What Was And What Will Be

This is yet another whack-job conspiracy theory from this poster.

Why do you let these remain in the politics section?
What's with the left's obsession with controlling speech?
Who's controlling speech? It can post as many wacko-job koo-koo conspiracy theories as it wants in the appropriate section of the forum.
When former president Donald Trump cannot even post on Twitter, that is controlling speech!

No it is not. Twitter is not a part of the government so they have every right to control what goes on their platform.
Twitter wants to have it both ways. They want to be protected by Section 230 so they won't be sued. But, when they "control what goes on their platform" they are not a platform. They are a publisher. They, and Facebook, and others don't deserve Section 230 protection.

I remind: RHINOs refused to end 230.
I think that 230 has its place. However, it should only be used by those who are genuine platforms.
Last edited:
This is yet another whack-job conspiracy theory from this poster.

Why do you let these remain in the politics section?
What's with the left's obsession with controlling speech?
Who's controlling speech? It can post as many wacko-job koo-koo conspiracy theories as it wants in the appropriate section of the forum.
When former president Donald Trump cannot even post on Twitter, that is controlling speech!

No it is not. Twitter is not a part of the government so they have every right to control what goes on their platform.
Twitter wants to have it both ways. They want to be protected by Section 230 so they won't be sued. But, when they "control what goes on their platform" they are not a platform. They are a publisher. They, and Facebook, and others don't deserve Section 230 protection.
Wrong. Enforcing the TOS does not make them a publisher.
I just read Twitter's Terms of Service. President Trump did not violate them. Some people deliberately misidentified what he posted as being hateful and calling for violence. He went out of his way on January 6th to tell protesters to go to the Capitol peacefully. He and others have been banned from Twitter for only 1 reason. They are Conservative.
I'm afraid that's not true.
Your post. It's not true. tRump violated their TOS not once but almost daily
Not when you honestly measure what President Trump tweeted as opposed to what Dems twisted it to mean.
This is yet another whack-job conspiracy theory from this poster.

Why do you let these remain in the politics section?
What's with the left's obsession with controlling speech?
Who's controlling speech? It can post as many wacko-job koo-koo conspiracy theories as it wants in the appropriate section of the forum.
When former president Donald Trump cannot even post on Twitter, that is controlling speech!

No it is not. Twitter is not a part of the government so they have every right to control what goes on their platform.
Twitter wants to have it both ways. They want to be protected by Section 230 so they won't be sued. But, when they "control what goes on their platform" they are not a platform. They are a publisher. They, and Facebook, and others don't deserve Section 230 protection.
Wrong. Enforcing the TOS does not make them a publisher.
I just read Twitter's Terms of Service. President Trump did not violate them. Some people deliberately misidentified what he posted as being hateful and calling for violence. He went out of his way on January 6th to tell protesters to go to the Capitol peacefully. He and others have been banned from Twitter for only 1 reason. They are Conservative.
I'm afraid that's not true.
Your post. It's not true. tRump violated their TOS not once but almost daily
How did he violate it. Please provide verifiable evidence. Thanks.
This is yet another whack-job conspiracy theory from this poster.

Why do you let these remain in the politics section?
What's with the left's obsession with controlling speech?
Who's controlling speech? It can post as many wacko-job koo-koo conspiracy theories as it wants in the appropriate section of the forum.
When former president Donald Trump cannot even post on Twitter, that is controlling speech!

No it is not. Twitter is not a part of the government so they have every right to control what goes on their platform.
Twitter wants to have it both ways. They want to be protected by Section 230 so they won't be sued. But, when they "control what goes on their platform" they are not a platform. They are a publisher. They, and Facebook, and others don't deserve Section 230 protection.
Wrong. Enforcing the TOS does not make them a publisher.
I just read Twitter's Terms of Service. President Trump did not violate them. Some people deliberately misidentified what he posted as being hateful and calling for violence. He went out of his way on January 6th to tell protesters to go to the Capitol peacefully. He and others have been banned from Twitter for only 1 reason. They are Conservative.
I'm afraid that's not true.
Your post. It's not true. tRump violated their TOS not once but almost daily
How did he violate it. Please provide verifiable evidence. Thanks.
Straight from Twitter:
This is yet another whack-job conspiracy theory from this poster.

Why do you let these remain in the politics section?
What's with the left's obsession with controlling speech?
Who's controlling speech? It can post as many wacko-job koo-koo conspiracy theories as it wants in the appropriate section of the forum.
When former president Donald Trump cannot even post on Twitter, that is controlling speech!

No it is not. Twitter is not a part of the government so they have every right to control what goes on their platform.
Twitter wants to have it both ways. They want to be protected by Section 230 so they won't be sued. But, when they "control what goes on their platform" they are not a platform. They are a publisher. They, and Facebook, and others don't deserve Section 230 protection.
Wrong. Enforcing the TOS does not make them a publisher.
I just read Twitter's Terms of Service. President Trump did not violate them. Some people deliberately misidentified what he posted as being hateful and calling for violence. He went out of his way on January 6th to tell protesters to go to the Capitol peacefully. He and others have been banned from Twitter for only 1 reason. They are Conservative.
I'm afraid that's not true.
Your post. It's not true. tRump violated their TOS not once but almost daily
How did he violate it. Please provide verifiable evidence. Thanks.
Straight from Twitter:
Thank you Crepitus for providing such a good example of how President Trump's tweets were deliberately misidentified as being hateful and calling for violence as I mentioned in post #211 above.
Last edited:
4. Now, in considering what Biden will be in governing, here is his model:

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII
“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

Perhaps we should have a national lottery in which folks try to guess when and which country the Democrats will bomb first.

Remember this guy, Trump? Brokered several historic peace deals between long-time enemies in eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Yet Obama won a Nobel and enjoyed 2 terms, while Trump is a one-term, impeached loser.
Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

Yes, surely Biden's vote was below 74.2 million (which just so happened to be approximately the number of votes that Trump received in case anyone missed the inference).

How can there be so MANY woefully ignorant (and, I have to say it, STUPID) people in this country? HOW?

Carl Sagan introduced the general population to the theory of Occam's Razor in the book (later, a movie) by the title of "Contact." Simply put, the 'rule' states that the simplest of competing explanations should be preferred to explain a phenomenon over more complex explanations. Some people might just call that common sense.

Let's see? How could a president who never had an approval rating above 50% for all four years in office and who spent hours every day insulting people and denigrating any number of groups either on twitter or on camera possibly lose an election? How could that happen? Any person with a modicum of common sense would have to say that if a man truly wants affirmation of his leadership, it's probably not a good idea to alienate large swaths of the electorate and that doing so may very well galvanize opposition to you being given another four years to continue to engage in more of the same behavior. But no. Conservatives have concluded that an unpopular president couldn't lose unless he was somehow cheated. It's utter nonsense. I can only state at this point that I hope these people make better decisions in real life.

As for me, it reminds me of something from my past. I joined the Army when I was 20 years old, and I was a good soldier. I even attained "Soldier of the Quarter" when I got to my permanent station. Then something happened. Certain NCOs and officers (but mostly NCOs) started messing with me over little things that were inconsequential. To put it plainly, they were on a power trip, and just enjoyed making soldiers like me jump through hope just for their own amusement. This continued for about two years. Now, I had already decided to only serve one hitch. I had plans to go to school to advance my education (I got a 2 year degree going to school at night while I was on active duty). Here comes the kicker. Right before my ETS, I was approached and was asked to reenlist. Like I said, I'd already decided to leave the service, but let's say I was on the fence instead. The miserable treatment I had to endure would have made the decision a no brainer. My reaction what something like this:

"You screw with me for 2 years plus, and now you want me to reup?"

Well, Trump's reelection hopes were much like the Army's hope that I (and others treated similarly) that we would reenlist.

All across this nation, people were sitting at kitchen tables, in living rooms, and wherever, and asking themselves why it was that Trump would expect them to vote for him again (or for the first time) after almost 4 years of abusive behavior. Not only did these millions of people not want to vote for him, they did not want to endure 4 more years of the same behavior day after day. They'd simply had enough of him.

But for some reason, conservatives can't understand that. It's Occam's Razor. Instead, conservatives want to believe that there was a massive conspiracy that involved probably thousands of people, and it was done without any verifiable evidence, and nobody came forth to spill the beans about it. How likely is that, really? It's probably more likely that you'll win the powerball, and get struck by lightning on the same day.

"Let's see? How could a president who never had an approval rating above 50% for all four years in office and who spent hours every day insulting people and denigrating any number of groups either on twitter or on camera possibly lose an election?"

I never understand how you government school grads can have been trained to be this willfully blind.

Let's review:

Trump achievements.

“Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy,” the statement begins, noting the administration achieved an “unprecedented economic boom.”

In addition to 7 million new jobs — “more than three times government experts’ projections” — the administration said that annual income for middle-class families grew by nearly $6,000, or “more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.”

Weeks before state and local governments began shutting down their economies, the U.S. unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, “the lowest in a half-century,” the administration said.

In fact, in March 2019, CBS News reported that there were a million more jobs available in the U.S. than unemployed workers — a fact noted by the administration, which said it “achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job hirings.”

Nearly 160 million Americans were employed pre-pandemic, another record, as “jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low,” the White House said.

As incomes gained “in every single metro area” in the country for the first time in almost 30 years, the number of people “claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record,” the administration said.

The list of accomplishments also noted an oft-repeated point — that during Trump’s term, blacks and Hispanics, as well as Asian-Americans and Native Americans all achieved record low unemployment rates. So, too, did Americans with disabilities and workers without a high school diploma, the administration said.

“The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth,” said the administration, adding: “Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue collar workers – a 16 percent pay increase.”

Meanwhile, “African American homeownership increased from 41.7 percent to 46.4 percent,” the White House noted.

More than 1.2 million factory and construction jobs were created, as the president enacted “policies to bring back supply chains from overseas,” the list notes.

The administration also touted the meteoric growth in the various U.S. stock indices, which have been good for businesses as well as average Americans’ retirement accounts tied to the markets.

One of President Trump’s 2016 campaign pledges that went unfulfilled was the passage of a massive infrastructure rebuilding project to repair and replace aging, crumbling bridges, roads, sewers, and water systems. But the administration did manage to invest “over $1.3 billion through the Agriculture Department’s ReConnect Program to bring high-speed broadband infrastructure to rural America,” the list notes.

The administration also touted the president’s COVID-19 policies that included a rejection of “blanket lockdowns” as vital to the economic rebound seen in recent months.

“During the third quarter of 2020,” the White House said, “the economy grew at a rate of 33.1 percent — the most rapid GDP growth ever recorded.”

“Since coronavirus lockdowns ended, the economy has added back over 12 million jobs, more than half the jobs lost,” says the White House. “Jobs have been recovered 23 times faster than the previous administration’s recovery.”

The White House said that under President Barack Obama, “it took 49 months for the unemployment rate to fall from 10 percent” following the Great Recession” to under 7 percent compared to just 3 months for the Trump Administration” following the mass joblessness created by mandated business closures and the pandemic.

At the same time, “80 percent of small businesses are now up, up from just 53 percent in April.”

Additional accomplishments noted by the administration include:

— The creation of more than 9,000 “Opportunity Zones” to attract business investment and create jobs;

— Tax relief for corporations, businesses, and the vast majority of American workers;

— The elimination of reams of regulations, which has added to the country’s economic growth;

— Pursued “fair and reciprocal trade” agreements that put the United States first, including withdrawal “from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership” and replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA);

— “Historic support for American farmers”;

— Making the U.S. “a net energy exporter” for the first time in seven decades;

— Approved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines;

— Increased access to the country’s “abundant natural resource in order to achieve energy independence”;

— Built more than 450 miles of new border wall and secured agreements with countries to house migrants there instead of in the U.S.;

— “Fully enforced the immigration laws” of the country;

— Got NATO countries to significantly increase their contributions to the alliance, as per their initial agreement;

— Strengthened and rebuilt the U.S. military;

— Reduced U.S. troop presence in war zones overseas;

— Brokered several historic peace deals between long-time enemies in eastern Europe and the Middle East;

— Moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to the capital of Jerusalem, though the three previous presidents pledged to do so;

— Defeated ISIS

— Sped development of two new vaccines for the COVID-19 pandemic in record time.

'Unprecedented': White House releases exhaustive list of achievements for Trump presidency
The Trump Administration has released an exhaustive list of accomplishments achieved over the past four years, many of which have largely gone unreported

Now, let's see what Democrats voted for.

Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

I don't know if this will appear because I keep getting a "Bad Gateway" in the deeper pages of this thread. I congratulate you on your writing. Your research is good. I like to write off the cuff and capture the pulse of the people I want to reach. Your top notch writing seems to elicit similar responses from the opposition. They seem to have a steely resolve in their positions that cannot be penetrated with logic or research.

Don't quit and keep up the good work.

Much thanks, and with the greatest appreciation for those more than kind, words.

I consider my post as a mission, rather than a hobby. Five to ten times more folks read a thread than post in it, and those are my target: with the schools, media, and pop culture all aligned with the totalitarians, I try to provide the truth that they are denied.
Thank you again, and don't stop posting!
An individual human life begins at conception when a sperm cell from the father fuses with an egg cell from the mother, to form a new cell, the zygote, the first embryonic stage. The zygote grows and divides into two daughter cells, each of which grows and divides into two grand-daughter cells, and this cell growth/division process continues on, over and over again. The zygote is the start of a biological continuum that automatically grows and develops, passing gradually and sequentially through the stages we call foetus, baby, child, adult, old person and ending eventually in death. The full genetic instructions to guide the development of the continuum, in interaction with its environment, are present in the zygote. Every stage along the continuum is biologically human and each point along the continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point. - Dr. William Reville, University College Cork, Ireland​

So what don't you understand about that?

Oh, that's right. You subscribe to the pseudoscientific and conspicuously arbitrary meanderings along the biological continuum surmised by the moral retards of expediency.

Nicely put!!!
Yes, surely Biden's vote was below 74.2 million (which just so happened to be approximately the number of votes that Trump received in case anyone missed the inference).

How can there be so MANY woefully ignorant (and, I have to say it, STUPID) people in this country? HOW?

Carl Sagan introduced the general population to the theory of Occam's Razor in the book (later, a movie) by the title of "Contact." Simply put, the 'rule' states that the simplest of competing explanations should be preferred to explain a phenomenon over more complex explanations. Some people might just call that common sense.

Let's see? How could a president who never had an approval rating above 50% for all four years in office and who spent hours every day insulting people and denigrating any number of groups either on twitter or on camera possibly lose an election? How could that happen? Any person with a modicum of common sense would have to say that if a man truly wants affirmation of his leadership, it's probably not a good idea to alienate large swaths of the electorate and that doing so may very well galvanize opposition to you being given another four years to continue to engage in more of the same behavior. But no. Conservatives have concluded that an unpopular president couldn't lose unless he was somehow cheated. It's utter nonsense. I can only state at this point that I hope these people make better decisions in real life.

As for me, it reminds me of something from my past. I joined the Army when I was 20 years old, and I was a good soldier. I even attained "Soldier of the Quarter" when I got to my permanent station. Then something happened. Certain NCOs and officers (but mostly NCOs) started messing with me over little things that were inconsequential. To put it plainly, they were on a power trip, and just enjoyed making soldiers like me jump through hope just for their own amusement. This continued for about two years. Now, I had already decided to only serve one hitch. I had plans to go to school to advance my education (I got a 2 year degree going to school at night while I was on active duty). Here comes the kicker. Right before my ETS, I was approached and was asked to reenlist. Like I said, I'd already decided to leave the service, but let's say I was on the fence instead. The miserable treatment I had to endure would have made the decision a no brainer. My reaction what something like this:

"You screw with me for 2 years plus, and now you want me to reup?"

Well, Trump's reelection hopes were much like the Army's hope that I (and others treated similarly) that we would reenlist.

All across this nation, people were sitting at kitchen tables, in living rooms, and wherever, and asking themselves why it was that Trump would expect them to vote for him again (or for the first time) after almost 4 years of abusive behavior. Not only did these millions of people not want to vote for him, they did not want to endure 4 more years of the same behavior day after day. They'd simply had enough of him.

But for some reason, conservatives can't understand that. It's Occam's Razor. Instead, conservatives want to believe that there was a massive conspiracy that involved probably thousands of people, and it was done without any verifiable evidence, and nobody came forth to spill the beans about it. How likely is that, really? It's probably more likely that you'll win the powerball, and get struck by lightning on the same day.

And for some reason folks like you can't get your facts straight.

I've decided that there are but three possible explanations for what passes for thinking in their sort.

1. They're so deeply ignorant of reality, and especially of history, that they don't realize they've been tricked into supporting what normal folks hate.

2. They are so lacking in achievements, and therefore, in self-esteem, that they need the warm embrace of the crowd, and are willing to accept all sorts of lies to attain same.

3. They are so cowardly that, while recognizing that they vote for the same doctrines and agenda as Nazis and Bolsheviks, and have such fear of what the Left will do if they disagree or even question, that they acquiesce.

They bend the neck and the knee.
This is yet another whack-job conspiracy theory from this poster.

Why do you let these remain in the politics section?
What's with the left's obsession with controlling speech?
Who's controlling speech? It can post as many wacko-job koo-koo conspiracy theories as it wants in the appropriate section of the forum.
When former president Donald Trump cannot even post on Twitter, that is controlling speech!

No it is not. Twitter is not a part of the government so they have every right to control what goes on their platform.
Twitter wants to have it both ways. They want to be protected by Section 230 so they won't be sued. But, when they "control what goes on their platform" they are not a platform. They are a publisher. They, and Facebook, and others don't deserve Section 230 protection.

I remind: RHINOs refused to end 230.
I think that 230 has its place. However, it should only be used by those who are genuine platforms.

The same generous support that the Left gives to those biased social media outlets has been true for many years in the schools, Planned Slaughterhood, and National Public Radio.

All slanted in the favor of the totalitarian America-haters.
Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

Yes, surely Biden's vote was below 74.2 million (which just so happened to be approximately the number of votes that Trump received in case anyone missed the inference).

How can there be so MANY woefully ignorant (and, I have to say it, STUPID) people in this country? HOW?

Carl Sagan introduced the general population to the theory of Occam's Razor in the book (later, a movie) by the title of "Contact." Simply put, the 'rule' states that the simplest of competing explanations should be preferred to explain a phenomenon over more complex explanations. Some people might just call that common sense.

Let's see? How could a president who never had an approval rating above 50% for all four years in office and who spent hours every day insulting people and denigrating any number of groups either on twitter or on camera possibly lose an election? How could that happen? Any person with a modicum of common sense would have to say that if a man truly wants affirmation of his leadership, it's probably not a good idea to alienate large swaths of the electorate and that doing so may very well galvanize opposition to you being given another four years to continue to engage in more of the same behavior. But no. Conservatives have concluded that an unpopular president couldn't lose unless he was somehow cheated. It's utter nonsense. I can only state at this point that I hope these people make better decisions in real life.

As for me, it reminds me of something from my past. I joined the Army when I was 20 years old, and I was a good soldier. I even attained "Soldier of the Quarter" when I got to my permanent station. Then something happened. Certain NCOs and officers (but mostly NCOs) started messing with me over little things that were inconsequential. To put it plainly, they were on a power trip, and just enjoyed making soldiers like me jump through hope just for their own amusement. This continued for about two years. Now, I had already decided to only serve one hitch. I had plans to go to school to advance my education (I got a 2 year degree going to school at night while I was on active duty). Here comes the kicker. Right before my ETS, I was approached and was asked to reenlist. Like I said, I'd already decided to leave the service, but let's say I was on the fence instead. The miserable treatment I had to endure would have made the decision a no brainer. My reaction what something like this:

"You screw with me for 2 years plus, and now you want me to reup?"

Well, Trump's reelection hopes were much like the Army's hope that I (and others treated similarly) that we would reenlist.

All across this nation, people were sitting at kitchen tables, in living rooms, and wherever, and asking themselves why it was that Trump would expect them to vote for him again (or for the first time) after almost 4 years of abusive behavior. Not only did these millions of people not want to vote for him, they did not want to endure 4 more years of the same behavior day after day. They'd simply had enough of him.

But for some reason, conservatives can't understand that. It's Occam's Razor. Instead, conservatives want to believe that there was a massive conspiracy that involved probably thousands of people, and it was done without any verifiable evidence, and nobody came forth to spill the beans about it. How likely is that, really? It's probably more likely that you'll win the powerball, and get struck by lightning on the same day.

"Let's see? How could a president who never had an approval rating above 50% for all four years in office and who spent hours every day insulting people and denigrating any number of groups either on twitter or on camera possibly lose an election?"

I never understand how you government school grads can have been trained to be this willfully blind.

Let's review:

Trump achievements.

“Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy,” the statement begins, noting the administration achieved an “unprecedented economic boom.”

In addition to 7 million new jobs — “more than three times government experts’ projections” — the administration said that annual income for middle-class families grew by nearly $6,000, or “more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.”

Weeks before state and local governments began shutting down their economies, the U.S. unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, “the lowest in a half-century,” the administration said.

In fact, in March 2019, CBS News reported that there were a million more jobs available in the U.S. than unemployed workers — a fact noted by the administration, which said it “achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job hirings.”

Nearly 160 million Americans were employed pre-pandemic, another record, as “jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low,” the White House said.

As incomes gained “in every single metro area” in the country for the first time in almost 30 years, the number of people “claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record,” the administration said.

The list of accomplishments also noted an oft-repeated point — that during Trump’s term, blacks and Hispanics, as well as Asian-Americans and Native Americans all achieved record low unemployment rates. So, too, did Americans with disabilities and workers without a high school diploma, the administration said.

“The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth,” said the administration, adding: “Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue collar workers – a 16 percent pay increase.”

Meanwhile, “African American homeownership increased from 41.7 percent to 46.4 percent,” the White House noted.

More than 1.2 million factory and construction jobs were created, as the president enacted “policies to bring back supply chains from overseas,” the list notes.

The administration also touted the meteoric growth in the various U.S. stock indices, which have been good for businesses as well as average Americans’ retirement accounts tied to the markets.

One of President Trump’s 2016 campaign pledges that went unfulfilled was the passage of a massive infrastructure rebuilding project to repair and replace aging, crumbling bridges, roads, sewers, and water systems. But the administration did manage to invest “over $1.3 billion through the Agriculture Department’s ReConnect Program to bring high-speed broadband infrastructure to rural America,” the list notes.

The administration also touted the president’s COVID-19 policies that included a rejection of “blanket lockdowns” as vital to the economic rebound seen in recent months.

“During the third quarter of 2020,” the White House said, “the economy grew at a rate of 33.1 percent — the most rapid GDP growth ever recorded.”

“Since coronavirus lockdowns ended, the economy has added back over 12 million jobs, more than half the jobs lost,” says the White House. “Jobs have been recovered 23 times faster than the previous administration’s recovery.”

The White House said that under President Barack Obama, “it took 49 months for the unemployment rate to fall from 10 percent” following the Great Recession” to under 7 percent compared to just 3 months for the Trump Administration” following the mass joblessness created by mandated business closures and the pandemic.

At the same time, “80 percent of small businesses are now up, up from just 53 percent in April.”

Additional accomplishments noted by the administration include:

— The creation of more than 9,000 “Opportunity Zones” to attract business investment and create jobs;

— Tax relief for corporations, businesses, and the vast majority of American workers;

— The elimination of reams of regulations, which has added to the country’s economic growth;

— Pursued “fair and reciprocal trade” agreements that put the United States first, including withdrawal “from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership” and replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA);

— “Historic support for American farmers”;

— Making the U.S. “a net energy exporter” for the first time in seven decades;

— Approved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines;

— Increased access to the country’s “abundant natural resource in order to achieve energy independence”;

— Built more than 450 miles of new border wall and secured agreements with countries to house migrants there instead of in the U.S.;

— “Fully enforced the immigration laws” of the country;

— Got NATO countries to significantly increase their contributions to the alliance, as per their initial agreement;

— Strengthened and rebuilt the U.S. military;

— Reduced U.S. troop presence in war zones overseas;

— Brokered several historic peace deals between long-time enemies in eastern Europe and the Middle East;

— Moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to the capital of Jerusalem, though the three previous presidents pledged to do so;

— Defeated ISIS

— Sped development of two new vaccines for the COVID-19 pandemic in record time.

'Unprecedented': White House releases exhaustive list of achievements for Trump presidency
The Trump Administration has released an exhaustive list of accomplishments achieved over the past four years, many of which have largely gone unreported

Now, let's see what Democrats voted for.


non sequitur

You can create all the manufactured lists you want, but the fact remains that Trump was probably one of the laziest presidents we've ever had.

One of the most common mistakes that people make in general is to project their likes and dislikes on to others as if everyone must certainly agree with them. While Trump certainly had (and still has) his die hard supporters, the truth of the matter is that a majority of Americans don't like him, and did not approve of the job he was doing. And all things being equal, they looked at the political landscape and they asked themselves an honest question.

The question was this: "Do I want four more years of Trump?" And overwhelmingly in America, the answer was a resounding NO! That's all there was to it. And when push comes to shove, Trump really only has himself to blame because he never tried to broaden his support, and he never even made an attempt to play nice. And despite all the polls and the poling, people knew that they would only get one chance to have their say, and that was on election day. Hell, even Trump KNEW he was going to lose. I mean, why do you think he was floating the idea of a stolen election weeks and even months before a single ballot was cast? You see, Trump had access to internal poling. When it came right down to it, the outcome wasn't a surprise to Trump or his staff, If anything, it simply verified what they already knew. But Trump was willing to drag this country through hell just to satisfy his massive, yet fragile, ego.
Last edited:
Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

Yes, surely Biden's vote was below 74.2 million (which just so happened to be approximately the number of votes that Trump received in case anyone missed the inference).

How can there be so MANY woefully ignorant (and, I have to say it, STUPID) people in this country? HOW?

Carl Sagan introduced the general population to the theory of Occam's Razor in the book (later, a movie) by the title of "Contact." Simply put, the 'rule' states that the simplest of competing explanations should be preferred to explain a phenomenon over more complex explanations. Some people might just call that common sense.

Let's see? How could a president who never had an approval rating above 50% for all four years in office and who spent hours every day insulting people and denigrating any number of groups either on twitter or on camera possibly lose an election? How could that happen? Any person with a modicum of common sense would have to say that if a man truly wants affirmation of his leadership, it's probably not a good idea to alienate large swaths of the electorate and that doing so may very well galvanize opposition to you being given another four years to continue to engage in more of the same behavior. But no. Conservatives have concluded that an unpopular president couldn't lose unless he was somehow cheated. It's utter nonsense. I can only state at this point that I hope these people make better decisions in real life.

As for me, it reminds me of something from my past. I joined the Army when I was 20 years old, and I was a good soldier. I even attained "Soldier of the Quarter" when I got to my permanent station. Then something happened. Certain NCOs and officers (but mostly NCOs) started messing with me over little things that were inconsequential. To put it plainly, they were on a power trip, and just enjoyed making soldiers like me jump through hope just for their own amusement. This continued for about two years. Now, I had already decided to only serve one hitch. I had plans to go to school to advance my education (I got a 2 year degree going to school at night while I was on active duty). Here comes the kicker. Right before my ETS, I was approached and was asked to reenlist. Like I said, I'd already decided to leave the service, but let's say I was on the fence instead. The miserable treatment I had to endure would have made the decision a no brainer. My reaction what something like this:

"You screw with me for 2 years plus, and now you want me to reup?"

Well, Trump's reelection hopes were much like the Army's hope that I (and others treated similarly) that we would reenlist.

All across this nation, people were sitting at kitchen tables, in living rooms, and wherever, and asking themselves why it was that Trump would expect them to vote for him again (or for the first time) after almost 4 years of abusive behavior. Not only did these millions of people not want to vote for him, they did not want to endure 4 more years of the same behavior day after day. They'd simply had enough of him.

But for some reason, conservatives can't understand that. It's Occam's Razor. Instead, conservatives want to believe that there was a massive conspiracy that involved probably thousands of people, and it was done without any verifiable evidence, and nobody came forth to spill the beans about it. How likely is that, really? It's probably more likely that you'll win the powerball, and get struck by lightning on the same day.

"Let's see? How could a president who never had an approval rating above 50% for all four years in office and who spent hours every day insulting people and denigrating any number of groups either on twitter or on camera possibly lose an election?"

I never understand how you government school grads can have been trained to be this willfully blind.

Let's review:

Trump achievements.

“Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy,” the statement begins, noting the administration achieved an “unprecedented economic boom.”

In addition to 7 million new jobs — “more than three times government experts’ projections” — the administration said that annual income for middle-class families grew by nearly $6,000, or “more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.”

Weeks before state and local governments began shutting down their economies, the U.S. unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, “the lowest in a half-century,” the administration said.

In fact, in March 2019, CBS News reported that there were a million more jobs available in the U.S. than unemployed workers — a fact noted by the administration, which said it “achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job hirings.”

Nearly 160 million Americans were employed pre-pandemic, another record, as “jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low,” the White House said.

As incomes gained “in every single metro area” in the country for the first time in almost 30 years, the number of people “claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record,” the administration said.

The list of accomplishments also noted an oft-repeated point — that during Trump’s term, blacks and Hispanics, as well as Asian-Americans and Native Americans all achieved record low unemployment rates. So, too, did Americans with disabilities and workers without a high school diploma, the administration said.

“The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth,” said the administration, adding: “Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue collar workers – a 16 percent pay increase.”

Meanwhile, “African American homeownership increased from 41.7 percent to 46.4 percent,” the White House noted.

More than 1.2 million factory and construction jobs were created, as the president enacted “policies to bring back supply chains from overseas,” the list notes.

The administration also touted the meteoric growth in the various U.S. stock indices, which have been good for businesses as well as average Americans’ retirement accounts tied to the markets.

One of President Trump’s 2016 campaign pledges that went unfulfilled was the passage of a massive infrastructure rebuilding project to repair and replace aging, crumbling bridges, roads, sewers, and water systems. But the administration did manage to invest “over $1.3 billion through the Agriculture Department’s ReConnect Program to bring high-speed broadband infrastructure to rural America,” the list notes.

The administration also touted the president’s COVID-19 policies that included a rejection of “blanket lockdowns” as vital to the economic rebound seen in recent months.

“During the third quarter of 2020,” the White House said, “the economy grew at a rate of 33.1 percent — the most rapid GDP growth ever recorded.”

“Since coronavirus lockdowns ended, the economy has added back over 12 million jobs, more than half the jobs lost,” says the White House. “Jobs have been recovered 23 times faster than the previous administration’s recovery.”

The White House said that under President Barack Obama, “it took 49 months for the unemployment rate to fall from 10 percent” following the Great Recession” to under 7 percent compared to just 3 months for the Trump Administration” following the mass joblessness created by mandated business closures and the pandemic.

At the same time, “80 percent of small businesses are now up, up from just 53 percent in April.”

Additional accomplishments noted by the administration include:

— The creation of more than 9,000 “Opportunity Zones” to attract business investment and create jobs;

— Tax relief for corporations, businesses, and the vast majority of American workers;

— The elimination of reams of regulations, which has added to the country’s economic growth;

— Pursued “fair and reciprocal trade” agreements that put the United States first, including withdrawal “from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership” and replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA);

— “Historic support for American farmers”;

— Making the U.S. “a net energy exporter” for the first time in seven decades;

— Approved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines;

— Increased access to the country’s “abundant natural resource in order to achieve energy independence”;

— Built more than 450 miles of new border wall and secured agreements with countries to house migrants there instead of in the U.S.;

— “Fully enforced the immigration laws” of the country;

— Got NATO countries to significantly increase their contributions to the alliance, as per their initial agreement;

— Strengthened and rebuilt the U.S. military;

— Reduced U.S. troop presence in war zones overseas;

— Brokered several historic peace deals between long-time enemies in eastern Europe and the Middle East;

— Moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to the capital of Jerusalem, though the three previous presidents pledged to do so;

— Defeated ISIS

— Sped development of two new vaccines for the COVID-19 pandemic in record time.

'Unprecedented': White House releases exhaustive list of achievements for Trump presidency
The Trump Administration has released an exhaustive list of accomplishments achieved over the past four years, many of which have largely gone unreported

Now, let's see what Democrats voted for.


non sequitur

You can create all the manufactured lists you want, but the fact remains that Trump was probably one of the laziest presidents we've ever had.

One of the most common mistakes that people make in general is to project their like and dislikes on to others as if everyone must certainly agree with them. While Trump certainly had (and has) his die hard supporters, the truth of the matter is that a majority of Americans don't like him, and did not approve of the job he was doing. And all things being equal, they looked at the political landscape and they asked themselves an honest question.

The question was this: "Do I want four more years of Trump?" And overwhelmingly in America, the answer was a resounding NO! That's all there was to it. And when push comes to shove, Trump really only has himself to blame because he never tried to broaden his support, and he never even made an attempt to play nice. And despite all the polls and the poling, people knew that they would only get one chance to have their say, and that was on election day. Hell, even Trump KNEW he was going to lose. I mean, why do you think he was floating the idea of a stolen election weeks and even months before a single ballot was cast? You see, Trump had access to internal poling. When it came right down to it, the outcome wasn't a surprise to Trump or his staff, If anything, it simply verified what they already knew. But Trump was willing to drag this country through hell just to satisfy his massive, yet fragile, ego.

I post only facts.

You have been ordered, by you masters, to ignore and deny said facts.

How does it feel to be relegated to an existence that requires following orders and nothing else?
Your post. It's not true. tRump violated their TOS not once but almost daily.
How did he violate it. Please provide verifiable evidence. Thanks.
Straight from Twitter:

So your first claim was an hysterical exaggeration, a.k.a. a lie, right?

In any event. . . .

Thank you for affirming what most of those who voted for Trump know to be true. Trump's statements in no way, shape or form (intended) violated Twitter's Glorification of Violence policy. Rather, Twitter arbitrarily deemed the motives of the protesters at large to be illegitimate, despite the fact that the constitutional prerogative of the legislative branch was manifestly violated by judicial and/or executive edicts in more than a dozen states. Then Twitter used this obfuscation to link the rationalization for its actions to the actions of a comparatively small number of knuckleheads among thousands.

We have oranges straight from Twitter and apples straight from reality.

The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!”
“To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th. @realDonaldTrump
I've decided that there are but three possible explanations for what passes for thinking in their sort.

1. They're so deeply ignorant of reality, and especially of history, that they don't realize they've been tricked into supporting what normal folks hate.

2. They are so lacking in achievements, and therefore, in self-esteem, that they need the warm embrace of the crowd, and are willing to accept all sorts of lies to attain same.

3. They are so cowardly that, while recognizing that they vote for the same doctrines and agenda as Nazis and Bolsheviks, and have such fear of what the Left will do if they disagree or even question, that they acquiesce.

They bend the neck and the knee.

Generally it's a combination of all threeignorance, a false sense of security, and cowardice. The history of tyranny is bottomed on the sheep mentality of the herd, and tyrants know this.

Maverick is Exhibit A.
Trump achievements.

“Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy,” the statement begins, noting the administration achieved an “unprecedented economic boom.”

In addition to 7 million new jobs — “more than three times government experts’ projections” — the administration said that annual income for middle-class families grew by nearly $6,000, or “more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.”

Weeks before state and local governments began shutting down their economies, the U.S. unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, “the lowest in a half-century,” the administration said.

In fact, in March 2019, CBS News reported that there were a million more jobs available in the U.S. than unemployed workers — a fact noted by the administration, which said it “achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job hirings.”

Nearly 160 million Americans were employed pre-pandemic, another record, as “jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low,” the White House said.

As incomes gained “in every single metro area” in the country for the first time in almost 30 years, the number of people “claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record,” the administration said.

The list of accomplishments also noted an oft-repeated point — that during Trump’s term, blacks and Hispanics, as well as Asian-Americans and Native Americans all achieved record low unemployment rates. So, too, did Americans with disabilities and workers without a high school diploma, the administration said.

“The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth,” said the administration, adding: “Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue collar workers – a 16 percent pay increase.”

Meanwhile, “African American homeownership increased from 41.7 percent to 46.4 percent,” the White House noted.

More than 1.2 million factory and construction jobs were created, as the president enacted “policies to bring back supply chains from overseas,” the list notes.

The administration also touted the meteoric growth in the various U.S. stock indices, which have been good for businesses as well as average Americans’ retirement accounts tied to the markets.

One of President Trump’s 2016 campaign pledges that went unfulfilled was the passage of a massive infrastructure rebuilding project to repair and replace aging, crumbling bridges, roads, sewers, and water systems. But the administration did manage to invest “over $1.3 billion through the Agriculture Department’s ReConnect Program to bring high-speed broadband infrastructure to rural America,” the list notes.

The administration also touted the president’s COVID-19 policies that included a rejection of “blanket lockdowns” as vital to the economic rebound seen in recent months.

“During the third quarter of 2020,” the White House said, “the economy grew at a rate of 33.1 percent — the most rapid GDP growth ever recorded.”

“Since coronavirus lockdowns ended, the economy has added back over 12 million jobs, more than half the jobs lost,” says the White House. “Jobs have been recovered 23 times faster than the previous administration’s recovery.”

The White House said that under President Barack Obama, “it took 49 months for the unemployment rate to fall from 10 percent” following the Great Recession” to under 7 percent compared to just 3 months for the Trump Administration” following the mass joblessness created by mandated business closures and the pandemic.

At the same time, “80 percent of small businesses are now up, up from just 53 percent in April.”

Additional accomplishments noted by the administration include:

— The creation of more than 9,000 “Opportunity Zones” to attract business investment and create jobs;

— Tax relief for corporations, businesses, and the vast majority of American workers;

— The elimination of reams of regulations, which has added to the country’s economic growth;

— Pursued “fair and reciprocal trade” agreements that put the United States first, including withdrawal “from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership” and replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA);

— “Historic support for American farmers”;

— Making the U.S. “a net energy exporter” for the first time in seven decades;

— Approved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines;

— Increased access to the country’s “abundant natural resource in order to achieve energy independence”;

— Built more than 450 miles of new border wall and secured agreements with countries to house migrants there instead of in the U.S.;

— “Fully enforced the immigration laws” of the country;

— Got NATO countries to significantly increase their contributions to the alliance, as per their initial agreement;

— Strengthened and rebuilt the U.S. military;

— Reduced U.S. troop presence in war zones overseas;

— Brokered several historic peace deals between long-time enemies in eastern Europe and the Middle East;

— Moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to the capital of Jerusalem, though the three previous presidents pledged to do so;

— Defeated ISIS

— Sped development of two new vaccines for the COVID-19 pandemic in record time.

'Unprecedented': White House releases exhaustive list of achievements for Trump presidency

I posted that very same article on Facebook a few days ago to much applause.
Past as prologue.

1.I am a believer in the words of the great Yogi, who presciently said “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”….but sometimes there are hints in what has been.

But lets begin with the present. It has been established that Biden voters, whatever number there were, and it is surely below 74.2 million, were clueless about the policies that they were voting for. I know this because I have, on numerous occasions, asked them to provide both the Trump policies that they voted against, and Biden policies that they voted for and anticipated.
Of course, they couldn't. Still can't.
A deeply worrisome position for an electorate.

2. For the context of the thread title, recall that whole ‘energy independence’ mantra that impelled elections since the 1960s, 1970s, Trump achieved energy independence, one of the many achievements for which the Democrats felt he needed to be punished.

Joe Biden wiped it out with the stroke of a pen.

“Several unions that eagerly endorsed President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election are now learning the hard way what it means to support Democrat policies. During his first day in office, the newly-inaugurated president revoked the construction permit for the Keystone XL oil pipeline, thus destroying thousands of jobs.A total of 42,000 jobs were expected to be filled once the pipeline was completed. But not anymore.” ‘Insulting and disappointing’: Unions show signs of voter remorse after Biden reality sinks in

Great news for the oil tyrants in the Middle East, and Iran…and especially Russia, you know, the folks the liars said Trump was in bed with.

3. Now, what else might Biden and the Democrats do for Putin and Russia. Well, remember that Reagan, the greatest President in modern times, was the first President to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world, with the START treaty, while another Republican, Nixon, was the first to stabilize the numbers of the increase in nuclear weapons, that was the SALT treaty.

Of course, Democrats, very different: Here is Hussein offering Putin a quid pro quo.

He cut the defensive weapons we were going to put in Poland. What else was he promising Putin?

What do you suppose Biden’s model will be???

Did any of you consider this history and future when you voted for the Wehrmacht…er, Democrats?

People were voting to get rid of that obnoxious lying boob (not you) and weren't voting on policy.

So essentially, people were voting based on their feelings and not their future. This is why we should let people govern us via emotion alone.
non sequitur

You can create all the manufactured lists you want, but the fact remains that Trump was probably one of the laziest presidents we've ever had.

One of the most common mistakes that people make in general is to project their likes and dislikes on to others as if everyone must certainly agree with them. While Trump certainly had (and still has) his die hard supporters, the truth of the matter is that a majority of Americans don't like him, and did not approve of the job he was doing. And all things being equal, they looked at the political landscape and they asked themselves an honest question.

The question was this: "Do I want four more years of Trump?" And overwhelmingly in America, the answer was a resounding NO! That's all there was to it. And when push comes to shove, Trump really only has himself to blame because he never tried to broaden his support, and he never even made an attempt to play nice. And despite all the polls and the poling, people knew that they would only get one chance to have their say, and that was on election day. Hell, even Trump KNEW he was going to lose. I mean, why do you think he was floating the idea of a stolen election weeks and even months before a single ballot was cast? You see, Trump had access to internal poling. When it came right down to it, the outcome wasn't a surprise to Trump or his staff, If anything, it simply verified what they already knew. But Trump was willing to drag this country through hell just to satisfy his massive, yet fragile, ego.

The essence of the only real non sequitur in sight is your failure to acknowledge the Trump Administration's real achievements.
Most of your list are just silly lies, not worthy of a response but you did mention 'infanticide', by which I assume you meant abortion. I presume you know the difference between an infant and a fetus so I'll just ignore your childish spin (get it?).

The fact is that nearly 7 in 10 Americans do not want the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that established the right to abortion, according to a poll released Tuesday on the 47th anniversary of the decision.

Shockingly, you and Trump, seem to be outside the norm, one might say you are both abnormal.

She means abortion on demand, sport. There are in fact instances, though extremely rare, in which pregnancies must be terminated for real medical reasons.
That's why she used the term infanticide, you know, to denote the practice of murdering young human beings for the sake of convenience, sport and profit.


  1. an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.

For there to be infanticide there needs to be an infant, not a fetus. Once a child is born they are under protection of the Infants Born Alive Act 2002.

The OP cannot defend the using the term either. Infanticide is illegal in all 50 states.
I fully understand that empathy, concern for another human being is not within your character......
Maybe I have empathy for both the unborn AND the mothers that have to raise them. In your binary worldview if one side is good the other must be bad. Those of us who live in the real world know things are never that simple.

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