What We Should Do Is Put This Jesus Tale To Sleep

Atheists vs. Believers: which hopes that he is correct?
I'm agnostic, and I'm constantly amazed at the vitriol that spews forth from atheists toward Christains (never Islam). I don't understand why they can't live and let live. Since they can't, they should at least do the decent thing and give Islam a fair share of their attention. But they don't, they are far too craven to mess with Islam. Hypocrites.

OK I'll bite. Islam is a fraud also....as is Bud-ism and all the make believe ism's. People are afraid and desperate for some answer...some purpose to our being here. There is a purpose to humanity.. in the USA it is to be a compliant consumer...in other places it is to give additional power to those willing to get, by hook and crook, to the top of the heap.
Thank you. I look forward to seeing you demonstrate your equal hatred of Islam on this message board. I haven't seen that yet.

Frankly I have not seen any threads pushing Islam here at USMB. If I do see one I will tell them they are just as stupid as the christians.
But this isn't a thread 'pushing' Christianity, yet here you are. Listen, there are threads all over this board about Islam, so I look forward to seeing you on them talking about Islam in the same manner you do Christianity.

It certainly IS a thread about christianity. Jesus=Christ yes? Without the stories supposedly about Jesus there would be no christianity. The OP:
What We Should Do Is Put This Jesus Tale To Sleep
What other people believe is no skin off your teeth. Mind your own business.
I think we live on the cusp of a new more evolved and educated species of human that is far less superstitious. I think it's great. I remember when I first heard about God and kept hearing it for over 20 plus years without having access to the internet. You couldn't research it easily like you can today. You couldn't have a conversation like we do here. Most people would have disowned you. Hundreds of years ago they would have burned you.

Hell today in Bangladesh Muslims still chop athiests heads off.

Mind our own business? Just spreading the gospil
I cannot imagine a person who doesn't believe in a creator, caring that anyone else believes in a creator.

Sounds pretty stupid to me.

Most wars, the Crusades, the Inquisitions, flying planes into skyscrapers, blowing up girl's schools, the suppression of women and homosexuals, arranged marriages to minors, ethnic cleansing, human sacrifice, burning witches, the systematic raping of children and subsequent cover ups, suicide bombings, condoning slavery.....if one can just overlook a few things religion has never done any harm.
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I cannot imagine a person who doesn't believe in a creator, caring that anyone else believes in a creator.

Sounds pretty stupid to me.

Most wars, the Crusades, the Inquisitions, flying planes into skyscrapers, blowing up girl's schools, the suppression of women and homosexuals, arranged marriages to minors, ethnic cleansing, human sacrifice, burning witches, the systematic raping of children and subsequent cover ups, suicide bombings, condoning slavery.....if one can just overlook a few things religion has never done any harm.
And then there's the 200 million butchered by their own Godless Commie governments in the past century.
I cannot imagine a person who doesn't believe in a creator, caring that anyone else believes in a creator.

Sounds pretty stupid to me.

Most wars, the Crusades, the Inquisitions, flying planes into skyscrapers, blowing up girl's schools, the suppression of women and homosexuals, arranged marriages to minors, ethnic cleansing, human sacrifice, burning witches, the systematic raping of children and subsequent cover ups, suicide bombings, condoning slavery.....if one can just overlook a few things religion has never done any harm.

I agree with you on those points. I don't think any of those followed the teachings of Jesus. The New Testament defined the teachings of Jesus. He didn't get involved in wars, conflicts and politics.

Religion has troubled man for centuries, that is what man has done with the power religion. I can see why those would despise a God.
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.
The extremist right wing evangelicals are so proud of their belief that Jesus is God....the extremist left wing atheists are proud of their belief that Jesus is a fairy tale.

No cure for stupid.

"Pascal's Wager is an argument in apologetic philosophy devised by the seventeenth-century Frenchphilosopher, mathematician and physicistBlaise Pascal (1623–62).[1] It posits that humans all bet with their lives either that God exists or that he does not. Based on the assumption that the stakes are infinite if God exists and that there is at least a small probability that God in fact exists, Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas they stand to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell).[2]"
Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, your view is that Pascal was stupid.
Stupid is pretending to believe in Jesus, while embracing greed and hatred and killing, and expecting to be exonerated for a life of sin for the mere faith that belief of Jesus will get you into heaven.

Stupid is also belief that creation is an accident, so there are no consequences for your actions.

I agree with Einstein:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
Einstein was agnostic.

Certainly...what else do you know?

Anybody with any sense is either atheist or agnostic. It takes a fool to believe a 2000 year old crock written by camel and sheep herders who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat. I might point out that they shit on the ground and wiped on their hands.....NASTY!!!
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