What was the impact of the Zionists on Palestine?

Are you justifying the murder of innocent Israeli men, women and children through suicide bombings and rocket attacks? Do you support terrorism?

I don't support terrorism and israel was established through terrorism.

btw, there are no innocent israeli civilians, they all knowingly choose to live on stolen land.

By that standard, every American is living on "stolen land". Are you planning on leaving?

Sorry, but the indians signed treaties. Not so with the Palies. Anyways, do you ever hear about indians who want all of North America back? I haven't. Are the indians fighting us for the land? No.
Like I said, that's totally cool that israelis make cool stuff, but that's still doesn't have anything to do with stealing someone's land, nor does it justify it.
Ah, but the problem is, that someone should've had some in the first place, of course.
do you ever hear about indians who want all of North America back?

Yes. Of course, one has to be listening to hear it.

Mary Winder | Oneida Indian Nation | Noteworthy Oneidas
For 30 years, until the time of her death on June 11, 1954, Mary – who had little formal education and spoke only Oneida until she attended school – would continue sending a series of letters, petitioning the government on behalf of the Oneidas to give back their land. She persistently wrote Washington asking the federal government to redress the egregious wrongs perpetrated against the Oneidas.

On a related subject: Ask an Indian about making a “land for peace” deal - Views From Baja Arizona
President Obama is pushing hard on Israel to make a deal with the Palestinians for peace by going back to the pre-1967 borders of Israel.

Ask an Indian about making a “land for peace” deal.

Let’s go back in time.

Why Israel? Remember the Holocaust? Folks decided the Jewish people needed a homeland.

Israel was created by the partion of Palestine and the first thing that happened was the Arabs attacked the new country. It survived.

The Arabas attached again in 1967…and that’s how the West Bank and Gaza ended up under Israeli control.

It is the goal of Iran, Hamas, and others to destroy Israel.

So the idea of giving back the West Bank and Gaza for “peace” assumes Hamas and other will quite trying to destroy Israel. They will not. There will be no peace even if Israel gives back the West Bank.

Let’s go back farther in time. How about a peace deal with Mexico if the United States goes back to its pre-1848 boundaries? Do you think that is aburd? Then you understand how Israel feels.

How about looking at this from the Indians’ side….how many treaties did we enter into with various tribes giving them land only to wipe them out because gold was discovered on Indian land.

Is it fair to the displaced Palestinians that the world decided Israel would exist? Probably not and that was a mistake in not taking care of those who lost their land.

But the idea we’re going to have pace in the Middle East if Israel gives back the West Bank is a fantasy as long as there are groups and countries committed to the destruction of Israel. It just gives the Hamas guys firing rockets into Israel a shorter range to shoot from.
Rumor has it that many of the attacks inside Israel proper are actually false flag type attacks, perpetrated by mossad.
Rumor has it that many of the attacks inside Israel proper are actually false flag type attacks, perpetrated by mossad.

No doubt started by Palestinian terrorists trying to dodge the blame for their murderous attacks.



Tot pushed to be like bomber mom

Oh, dat muzafaka shoulda hav'a some man. Was that english enough?

ok, so what you're saying is that the land wasn't stolen, because no one lived there before israel?

Isn't it the contention of the anti-Zionists that no one lived there before the Palestinians?

I don't think anyone said that, what I would say is that ok, jews lived in Palestine 2000 years ago, but that doesn't give them the right to come and steal the land from whomever owned it before 1948.
ok, so what you're saying is that the land wasn't stolen, because no one lived there before israel?

Isn't it the contention of the anti-Zionists that no one lived there before the Palestinians?

I don't think anyone said that, what I would say is that ok, jews lived in Palestine 2000 years ago, but that doesn't give them the right to come and steal the land from whomever owned it before 1948.

Jews lived in their native land over 2000 years ago and they also lived in it prior to 1948. You keep asserting they stole the land yet never offer any proof of this theft. Why is that? Are you denying Jews lived in the region prior to the formation of Israel as state

Further, you gloss over the fact the region has been the traditional Jewish homeland for thousands of years despite being conquered first by the Romans and then by the Muslims. Many Jews still lived there regardless of whether it was the Romans, Ottomans or British who ruled the native Jewish lands. Are you seriously trying to say that there was a Palestinian state and government which ruled prior to the land being "stolen"/returned to its rightful owners?

I don't think anyone said that, what I would say is that ok, jews lived in Palestine 2000 years ago, but that doesn't give them the right to come and steal the land from whomever owned it before 1948.
A largely immigrant arab population, ie. arab settlers and squatters, should've "owned" some land first to cry theft, of course.
I don't think anyone said that, what I would say is that ok, jews lived in Palestine 2000 years ago, but that doesn't give them the right to come and steal the land from whomever owned it before 1948.
A largely immigrant arab population, ie. arab settlers and squatters, should've "owned" some land first to cry theft, of course.

That's it, no one owned any land in Palestine ever.:cuckoo:
Worth repeating.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YelAf3T02-g&feature=related]David Icke - Time to reveal the TRUE EVIL CONCIOUSNESS 2011~Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

And there i a part two.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qqFlgwr7gc&feature=related]David Icke - Time to reveal the TRUE EVIL CONCIOUSNESS (Jews&Zionist)2011~Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
Before the Jews, the land was dry and desolate.
After Jews came back, the dessert bloomed and came back to life again.
It says it in the bible that when they returned to their homeland that the dessert would become alive again. And it did.

Dome of the rock before 1945

$dome of the rock before 1945.jpg

Dome of the rock after 1945

$dome of the rock after 1945.jpg

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