Rome‍—‌or pope‍—‌and also by Eastern Christian tradition as the first Patriarch of Antioch. The ancient Christian churches all venerate Peter as a major saint and as the founder of the Church of Antioch and the Roman Church,[2] but differ in their attitudes regarding the authority of his present-day successors (the primacy of the Bishop of Rome).

Saint Peter - Wikipedia

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles

That is strange--Peter clearly taught--Jesus has a God-his Father( 1Peter 1:3)-- so the teachers that followed his line--teach that truth as well.
"The New Testament is very clear that Jesus was a full human being. He had to grow in wisdom (Lk 2:52) and learn obedience by going through trials, just like every other human being (Heb. 5:8). He grew hungry and tired, like the rest of us. He experienced the same range of emotions as the rest of us and was tempted in all the ways we are (Heb 4:15). He was, in other words, made like us “in every way” (Heb 2:17). Jesus was a full human being. In fact, all indications are that Jesus still is a full human being, albeit in a resurrected and transformed state.

At the same time, the New Testament also clearly teaches us that Jesus is God. John tells us that, while no one has ever seen God as he is in himself, the Word (Jesus), who is himself God, has made him known (Jn. 1:18). Similarly, in his epistle he refers to the Son of God as “the true God” (I Jn 5:20). Along the same lines, Paul refers to Jesus as “God over all” (Rom. 9:5) and “our great God and Savior” (Titus 2:13) while Thomas calls Jesus “Lord” and “God,” and Jesus commends him for his faith (Jn. 20:28)...."

Was Jesus Fully Human and Fully God? - Greg Boyd - ReKnew

You believe lies out of error filled translations.

No, he doesn't believe the lies. He pretends to believe because he is under the delusion that if he lies his ass off and calls it faith until his dying day, even when he gets caught lying red handed, he will receive presents from God.

He probably invested his entire life savings on beenie babies.
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The 3 rebels in Eden caused this system. God showed all his will-- Mortals to live forever, knowing only good, choosing to listen to Gods advice. Aging, suffering and dying is what satans advice got all. Gods kingdom will be a cure all.
So god isn’t all powerful? Some shit he can’t stop?
We are never to think of God's power in terms of what he could conceivably do by the exercise of what we may call sheer omnipotence which crushes all obstacles in its path. We are always to think of God's power in terms of his purpose. If what he did by sheer omnipotence defeated his purpose, then, however startling and impressive, it would be an expression of weakness, not of power. Indeed, a good definition of power is "ability to achieve purpose. Does it fulfill its purpose? God's purpose is to achieve a specific outcome under specific conditions.
What purpose do deformed babies have? Cancer? Mental retardation?

And god could have any outcome he wanted without all the threats. If he's actually omnipotent.
So in your universe, unless everything is perfect - a utopia - there can be no God? Am I understanding you correctly, Taz?

That if there are babies that are born with birth defect, there can be no God?
You said god wants a certain outcome, so why the cancer and deformed babies? Why is god wanting that outcome? For what purpose?

If everything in the universe isn't perfect, it doesn't mean there's no god, but that god wanted it that way. Either that, or He's not perfect either. Which is it?

God had 2 choices at the events of Eden--kill the 3 rebels on the spot--no one ever born would have been granted life)-- or let the issues raised against him be proved once and for all time. And weed out all goats--1/3 of the angels fell later--it would have happened over and over--this way it occurs once and never again. Adam and Eve chose to bring bad into this world.
Peter lived over 125 years before the religion that came out of Rome popped up. No similarities whatsoever to the religion Jesus began.
Peter? You mean the first Pope of the Catholic Church. That Peter?

Saint Peter (Syriac/Aramaic: ܫܸܡܥܘܿܢ ܟܹ݁ܐܦ݂ܵܐ, Shemayon Keppa, Hebrew: שמעון בר יונה‎ Shim'on bar Yona, Greek: Πέτρος Petros, Coptic: ⲡⲉⲧⲣⲟⲥ, translit. Petros, Latin: Petrus; r. AD 30;[1] d. between AD 64 and 68[2]), also known as Simon Peter, Simeon, or Simon ( pronunciation (help·info)), according to the New Testament, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ, leaders of the early Christian Great Church. Pope Gregory I called him repeatedly the "Prince of the Apostles".[3] According to Catholic teaching, Jesus promised Peter in the "Rock of My Church" dialogue in Matthew 16:18 a special position in the Church. He is traditionally counted as the first Bishop of Rome‍—‌or pope‍—‌and also by Eastern Christian tradition as the first Patriarch of Antioch. The ancient Christian churches all venerate Peter as a major saint and as the founder of the Church of Antioch and the Roman Church,[2] but differ in their attitudes regarding the authority of his present-day successors (the primacy of the Bishop of Rome).

Saint Peter - Wikipedia

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles

That is strange--Peter clearly taught--Jesus has a God-his Father( 1Peter 1:3)-- so the teachers that followed his line--teach that truth as well.
"The New Testament is very clear that Jesus was a full human being. He had to grow in wisdom (Lk 2:52) and learn obedience by going through trials, just like every other human being (Heb. 5:8). He grew hungry and tired, like the rest of us. He experienced the same range of emotions as the rest of us and was tempted in all the ways we are (Heb 4:15). He was, in other words, made like us “in every way” (Heb 2:17). Jesus was a full human being. In fact, all indications are that Jesus still is a full human being, albeit in a resurrected and transformed state.

At the same time, the New Testament also clearly teaches us that Jesus is God. John tells us that, while no one has ever seen God as he is in himself, the Word (Jesus), who is himself God, has made him known (Jn. 1:18). Similarly, in his epistle he refers to the Son of God as “the true God” (I Jn 5:20). Along the same lines, Paul refers to Jesus as “God over all” (Rom. 9:5) and “our great God and Savior” (Titus 2:13) while Thomas calls Jesus “Lord” and “God,” and Jesus commends him for his faith (Jn. 20:28)...."

Was Jesus Fully Human and Fully God? - Greg Boyd - ReKnew

You believe lies out of error filled translations.

No, he doesn't believe the lies. He pretends to believe because he is under the delusion that if he lies his ass off and calls it faith until his dying day he will receive presents from God.

Actually satan is ruling this system--every govt on earth is ruled by him, 99% of every religion on earth is ruled by him. It is satan who is blinding 99% on earth-2Cor 4:4-- so yes they do believe.
Peter? You mean the first Pope of the Catholic Church. That Peter?

Saint Peter (Syriac/Aramaic: ܫܸܡܥܘܿܢ ܟܹ݁ܐܦ݂ܵܐ, Shemayon Keppa, Hebrew: שמעון בר יונה‎ Shim'on bar Yona, Greek: Πέτρος Petros, Coptic: ⲡⲉⲧⲣⲟⲥ, translit. Petros, Latin: Petrus; r. AD 30;[1] d. between AD 64 and 68[2]), also known as Simon Peter, Simeon, or Simon ( pronunciation (help·info)), according to the New Testament, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ, leaders of the early Christian Great Church. Pope Gregory I called him repeatedly the "Prince of the Apostles".[3] According to Catholic teaching, Jesus promised Peter in the "Rock of My Church" dialogue in Matthew 16:18 a special position in the Church. He is traditionally counted as the first Bishop of Rome‍—‌or pope‍—‌and also by Eastern Christian tradition as the first Patriarch of Antioch. The ancient Christian churches all venerate Peter as a major saint and as the founder of the Church of Antioch and the Roman Church,[2] but differ in their attitudes regarding the authority of his present-day successors (the primacy of the Bishop of Rome).

Saint Peter - Wikipedia

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles

That is strange--Peter clearly taught--Jesus has a God-his Father( 1Peter 1:3)-- so the teachers that followed his line--teach that truth as well.
"The New Testament is very clear that Jesus was a full human being. He had to grow in wisdom (Lk 2:52) and learn obedience by going through trials, just like every other human being (Heb. 5:8). He grew hungry and tired, like the rest of us. He experienced the same range of emotions as the rest of us and was tempted in all the ways we are (Heb 4:15). He was, in other words, made like us “in every way” (Heb 2:17). Jesus was a full human being. In fact, all indications are that Jesus still is a full human being, albeit in a resurrected and transformed state.

At the same time, the New Testament also clearly teaches us that Jesus is God. John tells us that, while no one has ever seen God as he is in himself, the Word (Jesus), who is himself God, has made him known (Jn. 1:18). Similarly, in his epistle he refers to the Son of God as “the true God” (I Jn 5:20). Along the same lines, Paul refers to Jesus as “God over all” (Rom. 9:5) and “our great God and Savior” (Titus 2:13) while Thomas calls Jesus “Lord” and “God,” and Jesus commends him for his faith (Jn. 20:28)...."

Was Jesus Fully Human and Fully God? - Greg Boyd - ReKnew

You believe lies out of error filled translations.

No, he doesn't believe the lies. He pretends to believe because he is under the delusion that if he lies his ass off and calls it faith until his dying day he will receive presents from God.

Actually satan is ruling this system--every govt on earth is ruled by him, 99% of every religion on earth is ruled by him. It is satan who is blinding 99% on earth-2Cor 4:4-- so yes they do believe.

No. They do not believe. not one of them. they are being held in captivity out of ignorance or conformity or pure cowardice.

Do you think suicide bombers really believe they are going to get 72 virgins after they blow themselves to bits? Or have they been deceived and abused since birth until they become insane and don't give a shit?

What do you think Satan as an archetype represents?
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That is strange--Peter clearly taught--Jesus has a God-his Father( 1Peter 1:3)-- so the teachers that followed his line--teach that truth as well.
"The New Testament is very clear that Jesus was a full human being. He had to grow in wisdom (Lk 2:52) and learn obedience by going through trials, just like every other human being (Heb. 5:8). He grew hungry and tired, like the rest of us. He experienced the same range of emotions as the rest of us and was tempted in all the ways we are (Heb 4:15). He was, in other words, made like us “in every way” (Heb 2:17). Jesus was a full human being. In fact, all indications are that Jesus still is a full human being, albeit in a resurrected and transformed state.

At the same time, the New Testament also clearly teaches us that Jesus is God. John tells us that, while no one has ever seen God as he is in himself, the Word (Jesus), who is himself God, has made him known (Jn. 1:18). Similarly, in his epistle he refers to the Son of God as “the true God” (I Jn 5:20). Along the same lines, Paul refers to Jesus as “God over all” (Rom. 9:5) and “our great God and Savior” (Titus 2:13) while Thomas calls Jesus “Lord” and “God,” and Jesus commends him for his faith (Jn. 20:28)...."

Was Jesus Fully Human and Fully God? - Greg Boyd - ReKnew

You believe lies out of error filled translations.

No, he doesn't believe the lies. He pretends to believe because he is under the delusion that if he lies his ass off and calls it faith until his dying day he will receive presents from God.

Actually satan is ruling this system--every govt on earth is ruled by him, 99% of every religion on earth is ruled by him. It is satan who is blinding 99% on earth-2Cor 4:4-- so yes they do believe.

No. They do not believe. not one of them. they are being held in captivity out of ignorance or conformity or pure cowardice.

Do you think suicide bombers really believe they are going to get 72 virgins after they blow themselves to bits? Or have they been deceived and abused since birth until they don't give a shit?

What do you think Satan as an archetype represents?

Satan is a powerful fallen angel
"The New Testament is very clear that Jesus was a full human being. He had to grow in wisdom (Lk 2:52) and learn obedience by going through trials, just like every other human being (Heb. 5:8). He grew hungry and tired, like the rest of us. He experienced the same range of emotions as the rest of us and was tempted in all the ways we are (Heb 4:15). He was, in other words, made like us “in every way” (Heb 2:17). Jesus was a full human being. In fact, all indications are that Jesus still is a full human being, albeit in a resurrected and transformed state.

At the same time, the New Testament also clearly teaches us that Jesus is God. John tells us that, while no one has ever seen God as he is in himself, the Word (Jesus), who is himself God, has made him known (Jn. 1:18). Similarly, in his epistle he refers to the Son of God as “the true God” (I Jn 5:20). Along the same lines, Paul refers to Jesus as “God over all” (Rom. 9:5) and “our great God and Savior” (Titus 2:13) while Thomas calls Jesus “Lord” and “God,” and Jesus commends him for his faith (Jn. 20:28)...."

Was Jesus Fully Human and Fully God? - Greg Boyd - ReKnew

You believe lies out of error filled translations.

No, he doesn't believe the lies. He pretends to believe because he is under the delusion that if he lies his ass off and calls it faith until his dying day he will receive presents from God.

Actually satan is ruling this system--every govt on earth is ruled by him, 99% of every religion on earth is ruled by him. It is satan who is blinding 99% on earth-2Cor 4:4-- so yes they do believe.

No. They do not believe. not one of them. they are being held in captivity out of ignorance or conformity or pure cowardice.

Do you think suicide bombers really believe they are going to get 72 virgins after they blow themselves to bits? Or have they been deceived and abused since birth until they don't give a shit?

What do you think Satan as an archetype represents?

Satan is a powerful fallen angel

Why do you think Jesus called Peter Satan if Satan was a powerful fallen angel?

Do you think world governments are under the control of an invisible disembodied entity or just despicable people who fit the detailed description of the talking serpent, the lowest lowlife of them all, a metaphor for a human archetype in what amounts to a fairy tale??

Don't you think that the truth is more powerful than whatever ideological or religious deception holds the people around the world silent, paralyzed and captive? Powerful enough to unseat them all, every devil, and liberate all the people from every subjugation with the even the smallest invocation of truth from God?

Why aren't the people tossing mountains into the sea? Where is faith? Those being held in captivity far outnumber the ones using deception to control them...What are you waiting for? Jesus to do it for you?
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If god hates sin so much, why did he create it?

The 3 rebels in Eden caused this system. God showed all his will-- Mortals to live forever, knowing only good, choosing to listen to Gods advice. Aging, suffering and dying is what satans advice got all. Gods kingdom will be a cure all.
So god isn’t all powerful? Some shit he can’t stop?

All have free will. If God interfered, it wouldn't be free will.
So god created stuff he can't stop but will punish you with roasting forever if you use it. Brah, that doesn't even make any sense. Please try again.

You are correct--Only those living in darkness believe in eternal torment--The true God= Deut 30:19
Well, I have the lights on so I'm safe. :biggrin:

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