What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

The point being when it comes down to it, there is nothing like a first hand experience.
Which is exactly how I have confirmed mine. First hand experience.

If you did, then you would be able to demonstrate how you confirmed that experience.

You most certainly wouldn't be worshiping a three for the price of one mangod.
It was during the Eucharist. He was present in the Host.

I always chuckle to myself - not bad naturedly - when people who claim they experience the Spirit of God but reject the concept of the Trinity.


Who was in present the eucharist? What did you hear while you ate the eucharist?


If you didn't see what the prophets described seeing before they had a first hand experience of the living God, you have only had a first hand experience of your imagination.

The point being when it comes down to it, there is nothing like a first hand experience.
Which is exactly how I have confirmed mine. First hand experience.

If you did, then you would be able to demonstrate how you confirmed that experience.

You most certainly wouldn't be worshiping a three for the price of one mangod.
It was during the Eucharist. He was present in the Host.

I always chuckle to myself - not bad naturedly - when people who claim they experience the Spirit of God but reject the concept of the Trinity.

Teach us all how God has a God yet there is one God?? John 20:17, Rev 3:12
The point being when it comes down to it, there is nothing like a first hand experience.
Which is exactly how I have confirmed mine. First hand experience.

If you did, then you would be able to demonstrate how you confirmed that experience.

You most certainly wouldn't be worshiping a three for the price of one mangod.
It was during the Eucharist. He was present in the Host.

I always chuckle to myself - not bad naturedly - when people who claim they experience the Spirit of God but reject the concept of the Trinity.


Who or was in present the eucharist? What did you see and hear while you ate the eucharist?


If you didn't see what the prophets described seeing before they had a first hand experience of the living God, you have only had a first hand experience of your imagination.

My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It isn't what I heard or what I saw, it was what I felt. And let's not forget that I literally asked him to remove it. He was teaching me a lesson. I bet in your accounts of experiencing God, you come out looking like Moses. Oh, that's right, when pushed on that, you become as vague as a socialist and never really say anything.

But you ridiculing the faith of others is perfectly in line with a subversive who wants to subordinate the faith of others.
The point being when it comes down to it, there is nothing like a first hand experience.
Which is exactly how I have confirmed mine. First hand experience.

If you did, then you would be able to demonstrate how you confirmed that experience.

You most certainly wouldn't be worshiping a three for the price of one mangod.
It was during the Eucharist. He was present in the Host.

I always chuckle to myself - not bad naturedly - when people who claim they experience the Spirit of God but reject the concept of the Trinity.

Teach us all how God has a God yet there is one God?? John 20:17, Rev 3:12
You can believe anything you want.

You can even worship your faith of subordinating the faith of others. How's that?
The point being when it comes down to it, there is nothing like a first hand experience.
Which is exactly how I have confirmed mine. First hand experience.

If you did, then you would be able to demonstrate how you confirmed that experience.

You most certainly wouldn't be worshiping a three for the price of one mangod.
It was during the Eucharist. He was present in the Host.

I always chuckle to myself - not bad naturedly - when people who claim they experience the Spirit of God but reject the concept of the Trinity.


Who or was in present the eucharist? What did you see and hear while you ate the eucharist?


If you didn't see what the prophets described seeing before they had a first hand experience of the living God, you have only had a first hand experience of your imagination.

My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It isn't what I heard or what I saw, it was what I felt. And let's not forget that I literally asked him to remove it. He was teaching me a lesson. I bet in your accounts of experiencing God, you come out looking like Moses. Oh, that's right, when pushed on that, you become as vague as a socialist and never really say anything.

But you ridiculing the faith of others is perfectly in line with a subversive who wants to subordinate the faith of others.

If you 'felt' something you didn't see anything. How is that confirmation of the presence of God?

You were in the middle of practicing idolatry. If you felt something it was what it feels like for your soul to die. I'm sure that descending into the netherworld can be very exhilarating for people with a death wish. but damn...God isn't present where people are practicing idolatry. Satan is.

I'm not saying that it wasn't a religious experience, it just wasn't a very good one.

What you felt was confirmation that the consequence for defying the law of God is death.
Which is exactly how I have confirmed mine. First hand experience.

If you did, then you would be able to demonstrate how you confirmed that experience.

You most certainly wouldn't be worshiping a three for the price of one mangod.
It was during the Eucharist. He was present in the Host.

I always chuckle to myself - not bad naturedly - when people who claim they experience the Spirit of God but reject the concept of the Trinity.


Who or was in present the eucharist? What did you see and hear while you ate the eucharist?


If you didn't see what the prophets described seeing before they had a first hand experience of the living God, you have only had a first hand experience of your imagination.

My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It isn't what I heard or what I saw, it was what I felt. And let's not forget that I literally asked him to remove it. He was teaching me a lesson. I bet in your accounts of experiencing God, you come out looking like Moses. Oh, that's right, when pushed on that, you become as vague as a socialist and never really say anything.

But you ridiculing the faith of others is perfectly in line with a subversive who wants to subordinate the faith of others.

If you 'felt' something you didn't see anything. How is that confirmation of the presence of God?

You were in the middle of practicing idolatry. If you felt something it was what it feels like for your soul to die.

I'm not saying that it wasn't a religious experience, it just wasn't a very good one.

What you felt was confirmation that the consequence for defying the law of God is death.
Who exactly do you believe you are?

What right has been granted to you?

What is it that you have done that you believe makes you so special?
The point being when it comes down to it, there is nothing like a first hand experience.
Which is exactly how I have confirmed mine. First hand experience.

If you did, then you would be able to demonstrate how you confirmed that experience.

You most certainly wouldn't be worshiping a three for the price of one mangod.
It was during the Eucharist. He was present in the Host.

I always chuckle to myself - not bad naturedly - when people who claim they experience the Spirit of God but reject the concept of the Trinity.

Teach us all how God has a God yet there is one God?? John 20:17, Rev 3:12
You can believe anything you want.

You can even worship your faith of subordinating the faith of others. How's that?

Your own translation has proved the many errors in your religion. Jesus is the King of kings, sitting on a throne in heaven--he is not in any carved graven image like the carved image behind the pulpit, or in a icon little piece of metal( cross)-- The OT condemns the use of them along with statues. It was a dishonor( sin)for a jewish male to have long hair. Your religion has been portraying Jesus as a sinner to the world for centuries in their pictures of him.
The bible teaches--Call no man Father--speaking in a spiritual teacher sense--Yet your religion does it.. Your own bible condemns your religion.
If you did, then you would be able to demonstrate how you confirmed that experience.

You most certainly wouldn't be worshiping a three for the price of one mangod.
It was during the Eucharist. He was present in the Host.

I always chuckle to myself - not bad naturedly - when people who claim they experience the Spirit of God but reject the concept of the Trinity.


Who or was in present the eucharist? What did you see and hear while you ate the eucharist?


If you didn't see what the prophets described seeing before they had a first hand experience of the living God, you have only had a first hand experience of your imagination.

My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It isn't what I heard or what I saw, it was what I felt. And let's not forget that I literally asked him to remove it. He was teaching me a lesson. I bet in your accounts of experiencing God, you come out looking like Moses. Oh, that's right, when pushed on that, you become as vague as a socialist and never really say anything.

But you ridiculing the faith of others is perfectly in line with a subversive who wants to subordinate the faith of others.

If you 'felt' something you didn't see anything. How is that confirmation of the presence of God?

You were in the middle of practicing idolatry. If you felt something it was what it feels like for your soul to die.

I'm not saying that it wasn't a religious experience, it just wasn't a very good one.

What you felt was confirmation that the consequence for defying the law of God is death.
Who exactly do you believe you are?

What right has been granted to you?

I am he who is.

I have been granted the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness..(But thats just what I heard.)

I have been granted the right to eat of the tree of life in the middle of the paradise of God, the right to open books and the right to close them.
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It was during the Eucharist. He was present in the Host.

I always chuckle to myself - not bad naturedly - when people who claim they experience the Spirit of God but reject the concept of the Trinity.


Who or was in present the eucharist? What did you see and hear while you ate the eucharist?


If you didn't see what the prophets described seeing before they had a first hand experience of the living God, you have only had a first hand experience of your imagination.

My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It isn't what I heard or what I saw, it was what I felt. And let's not forget that I literally asked him to remove it. He was teaching me a lesson. I bet in your accounts of experiencing God, you come out looking like Moses. Oh, that's right, when pushed on that, you become as vague as a socialist and never really say anything.

But you ridiculing the faith of others is perfectly in line with a subversive who wants to subordinate the faith of others.

If you 'felt' something you didn't see anything. How is that confirmation of the presence of God?

You were in the middle of practicing idolatry. If you felt something it was what it feels like for your soul to die.

I'm not saying that it wasn't a religious experience, it just wasn't a very good one.

What you felt was confirmation that the consequence for defying the law of God is death.
Who exactly do you believe you are?

What right has been granted to you?

I am he who is.

I have been granted the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness..But thats just what I heard.

Not to mention the right to eat of the hidden manna, the right to open books and the right to close them.
Your behaviors and words belie that your mind has been purified.

Your speech shows your disrespect and contempt for others.

You behave like you believe you are better than others.

Your mind has not been purified.
Which is exactly how I have confirmed mine. First hand experience.

If you did, then you would be able to demonstrate how you confirmed that experience.

You most certainly wouldn't be worshiping a three for the price of one mangod.
It was during the Eucharist. He was present in the Host.

I always chuckle to myself - not bad naturedly - when people who claim they experience the Spirit of God but reject the concept of the Trinity.

Teach us all how God has a God yet there is one God?? John 20:17, Rev 3:12
You can believe anything you want.

You can even worship your faith of subordinating the faith of others. How's that?

Your own translation has proved the many errors in your religion. Jesus is the King of kings, sitting on a throne in heaven--he is not in any carved graven image like the carved image behind the pulpit, or in a icon little piece of metal( cross)-- The OT condemns the use of them along with statues. It was a dishonor( sin)for a jewish male to have long hair. Your religion has been portraying Jesus as a sinner to the world for centuries in their pictures of him.
The bible teaches--Call no man Father--speaking in a spiritual teacher sense--Yet your religion does it.. Your own bible condemns your religion.
What part of what I last told you did you not understand?

I find you behavior to be no different than hobelim's.
What sword did Jesus bring?

The Sword of Objective Truth which can only be arrived at by dying to self. Jesus was born into this world to testify to the truth.

Objective truth divides people because most people have a preference for an outcome.

If you die to self you will have no preference for an outcome.

If you die to self you will have peace through the storm.

The life of Jesus is a parable about dying to self.

When Jesus said pick up your cross and follow me he was talking about dying to self.

All major religions teach to die to self.
Original sin is pride.

Pride keeps us from seeing objective truth.

The only way to defeat pride is to die to self.
Objective truth is reality.

One of the deterrents to seeing reality is reconciling that we did wrong.

Man's brain cannot live in conflict.

Man knows right from wrong and when he violates it rather than abandoning the concept he rationalizes that he did not violate it.

That's how most men reconcile their conflict.

This is not reality.

Jesus taught that we don't need to do that. That there is another way.

Jesus died for our sins so that we could lay our sins upon him.

That we do not need to rationalize that we didn't do wrong.

That we could admit that we did wrong.

But for us to do so requires that we die to self to see reality.

And when we do so and speak our sins out loud, the power that that sin held over us is released.

Confession is a powerful tool if you use it right.

We are only as sick as the secrets we keep.
What sword did Jesus bring?.

The sword is a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine. :wine:

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations.

Take this cup of wine and drink it. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

"Just art thou in these thy judgments thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink"

I will force your oppressors to eat their own flesh and make them drunk on their own blood as if with new wine. Then all flesh shall know that I, the Lord, am your savior and your redeemer, the mighty one of Jacob.
What sword did Jesus bring?.

The sword is a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine. :wine:

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations.

Take this cup of wine and drink it. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

"Just art thou in these thy judgments thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people andof thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink"

I will force your oppressors to eat their own flesh and make them drunk on their own blood as if with new wine. Then all flesh shall know that I, the Lord, am your savior and your redeemer, the mighty one of Jacob.
Yeah, I already read that. It's why I wrote this. You are two steps behind me. You want it to be about codes for things that occurred back then instead of instruction for how to live life.

Hear the Lord. remain in light.

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