What we really need to reject is Islamophobia-phobia

Islam is currently the most dangerous ideology on the planet/universe, especially if you happen to be gay. Recognizing the threat is no phobia.
Hopefully it will open the eyes of the many conservative Americans who hold the same beliefs as ISIS about gay people.

Utter fabrication. You don't think, do you?
A week ago you were voicing your horror that gay Americans could share your toilet. Now you're declaring solidarity?
Islam is currently the most dangerous ideology on the planet/universe, especially if you happen to be gay. Recognizing the threat is no phobia.
Hopefully it will open the eyes of the many conservative Americans who hold the same beliefs as ISIS about gay people.

Utter fabrication. You don't think, do you?
A week ago you were voicing your horror that gay Americans could share your toilet. Now you're declaring solidarity?

What are you talking about? I certainly didn't contribute much, if anything to that discussion.

We are talking about KILLING here. I don't see how bathrooms are relevant. I couldn't care less about toilets...

Only a regressive liberal could associate a god damn toilet discussion with MURDER.
Fear of Islam is not a problem. It's a healthy response to an obvious danger. Lack of fear to something that's obviously dangerous is the real problem:

A dangerous mindset has taken hold in America, but it isn’t Islamophobia. It’s Islamophobia-phobia.

In a large and growing segment of American society, fear of being tagged “racist” about Muslims (though Islam is not a race) provides a much more direct threat to your livelihood than radical Islam

Former police officer Daniel Gilroy told Florida Today that he repeatedly raised red flags about Omar Mateen when both men worked at the same security firm, but his employer did nothing because Mateen was a Muslim.

The pattern is familiar. Before the Islamist attack that left 14 dead in San Bernardino last December, neighbor Aaron Elswick told ABC 7 News in Los Angeles that shooter Syed Farook was “kind of suspicious” and Elswick “wanted to report it” but “didn’t want to profile” him.

Before Army Maj. Nidal Hasan murdered 13 people at Fort Hood in 2009, “He made his views known, and he was very vocal, he had extremely radical jihadist views,” Lt. Col. Val Finnell told FoxNews.com.

Finnell took health-services classes with Hasan, who said, “I’m a Muslim first, and I hold the Shariah, the Islamic Law, before the United States Constitution,” according to Finnell.

That statement alone disqualified Hasan from military service. No one did anything, Finnell added, because “they were too concerned about being politically correct.”
Fear of Islam isn't the problem? Uh... that's the terrorists goal. It's why it's called "terrorism." The more you fear them, the more they control you. The only reason they have any influence on social media is because so many scared people glorify them to the point where you'd think they were the most powerful army in human history.

The terrorists' goal is to kill us, you fucking moron. Your theory is that women should walk down dark allies in the ghetto in the middle of the night. Otherwise, they are being "controlled." This is what passes for "logic" among left-wingers. You're supposed to stick your finger in a light socket because these numskulls are chanting "scardicat! scardicat!" We are being ruled by the intellectual equivalent of 5-year-olds.
An extremist telling us it's OK to shit ourselves about other extremists.

How about if all the whack jobs take it some place else and let those who can live with each other do just that.

Go live with them in Syria, douche bag. How did living with them workout for the people in the Pulse nightclub?
This is a really dumb OP. People are always going to beware racist demagogues because they saw how Hitler left Germany a big pile of rubble. Anyone who is too retarded to read some history, shouldn't waste their time typing

Yeah, because halting immigration is the moral equivalent of shoving Jews into gas ovens.

What a fucking despicable douche bag.

Nope. You missed the point. Anyone who tells you to hate your muslim neighbor, is leading you to destruction. Just like Hitler did to a generation of Germans.

How is not importing these bloodthirsty savages "leading me to destruction?"

You leftwing douche bags all have a screw loose. You aren't capable of rational thought. You aren't even capable of self-preservation.

BTW, all the comparisons with Nazi Germany are making you terrorist defenders look like a bunch of nitwits.
So ban muslims entering the nation?

Stealing a famous tactic from the gun nuts...would that have stopped Orlando? No. He was an American Citizen from NY.

So now what? Deport all muslims because a few muslims are murderous scumbags? And when a Methodist murders a group of people...deport Methodists?

On second thought, given that Drumpf is from NY, McVeigh was from NY and so was this scumbag, perhaps we should just deport people from NY. Boom; problem solved.

You're too stupid to bother arguing with.
Fear of Islam is not a problem. It's a healthy response to an obvious danger. Lack of fear to something that's obviously dangerous is the real problem:

A dangerous mindset has taken hold in America, but it isn’t Islamophobia. It’s Islamophobia-phobia.

In a large and growing segment of American society, fear of being tagged “racist” about Muslims (though Islam is not a race) provides a much more direct threat to your livelihood than radical Islam

Former police officer Daniel Gilroy told Florida Today that he repeatedly raised red flags about Omar Mateen when both men worked at the same security firm, but his employer did nothing because Mateen was a Muslim.

The pattern is familiar. Before the Islamist attack that left 14 dead in San Bernardino last December, neighbor Aaron Elswick told ABC 7 News in Los Angeles that shooter Syed Farook was “kind of suspicious” and Elswick “wanted to report it” but “didn’t want to profile” him.

Before Army Maj. Nidal Hasan murdered 13 people at Fort Hood in 2009, “He made his views known, and he was very vocal, he had extremely radical jihadist views,” Lt. Col. Val Finnell told FoxNews.com.

Finnell took health-services classes with Hasan, who said, “I’m a Muslim first, and I hold the Shariah, the Islamic Law, before the United States Constitution,” according to Finnell.

That statement alone disqualified Hasan from military service. No one did anything, Finnell added, because “they were too concerned about being politically correct.”
Fear of Islam isn't the problem? Uh... that's the terrorists goal. It's why it's called "terrorism." The more you fear them, the more they control you. The only reason they have any influence on social media is because so many scared people glorify them to the point where you'd think they were the most powerful army in human history.

The terrorists' goal is to kill us, you fucking moron. Your theory is that women should walk down dark allies in the ghetto in the middle of the night. Otherwise, they are being "controlled." This is what passes for "logic" among left-wingers. You're supposed to stick your finger in a light socket because these numskulls are chanting "scardicat! scardicat!" We are being ruled by the intellectual equivalent of 5-year-olds.
Wtf are you going on about? You're sounding like a moron.

ISIS are the ones chanting "scardicat! scardicat!" <-- idiot 5 year old spelling btw. And your sticking your finger into as many light sockets as they want you to. It's almost like you're TRYING to give them more power.
An extremist telling us it's OK to shit ourselves about other extremists.

How about if all the whack jobs take it some place else and let those who can live with each other do just that.

Go live with them in Syria, douche bag. How did living with them workout for the people in the Pulse nightclub?
A week ago you were screaming bloody murder about having to share a toilet with a gay person. Now all of a sudden, you're declaring solidarity?

I think YOU'RE the one who would be happier in Syria.
Fear of Islam is not a problem. It's a healthy response to an obvious danger. Lack of fear to something that's obviously dangerous is the real problem:

A dangerous mindset has taken hold in America, but it isn’t Islamophobia. It’s Islamophobia-phobia.

In a large and growing segment of American society, fear of being tagged “racist” about Muslims (though Islam is not a race) provides a much more direct threat to your livelihood than radical Islam

Former police officer Daniel Gilroy told Florida Today that he repeatedly raised red flags about Omar Mateen when both men worked at the same security firm, but his employer did nothing because Mateen was a Muslim.

The pattern is familiar. Before the Islamist attack that left 14 dead in San Bernardino last December, neighbor Aaron Elswick told ABC 7 News in Los Angeles that shooter Syed Farook was “kind of suspicious” and Elswick “wanted to report it” but “didn’t want to profile” him.

Before Army Maj. Nidal Hasan murdered 13 people at Fort Hood in 2009, “He made his views known, and he was very vocal, he had extremely radical jihadist views,” Lt. Col. Val Finnell told FoxNews.com.

Finnell took health-services classes with Hasan, who said, “I’m a Muslim first, and I hold the Shariah, the Islamic Law, before the United States Constitution,” according to Finnell.

That statement alone disqualified Hasan from military service. No one did anything, Finnell added, because “they were too concerned about being politically correct.”
Fear of Islam isn't the problem? Uh... that's the terrorists goal. It's why it's called "terrorism." The more you fear them, the more they control you. The only reason they have any influence on social media is because so many scared people glorify them to the point where you'd think they were the most powerful army in human history.

The terrorists' goal is to kill us, you fucking moron. Your theory is that women should walk down dark allies in the ghetto in the middle of the night. Otherwise, they are being "controlled." This is what passes for "logic" among left-wingers. You're supposed to stick your finger in a light socket because these numskulls are chanting "scardicat! scardicat!" We are being ruled by the intellectual equivalent of 5-year-olds.
Wtf are you going on about? You're sounding like a moron.

ISIS are the ones chanting "scardicat! scardicat!" <-- idiot 5 year old spelling btw. And your sticking your finger into as many light sockets as they want you to. It's almost like you're TRYING to give them more power.

ISIS are the ones killing us, moron. You and your ilk who support importing more of these monsters are yelling "scardicat! scardicat!" like 5-year-olds of less than average intelligence.

That's the logic of the pro terrorist immigration crowd.
Last edited:
An extremist telling us it's OK to shit ourselves about other extremists.

How about if all the whack jobs take it some place else and let those who can live with each other do just that.

Go live with them in Syria, douche bag. How did living with them workout for the people in the Pulse nightclub?
A week ago you were screaming bloody murder about having to share a toilet with a gay person. Now all of a sudden, you're declaring solidarity?

I think YOU'RE the one who would be happier in Syria.
You're delusional if you think I ever claimed any such thing.

You're the one who wants to live near Muzzie terrorists. You move to Syria. Then you will never be allowed to return.
This is a really dumb OP. People are always going to beware racist demagogues because they saw how Hitler left Germany a big pile of rubble. Anyone who is too retarded to read some history, shouldn't waste their time typing

Yeah, because halting immigration is the moral equivalent of shoving Jews into gas ovens.

What a fucking despicable douche bag.

Nope. You missed the point. Anyone who tells you to hate your muslim neighbor, is leading you to destruction. Just like Hitler did to a generation of Germans.

How is not importing these bloodthirsty savages "leading me to destruction?"

You leftwing douche bags all have a screw loose. You aren't capable of rational thought. You aren't even capable of self-preservation.

BTW, all the comparisons with Nazi Germany are making you terrorist defenders look like a bunch of nitwits.

You're the one supporting Nazi solutions. I'm just explaining the inevitable result of your desires. Not rocket science, buddy.
Fear of Islam is not a problem. It's a healthy response to an obvious danger. Lack of fear to something that's obviously dangerous is the real problem:

A dangerous mindset has taken hold in America, but it isn’t Islamophobia. It’s Islamophobia-phobia.

In a large and growing segment of American society, fear of being tagged “racist” about Muslims (though Islam is not a race) provides a much more direct threat to your livelihood than radical Islam

Former police officer Daniel Gilroy told Florida Today that he repeatedly raised red flags about Omar Mateen when both men worked at the same security firm, but his employer did nothing because Mateen was a Muslim.

The pattern is familiar. Before the Islamist attack that left 14 dead in San Bernardino last December, neighbor Aaron Elswick told ABC 7 News in Los Angeles that shooter Syed Farook was “kind of suspicious” and Elswick “wanted to report it” but “didn’t want to profile” him.

Before Army Maj. Nidal Hasan murdered 13 people at Fort Hood in 2009, “He made his views known, and he was very vocal, he had extremely radical jihadist views,” Lt. Col. Val Finnell told FoxNews.com.

Finnell took health-services classes with Hasan, who said, “I’m a Muslim first, and I hold the Shariah, the Islamic Law, before the United States Constitution,” according to Finnell.

That statement alone disqualified Hasan from military service. No one did anything, Finnell added, because “they were too concerned about being politically correct.”
Fear of Islam isn't the problem? Uh... that's the terrorists goal. It's why it's called "terrorism." The more you fear them, the more they control you. The only reason they have any influence on social media is because so many scared people glorify them to the point where you'd think they were the most powerful army in human history.

The terrorists' goal is to kill us, you fucking moron. Your theory is that women should walk down dark allies in the ghetto in the middle of the night. Otherwise, they are being "controlled." This is what passes for "logic" among left-wingers. You're supposed to stick your finger in a light socket because these numskulls are chanting "scardicat! scardicat!" We are being ruled by the intellectual equivalent of 5-year-olds.
Wtf are you going on about? You're sounding like a moron.

ISIS are the ones chanting "scardicat! scardicat!" <-- idiot 5 year old spelling btw. And your sticking your finger into as many light sockets as they want you to. It's almost like you're TRYING to give them more power.

ISIS are the ones killing us, moron. You and your ilk who objects to importing more of these monsters is yelling "scardicat! scardicat!" like a 5-year-old of less than average intelligence.

That's the logic of the pro terrorist immigration crowd.
Omg with the "scardicat." Maybe ISIS is right and we need to be destroyed because our country is diseased with so many complete fucking idiots like yourself Brifag.
The only people that scare me are the ones that get scared whenever politicians and pundits tell them to be scared. :cool:

"Irrationality loves company" -- Jeff Zentner
All we are saying, is give fear a chance.

Yeah, because ignoring the problem is working out so well. How many Americans need to be slaughtered before morons like you admit we need to do something?


You know this fear you got and the crap you are saying is actually supporting ISIS... Well done, you are supporting the enemy....

The only question is 'Are you doing it from fear or stupidity?'
Fear of Islam is not a problem. It's a healthy response to an obvious danger. Lack of fear to something that's obviously dangerous is the real problem:

A dangerous mindset has taken hold in America, but it isn’t Islamophobia. It’s Islamophobia-phobia.

In a large and growing segment of American society, fear of being tagged “racist” about Muslims (though Islam is not a race) provides a much more direct threat to your livelihood than radical Islam

Former police officer Daniel Gilroy told Florida Today that he repeatedly raised red flags about Omar Mateen when both men worked at the same security firm, but his employer did nothing because Mateen was a Muslim.

The pattern is familiar. Before the Islamist attack that left 14 dead in San Bernardino last December, neighbor Aaron Elswick told ABC 7 News in Los Angeles that shooter Syed Farook was “kind of suspicious” and Elswick “wanted to report it” but “didn’t want to profile” him.

Before Army Maj. Nidal Hasan murdered 13 people at Fort Hood in 2009, “He made his views known, and he was very vocal, he had extremely radical jihadist views,” Lt. Col. Val Finnell told FoxNews.com.

Finnell took health-services classes with Hasan, who said, “I’m a Muslim first, and I hold the Shariah, the Islamic Law, before the United States Constitution,” according to Finnell.

That statement alone disqualified Hasan from military service. No one did anything, Finnell added, because “they were too concerned about being politically correct.”
Fear of Islam isn't the problem? Uh... that's the terrorists goal. It's why it's called "terrorism." The more you fear them, the more they control you. The only reason they have any influence on social media is because so many scared people glorify them to the point where you'd think they were the most powerful army in human history.

The terrorists' goal is to kill us, you fucking moron. Your theory is that women should walk down dark allies in the ghetto in the middle of the night. Otherwise, they are being "controlled." This is what passes for "logic" among left-wingers. You're supposed to stick your finger in a light socket because these numskulls are chanting "scardicat! scardicat!" We are being ruled by the intellectual equivalent of 5-year-olds.
Wtf are you going on about? You're sounding like a moron.

ISIS are the ones chanting "scardicat! scardicat!" <-- idiot 5 year old spelling btw. And your sticking your finger into as many light sockets as they want you to. It's almost like you're TRYING to give them more power.

ISIS are the ones killing us, moron. You and your ilk who objects to importing more of these monsters is yelling "scardicat! scardicat!" like a 5-year-old of less than average intelligence.

That's the logic of the pro terrorist immigration crowd.

What are you more scared of, gay people in your bathroom or ISIS? Which are you more likely to see? Make nice, nice with your neighbors for a change.
This is a really dumb OP. People are always going to beware racist demagogues because they saw how Hitler left Germany a big pile of rubble. Anyone who is too retarded to read some history, shouldn't waste their time typing

Yeah, because halting immigration is the moral equivalent of shoving Jews into gas ovens.

What a fucking despicable douche bag.

Nope. You missed the point. Anyone who tells you to hate your muslim neighbor, is leading you to destruction. Just like Hitler did to a generation of Germans.

How is not importing these bloodthirsty savages "leading me to destruction?"

You leftwing douche bags all have a screw loose. You aren't capable of rational thought. You aren't even capable of self-preservation.

BTW, all the comparisons with Nazi Germany are making you terrorist defenders look like a bunch of nitwits.

You're the one supporting Nazi solutions. I'm just explaining the inevitable result of your desires. Not rocket science, buddy.

halting immigration is a Nazi solution? So you're saying we were Nazis in the 1920s when we did exactly that?

Continuing to import Muzzie terrorists is suicide.

You're a fucking moron and a douche bag.
Fear of Islam is not a problem. It's a healthy response to an obvious danger. Lack of fear to something that's obviously dangerous is the real problem:

A dangerous mindset has taken hold in America, but it isn’t Islamophobia. It’s Islamophobia-phobia.

In a large and growing segment of American society, fear of being tagged “racist” about Muslims (though Islam is not a race) provides a much more direct threat to your livelihood than radical Islam

Former police officer Daniel Gilroy told Florida Today that he repeatedly raised red flags about Omar Mateen when both men worked at the same security firm, but his employer did nothing because Mateen was a Muslim.

The pattern is familiar. Before the Islamist attack that left 14 dead in San Bernardino last December, neighbor Aaron Elswick told ABC 7 News in Los Angeles that shooter Syed Farook was “kind of suspicious” and Elswick “wanted to report it” but “didn’t want to profile” him.

Before Army Maj. Nidal Hasan murdered 13 people at Fort Hood in 2009, “He made his views known, and he was very vocal, he had extremely radical jihadist views,” Lt. Col. Val Finnell told FoxNews.com.

Finnell took health-services classes with Hasan, who said, “I’m a Muslim first, and I hold the Shariah, the Islamic Law, before the United States Constitution,” according to Finnell.

That statement alone disqualified Hasan from military service. No one did anything, Finnell added, because “they were too concerned about being politically correct.”
Fear of Islam isn't the problem? Uh... that's the terrorists goal. It's why it's called "terrorism." The more you fear them, the more they control you. The only reason they have any influence on social media is because so many scared people glorify them to the point where you'd think they were the most powerful army in human history.

The terrorists' goal is to kill us, you fucking moron. Your theory is that women should walk down dark allies in the ghetto in the middle of the night. Otherwise, they are being "controlled." This is what passes for "logic" among left-wingers. You're supposed to stick your finger in a light socket because these numskulls are chanting "scardicat! scardicat!" We are being ruled by the intellectual equivalent of 5-year-olds.
Wtf are you going on about? You're sounding like a moron.

ISIS are the ones chanting "scardicat! scardicat!" <-- idiot 5 year old spelling btw. And your sticking your finger into as many light sockets as they want you to. It's almost like you're TRYING to give them more power.

ISIS are the ones killing us, moron. You and your ilk who objects to importing more of these monsters is yelling "scardicat! scardicat!" like a 5-year-old of less than average intelligence.

That's the logic of the pro terrorist immigration crowd.
Omg with the "scardicat." Maybe ISIS is right and we need to be destroyed because our country is diseased with so many complete fucking idiots like yourself Brifag.

You and your ilk are the ones who go around calling anyone who supports common sense solutions of being "scardicats."

What a fucking douche bag.

Words don't exist to properly express my contempt for you.
This is a really dumb OP. People are always going to beware racist demagogues because they saw how Hitler left Germany a big pile of rubble. Anyone who is too retarded to read some history, shouldn't waste their time typing

Yeah, because halting immigration is the moral equivalent of shoving Jews into gas ovens.

What a fucking despicable douche bag.

Nope. You missed the point. Anyone who tells you to hate your muslim neighbor, is leading you to destruction. Just like Hitler did to a generation of Germans.

How is not importing these bloodthirsty savages "leading me to destruction?"

You leftwing douche bags all have a screw loose. You aren't capable of rational thought. You aren't even capable of self-preservation.

BTW, all the comparisons with Nazi Germany are making you terrorist defenders look like a bunch of nitwits.

You're the one supporting Nazi solutions. I'm just explaining the inevitable result of your desires. Not rocket science, buddy.


Fear of Islam isn't the problem? Uh... that's the terrorists goal. It's why it's called "terrorism." The more you fear them, the more they control you. The only reason they have any influence on social media is because so many scared people glorify them to the point where you'd think they were the most powerful army in human history.

The terrorists' goal is to kill us, you fucking moron. Your theory is that women should walk down dark allies in the ghetto in the middle of the night. Otherwise, they are being "controlled." This is what passes for "logic" among left-wingers. You're supposed to stick your finger in a light socket because these numskulls are chanting "scardicat! scardicat!" We are being ruled by the intellectual equivalent of 5-year-olds.
Wtf are you going on about? You're sounding like a moron.

ISIS are the ones chanting "scardicat! scardicat!" <-- idiot 5 year old spelling btw. And your sticking your finger into as many light sockets as they want you to. It's almost like you're TRYING to give them more power.

ISIS are the ones killing us, moron. You and your ilk who objects to importing more of these monsters is yelling "scardicat! scardicat!" like a 5-year-old of less than average intelligence.

That's the logic of the pro terrorist immigration crowd.
Omg with the "scardicat." Maybe ISIS is right and we need to be destroyed because our country is diseased with so many complete fucking idiots like yourself Brifag.

You and your ilk are the ones who go around calling anyone who supports common sense solutions of being "scardicats."

What a fucking douche bag.

Words don't exist to properly express my contempt for you.
Oh shut up Brifag. It's "scaredy cats" btw.

All we are saying, is give fear a chance.

Yeah, because ignoring the problem is working out so well. How many Americans need to be slaughtered before morons like you admit we need to do something?


You know this fear you got and the crap you are saying is actually supporting ISIS... Well done, you are supporting the enemy....

The only question is 'Are you doing it from fear or stupidity?'

Utter horseshit. You are supporting ISIS. You're helping them to gain admittance to the US. You're a fucking traitor. If you want to live near bloodthirsty muzzie savages, then move to Syria. I'll pay your airfare.

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