What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

you are confused by the term "death" as used in the poetry AND LAWs
of the OT. In most cases it has nothing to do with Judicial execution.

If you thought that I was speaking about judicial execution, you are the one who is confused.

you did use the term "death" -----which---AS YOU KNOW---seems in the
minds of lots of people as mass executions for minor flaws in practice of
ritual. So what burden did Jesus magically obliterate?

Jesus removed the burden of the law - by teaching the only right way to understand and conform to the laws demands that fulfills the promise of eternal life and entry into Gods kingdom while still on earth.

That Jesus ascended into heaven the realm of eternal life implies that he started off in the realm of the dead, worrying about washing hands and what to eat and wear and how to correctly tie a box on the head.

you are desperate. Jesus WORRIED about washing his hands ? GOOD!!! In my profession---renewal of license REQUIRES special
lessons in HAND WASHING--------I live in the realm of the dead. The lessons
include such concepts as 'WORRY ABOUT COLLEAGUES THAT DO NOT
WASH THEIR HANDS'. I used to love to watch my dad get dressed in
the morning-------the manner in which he TIED HIS TIE-----fascinated me----
then he placed a tie clip and was VERY careful to place it so that there is a little tiny hump over the clip ----involving the top leaf-----SNAZZY. -------I can do some knots that ordinary people like you do not know------it is very
important and can sometimes SAVE A LIFE.

For the record------take care to wash your hands and make sure that there
arer fresh towels in the bathroom

Yeah, Jesus was probably raised to think that the concern of God was about what you eat and what you wear and how to correctly tie a box to your head according to the instructions in the talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, until he realized that those traditions were silly at best and miss the point and teaching of the law completely which rendered it null and void.

Reminds me of a joke...

Two guys in the bathroom. One walks away without washing his hands. The other says to him, "didn't your mother teach you to wash your hands after going to the bathroom?"

He replied, " my mother taught me not to piss or shit in my hands."

The subject of washing your hands clean in scripture is not about washing body parts.

Now there's some kosher food for you to eat. Be warned though, do not touch it until you wash your hands you filthy animal.

you are a joke. Anyone who believes that Jesus REFUSED to wash his
hands at lunch is a joke------desperate to justify his own filthy habits
If you thought that I was speaking about judicial execution, you are the one who is confused.

you did use the term "death" -----which---AS YOU KNOW---seems in the
minds of lots of people as mass executions for minor flaws in practice of
ritual. So what burden did Jesus magically obliterate?

Jesus removed the burden of the law - by teaching the only right way to understand and conform to the laws demands that fulfills the promise of eternal life and entry into Gods kingdom while still on earth.

That Jesus ascended into heaven the realm of eternal life implies that he started off in the realm of the dead, worrying about washing hands and what to eat and wear and how to correctly tie a box on the head.

you are desperate. Jesus WORRIED about washing his hands ? GOOD!!! In my profession---renewal of license REQUIRES special
lessons in HAND WASHING--------I live in the realm of the dead. The lessons
include such concepts as 'WORRY ABOUT COLLEAGUES THAT DO NOT
WASH THEIR HANDS'. I used to love to watch my dad get dressed in
the morning-------the manner in which he TIED HIS TIE-----fascinated me----
then he placed a tie clip and was VERY careful to place it so that there is a little tiny hump over the clip ----involving the top leaf-----SNAZZY. -------I can do some knots that ordinary people like you do not know------it is very
important and can sometimes SAVE A LIFE.

For the record------take care to wash your hands and make sure that there
arer fresh towels in the bathroom

Yeah, Jesus was probably raised to think that the concern of God was about what you eat and what you wear and how to correctly tie a box to your head according to the instructions in the talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, until he realized that those traditions were silly at best and miss the point and teaching of the law completely which rendered it null and void.

Reminds me of a joke...

Two guys in the bathroom. One walks away without washing his hands. The other says to him, "didn't your mother teach you to wash your hands after going to the bathroom?"

He replied, " my mother taught me not to piss or shit in my hands."

The subject of washing your hands clean in scripture is not about washing body parts.

Now there's some kosher food for you to eat. Be warned though, do not touch it until you wash your hands you filthy animal.

you are a joke. Anyone who believes that Jesus REFUSED to wash his
hands at lunch is a joke------desperate to justify his own filthy habits

What? You sound upset. Was it something that I said sweetness?

I didn't say that Jesus refused to wash his hands before lunch. The pharisees tried to discredit Jesus by saying that his friends didn't wash their hands before lunch.

Jesus responded by pointing out their hypocrisy and ignorance of the deeper implications in the divine commands exposing them as actors and lying frauds because they claimed to see understand and conform to the law righteously.

I really don't know how Jesus kept from bursting out laughing as they tried to discredit him while they were wearing a box on their head. He must have kept in mind the catastrophic effect their teaching had on the daily lives of ordinary people for more than a thousand years.

Rosie, Rosie, Rosie. Didn't I warn you not to touch what I gave you to eat until you washed your hands clean?.

some people......
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[QUOTE="irosie91, post:

That Jesus ascended into heaven the realm of eternal life implies that he started off in the realm of the dead, worrying about washing hands and what to eat and wear and how to correctly tie a box on the head.

you are desperate. Jesus WORRIED about washing his hands ? GOOD!!! In my profession---renewal of license REQUIRES special
lessons in HAND WASHING--------I live in the realm of the dead. The lessons
include such concepts as 'WORRY ABOUT COLLEAGUES THAT DO NOT
WASH THEIR HANDS'. I used to love to watch my dad get dressed in
the morning-------the manner in which he TIED HIS TIE-----fascinated me----
then he placed a tie clip and was VERY careful to place it so that there is a little tiny hump over the clip ----involving the top leaf-----SNAZZY. -------I can do some knots that ordinary people like you do not know------it is very
important and can sometimes SAVE A LIFE.

For the record------take care to wash your hands and make sure that there
arer fresh towels in the bathroom[/QUOTE]

Yeah, Jesus was probably raised to think that the concern of God was about what you eat and what you wear and how to correctly tie a box to your head according to the instructions in the talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men, until he realized that those traditions were silly at best and miss the point and teaching of the law completely which rendered it null and void.

Reminds me of a joke...

Two guys in the bathroom. One walks away without washing his hands. The other says to him, "didn't your mother teach you to wash your hands after going to the bathroom?"

He replied, " my mother taught me not to piss or shit in my hands."

The subject of washing your hands clean in scripture is not about washing body parts.

Now there's some kosher food for you to eat. Be warned though, do not touch it until you wash your hands you filthy animal.[/QUOTE]

you are a joke. Anyone who believes that Jesus REFUSED to wash his
hands at lunch is a joke------desperate to justify his own filthy habits[/QUOTE]

What? You sound upset. Was it something that I said sweetness?

I didn't say that Jesus refused to was his hands before lunch. The pharisees tried to discredit Jesus by saying that his friends didn't wash their hands before lunch.

Jesus responded by pointing out their hypocrisy and ignorance of the deeper implications in the divine commands exposing them as actors and lying frauds because they claimed to see understand and conform to the law righteously.

I really don't know how Jesus kept from bursting out laughing as they tried to discredit him while they were wearing a box on their head. He must have kept in mind the catastrophic effect their teaching had on the daily lives of ordinary people for more than a thousand years.

Rosie, Rosie, Rosie. Didn't I warn you not to touch what I gave you to eat until you washed your hands clean?.

some people......[/QUOTE]

try reading the idiot story again HOBIE-----Jesus was lunching with his
Pharisee friends and refused to wash HIS OWN HANDS------I have no idea
where you got the idea that all of his "disciples" engaged in such rude behavior. Way back then-----NO ONE HAD FORKS AND KNIVES AND
SPOONS------the usual way to take food from the COMMON PLATTER ---
was by hand-----usually using a piece of bread as a scoop----BUT clearly
involving HAND contact. Not washing one's hands was tantamount to spitting
in the soup tureen. Even today-----KIDS (that means girls and boys under the age of 30 ) that visit my house from Israel (usually hubby's family) ---
being from TRADITIONAL households WASH THEIR HANDS as soon
as they come into the house. Romans did consider the finicky habits of the
joooos to be silly--------like refusing to celebrate lion lunch.
"boxes on their heads"? You have been reading church pamphlets
try reading the idiot story again HOBIE-----Jesus was lunching with his
Pharisee friends and refused to wash HIS OWN HANDS

You are just wrong Rosie. Is that so hard to believe?

"Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!"

Then Jesus went on to identify the subject of what defiles a person and made that strain at a gnat and swallow a camel comment and they got pissed.

Did you never read anything other than church pamphlets?
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try reading the idiot story again HOBIE-----Jesus was lunching with his
Pharisee friends and refused to wash HIS OWN HANDS------I have no idea
where you got the idea that all of his "disciples" engaged in such rude behavior. Way back then-----NO ONE HAD FORKS AND KNIVES AND
SPOONS------the usual way to take food from the COMMON PLATTER ---
was by hand-----usually using a piece of bread as a scoop----BUT clearly
involving HAND contact. Not washing one's hands was tantamount to spitting
in the soup tureen. Even today-----KIDS (that means girls and boys under the age of 30 ) that visit my house from Israel (usually hubby's family) ---
being from TRADITIONAL households WASH THEIR HANDS as soon
as they come into the house. Romans did consider the finicky habits of the
joooos to be silly--------like refusing to celebrate lion lunch.
"boxes on their heads"? You have been reading church pamphlets

You are just wrong Rosie. Is that so hard to believe?

"Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!"

LOL @ MATTHEW the roman shill who manage to do his EYEWITNESS
writing-------something like at least 40 and possibly 60 years after Jesus died
----and in GREEK. Always remember, hobie------if the "facts" don't add up---
the story is probably not true. The add up in most of Matthew is----
"let's invent a roman jesus, who like all romans-----hate Pharisees.-----a jew
who WANTS to be ruled by Rome
try reading the idiot story again HOBIE-----Jesus was lunching with his
Pharisee friends and refused to wash HIS OWN HANDS------I have no idea
where you got the idea that all of his "disciples" engaged in such rude behavior. Way back then-----NO ONE HAD FORKS AND KNIVES AND
SPOONS------the usual way to take food from the COMMON PLATTER ---
was by hand-----usually using a piece of bread as a scoop----BUT clearly
involving HAND contact. Not washing one's hands was tantamount to spitting
in the soup tureen. Even today-----KIDS (that means girls and boys under the age of 30 ) that visit my house from Israel (usually hubby's family) ---
being from TRADITIONAL households WASH THEIR HANDS as soon
as they come into the house. Romans did consider the finicky habits of the
joooos to be silly--------like refusing to celebrate lion lunch.
"boxes on their heads"? You have been reading church pamphlets

You are just wrong Rosie. Is that so hard to believe?

"Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!"

LOL @ MATTHEW the roman shill who manage to do his EYEWITNESS
writing-------something like at least 40 and possibly 60 years after Jesus died
----and in GREEK. Always remember, hobie------if the "facts" don't add up---
the story is probably not true. The add up in most of Matthew is----
"let's invent a roman jesus, who like all romans-----hate Pharisees.-----a jew
who WANTS to be ruled by Rome
Hmmm. First you say that Jesus didn't wash his hands, I showed you that it was his disciples that didn't wash their hands, and now you say the whole thing isn't true.

Will you make up your mind please? BTW

What sort of roman Jesus would have cursed the nations of the roman empire by giving them blood to drink?

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."
try reading the idiot story again HOBIE-----Jesus was lunching with his
Pharisee friends and refused to wash HIS OWN HANDS------I have no idea
where you got the idea that all of his "disciples" engaged in such rude behavior. Way back then-----NO ONE HAD FORKS AND KNIVES AND
SPOONS------the usual way to take food from the COMMON PLATTER ---
was by hand-----usually using a piece of bread as a scoop----BUT clearly
involving HAND contact. Not washing one's hands was tantamount to spitting
in the soup tureen. Even today-----KIDS (that means girls and boys under the age of 30 ) that visit my house from Israel (usually hubby's family) ---
being from TRADITIONAL households WASH THEIR HANDS as soon
as they come into the house. Romans did consider the finicky habits of the
joooos to be silly--------like refusing to celebrate lion lunch.
"boxes on their heads"? You have been reading church pamphlets

You are just wrong Rosie. Is that so hard to believe?

"Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!"

LOL @ MATTHEW the roman shill who manage to do his EYEWITNESS
writing-------something like at least 40 and possibly 60 years after Jesus died
----and in GREEK. Always remember, hobie------if the "facts" don't add up---
the story is probably not true. The add up in most of Matthew is----
"let's invent a roman jesus, who like all romans-----hate Pharisees.-----a jew
who WANTS to be ruled by Rome

What sort of roman Jesus would have cursed the nations of the roman empire by giving them blood to drink?

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

right------the REVELATION Is the ROMAN JESUS WILL RULE THE WORLD--------remember? if you do not understand-----ask FRANCIS
try reading the idiot story again HOBIE-----Jesus was lunching with his
Pharisee friends and refused to wash HIS OWN HANDS------I have no idea
where you got the idea that all of his "disciples" engaged in such rude behavior. Way back then-----NO ONE HAD FORKS AND KNIVES AND
SPOONS------the usual way to take food from the COMMON PLATTER ---
was by hand-----usually using a piece of bread as a scoop----BUT clearly
involving HAND contact. Not washing one's hands was tantamount to spitting
in the soup tureen. Even today-----KIDS (that means girls and boys under the age of 30 ) that visit my house from Israel (usually hubby's family) ---
being from TRADITIONAL households WASH THEIR HANDS as soon
as they come into the house. Romans did consider the finicky habits of the
joooos to be silly--------like refusing to celebrate lion lunch.
"boxes on their heads"? You have been reading church pamphlets

You are just wrong Rosie. Is that so hard to believe?

"Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!"

LOL @ MATTHEW the roman shill who manage to do his EYEWITNESS
writing-------something like at least 40 and possibly 60 years after Jesus died
----and in GREEK. Always remember, hobie------if the "facts" don't add up---
the story is probably not true. The add up in most of Matthew is----
"let's invent a roman jesus, who like all romans-----hate Pharisees.-----a jew
who WANTS to be ruled by Rome

What sort of roman Jesus would have cursed the nations of the roman empire by giving them blood to drink?

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

right------the REVELATION Is the ROMAN JESUS WILL RULE THE WORLD--------remember? if you do not understand-----ask FRANCIS

No, all eyes will see him just means that everyone will clearly see what he died trying to share with people when the clouds that have obscured him from sight are swept away by a mighty wind.

What they will see is that the kingdom of God has always been in existence, the law of God has always been in effect and in full force.

Its not about Jesus being ruler over anything....after the age of darkness, truth, like a light, will rule the day
PS----the actual INCIDENT during which time Jesus is said to have
refused to wash HIS OWN hands------took place at a specific Pharisee hosted
Luncheon party
try reading the idiot story again HOBIE-----Jesus was lunching with his
Pharisee friends and refused to wash HIS OWN HANDS------I have no idea
where you got the idea that all of his "disciples" engaged in such rude behavior. Way back then-----NO ONE HAD FORKS AND KNIVES AND
SPOONS------the usual way to take food from the COMMON PLATTER ---
was by hand-----usually using a piece of bread as a scoop----BUT clearly
involving HAND contact. Not washing one's hands was tantamount to spitting
in the soup tureen. Even today-----KIDS (that means girls and boys under the age of 30 ) that visit my house from Israel (usually hubby's family) ---
being from TRADITIONAL households WASH THEIR HANDS as soon
as they come into the house. Romans did consider the finicky habits of the
joooos to be silly--------like refusing to celebrate lion lunch.
"boxes on their heads"? You have been reading church pamphlets

You are just wrong Rosie. Is that so hard to believe?

"Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!"

LOL @ MATTHEW the roman shill who manage to do his EYEWITNESS
writing-------something like at least 40 and possibly 60 years after Jesus died
----and in GREEK. Always remember, hobie------if the "facts" don't add up---
the story is probably not true. The add up in most of Matthew is----
"let's invent a roman jesus, who like all romans-----hate Pharisees.-----a jew
who WANTS to be ruled by Rome

What sort of roman Jesus would have cursed the nations of the roman empire by giving them blood to drink?

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

right------the REVELATION Is the ROMAN JESUS WILL RULE THE WORLD--------remember? if you do not understand-----ask FRANCIS

No, all eyes will see him just means that everyone will clearly see what he died trying to share with people when the clouds that have obscured him from sight are swept away by a mighty wind.

What they will see is that the kingdom of God has always been in existence, the law of God has always been in effect and in full force.

Its not about Jesus being ruler over anything....after the age of darkness, truth, like a light, will rule the day

same thing------just obscured in the poetic allusions of the day
You are just wrong Rosie. Is that so hard to believe?

"Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!"

LOL @ MATTHEW the roman shill who manage to do his EYEWITNESS
writing-------something like at least 40 and possibly 60 years after Jesus died
----and in GREEK. Always remember, hobie------if the "facts" don't add up---
the story is probably not true. The add up in most of Matthew is----
"let's invent a roman jesus, who like all romans-----hate Pharisees.-----a jew
who WANTS to be ruled by Rome

What sort of roman Jesus would have cursed the nations of the roman empire by giving them blood to drink?

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

right------the REVELATION Is the ROMAN JESUS WILL RULE THE WORLD--------remember? if you do not understand-----ask FRANCIS

No, all eyes will see him just means that everyone will clearly see what he died trying to share with people when the clouds that have obscured him from sight are swept away by a mighty wind.

What they will see is that the kingdom of God has always been in existence, the law of God has always been in effect and in full force.

Its not about Jesus being ruler over anything....after the age of darkness, truth, like a light, will rule the day

same thing------just obscured in the poetic allusions of the day

No its not the same thing. A witness to the truth of Gods kingdom does not a ruler make.

"King is your word. My task is to bear witness to the truth."
LOL @ MATTHEW the roman shill who manage to do his EYEWITNESS
writing-------something like at least 40 and possibly 60 years after Jesus died
----and in GREEK. Always remember, hobie------if the "facts" don't add up---
the story is probably not true. The add up in most of Matthew is----
"let's invent a roman jesus, who like all romans-----hate Pharisees.-----a jew
who WANTS to be ruled by Rome

What sort of roman Jesus would have cursed the nations of the roman empire by giving them blood to drink?

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

right------the REVELATION Is the ROMAN JESUS WILL RULE THE WORLD--------remember? if you do not understand-----ask FRANCIS

No, all eyes will see him just means that everyone will clearly see what he died trying to share with people when the clouds that have obscured him from sight are swept away by a mighty wind.

What they will see is that the kingdom of God has always been in existence, the law of God has always been in effect and in full force.

Its not about Jesus being ruler over anything....after the age of darkness, truth, like a light, will rule the day

same thing------just obscured in the poetic allusions of the day

No its not the same thing. A witness to the truth of Gods kingdom does not a ruler make.

"King is your word. My task is to bear witness to the truth."

not doing a bang up job of it
What sort of roman Jesus would have cursed the nations of the roman empire by giving them blood to drink?

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

right------the REVELATION Is the ROMAN JESUS WILL RULE THE WORLD--------remember? if you do not understand-----ask FRANCIS

No, all eyes will see him just means that everyone will clearly see what he died trying to share with people when the clouds that have obscured him from sight are swept away by a mighty wind.

What they will see is that the kingdom of God has always been in existence, the law of God has always been in effect and in full force.

Its not about Jesus being ruler over anything....after the age of darkness, truth, like a light, will rule the day

same thing------just obscured in the poetic allusions of the day

No its not the same thing. A witness to the truth of Gods kingdom does not a ruler make.

"King is your word. My task is to bear witness to the truth."

not doing a bang up job of it

lol....Its depends on which side of the law you are on at the time you hear it ...

Apparently the darkness has never mastered it.
God sacrificed His only son because He knew He wasn't a good parent.
The only group on earth who ( were) Gods chosen)-- Israel. The Pharisees, saducees, most assuredly the scribes as well. God was trying to turn them around back to him--They rejected him and his Messiah--They were cut off-Matthew 23:37-39)
Jesus was Gods son, Was he literate.
The Israelite spiritual leaders, kept-EVERY written Law--They unfortunately took them to far. They had false reasoning concerning the messiah--They thought Jesus was coming then when he did, but thought a mighty king was coming to fight the romans and rid them of their rule. A mere carpenters son shows up telling them they are making many errors concerning the Laws of God and that he brought a new covenant-Love instead of written Law. They hated him and tried to kill him a few x. Those were Gods chosen scholars of the day.
It shows how powerful satan is--Jesus said satan rules this world( system of things)--No wonder the bible teaches---Beware if you think you are standing strong.

Actually only the Jews who promote the Covenant matter; the rest aren't 'chosen'. The people who are 'chosen' were chosen by grace, not race, or intelligence, or any other reason. Those that stop promoting the Covenants were either punished or abandoned, and the history make that very clear, as does the OT and NT itself; your are seriously mistaken if you think Gentiles can't be Jewish, and count, and it's a matter of race.

And, Jesus was very much an 'old school' Rabbi, all about returning to the original intent and Mosaic teachings, and brought with a new Covenant, since most of the Jews running the temples and the politics had long abandoned the Covenants and focused on themselves as a 'Master Race' and assigned themselves privileges and offices based on their genealogies, not their religion. The last 'prophet' sent was Malachi, some 300 years before the Christian era. The Pharisees rose to power in that time span, and other schools, like Hillel's, came along as reformers as well.

And no, the 'Israelites' were a separate Jewish tribe from that of Judah, and no, the spiritual leaders of the Temple were not keeping the law, they were merely indulging in 'legalisms', quit a different thing than keeping the spirit of Moses and their covenant. They turned it into a profit center and class status for themselves.

Did you miss this truth? Matthew 23:37-39--Israelite religion-cut off of being Gods chosen until they do verse 39 -they will not. Over 1950 years they have outright refused. The Pharisees in Jesus day saw the new religion begin-Acts 24:5--Revelation occurring right now-Jesus speaks to 7 congregations.

OH Matthew, the shill for ROME said so. and the next citation is the
mushroom charged book of the ANNONYMOUS JOHN-----the BOOK OF
REVULSIONS.... and then of all things "ACTS" ---written more than a half
century after jesus died------by people who did not even speak Hebrew or
or Aramaic-------- QUOTING *) allah only knows who-------as to what
""JESUS SAID"" of the now scattered and DESPISES Pharisees "said"

try using your head. You are quoting the agenda of constantine

Have no fear Rosie--My teachers corrected the errors in translation.

what errors in translation?-----from what language to what language?

Worship to a mortal Jesus. A capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1 making the previous line read--And God was with God= impossible, there is one God.

Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise= comma error.

Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise. The bible is clear Jesus was in Hades-3 days. He was not in paradise the first day.

In the Hebrew language of the ot--I am that I am is NOT the translation of that Hebrew statement. I will be what I will be is correct. So when Jesus said -I am, he was just answering the Pharisees question--did he live before Abraham--he did not say he was God.

There are others. Those translations teach 2 different Gods with a capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1--Paul explained to all who the true God is-1Corinthians 8:6--There is ONE God to all the Father.
You are wrong. Deut 30:19-- John 17:3

Those verses say nothing about your irrational false claim that people will live forever on earth one day...

That is not the good news of Gods kingdom, That is a delusion of the deranged.

Jesus himself mentioned one can get eternal life by knowing his Father as the only true God and knowing Jesus-- John 17:1-6,26-- That name= YHWH(Jehovah)
Not wise to call Jesus the liar in your darkness.
The bible teaches those things about Gods kingdom, in every translation on earth--You must have forgot to read the bible.

What Jesus said equating eternal life with knowing God has absolutely nothing with what you are saying that in the future people will never get sick, feel pain, or die physical deaths and will live on earth forever.

Thats pure rubbish. Even Jesus, like all human beings must, died a physical death.

I am not calling Jesus a liar.

I am calling you a liar.

The Ot made many promises about Gods kingdom on the earth. It says they will never say I am sick--A lion lays with a lamb=harmony amongst all creatures--A child will play on a cobra hole and no harm will come to him. Food will overflow the mountains--meaning enough for all always. Its just as my post said--Gods kingdom is a cure all-- God created mortals to know only good. The 3 rebels in Eden caused this system, it is almost done.

The lion laying down with the lamb is a metaphor for nations coexisting in peace. The subject of the prophecy in scripture about harmony amongst all creatures on earth is harmony among all people on earth. lions lambs sheep goats wolves cattle, dogs swine dingbats brown nosed dorks etc,.The prophecy is not and never was about nature itself changing one bit. Its about the nature of man being transformed.

When it says that death will be no more it is the death associated with defying the law of God, the law given as a light to the nations as a way to establish lasting peace on earth.

People will still live and die, the crippling sicknesses of the mind and associated pain from all of the confusion consequent to setting aside the instruction of the law is the suffering and "the death" that will be no more.

Remember what Moses said? "I have given you a choice between life and death, a choice between a blessing or a curse."

"And there will no longer be any curse" revelation 22:3

thats the good news. thats how Jesus removed the burden of the law - by teaching the only right way to understand and conform to the laws demands that fulfills the promise of eternal life and entry into Gods kingdom while still on earth,.

There is no waiting for Gods kingdom to come. Nebuchadnezzar raised his eyes after seven years living like a dumb beast without enough sense to get out of the rain and saw the kingdom of God in power over the affairs of men thousands of years ago.

You just have to stop living like a dumb animal. then you too will see the kingdom of God has already come and is already in full force and has been for a very very very long time.

Gods kingdom is ruling heaven fully. Few on earth follow it and are ruled by it. It is coming to the earth. It began here-Rev 6--He receives his crown-1914
The Ot made many promises about Gods kingdom on the earth. It says they will never say I am sick--A lion lays with a lamb=harmony amongst all creatures--A child will play on a cobra hole and no harm will come to him. Food will overflow the mountains--meaning enough for all always. Its just as my post said--Gods kingdom is a cure all-- God created mortals to know only good. The 3 rebels in Eden caused this system, it is almost done.

Well, all of those promises had contingencies and expectations attached to them and those who failed to hold up their end of the deal broke the deal, period, so we can dispense with the fiction that all Jews are 'special' and all Jews have to be born Jews, for one; Xians are as Jewish as any other as far as the covenants, old and new, go.

The real Christians serve the God of Israel= a single being God named-YHWH( Jehovah) and accept Jesus as the one sent forth by God-The Messiah.
The real Christians believe their Bible is the Word of God, not the Watchtower. The Watchtower has proven to be a false prophet. All I need for salvation is faith in Jesus Christ. That's what Jesus Said. That's what Paul said. That's what Peter said. That's what James said. That's what John said. They are right, not the Watchtower.

All the errors were corrected--so by refusing to forgive anothefrs past--God will fail to forgive your past--that's how that works--Do you still wish to live in 100 year old errors or forgive ones who have corrected? Its 2018---its NOW that counts.
Just like in your youth you lived to sin-- should God look at that still if you repented? No--same goes with the JW teachings.
Yu see all other religions failed to heed Gods warning---Beware if you think you are standing strong.
You don't get it, and because you don't get it is the proof you and the Watchtower can't be taken seriously. The bible states that when you call yourself a prophet of God, you don't make mistakes. The BIBLE says one mistake when you claim to be a prophet of God makes you a false prophet. In the Old Testament they would have been killed. Jesus said there would be many false prophets. The Watchtower and Mormonism, just to name a few. I forgive them, but that doesn't mean I listen to them. Forgiveness has nothing to do with it. There is no right religion. Religion will not save me. Only Jesus. I have ALL my faith in Jesus, not men or an organization or denomination. Examine yourself. When you tell me that it's Jesus in Revelation chapter one verse 7 and then it's Jehovah in verse 8 you exposed your indoctrination. It's the same person. Jesus is Jehovah, but you can't see it because you're indoctrinated. Anyone just reading the scriptures can see it's the same person. No one left and no one else entered the picture. As soon as you start reading the bible you put on your Watchtower glasses and see everything through their lens. I'm sure you've been told many times by others that all you need is Jesus and not the Watchtower. It's true. You're following a false prophet. Pray to the One True Living God to open your eyes and He will.

False reasoning. Here at Daniel 12:4--It assures( spiritual) truth becomes abundant here in these last days. It took correction of errors taught for over 1750 years and errors caused by self out of error filled translations and zealousness. Bad teachings started getting in in Peters book, Titus had to be left behind one trip to correct error teachings. How do you think the Israelites were mislead into losing Gods favor over and over--False reasonings-Jeremiah 17:9
Actually only the Jews who promote the Covenant matter; the rest aren't 'chosen'. The people who are 'chosen' were chosen by grace, not race, or intelligence, or any other reason. Those that stop promoting the Covenants were either punished or abandoned, and the history make that very clear, as does the OT and NT itself; your are seriously mistaken if you think Gentiles can't be Jewish, and count, and it's a matter of race.

And, Jesus was very much an 'old school' Rabbi, all about returning to the original intent and Mosaic teachings, and brought with a new Covenant, since most of the Jews running the temples and the politics had long abandoned the Covenants and focused on themselves as a 'Master Race' and assigned themselves privileges and offices based on their genealogies, not their religion. The last 'prophet' sent was Malachi, some 300 years before the Christian era. The Pharisees rose to power in that time span, and other schools, like Hillel's, came along as reformers as well.

And no, the 'Israelites' were a separate Jewish tribe from that of Judah, and no, the spiritual leaders of the Temple were not keeping the law, they were merely indulging in 'legalisms', quit a different thing than keeping the spirit of Moses and their covenant. They turned it into a profit center and class status for themselves.

Did you miss this truth? Matthew 23:37-39--Israelite religion-cut off of being Gods chosen until they do verse 39 -they will not. Over 1950 years they have outright refused. The Pharisees in Jesus day saw the new religion begin-Acts 24:5--Revelation occurring right now-Jesus speaks to 7 congregations.

OH Matthew, the shill for ROME said so. and the next citation is the
mushroom charged book of the ANNONYMOUS JOHN-----the BOOK OF
REVULSIONS.... and then of all things "ACTS" ---written more than a half
century after jesus died------by people who did not even speak Hebrew or
or Aramaic-------- QUOTING *) allah only knows who-------as to what
""JESUS SAID"" of the now scattered and DESPISES Pharisees "said"

try using your head. You are quoting the agenda of constantine

Have no fear Rosie--My teachers corrected the errors in translation.

what errors in translation?-----from what language to what language?

Worship to a mortal Jesus. A capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1 making the previous line read--And God was with God= impossible, there is one God.

Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise= comma error.

Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise. The bible is clear Jesus was in Hades-3 days. He was not in paradise the first day.

In the Hebrew language of the ot--I am that I am is NOT the translation of that Hebrew statement. I will be what I will be is correct. So when Jesus said -I am, he was just answering the Pharisees question--did he live before Abraham--he did not say he was God.

There are others. Those translations teach 2 different Gods with a capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1--Paul explained to all who the true God is-1Corinthians 8:6--There is ONE God to all the Father.
No, it's not impossible. Scripture says "all things are possible with God". Your God isn't the God of the Bible. The Scriptures are clear. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and was God". The problem the Watchtower and others have is they don't believe Scripture. Jesus was not created. He is eternal God. Jesus is Jehovah. Jesus is NOT the Father. The Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.
Well, all of those promises had contingencies and expectations attached to them and those who failed to hold up their end of the deal broke the deal, period, so we can dispense with the fiction that all Jews are 'special' and all Jews have to be born Jews, for one; Xians are as Jewish as any other as far as the covenants, old and new, go.

The real Christians serve the God of Israel= a single being God named-YHWH( Jehovah) and accept Jesus as the one sent forth by God-The Messiah.
The real Christians believe their Bible is the Word of God, not the Watchtower. The Watchtower has proven to be a false prophet. All I need for salvation is faith in Jesus Christ. That's what Jesus Said. That's what Paul said. That's what Peter said. That's what James said. That's what John said. They are right, not the Watchtower.

All the errors were corrected--so by refusing to forgive anothefrs past--God will fail to forgive your past--that's how that works--Do you still wish to live in 100 year old errors or forgive ones who have corrected? Its 2018---its NOW that counts.
Just like in your youth you lived to sin-- should God look at that still if you repented? No--same goes with the JW teachings.
Yu see all other religions failed to heed Gods warning---Beware if you think you are standing strong.
You don't get it, and because you don't get it is the proof you and the Watchtower can't be taken seriously. The bible states that when you call yourself a prophet of God, you don't make mistakes. The BIBLE says one mistake when you claim to be a prophet of God makes you a false prophet. In the Old Testament they would have been killed. Jesus said there would be many false prophets. The Watchtower and Mormonism, just to name a few. I forgive them, but that doesn't mean I listen to them. Forgiveness has nothing to do with it. There is no right religion. Religion will not save me. Only Jesus. I have ALL my faith in Jesus, not men or an organization or denomination. Examine yourself. When you tell me that it's Jesus in Revelation chapter one verse 7 and then it's Jehovah in verse 8 you exposed your indoctrination. It's the same person. Jesus is Jehovah, but you can't see it because you're indoctrinated. Anyone just reading the scriptures can see it's the same person. No one left and no one else entered the picture. As soon as you start reading the bible you put on your Watchtower glasses and see everything through their lens. I'm sure you've been told many times by others that all you need is Jesus and not the Watchtower. It's true. You're following a false prophet. Pray to the One True Living God to open your eyes and He will.

False reasoning. Here at Daniel 12:4--It assures( spiritual) truth becomes abundant here in these last days. It took correction of errors taught for over 1750 years and errors caused by self out of error filled translations and zealousness. Bad teachings started getting in in Peters book, Titus had to be left behind one trip to correct error teachings. How do you think the Israelites were mislead into losing Gods favor over and over--False reasonings-Jeremiah 17:9
The Watchtower is not the source of spiritual truth. The Word and the Holy Spirit are. The Watchtower doesn't even know who the Holy Spirit is.
Did you miss this truth? Matthew 23:37-39--Israelite religion-cut off of being Gods chosen until they do verse 39 -they will not. Over 1950 years they have outright refused. The Pharisees in Jesus day saw the new religion begin-Acts 24:5--Revelation occurring right now-Jesus speaks to 7 congregations.

OH Matthew, the shill for ROME said so. and the next citation is the
mushroom charged book of the ANNONYMOUS JOHN-----the BOOK OF
REVULSIONS.... and then of all things "ACTS" ---written more than a half
century after jesus died------by people who did not even speak Hebrew or
or Aramaic-------- QUOTING *) allah only knows who-------as to what
""JESUS SAID"" of the now scattered and DESPISES Pharisees "said"

try using your head. You are quoting the agenda of constantine

Have no fear Rosie--My teachers corrected the errors in translation.

what errors in translation?-----from what language to what language?

Worship to a mortal Jesus. A capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1 making the previous line read--And God was with God= impossible, there is one God.

Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise= comma error.

Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise. The bible is clear Jesus was in Hades-3 days. He was not in paradise the first day.

In the Hebrew language of the ot--I am that I am is NOT the translation of that Hebrew statement. I will be what I will be is correct. So when Jesus said -I am, he was just answering the Pharisees question--did he live before Abraham--he did not say he was God.

There are others. Those translations teach 2 different Gods with a capitol G GOD in the last line of John 1:1--Paul explained to all who the true God is-1Corinthians 8:6--There is ONE God to all the Father.
No, it's not impossible. Scripture says "all things are possible with God". Your God isn't the God of the Bible. The Scriptures are clear. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and was God". The problem the Watchtower and others have is they don't believe Scripture. Jesus was not created. He is eternal God. Jesus is Jehovah. Jesus is NOT the Father. The Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.

Your eternal life rides upon a capitol G God in the last line of John 1:1 or a small god--meaning has godlike qualities because, God did it all through Jesus-Acts 2:22-John 5:30
Jesus tells you he was created at Proverbs 8:22--Proverbs 8 is the being speaking who came to earth and was named Jesus as a mortal. Gods master worker=Jesus--But not named Jesus in the OT. It is not God speaking at Proverbs 8-- Please read it, and if know Jesus you know it is him speaking.

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