What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

The real Christians serve the God of Israel= a single being God named-YHWH( Jehovah) and accept Jesus as the one sent forth by God-The Messiah.
The real Christians believe their Bible is the Word of God, not the Watchtower. The Watchtower has proven to be a false prophet. All I need for salvation is faith in Jesus Christ. That's what Jesus Said. That's what Paul said. That's what Peter said. That's what James said. That's what John said. They are right, not the Watchtower.

All the errors were corrected--so by refusing to forgive anothefrs past--God will fail to forgive your past--that's how that works--Do you still wish to live in 100 year old errors or forgive ones who have corrected? Its 2018---its NOW that counts.
Just like in your youth you lived to sin-- should God look at that still if you repented? No--same goes with the JW teachings.
Yu see all other religions failed to heed Gods warning---Beware if you think you are standing strong.
You don't get it, and because you don't get it is the proof you and the Watchtower can't be taken seriously. The bible states that when you call yourself a prophet of God, you don't make mistakes. The BIBLE says one mistake when you claim to be a prophet of God makes you a false prophet. In the Old Testament they would have been killed. Jesus said there would be many false prophets. The Watchtower and Mormonism, just to name a few. I forgive them, but that doesn't mean I listen to them. Forgiveness has nothing to do with it. There is no right religion. Religion will not save me. Only Jesus. I have ALL my faith in Jesus, not men or an organization or denomination. Examine yourself. When you tell me that it's Jesus in Revelation chapter one verse 7 and then it's Jehovah in verse 8 you exposed your indoctrination. It's the same person. Jesus is Jehovah, but you can't see it because you're indoctrinated. Anyone just reading the scriptures can see it's the same person. No one left and no one else entered the picture. As soon as you start reading the bible you put on your Watchtower glasses and see everything through their lens. I'm sure you've been told many times by others that all you need is Jesus and not the Watchtower. It's true. You're following a false prophet. Pray to the One True Living God to open your eyes and He will.

False reasoning. Here at Daniel 12:4--It assures( spiritual) truth becomes abundant here in these last days. It took correction of errors taught for over 1750 years and errors caused by self out of error filled translations and zealousness. Bad teachings started getting in in Peters book, Titus had to be left behind one trip to correct error teachings. How do you think the Israelites were mislead into losing Gods favor over and over--False reasonings-Jeremiah 17:9
The Watchtower is not the source of spiritual truth. The Word and the Holy Spirit are. The Watchtower doesn't even know who the Holy Spirit is.

I have studied both sides, read many translations. The Facts of Israelite God worship history and the teachings of Jesus prove 100% the JW teachers are correct. The only ones making corrections here in these last days so this is a truth-Daniel 12:4--You see like this-2Cor 4:4
OH Matthew, the shill for ROME said so. and the next citation is the
mushroom charged book of the ANNONYMOUS JOHN-----the BOOK OF
REVULSIONS.... and then of all things "ACTS" ---written more than a half
century after jesus died------by people who did not even speak Hebrew or
or Aramaic-------- QUOTING *) allah only knows who-------as to what
""JESUS SAID"" of the now scattered and DESPISES Pharisees "said"

try using your head. You are quoting the agenda of constantine

Have no fear Rosie--My teachers corrected the errors in translation.

what errors in translation?-----from what language to what language?

Worship to a mortal Jesus. A capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1 making the previous line read--And God was with God= impossible, there is one God.

Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise= comma error.

Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise. The bible is clear Jesus was in Hades-3 days. He was not in paradise the first day.

In the Hebrew language of the ot--I am that I am is NOT the translation of that Hebrew statement. I will be what I will be is correct. So when Jesus said -I am, he was just answering the Pharisees question--did he live before Abraham--he did not say he was God.

There are others. Those translations teach 2 different Gods with a capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1--Paul explained to all who the true God is-1Corinthians 8:6--There is ONE God to all the Father.
No, it's not impossible. Scripture says "all things are possible with God". Your God isn't the God of the Bible. The Scriptures are clear. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and was God". The problem the Watchtower and others have is they don't believe Scripture. Jesus was not created. He is eternal God. Jesus is Jehovah. Jesus is NOT the Father. The Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.

Your eternal life rides upon a capitol G God in the last line of John 1:1 or a small god--meaning has godlike qualities because, God did it all through Jesus-Acts 2:22-John 5:30
Jesus tells you he was created at Proverbs 8:22--Proverbs 8 is the being speaking who came to earth and was named Jesus as a mortal. Gods master worker=Jesus--But not named Jesus in the OT. It is not God speaking at Proverbs 8-- Please read it, and if know Jesus you know it is him speaking.
My eternal life is in Jesus Christ, period. My Bible says salvation and eternal life are found in HIM. What does your say? You don't even know who translated the NWT.
Jesus life was a way of redemption, not a magical forgiveness of sins (like only some Protestant denominations would have everyone believe). Jesus came with a new Covenant--i.e. repentance for the forgiveness of sins. People argued, Not True!!! Only God can forgive sins! We want proof!

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that it isnt Jesus' death that made it possible for people to achieve forgiveness, but his death and what is more important his ressurection was a proof for people to follow his teaching. Right?

Here is my understanding. Jesus led a perfect life and never sinned. As he had never sinned, he was not deserving of death, as are we. Nevertheless, Jesus allowed himself to be put to death in exchange for God allowing the sinful to be able to enter Heaven and have eternal life. Maybe it was Jesus who said that no man goes before God without going through Jesus first. You see, Jesus intercedes to God on our behalf so that we can be let into Heaven and have eternal life. I welcome others to critique me in the event I did it wrong. :)

Can you define 'sin'?

The real Christians serve the God of Israel= a single being God named-YHWH( Jehovah) and accept Jesus as the one sent forth by God-The Messiah.
The real Christians believe their Bible is the Word of God, not the Watchtower. The Watchtower has proven to be a false prophet. All I need for salvation is faith in Jesus Christ. That's what Jesus Said. That's what Paul said. That's what Peter said. That's what James said. That's what John said. They are right, not the Watchtower.

All the errors were corrected--so by refusing to forgive anothefrs past--God will fail to forgive your past--that's how that works--Do you still wish to live in 100 year old errors or forgive ones who have corrected? Its 2018---its NOW that counts.
Just like in your youth you lived to sin-- should God look at that still if you repented? No--same goes with the JW teachings.
Yu see all other religions failed to heed Gods warning---Beware if you think you are standing strong.
You don't get it, and because you don't get it is the proof you and the Watchtower can't be taken seriously. The bible states that when you call yourself a prophet of God, you don't make mistakes. The BIBLE says one mistake when you claim to be a prophet of God makes you a false prophet. In the Old Testament they would have been killed. Jesus said there would be many false prophets. The Watchtower and Mormonism, just to name a few. I forgive them, but that doesn't mean I listen to them. Forgiveness has nothing to do with it. There is no right religion. Religion will not save me. Only Jesus. I have ALL my faith in Jesus, not men or an organization or denomination. Examine yourself. When you tell me that it's Jesus in Revelation chapter one verse 7 and then it's Jehovah in verse 8 you exposed your indoctrination. It's the same person. Jesus is Jehovah, but you can't see it because you're indoctrinated. Anyone just reading the scriptures can see it's the same person. No one left and no one else entered the picture. As soon as you start reading the bible you put on your Watchtower glasses and see everything through their lens. I'm sure you've been told many times by others that all you need is Jesus and not the Watchtower. It's true. You're following a false prophet. Pray to the One True Living God to open your eyes and He will.

False reasoning. Here at Daniel 12:4--It assures( spiritual) truth becomes abundant here in these last days. It took correction of errors taught for over 1750 years and errors caused by self out of error filled translations and zealousness. Bad teachings started getting in in Peters book, Titus had to be left behind one trip to correct error teachings. How do you think the Israelites were mislead into losing Gods favor over and over--False reasonings-Jeremiah 17:9
The Watchtower is not the source of spiritual truth. The Word and the Holy Spirit are. The Watchtower doesn't even know who the Holy Spirit is.

The bible is the source, and only the real teachers Jesus has appointed here in these last days are getting these truths revealed through them-Daniel 12:4)Not one teacher knew these truths until here in these last days, yet they were in the pages of the bible all along, taught on all along in error, Correction had to be done and it has.
OH Matthew, the shill for ROME said so. and the next citation is the
mushroom charged book of the ANNONYMOUS JOHN-----the BOOK OF
REVULSIONS.... and then of all things "ACTS" ---written more than a half
century after jesus died------by people who did not even speak Hebrew or
or Aramaic-------- QUOTING *) allah only knows who-------as to what
""JESUS SAID"" of the now scattered and DESPISES Pharisees "said"

try using your head. You are quoting the agenda of constantine

Have no fear Rosie--My teachers corrected the errors in translation.

what errors in translation?-----from what language to what language?

Worship to a mortal Jesus. A capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1 making the previous line read--And God was with God= impossible, there is one God.

Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise= comma error.

Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise. The bible is clear Jesus was in Hades-3 days. He was not in paradise the first day.

In the Hebrew language of the ot--I am that I am is NOT the translation of that Hebrew statement. I will be what I will be is correct. So when Jesus said -I am, he was just answering the Pharisees question--did he live before Abraham--he did not say he was God.

There are others. Those translations teach 2 different Gods with a capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1--Paul explained to all who the true God is-1Corinthians 8:6--There is ONE God to all the Father.
No, it's not impossible. Scripture says "all things are possible with God". Your God isn't the God of the Bible. The Scriptures are clear. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and was God". The problem the Watchtower and others have is they don't believe Scripture. Jesus was not created. He is eternal God. Jesus is Jehovah. Jesus is NOT the Father. The Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.

Your eternal life rides upon a capitol G God in the last line of John 1:1 or a small god--meaning has godlike qualities because, God did it all through Jesus-Acts 2:22-John 5:30
Jesus tells you he was created at Proverbs 8:22--Proverbs 8 is the being speaking who came to earth and was named Jesus as a mortal. Gods master worker=Jesus--But not named Jesus in the OT. It is not God speaking at Proverbs 8-- Please read it, and if know Jesus you know it is him speaking.
Jesus was mortal..but he existed before he was made mortal..and he exists still, and will continue to exist. He was sent so we could see that God is willing to engage in the same things he requires of us, and to present to us a portrait of perfection in life and death...and life everlasting through faith.
The real Christians believe their Bible is the Word of God, not the Watchtower. The Watchtower has proven to be a false prophet. All I need for salvation is faith in Jesus Christ. That's what Jesus Said. That's what Paul said. That's what Peter said. That's what James said. That's what John said. They are right, not the Watchtower.

All the errors were corrected--so by refusing to forgive anothefrs past--God will fail to forgive your past--that's how that works--Do you still wish to live in 100 year old errors or forgive ones who have corrected? Its 2018---its NOW that counts.
Just like in your youth you lived to sin-- should God look at that still if you repented? No--same goes with the JW teachings.
Yu see all other religions failed to heed Gods warning---Beware if you think you are standing strong.
You don't get it, and because you don't get it is the proof you and the Watchtower can't be taken seriously. The bible states that when you call yourself a prophet of God, you don't make mistakes. The BIBLE says one mistake when you claim to be a prophet of God makes you a false prophet. In the Old Testament they would have been killed. Jesus said there would be many false prophets. The Watchtower and Mormonism, just to name a few. I forgive them, but that doesn't mean I listen to them. Forgiveness has nothing to do with it. There is no right religion. Religion will not save me. Only Jesus. I have ALL my faith in Jesus, not men or an organization or denomination. Examine yourself. When you tell me that it's Jesus in Revelation chapter one verse 7 and then it's Jehovah in verse 8 you exposed your indoctrination. It's the same person. Jesus is Jehovah, but you can't see it because you're indoctrinated. Anyone just reading the scriptures can see it's the same person. No one left and no one else entered the picture. As soon as you start reading the bible you put on your Watchtower glasses and see everything through their lens. I'm sure you've been told many times by others that all you need is Jesus and not the Watchtower. It's true. You're following a false prophet. Pray to the One True Living God to open your eyes and He will.

False reasoning. Here at Daniel 12:4--It assures( spiritual) truth becomes abundant here in these last days. It took correction of errors taught for over 1750 years and errors caused by self out of error filled translations and zealousness. Bad teachings started getting in in Peters book, Titus had to be left behind one trip to correct error teachings. How do you think the Israelites were mislead into losing Gods favor over and over--False reasonings-Jeremiah 17:9
The Watchtower is not the source of spiritual truth. The Word and the Holy Spirit are. The Watchtower doesn't even know who the Holy Spirit is.

The bible is the source, and only the real teachers Jesus has appointed here in these last days are getting these truths revealed through them-Daniel 12:4)Not one teacher knew these truths until here in these last days, yet they were in the pages of the bible all along, taught on all along in error, Correction had to be done and it has.
Do you know who translated the NWT?
Have no fear Rosie--My teachers corrected the errors in translation.

what errors in translation?-----from what language to what language?

Worship to a mortal Jesus. A capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1 making the previous line read--And God was with God= impossible, there is one God.

Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise= comma error.

Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise. The bible is clear Jesus was in Hades-3 days. He was not in paradise the first day.

In the Hebrew language of the ot--I am that I am is NOT the translation of that Hebrew statement. I will be what I will be is correct. So when Jesus said -I am, he was just answering the Pharisees question--did he live before Abraham--he did not say he was God.

There are others. Those translations teach 2 different Gods with a capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1--Paul explained to all who the true God is-1Corinthians 8:6--There is ONE God to all the Father.
No, it's not impossible. Scripture says "all things are possible with God". Your God isn't the God of the Bible. The Scriptures are clear. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and was God". The problem the Watchtower and others have is they don't believe Scripture. Jesus was not created. He is eternal God. Jesus is Jehovah. Jesus is NOT the Father. The Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.

Your eternal life rides upon a capitol G God in the last line of John 1:1 or a small god--meaning has godlike qualities because, God did it all through Jesus-Acts 2:22-John 5:30
Jesus tells you he was created at Proverbs 8:22--Proverbs 8 is the being speaking who came to earth and was named Jesus as a mortal. Gods master worker=Jesus--But not named Jesus in the OT. It is not God speaking at Proverbs 8-- Please read it, and if know Jesus you know it is him speaking.
My eternal life is in Jesus Christ, period. My Bible says salvation and eternal life are found in HIM. What does your say? You don't even know who translated the NWT.

The real Jesus--Not the fake Jesus taught in trinity based religions--God is not a divided house, it will not stand he said-Mark 3:24-26)--This is a true mark-1Corinthians1:10--Unity of thought, no division. One religion, not 34,000 mass of confusion religions.
Yes by learning and applying all he taught is how one finds salvation in Jesus.-He meant every word. Few know what Jesus taught. I attended different trinity based religions in my younger days. They taught religious dogmas mostly and little of what Jesus actually taught.
Have no fear Rosie--My teachers corrected the errors in translation.

what errors in translation?-----from what language to what language?

Worship to a mortal Jesus. A capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1 making the previous line read--And God was with God= impossible, there is one God.

Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise= comma error.

Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise. The bible is clear Jesus was in Hades-3 days. He was not in paradise the first day.

In the Hebrew language of the ot--I am that I am is NOT the translation of that Hebrew statement. I will be what I will be is correct. So when Jesus said -I am, he was just answering the Pharisees question--did he live before Abraham--he did not say he was God.

There are others. Those translations teach 2 different Gods with a capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1--Paul explained to all who the true God is-1Corinthians 8:6--There is ONE God to all the Father.
No, it's not impossible. Scripture says "all things are possible with God". Your God isn't the God of the Bible. The Scriptures are clear. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and was God". The problem the Watchtower and others have is they don't believe Scripture. Jesus was not created. He is eternal God. Jesus is Jehovah. Jesus is NOT the Father. The Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.

Your eternal life rides upon a capitol G God in the last line of John 1:1 or a small god--meaning has godlike qualities because, God did it all through Jesus-Acts 2:22-John 5:30
Jesus tells you he was created at Proverbs 8:22--Proverbs 8 is the being speaking who came to earth and was named Jesus as a mortal. Gods master worker=Jesus--But not named Jesus in the OT. It is not God speaking at Proverbs 8-- Please read it, and if know Jesus you know it is him speaking.
Jesus was mortal..but he existed before he was made mortal..and he exists still, and will continue to exist. He was sent so we could see that God is willing to engage in the same things he requires of us, and to present to us a portrait of perfection in life and death...and life everlasting through faith.

Yes he did, and all evidence points to Michael--God sent his best. Daniel 12:1)
The person in verse 7 is the same person in verse 8. Read the Scriptures as they are written, not through the watchtower lens. Jesus is Jehovah.

The Watchtower is a cult with many false prophecies over the years. Ask your leaders who translated the New World Translation and I guarantee you they will not give you the names. Do your own research. They were 4 men, and only one of them had any knowledge of Hebrew and Greek. The NWT isn't a credible translation. Do the research.
Jehovah's Witnesses

The supposed scholars of Jesus day--taught-- It was impossible for Jesus and his apostles to be real teachers, they did not attend their schools of men. Jesus real teachers do not need the schools of men, the holy spirit gives them truth at the proper time. As set up by God and his son. I know 100% they are the teachers Jesus appointed.

who were the "supposed scholars of 'jesus day" ? Can you identify any of those 'supposed scholars' who evaluated 'jesus
and his apostles'? Please try to be, at least, a little specific.
Eg---the "supposed scholars were........." and "this is what
_________said about Jesus..." I am sure that you understand
that by the time Jesus was living-----most adult jewish males were
literate. I would GUESS that Jesus was literate

The only group on earth who ( were) Gods chosen)-- Israel. The Pharisees, saducees, most assuredly the scribes as well. God was trying to turn them around back to him--They rejected him and his Messiah--They were cut off-Matthew 23:37-39)
Jesus was Gods son, Was he literate.
The Israelite spiritual leaders, kept-EVERY written Law--They unfortunately took them to far. They had false reasoning concerning the messiah--They thought Jesus was coming then when he did, but thought a mighty king was coming to fight the romans and rid them of their rule. A mere carpenters son shows up telling them they are making many errors concerning the Laws of God and that he brought a new covenant-Love instead of written Law. They hated him and tried to kill him a few x. Those were Gods chosen scholars of the day.
It shows how powerful satan is--Jesus said satan rules this world( system of things)--No wonder the bible teaches---Beware if you think you are standing strong.

Actually only the Jews who promote the Covenant matter; the rest aren't 'chosen'. The people who are 'chosen' were chosen by grace, not race, or intelligence, or any other reason. Those that stop promoting the Covenants were either punished or abandoned, and the history make that very clear, as does the OT and NT itself; your are seriously mistaken if you think Gentiles can't be Jewish, and count, and it's a matter of race.

And, Jesus was very much an 'old school' Rabbi, all about returning to the original intent and Mosaic teachings, and brought with a new Covenant, since most of the Jews running the temples and the politics had long abandoned the Covenants and focused on themselves as a 'Master Race' and assigned themselves privileges and offices based on their genealogies, not their religion. The last 'prophet' sent was Malachi, some 300 years before the Christian era. The Pharisees rose to power in that time span, and other schools, like Hillel's, came along as reformers as well.

And no, the 'Israelites' were a separate Jewish tribe from that of Judah, and no, the spiritual leaders of the Temple were not keeping the law, they were merely indulging in 'legalisms', quit a different thing than keeping the spirit of Moses and their covenant. They turned it into a profit center and class status for themselves.

Try again-----you forgot---I accurately stated that as a child I did not
experience any religious indoctrination----other than protestant sunday
school. I know all about the idiot shit driven into the heads of innocent
Christian children. "THE PHARISEES rose to power" ???
yeah? right there in Roman occupied Judea? The Roman appointed
high priests --(sadducees) of the temple were "indulging in legalisms"----
and the term "Pharisee" means mean rotten inhumane bastard" Best of all---
"HILLEL WAS A REFORMER" Nope---Hillel was a Talmudist--- He had
some opposition-----but in issues you could not possibly grasp. At the time
of Jesus for DA JEWS who rejected the filth of YOUR UNIVERSE----ie
the roman world----HILLEL was DA MAN-----the PHARISEE man---just
as he was for Jesus. It's not your fault---you are the product of your
"culture" which has defined "Pharisee" as evil-----because the roman
emperor and the gladiator masters DESPISED THEM (and crucified the
Pharisee Jesus) -----Well---OF COURSE da joooos were desperate
to kill Jesus-----but somehow----MAGICALLY----could not manage to kill
a mild man who slept in their midst... so DA JOOOS forced the romans to
do it and the romans GRACIOUSLY complied because the joooos
CHEERED "kill him kill him"---------how is santa doing with his magic
reindeer? You read this stuff and managed to BELIEVE IT? You
are clueless.
Jesus "returned to the original"------sunday Sabbath for GLADIATOR
CIRCUS TIME. Tell me now about the issue of POSITION which was
GRABBED by the Pharisees--- Tell me about the RULING PHARISEES
at the time of jesus -------wallowing in wealth in the temple-----like your
sunday school bitch told you

lol such a big load of BS, and so little interest in making an idiot look even more of an idiot.

And, by the way, Jesus cites some of Hillel's reformist teachings, several times, and before he reached Jerusalem in his parables and other speeches, but you wouldn't know that, being an Chasidic racist bigot who has never read the NT, just parrots rubbish you heard from your racist uncles. Jesus and the Apostles were all familiar with them and then some, too bad for you.
Last edited:
Have no fear Rosie--My teachers corrected the errors in translation.

what errors in translation?-----from what language to what language?

Worship to a mortal Jesus. A capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1 making the previous line read--And God was with God= impossible, there is one God.

Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise= comma error.

Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise. The bible is clear Jesus was in Hades-3 days. He was not in paradise the first day.

In the Hebrew language of the ot--I am that I am is NOT the translation of that Hebrew statement. I will be what I will be is correct. So when Jesus said -I am, he was just answering the Pharisees question--did he live before Abraham--he did not say he was God.

There are others. Those translations teach 2 different Gods with a capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1--Paul explained to all who the true God is-1Corinthians 8:6--There is ONE God to all the Father.
No, it's not impossible. Scripture says "all things are possible with God". Your God isn't the God of the Bible. The Scriptures are clear. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and was God". The problem the Watchtower and others have is they don't believe Scripture. Jesus was not created. He is eternal God. Jesus is Jehovah. Jesus is NOT the Father. The Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.

Your eternal life rides upon a capitol G God in the last line of John 1:1 or a small god--meaning has godlike qualities because, God did it all through Jesus-Acts 2:22-John 5:30
Jesus tells you he was created at Proverbs 8:22--Proverbs 8 is the being speaking who came to earth and was named Jesus as a mortal. Gods master worker=Jesus--But not named Jesus in the OT. It is not God speaking at Proverbs 8-- Please read it, and if know Jesus you know it is him speaking.
My eternal life is in Jesus Christ, period. My Bible says salvation and eternal life are found in HIM. What does your say? You don't even know who translated the NWT.

Your words match the Pharisees-- They were teaching that Jesus and the apostles couldn't possibly be teachers they did not attend the schools of men. Jesus' real teachers do not need the schools of men. Jesus promised he would send the holy spirit to remind them and comfort them. God corrected the errors found in every trinity translation through the teachers Jesus appointed on earth.
Trinity translations teach 2 different Gods. 1Cor 8:6--Paul teaches only the Father is God. Jesus does as well-John 17:1-6,26
All the errors were corrected--so by refusing to forgive anothefrs past--God will fail to forgive your past--that's how that works--Do you still wish to live in 100 year old errors or forgive ones who have corrected? Its 2018---its NOW that counts.
Just like in your youth you lived to sin-- should God look at that still if you repented? No--same goes with the JW teachings.
Yu see all other religions failed to heed Gods warning---Beware if you think you are standing strong.
You don't get it, and because you don't get it is the proof you and the Watchtower can't be taken seriously. The bible states that when you call yourself a prophet of God, you don't make mistakes. The BIBLE says one mistake when you claim to be a prophet of God makes you a false prophet. In the Old Testament they would have been killed. Jesus said there would be many false prophets. The Watchtower and Mormonism, just to name a few. I forgive them, but that doesn't mean I listen to them. Forgiveness has nothing to do with it. There is no right religion. Religion will not save me. Only Jesus. I have ALL my faith in Jesus, not men or an organization or denomination. Examine yourself. When you tell me that it's Jesus in Revelation chapter one verse 7 and then it's Jehovah in verse 8 you exposed your indoctrination. It's the same person. Jesus is Jehovah, but you can't see it because you're indoctrinated. Anyone just reading the scriptures can see it's the same person. No one left and no one else entered the picture. As soon as you start reading the bible you put on your Watchtower glasses and see everything through their lens. I'm sure you've been told many times by others that all you need is Jesus and not the Watchtower. It's true. You're following a false prophet. Pray to the One True Living God to open your eyes and He will.

False reasoning. Here at Daniel 12:4--It assures( spiritual) truth becomes abundant here in these last days. It took correction of errors taught for over 1750 years and errors caused by self out of error filled translations and zealousness. Bad teachings started getting in in Peters book, Titus had to be left behind one trip to correct error teachings. How do you think the Israelites were mislead into losing Gods favor over and over--False reasonings-Jeremiah 17:9
The Watchtower is not the source of spiritual truth. The Word and the Holy Spirit are. The Watchtower doesn't even know who the Holy Spirit is.

The bible is the source, and only the real teachers Jesus has appointed here in these last days are getting these truths revealed through them-Daniel 12:4)Not one teacher knew these truths until here in these last days, yet they were in the pages of the bible all along, taught on all along in error, Correction had to be done and it has.
Do you know who translated the NWT?

Jehovah did, through Jesus and through the holy spirit to the teachers Jesus appointed here in these last days on earth. That is how it works--Everything originates from YHWH(Jehovah-John 5:30)
what errors in translation?-----from what language to what language?

Worship to a mortal Jesus. A capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1 making the previous line read--And God was with God= impossible, there is one God.

Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise= comma error.

Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise. The bible is clear Jesus was in Hades-3 days. He was not in paradise the first day.

In the Hebrew language of the ot--I am that I am is NOT the translation of that Hebrew statement. I will be what I will be is correct. So when Jesus said -I am, he was just answering the Pharisees question--did he live before Abraham--he did not say he was God.

There are others. Those translations teach 2 different Gods with a capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1--Paul explained to all who the true God is-1Corinthians 8:6--There is ONE God to all the Father.
No, it's not impossible. Scripture says "all things are possible with God". Your God isn't the God of the Bible. The Scriptures are clear. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and was God". The problem the Watchtower and others have is they don't believe Scripture. Jesus was not created. He is eternal God. Jesus is Jehovah. Jesus is NOT the Father. The Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.

Your eternal life rides upon a capitol G God in the last line of John 1:1 or a small god--meaning has godlike qualities because, God did it all through Jesus-Acts 2:22-John 5:30
Jesus tells you he was created at Proverbs 8:22--Proverbs 8 is the being speaking who came to earth and was named Jesus as a mortal. Gods master worker=Jesus--But not named Jesus in the OT. It is not God speaking at Proverbs 8-- Please read it, and if know Jesus you know it is him speaking.
My eternal life is in Jesus Christ, period. My Bible says salvation and eternal life are found in HIM. What does your say? You don't even know who translated the NWT.

Your words match the Pharisees-- They were teaching that Jesus and the apostles couldn't possibly be teachers they did not attend the schools of men. Jesus' real teachers do not need the schools of men. Jesus promised he would send the holy spirit to remind them and comfort them. God corrected the errors found in every trinity translation through the teachers Jesus appointed on earth.
Trinity translations teach 2 different Gods. 1Cor 8:6--Paul teaches only the Father is God. Jesus does as well-John 17:1-6,26
Nope, you're deceived. Who translated the NWT?
question for my USMB cyber-buddies-------how many of you guys out there---as
children----assumed that the "money changers" in the Temple court yard consisted
of mean rotten greedy Pharisees?

I heard that the Pharisees viewed worldly wealth as a sign of being blessed by God. Many still do, even many Christians do.

Jesus compared that conclusion to the conclusion of vermin that stumbled into a garbage dump, based on the garbage that came out of their mouths.

Many on all sides still do degenerate things to keep up the appearance of being blessed by God. Wicked people continued to do wicked things even after Jesus came and went. Had nothing to do with being a Jew or a Gentile, a pharisee or a sadducee, a centurion or a prisoner, a rich man or a pauper.

What does the evil king do to protect his throne in all of the stories? Murder all the children who might one day grow up to unseat him?

Thats religion and politics in a nutshell, like two horns on the same beast.

C'mon rosie, the least you can do is try to be kosher...

Re 'wealth', there is nothing to indicate that Christians have to be beggars and dumpster divers in order to be 'real Christians'; all of the Apostles had jobs, after all, even Paul, and it would also be pretty much impossible to fulfill all those social obligations re widows, orphans, and the elderly, along with succoring your fellow brothers, if everybody was running around begging. One of the things that attracted Constantine, and literally millions of others, was the success of the Christians' charities and thriving social networks, something that makes the modern 'Social Darwinist' shudder in disgust and fear. That's why 'libertarians' fear and loathe the Evul Xians as avidly as any sexual fetishist and other 'progressive' sociopaths do. there are as many right wing Xian bashers here as left wing homosexuals and assorted other deviants.
try reading the idiot story again HOBIE-----Jesus was lunching with his
Pharisee friends and refused to wash HIS OWN HANDS------I have no idea
where you got the idea that all of his "disciples" engaged in such rude behavior. Way back then-----NO ONE HAD FORKS AND KNIVES AND
SPOONS------the usual way to take food from the COMMON PLATTER ---
was by hand-----usually using a piece of bread as a scoop----BUT clearly
involving HAND contact. Not washing one's hands was tantamount to spitting
in the soup tureen. Even today-----KIDS (that means girls and boys under the age of 30 ) that visit my house from Israel (usually hubby's family) ---
being from TRADITIONAL households WASH THEIR HANDS as soon
as they come into the house. Romans did consider the finicky habits of the
joooos to be silly--------like refusing to celebrate lion lunch.
"boxes on their heads"? You have been reading church pamphlets

You are just wrong Rosie. Is that so hard to believe?

"Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!"

LOL @ MATTHEW the roman shill who manage to do his EYEWITNESS
writing-------something like at least 40 and possibly 60 years after Jesus died
----and in GREEK. Always remember, hobie------if the "facts" don't add up---
the story is probably not true. The add up in most of Matthew is----
"let's invent a roman jesus, who like all romans-----hate Pharisees.-----a jew
who WANTS to be ruled by Rome

Poor Rosie doesn't realize that Greek was popular with all scholars since Alexander's conquests, especially Jewish scholars, both the Babylonians exiles and the Palestiinian Jews. The Decapolis was just east of of them, after all, and the Persians were also big Greek culture fans as well. this weird babbling about something being written ' in Greek' is just silly idiocy based on profound ignorance of the era.
question for my USMB cyber-buddies-------how many of you guys out there---as
children----assumed that the "money changers" in the Temple court yard consisted
of mean rotten greedy Pharisees?

I heard that the Pharisees viewed worldly wealth as a sign of being blessed by God. Many still do, even many Christians do.

Jesus compared that conclusion to the conclusion of vermin that stumbled into a garbage dump, based on the garbage that came out of their mouths.

Many on all sides still do degenerate things to keep up the appearance of being blessed by God. Wicked people continued to do wicked things even after Jesus came and went. Had nothing to do with being a Jew or a Gentile, a pharisee or a sadducee, a centurion or a prisoner, a rich man or a pauper.

What does the evil king do to protect his throne in all of the stories? Murder all the children who might one day grow up to unseat him?

Thats religion and politics in a nutshell, like two horns on the same beast.

C'mon rosie, the least you can do is try to be kosher...

Re 'wealth', there is nothing to indicate that Christians have to be beggars and dumpster divers in order to be 'real Christians'; all of the Apostles had jobs, after all, even Paul, and it would also be pretty much impossible to fulfill all those social obligations re widows, orphans, and the elderly, along with succoring your fellow brothers, if everybody was running around begging. One of the things that attracted Constantine, and literally millions of others, was the success of the Christians' charities and thriving social networks, something that makes the modern 'Social Darwinist' shudder in disgust and fear. That's why 'libertarians' fear and loathe the Evul Xians as avidly as any sexual fetishist and other 'progressive' sociopaths do. there are as many right wing Xian bashers here as left wing homosexuals and assorted other deviants.

I didn't mean to disparage 'wealth'. I am well aware that many people never did anything even remotely evil to have become wealthy. It was the means by which the religious elite gained their wealth that was the problem to Jesus, according to the story, misleading people in the name of God to perpetuate the corruption of a priestly class, animal sacrifice, and temple worship so they could lead smooth and easy lives without lifting a finger while prancing around like stars above the rabble.

Kind of like the church celebrating the death of Jesus, misleading people to commit idolatry for a nominal service charge, insuring the degradation of society and perversion of social intercourse like degenerate deviants peddling the flesh of God in the form of a handy snack food. Great job security there.. convince people in agony that all they really need is more blasphemy. I bet they cough up millions praying to an edible mangod for a miracle so that a few perverted low-lifes can lead smooth and easy lives without lifting a finger and prance around like stars above the rabble.... very clever.

Is it any wonder that Jesus compared people like that to the talking serpent in the garden of Eden?

Anyway, the same Jesus who said it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle etc., said use your worldly wealth to win friends for yourself so when money is a thing of the past, you will be welcomed into an eternal abode. It's against divine law to hold back the workers pay.

What you do is murder millions of people with poisonous delusions until they cannot think rationally at all causing every sort of mental illness and unspeakable suffering until millions are destitute and homeless which makes war seem like a good idea.

You give a few of them soup every now and then.

what a guy!

When are you going to inform the flock you love so much that it is a mortal sin, pure evil, to worship a god made man made matzo made by human hands? When are you going to inform them that the practice has everything to do with the multitude of their self-aggrandizing afflictions?
Last edited:
Worship to a mortal Jesus. A capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1 making the previous line read--And God was with God= impossible, there is one God.

Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise= comma error.

Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise. The bible is clear Jesus was in Hades-3 days. He was not in paradise the first day.

In the Hebrew language of the ot--I am that I am is NOT the translation of that Hebrew statement. I will be what I will be is correct. So when Jesus said -I am, he was just answering the Pharisees question--did he live before Abraham--he did not say he was God.

There are others. Those translations teach 2 different Gods with a capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1--Paul explained to all who the true God is-1Corinthians 8:6--There is ONE God to all the Father.
No, it's not impossible. Scripture says "all things are possible with God". Your God isn't the God of the Bible. The Scriptures are clear. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and was God". The problem the Watchtower and others have is they don't believe Scripture. Jesus was not created. He is eternal God. Jesus is Jehovah. Jesus is NOT the Father. The Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.

Your eternal life rides upon a capitol G God in the last line of John 1:1 or a small god--meaning has godlike qualities because, God did it all through Jesus-Acts 2:22-John 5:30
Jesus tells you he was created at Proverbs 8:22--Proverbs 8 is the being speaking who came to earth and was named Jesus as a mortal. Gods master worker=Jesus--But not named Jesus in the OT. It is not God speaking at Proverbs 8-- Please read it, and if know Jesus you know it is him speaking.
My eternal life is in Jesus Christ, period. My Bible says salvation and eternal life are found in HIM. What does your say? You don't even know who translated the NWT.

Your words match the Pharisees-- They were teaching that Jesus and the apostles couldn't possibly be teachers they did not attend the schools of men. Jesus' real teachers do not need the schools of men. Jesus promised he would send the holy spirit to remind them and comfort them. God corrected the errors found in every trinity translation through the teachers Jesus appointed on earth.
Trinity translations teach 2 different Gods. 1Cor 8:6--Paul teaches only the Father is God. Jesus does as well-John 17:1-6,26
Nope, you're deceived. Who translated the NWT?

I just asked you to believe Jesus and you say I am deceived-- You live in darkness-2Cor 4:4-- Paul is a real teacher appointed by Jesus, He couldn't teach a trinity at 1Cor 8:6--Why?

Who would have translated it in Jesus day--The Israelite spiritual leaders who were apostocised at the time or God?
No, it's not impossible. Scripture says "all things are possible with God". Your God isn't the God of the Bible. The Scriptures are clear. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and was God". The problem the Watchtower and others have is they don't believe Scripture. Jesus was not created. He is eternal God. Jesus is Jehovah. Jesus is NOT the Father. The Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.

Your eternal life rides upon a capitol G God in the last line of John 1:1 or a small god--meaning has godlike qualities because, God did it all through Jesus-Acts 2:22-John 5:30
Jesus tells you he was created at Proverbs 8:22--Proverbs 8 is the being speaking who came to earth and was named Jesus as a mortal. Gods master worker=Jesus--But not named Jesus in the OT. It is not God speaking at Proverbs 8-- Please read it, and if know Jesus you know it is him speaking.
My eternal life is in Jesus Christ, period. My Bible says salvation and eternal life are found in HIM. What does your say? You don't even know who translated the NWT.

Your words match the Pharisees-- They were teaching that Jesus and the apostles couldn't possibly be teachers they did not attend the schools of men. Jesus' real teachers do not need the schools of men. Jesus promised he would send the holy spirit to remind them and comfort them. God corrected the errors found in every trinity translation through the teachers Jesus appointed on earth.
Trinity translations teach 2 different Gods. 1Cor 8:6--Paul teaches only the Father is God. Jesus does as well-John 17:1-6,26
Nope, you're deceived. Who translated the NWT?

I just asked you to believe Jesus and you say I am deceived-- You live in darkness-2Cor 4:4-- Paul is a real teacher appointed by Jesus, He couldn't teach a trinity at 1Cor 8:6--Why?

Who would have translated it in Jesus day--The Israelite spiritual leaders who were apostocised at the time or God?
You're isolating scripture, and that is exactly what the Watchtower does to build their false teaching. In the Gospel of John, Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit and "HE" would teach us. Jesus said the Holy Spirit is a person, not a force like that Watchtower teaches. You still haven't answered my question. Who translated the NWT? Are you going to answer it or not?
Your eternal life rides upon a capitol G God in the last line of John 1:1 or a small god--meaning has godlike qualities because, God did it all through Jesus-Acts 2:22-John 5:30
Jesus tells you he was created at Proverbs 8:22--Proverbs 8 is the being speaking who came to earth and was named Jesus as a mortal. Gods master worker=Jesus--But not named Jesus in the OT. It is not God speaking at Proverbs 8-- Please read it, and if know Jesus you know it is him speaking.
My eternal life is in Jesus Christ, period. My Bible says salvation and eternal life are found in HIM. What does your say? You don't even know who translated the NWT.

Your words match the Pharisees-- They were teaching that Jesus and the apostles couldn't possibly be teachers they did not attend the schools of men. Jesus' real teachers do not need the schools of men. Jesus promised he would send the holy spirit to remind them and comfort them. God corrected the errors found in every trinity translation through the teachers Jesus appointed on earth.
Trinity translations teach 2 different Gods. 1Cor 8:6--Paul teaches only the Father is God. Jesus does as well-John 17:1-6,26
Nope, you're deceived. Who translated the NWT?

I just asked you to believe Jesus and you say I am deceived-- You live in darkness-2Cor 4:4-- Paul is a real teacher appointed by Jesus, He couldn't teach a trinity at 1Cor 8:6--Why?

Who would have translated it in Jesus day--The Israelite spiritual leaders who were apostocised at the time or God?
You're isolating scripture, and that is exactly what the Watchtower does to build their false teaching. In the Gospel of John, Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit and "HE" would teach us. Jesus said the Holy Spirit is a person, not a force like that Watchtower teaches. You still haven't answered my question. Who translated the NWT? Are you going to answer it or not?

The Father has a personal name-YHWH(Jehovah-- The son has a personal name-Jesus---The holy spirt= 0

The Father receives worship, In trinity translations Jesus receives worship--- Holy spirit= 0

The Father receives honor and glory, He shares it with the son---Holy spirit= 0

Many major passages in NT concerning Father and son---Holy spirit=0 Like this super important one--John 17:1-6,26--While in prayer to his Father, Jesus clearly teaches--The one who sent him = THE ONLY TRUE GOD( John 5:30) and teaches verse 3-One MUST know the Father as the only true God and know Jesus( 2 beings)---Holy spirit= 0--verse 6= YHWH(Jehovah) 26= YHWH(Jehovah)

My eternal life is in Jesus Christ, period. My Bible says salvation and eternal life are found in HIM. What does your say? You don't even know who translated the NWT.

Your words match the Pharisees-- They were teaching that Jesus and the apostles couldn't possibly be teachers they did not attend the schools of men. Jesus' real teachers do not need the schools of men. Jesus promised he would send the holy spirit to remind them and comfort them. God corrected the errors found in every trinity translation through the teachers Jesus appointed on earth.
Trinity translations teach 2 different Gods. 1Cor 8:6--Paul teaches only the Father is God. Jesus does as well-John 17:1-6,26
Nope, you're deceived. Who translated the NWT?

I just asked you to believe Jesus and you say I am deceived-- You live in darkness-2Cor 4:4-- Paul is a real teacher appointed by Jesus, He couldn't teach a trinity at 1Cor 8:6--Why?

Who would have translated it in Jesus day--The Israelite spiritual leaders who were apostocised at the time or God?
You're isolating scripture, and that is exactly what the Watchtower does to build their false teaching. In the Gospel of John, Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit and "HE" would teach us. Jesus said the Holy Spirit is a person, not a force like that Watchtower teaches. You still haven't answered my question. Who translated the NWT? Are you going to answer it or not?

The Father has a personal name-YHWH(Jehovah-- The son has a personal name-Jesus---The holy spirt= 0

The Father receives worship, In trinity translations Jesus receives worship--- Holy spirit= 0

The Father receives honor and glory, He shares it with the son---Holy spirit= 0

Many major passages in NT concerning Father and son---Holy spirit=0 Like this super important one--John 17:1-6,26--While in prayer to his Father, Jesus clearly teaches--The one who sent him = THE ONLY TRUE GOD( John 5:30) and teaches verse 3-One MUST know the Father as the only true God and know Jesus( 2 beings)---Holy spirit= 0--verse 6= YHWH(Jehovah) 26= YHWH(Jehovah)

Who translated the NWT?
try reading the idiot story again HOBIE-----Jesus was lunching with his
Pharisee friends and refused to wash HIS OWN HANDS------I have no idea
where you got the idea that all of his "disciples" engaged in such rude behavior. Way back then-----NO ONE HAD FORKS AND KNIVES AND
SPOONS------the usual way to take food from the COMMON PLATTER ---
was by hand-----usually using a piece of bread as a scoop----BUT clearly
involving HAND contact. Not washing one's hands was tantamount to spitting
in the soup tureen. Even today-----KIDS (that means girls and boys under the age of 30 ) that visit my house from Israel (usually hubby's family) ---
being from TRADITIONAL households WASH THEIR HANDS as soon
as they come into the house. Romans did consider the finicky habits of the
joooos to be silly--------like refusing to celebrate lion lunch.
"boxes on their heads"? You have been reading church pamphlets

You are just wrong Rosie. Is that so hard to believe?

"Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!"

LOL @ MATTHEW the roman shill who manage to do his EYEWITNESS
writing-------something like at least 40 and possibly 60 years after Jesus died
----and in GREEK. Always remember, hobie------if the "facts" don't add up---
the story is probably not true. The add up in most of Matthew is----
"let's invent a roman jesus, who like all romans-----hate Pharisees.-----a jew
who WANTS to be ruled by Rome

Poor Rosie doesn't realize that Greek was popular with all scholars since Alexander's conquests, especially Jewish scholars, both the Babylonians exiles and the Palestiinian Jews. The Decapolis was just east of of them, after all, and the Persians were also big Greek culture fans as well. this weird babbling about something being written ' in Greek' is just silly idiocy based on profound ignorance of the era.

poor pic IMAGINES that he knows what goes on in the minds of other
people------a sign of psychosis. He is also very confused as to the dates
of the Babylonian exile

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