What we really need to reject is Islamophobia-phobia

"Phobia" is a leftwing scam to label any opposition to their idiotic schemes as some kind of mental illness. Anyone who uses the "phobia" sobriquet is automatically a douche bag incapable of honestly discussing the facts.

Like xenophobia? It's a real word, not invented by liberals. You'd know that if you graduated high school.

Yes, it was invented by liberals, and you're still a douche bag if you use it to label people you disagree with. It's a cheap shot. But then, liberals specialize in cheap shots.

So, not only are you a coward defending a phobia. You also invented a pseudo phobia called "Islamophobia-phobia" which now makes you a coward and a hypocrite. Please, think your shit through before posting.

And also, just to reiterate, xenophobia is not a made up word...it's a real thing and you have it.

All words are made up at some point, more. Xenophobia just happens to have been made up earlier than current leftwing favorites like "homophobia."

Xenophobia itself came to us by way of New Latin and first appeared in print in English in 1903.
The rest of your post is too stupid to waste time addressing.

Yeah, 1903 and your point is that liberals invented the word? What did you guys have against Irish, jews, Italians, Catholics and other immigrants? I don't think you have much of a point to make.

And you ignoring your own cowardice and hypocrisy is not surprising.

People had good reason to oppose immigration of Irish and Italians. The former were drunks and brawlers and the later brought in organized crime and a lot of anarchists. Just like now, the progressives were saying "not to worry." That's how we ended up with the Mafia.
All we are saying, is give fear a chance.

Yeah, because ignoring the problem is working out so well. How many Americans need to be slaughtered before morons like you admit we need to do something?


You know this fear you got and the crap you are saying is actually supporting ISIS... Well done, you are supporting the enemy....

The only question is 'Are you doing it from fear or stupidity?'

Utter horseshit. You are supporting ISIS. You're helping them to gain admittance to the US. You're a fucking traitor. If you want to live near bloodthirsty muzzie savages, then move to Syria. I'll pay your airfare.

Sorry but you are giving them there objectives...

I am now siding on stupidity... But the Fear is strong with this one...
Like xenophobia? It's a real word, not invented by liberals. You'd know that if you graduated high school.

Yes, it was invented by liberals, and you're still a douche bag if you use it to label people you disagree with. It's a cheap shot. But then, liberals specialize in cheap shots.

So, not only are you a coward defending a phobia. You also invented a pseudo phobia called "Islamophobia-phobia" which now makes you a coward and a hypocrite. Please, think your shit through before posting.

And also, just to reiterate, xenophobia is not a made up word...it's a real thing and you have it.

All words are made up at some point, more. Xenophobia just happens to have been made up earlier than current leftwing favorites like "homophobia."

Xenophobia itself came to us by way of New Latin and first appeared in print in English in 1903.
The rest of your post is too stupid to waste time addressing.

Yeah, 1903 and your point is that liberals invented the word? What did you guys have against Irish, jews, Italians, Catholics and other immigrants? I don't think you have much of a point to make.

And you ignoring your own cowardice and hypocrisy is not surprising.

People had good reason to oppose immigration of Irish and Italians. The former were drunks and brawlers and the later brought in organized crime and a lot of anarchists. Just like now, the progressives were saying "not to worry." That's how we ended up with the Mafia.

^Conservative - living off of stereotypes since forever
Yes, it was invented by liberals, and you're still a douche bag if you use it to label people you disagree with. It's a cheap shot. But then, liberals specialize in cheap shots.

So, not only are you a coward defending a phobia. You also invented a pseudo phobia called "Islamophobia-phobia" which now makes you a coward and a hypocrite. Please, think your shit through before posting.

And also, just to reiterate, xenophobia is not a made up word...it's a real thing and you have it.

All words are made up at some point, more. Xenophobia just happens to have been made up earlier than current leftwing favorites like "homophobia."

Xenophobia itself came to us by way of New Latin and first appeared in print in English in 1903.
The rest of your post is too stupid to waste time addressing.

Yeah, 1903 and your point is that liberals invented the word? What did you guys have against Irish, jews, Italians, Catholics and other immigrants? I don't think you have much of a point to make.

And you ignoring your own cowardice and hypocrisy is not surprising.

People had good reason to oppose immigration of Irish and Italians. The former were drunks and brawlers and the later brought in organized crime and a lot of anarchists. Just like now, the progressives were saying "not to worry." That's how we ended up with the Mafia.

^Conservative - living off of stereotypes since forever

Says the far left drone pushing the same debunked religious narratives for forever!
^Conservative - living off of stereotypes since forever
Let's all take a moment and allow the irony of this post to wash over us.

Please explain. That I called a conservative a conservative? You're right, he's a wingnut parading as a conservative.


You got Kosh and Bripat... Let the race to the bottom begin....

Bripat has been pushing the ISIS agenda on this thread since the start and the dumb fuck doesn't even know it....

Kosh come on... Don't Bripat slap you in the face like this, you have worked hard for your place on this board..
^Conservative - living off of stereotypes since forever
Let's all take a moment and allow the irony of this post to wash over us.

Please explain. That I called a conservative a conservative? You're right, he's a wingnut parading as a conservative.


You got Kosh and Bripat... Let the race to the bottom begin....

Bripat has been pushing the ISIS agenda on this thread since the start and the dumb fuck doesn't even know it....

Kosh come on... Don't Bripat slap you in the face like this, you have worked hard for your place on this board..
Kosh? I don't even see his posts. Let me guess, something about droning.
An extremist telling us it's OK to shit ourselves about other extremists.

How about if all the whack jobs take it some place else and let those who can live with each other do just that.

Go live with them in Syria, douche bag. How did living with them workout for the people in the Pulse nightclub?

The guy who shot up Pulse was born in NY......

Fucking idiot.....
Fear of Islam is not a problem. It's a healthy response to an obvious danger. Lack of fear to something that's obviously dangerous is the real problem:

A dangerous mindset has taken hold in America, but it isn’t Islamophobia. It’s Islamophobia-phobia.

In a large and growing segment of American society, fear of being tagged “racist” about Muslims (though Islam is not a race) provides a much more direct threat to your livelihood than radical Islam

Former police officer Daniel Gilroy told Florida Today that he repeatedly raised red flags about Omar Mateen when both men worked at the same security firm, but his employer did nothing because Mateen was a Muslim.

The pattern is familiar. Before the Islamist attack that left 14 dead in San Bernardino last December, neighbor Aaron Elswick told ABC 7 News in Los Angeles that shooter Syed Farook was “kind of suspicious” and Elswick “wanted to report it” but “didn’t want to profile” him.

Before Army Maj. Nidal Hasan murdered 13 people at Fort Hood in 2009, “He made his views known, and he was very vocal, he had extremely radical jihadist views,” Lt. Col. Val Finnell told FoxNews.com.

Finnell took health-services classes with Hasan, who said, “I’m a Muslim first, and I hold the Shariah, the Islamic Law, before the United States Constitution,” according to Finnell.

That statement alone disqualified Hasan from military service. No one did anything, Finnell added, because “they were too concerned about being politically correct.”

Fear of terrorists is not Islamophobia. Fear of Muslims who are not terrorists is Islamophobia.

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