What Was Wrong With Kim Potter Shooting Daunte Wright ?

It has become a common thing to see young black men being shot by police, when they behave erratically, don't keep their hands visible, resist arrest, etc. Police have to protect themselves. It only takes a 1/2 second for someone to pull a gun out of a car console, or from under a seat.

So now Kim Potter is convicted of 2 counts of manslaughter, adding up to 25 years of prison time. This is ludicrous. Once again, the city fathers in a Democrat town go after a cop who shot a black thug goofball, who was resisting arrest, and asking to be shot. From the rather chaotic video, it does show Daunte Wright was resisting arrest, he jumped back into his car, hands disappeared from the officers' view, and there was good reason to shoot him WITH A GUN, following normal police protocol.

I don't think Kim Potter should have even been charged at all, but Minneapolis is a Democrat city, and what should be, isn't the determining factor. What appeases the anti-police, radical element of the black voting population seems to be that. Another bad case added to the growing list (Zimmerman, Wilson, Shelby, Slager, McMichaels, etc)

The fact someone could be able to pull a gun hidden in a vehicle is not sufficient cause to shoot someone.
If one allowed that easy of an excuse for shooting, then all citizens could shoot all police on sight, because police do have visible arms and could be a deadly threat.
The law has to require more than what could possibly happen, but some indication that a wrongful murder is in the process of happening.
Police shoot way too often, and it is not legal.

But getting back to Kim Potter, I agree charges were very inappropriate.
There was no harmful intent and not enough time to establish negligence.
The car starting to move while 2 other cops are partially inside is scary.
I do not like tasers, but her intent does not seem inappropriate to me?
It means what you think it means

Dont commit crimes and then resist arrest when you get caught and you wont end up dead 99.999999% of the time

and the remaining .000001% ?

thats just your tough luck
So white people are the only law abiding citizens?

Minorities that obey laws are “acting white?”

What about white people that commit crimes?
Curried Goats
What you believe should or shouldn't be I'm sure is compelling on your white wing fanfiction site but in reality coward cops better start learning how to act right lest they end up getting turn out in prison.
thats a senseless reply

and quite racist

liberals want to tie the hands of the police and make it impossible for cops to deal with lawless black criminals

which will hurt respectable but poor black residents of the hood
Curried Goats

thats a senseless reply

and quite racist

liberals want to tie the hands of the police and make it impossible for cops to deal with lawless black criminals

which will hurt respectable but poor black residents of the hood
We aren’t thing the hands of police by expecting them to follow the laws they are supposed to enforce.
A cop who kills a black criminal in the line of duty should not have to fear going to jail

There is no way you can kill anyone "in the line of duty".
The only way anyone can kill anyone is by the individual right of defense, which has nothing at all to do with what your job is.
All people have an equal individual right of defense.
If cops have a risky job, that is why they get paid so much.
They have no legal basis to start making our lives riskier in order to make their jobs less risky.

There is a major difference in the amount of training received... The average is 8 months with 3 of those months in the field... That is a massive difference between the 2.5-3 years training... It is a totally different attitude...

You don't know what you're talking about. I do. I spent 14 years as a deputy sheriff.

In my department we spent our first year and a half in various phases of training. The state academy was only part of it.
Clearly the goal of a democratic republic should be the defense of individual rights.
There are many threats, like individual criminals, gangs, dictators, invaders, etc.
We create police and armies for some of these, but clearly police and armies also are the means by which dictators always use to take over, so are not a solution really.
Police and armies are always a threat because once created, they always serve those who sign their paychecks more than they serve others.
So anyone attempting to place police above any average citizens is violating an important principle that maintains the democratic republic.
Police must remain subservient to society, not be superior in any way.
You don't know what you're talking about. I do. I spent 14 years as a deputy sheriff.

In my department we spent our first year and a half in various phases of training. The state academy was only part of it.

Training in the US is AWFUL!
Not only do the police routinely attempt to hire military veterans, but they almost exclusively use veterans for training purposes, causing police to have the worst possible training.

For example, police are routinely enforcing no-knock-warrants, the War on Drugs, asset forfeiture, mandatory sentences, shooting fleeing suspects, shooting those reaching into pockets, glove boxes, etc.
And police are fully aware all of those actions by police are completely and entirely illegal.
For example, a home is individually sovereign in a democratic republic, so a no-knock-warrants inherently illegal. The only exception would be a hostage situation. The claim it is to prevent the loss of evidence is absurd, because you can never execute a warrant in order to get evidence, but must already have sufficient evidence before even applying for the warrant.
The War on Drugs is completely illegal because the only basis for any legal authority is defense of the rights of others, which the war on drugs does not do.
There is no one harmed by the use of drugs by one individual.
So any cop who tries to enforce the War on Drugs is clearly a criminal.
Not true.

The "line of duty" is just a job, like any job, and does not at all grant any authority.
That is like saying hit man has the right to murder because that was his job.
Legislators are NOT a source of authority.
The only source of authority is our own individual rights, and legislators only borrow our delegated rights when they do what we say.
You freaks should stop turning this into a partisan issue. You discredit yourselves. And to say every court verdict that doesn't align with your fetishes is a leftist conspiracy really makes you look like morons and removes any credibility from any opinions you have about any verdicts.
You freaks should stop worshipping and making excuses for violent criminals----he got himself killed. The poor cop made a simple human mistake---he was always a threat to everyone else.

And IF YOU want to bring politics into it----people are getting tired of the LIBS crime wave hitting everyone now---------you freaks that protect criminals are a threat to law abidding people and their families.
The "line of duty" is just a job, like any job, and does not at all grant any authority.
That is like saying hit man has the right to murder because that was his job.
Legislators are NOT a source of authority.
The only source of authority is our own individual rights, and legislators only borrow our delegated rights when they do what we say.
Being a police officer is not like "any other job." Making corn flakes or being a janitor is like any other job.

You don't know what you're talking about.
Curried Goats

thats a senseless reply

and quite racist

liberals want to tie the hands of the police and make it impossible for cops to deal with lawless black criminals

which will hurt respectable but poor black residents of the hood
No one thinks you care about poor Black people in the hood so why bother? Save your breath, it just makes you look like sniveling coward. Better to be a proud racist than live your life with your head bowed, pretending, like a kept bitch.

What respectable black residents want are cops who aren't cowards and racists patrolling their neighborhoods and we have to teach coward and racist cops with prison, so be it.
You freaks should stop worshipping and making excuses for violent criminals----he got himself killed. The poor cop made a simple human mistake---he was always a threat to everyone else.

And IF YOU want to bring politics into it----people are getting tired of the LIBS crime wave hitting everyone now---------you freaks that protect criminals are a threat to law abidding people and their families.
Daunte Wright was not a good guy. He was a violent persistent criminal. He had an outstanding warrent and resisted arrest. However, because of a lack of a quality training program and negligence on an individual officer's part, he was killed unecessarily.

Not all bad guys should be killed. The fact that he was a bad guy doesn't relieve the officer from being held accountable for her negligence.

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