What Was Wrong With Kim Potter Shooting Daunte Wright ?

Not sure of that, but I have come across belligerent blacks on another forum who have so demonized the police (in their own minds) that they were insisting they will NOT follow a cop’s directions, and that they would rather end up dead,
Yep, thats BBD alright when blacks think the laws do not apply to them
It has become a common thing to see young black men being shot by police, when they behave erratically, don't keep their hands visible, resist arrest, etc. Police have to protect themselves. It only takes a 1/2 second for someone to pull a gun out of a car console, or from under a seat.

So now Kim Potter is convicted of 2 counts of manslaughter, adding up to 25 years of prison time. This is ludicrous. Once again, the city fathers in a Democrat town go after a cop who shot a black thug goofball, who was resisting arrest, and asking to be shot. From the rather chaotic video, it does show Daunte Wright was resisting arrest, he jumped back into his car, hands disappeared from the officers' view, and there was good reason to shoot him WITH A GUN, following normal police protocol.

I don't think Kim Potter should have even been charged at all, but Minneapolis is a Democrat city, and what should be, isn't the determining factor. What appeases the anti-police, radical element of the black voting population seems to be that. Another bad case added to the growing list (Zimmerman, Wilson, Shelby, Slager, McMichaels, etc)
daunte wright was an idiot and brought this on himself. Officer Potter should not have been charged.
You freaks should stop turning this into a partisan issue. You discredit yourselves. And to say every court verdict that doesn't align with your fetishes is a leftist conspiracy really makes you look like morons and removes any credibility from any opinions you have about any verdicts.
Conservatives love seeing black people shot.
We dont want to live in a world where black criminals have no respect for the law

but thanks to liberals who hate the police that seems to be where we are headed

Cops should let all fleeing perps do just that.

May they flee to some home of a Social Justice Warrior or to some home of a BLM official.

As someone else once said, "Karma can be a [B-word]."
Yep, thats BBD alright when blacks think the laws do not apply to them
It's coward cops who don't think the laws apply to them. Maybe jail time and paying black families millions of dollars one at a time will teach poor ignorant whites how to act right.
Maybe jail time and paying black families millions of dollars one at a time will teach poor ignorant whites how to act right.
A cop who kills a black criminal in the line of duty should not have to fear going to jail
Blame the criminals who cause all the problems to begin with
Hmm,no, that's pretty stupid. Criminals aren't responsible for police misconduct, in any rational mind or civilized society. To understand your mentality, I have to pretend it is the dark ages. Catch up dude, civilized society has passed you by.
What does “acting like a white person” mean, conservative?
It means what you think it means

Dont commit crimes and then resist arrest when you get caught and you wont end up dead 99.999999% of the time

and the remaining .000001% ?

thats just your tough luck
A cop who kills a black criminal in the line of duty should not have to fear going to jail
What you believe should or shouldn't be I'm sure is compelling on your white wing fanfiction site but in reality coward cops better start learning how to act right lest they end up getting turn out in prison.

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