What We Should Do Is Put This Jesus Tale To Sleep

Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.

I am a lapsed catholic at best, but I really really hope there is a hell, and I would pay a few eons in purgatory to be there to watch your reaction when you get there.

There in lies the REAL problem as I see it. What you folks believe is a fraud. NO ONE sees anything when the lights go out. There is NOTHING. You do not see "nothing". Your eyes do not work anymore. Your brain does not work anymore. If you were good you get no pass by some guy at some pearly gates. If you were bad you pay nothing for being an a-hole. NOTHING! Still you people hold this make believe story over each others heads, take their money, own enormous chunks of property and influence in governments. It's a fraud, plain and simple.
How do you know?

Life is a non stop game of guessing based on what we learn along the way. Small children believe in Santa Claus. Adults do not. Small children chase balls into traffic and get killed. Most adults do not.

There is absolutely zero evidence that dead is anything more than dead. There is plenty of evidence that success in life is staying alive. No one has come back from being truly dead. If your Jeebus was truly hung up on a cross by his wrists and ankles with spikes and stabbed with a lance then even if he was still alive there is no medical way he could have moved a large stone to escape his resting place. The Bible is so full of holes it really begs the question if you people are capable of any clear thinking on the subject. I am not encumbered by the social pressure that must come to bare to make you people so blind to the obvious.

Faith is not fact. Faith is believing in the unbelievable. I choose to believe in what makes the most sense.
So you still don't KNOW since you haven't expired, yet. The difference between you and I is I'm not offended by people's faith or a lack of evidence, because faith clearly is not about evidence. I don't feel any social pressure to believe anything either. You atheists who don't have faith, are strangely obsessed that religious people do, well not religious people, just Christians. Why? And why don't you seem to feel so aggrieved by Islam? Read the Quran and maybe you'll realise just how very skewed your priorities are.
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.

I am a lapsed catholic at best, but I really really hope there is a hell, and I would pay a few eons in purgatory to be there to watch your reaction when you get there.

There in lies the REAL problem as I see it. What you folks believe is a fraud. NO ONE sees anything when the lights go out. There is NOTHING. You do not see "nothing". Your eyes do not work anymore. Your brain does not work anymore. If you were good you get no pass by some guy at some pearly gates. If you were bad you pay nothing for being an a-hole. NOTHING! Still you people hold this make believe story over each others heads, take their money, own enormous chunks of property and influence in governments. It's a fraud, plain and simple.

Nihilism is pretty damn depressing. And it tends to make people a bit twatty.

Add you to the list of people I want to be watching for reactions if there actually is a hell.
Atheists vs. Believers: which hopes that he is correct?
I'm agnostic, and I'm constantly amazed at the vitriol that spews forth from atheists toward Christains (never Islam). I don't understand why they can't live and let live. Since they can't, they should at least do the decent thing and give Islam a fair share of their attention. But they don't, they are far too craven to mess with Islam. Hypocrites.

OK I'll bite. Islam is a fraud also....as is Bud-ism and all the make believe ism's. People are afraid and desperate for some answer...some purpose to our being here. There is a purpose to humanity.. in the USA it is to be a compliant consumer...in other places it is to give additional power to those willing to get, by hook and crook, to the top of the heap.
Thank you. I look forward to seeing you demonstrate your equal hatred of Islam on this message board. I haven't seen that yet.
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.
The extremist right wing evangelicals are so proud of their belief that Jesus is God....the extremist left wing atheists are proud of their belief that Jesus is a fairy tale.

No cure for stupid.
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.
The extremist right wing evangelicals are so proud of their belief that Jesus is God....the extremist left wing atheists are proud of their belief that Jesus is a fairy tale.

No cure for stupid.

"Pascal's Wager is an argument in apologetic philosophy devised by the seventeenth-century Frenchphilosopher, mathematician and physicistBlaise Pascal (1623–62).[1] It posits that humans all bet with their lives either that God exists or that he does not. Based on the assumption that the stakes are infinite if God exists and that there is at least a small probability that God in fact exists, Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas they stand to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell).[2]"
Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, your view is that Pascal was stupid.
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.
The extremist right wing evangelicals are so proud of their belief that Jesus is God....the extremist left wing atheists are proud of their belief that Jesus is a fairy tale.

No cure for stupid.

"Pascal's Wager is an argument in apologetic philosophy devised by the seventeenth-century Frenchphilosopher, mathematician and physicistBlaise Pascal (1623–62).[1] It posits that humans all bet with their lives either that God exists or that he does not. Based on the assumption that the stakes are infinite if God exists and that there is at least a small probability that God in fact exists, Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas they stand to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell).[2]"
Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, your view is that Pascal was stupid.

Atheists vs. Believers: which hopes that he is correct?
I'm agnostic, and I'm constantly amazed at the vitriol that spews forth from atheists toward Christains (never Islam). I don't understand why they can't live and let live. Since they can't, they should at least do the decent thing and give Islam a fair share of their attention. But they don't, they are far too craven to mess with Islam. Hypocrites.

OK I'll bite. Islam is a fraud also....as is Bud-ism and all the make believe ism's. People are afraid and desperate for some answer...some purpose to our being here. There is a purpose to humanity.. in the USA it is to be a compliant consumer...in other places it is to give additional power to those willing to get, by hook and crook, to the top of the heap.
Thank you. I look forward to seeing you demonstrate your equal hatred of Islam on this message board. I haven't seen that yet.

Frankly I have not seen any threads pushing Islam here at USMB. If I do see one I will tell them they are just as stupid as the christians.
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.
The extremist right wing evangelicals are so proud of their belief that Jesus is God....the extremist left wing atheists are proud of their belief that Jesus is a fairy tale.

No cure for stupid.

"Pascal's Wager is an argument in apologetic philosophy devised by the seventeenth-century Frenchphilosopher, mathematician and physicistBlaise Pascal (1623–62).[1] It posits that humans all bet with their lives either that God exists or that he does not. Based on the assumption that the stakes are infinite if God exists and that there is at least a small probability that God in fact exists, Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas they stand to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell).[2]"
Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, your view is that Pascal was stupid.
Stupid is pretending to believe in Jesus, while embracing greed and hatred and killing, and expecting to be exonerated for a life of sin for the mere faith that belief of Jesus will get you into heaven.

Stupid is also belief that creation is an accident, so there are no consequences for your actions.
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.

I am a lapsed catholic at best, but I really really hope there is a hell, and I would pay a few eons in purgatory to be there to watch your reaction when you get there.

There in lies the REAL problem as I see it. What you folks believe is a fraud. NO ONE sees anything when the lights go out. There is NOTHING. You do not see "nothing". Your eyes do not work anymore. Your brain does not work anymore. If you were good you get no pass by some guy at some pearly gates. If you were bad you pay nothing for being an a-hole. NOTHING! Still you people hold this make believe story over each others heads, take their money, own enormous chunks of property and influence in governments. It's a fraud, plain and simple.
How do you know?

Life is a non stop game of guessing based on what we learn along the way. Small children believe in Santa Claus. Adults do not. Small children chase balls into traffic and get killed. Most adults do not.

There is absolutely zero evidence that dead is anything more than dead. There is plenty of evidence that success in life is staying alive. No one has come back from being truly dead. If your Jeebus was truly hung up on a cross by his wrists and ankles with spikes and stabbed with a lance then even if he was still alive there is no medical way he could have moved a large stone to escape his resting place. The Bible is so full of holes it really begs the question if you people are capable of any clear thinking on the subject. I am not encumbered by the social pressure that must come to bare to make you people so blind to the obvious.

Faith is not fact. Faith is believing in the unbelievable. I choose to believe in what makes the most sense.
So you still don't KNOW since you haven't expired, yet. The difference between you and I is I'm not offended by people's faith or a lack of evidence, because faith clearly is not about evidence. I don't feel any social pressure to believe anything either. You atheists who don't have faith, are strangely obsessed that religious people do, well not religious people, just Christians. Why? And why don't you seem to feel so aggrieved by Islam? Read the Quran and maybe you'll realise just how very skewed your priorities are.

The muslims rarely come on this MB spewing their brand of nonsense. I don't go looking all over the place to comment on religion. I come to USMB to mostly support the Seahawks and occasionally hit the "new posts" button. That's what brought my attention to this thread. I can't remember if I ever went to the religion forum looking for an argument. But..like i said I occasionally enter into a current thread if it is high up on the "new posts" list.

I would like to see the end of human stupidity which would lead to rejection of all religions that make idiotic promises and steal untold trillions of dollars from people that could certainly make better use of their resources.
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.
The extremist right wing evangelicals are so proud of their belief that Jesus is God....the extremist left wing atheists are proud of their belief that Jesus is a fairy tale.

No cure for stupid.

"Pascal's Wager is an argument in apologetic philosophy devised by the seventeenth-century Frenchphilosopher, mathematician and physicistBlaise Pascal (1623–62).[1] It posits that humans all bet with their lives either that God exists or that he does not. Based on the assumption that the stakes are infinite if God exists and that there is at least a small probability that God in fact exists, Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas they stand to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell).[2]"
Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, your view is that Pascal was stupid.
Stupid is pretending to believe in Jesus, while embracing greed and hatred and killing, and expecting to be exonerated for a life of sin for the mere faith that belief of Jesus will get you into heaven.

Stupid is also belief that creation is an accident, so there are no consequences for your actions.
Believers in a creator believe that creation is intentional, Professor.
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.
The extremist right wing evangelicals are so proud of their belief that Jesus is God....the extremist left wing atheists are proud of their belief that Jesus is a fairy tale.

No cure for stupid.

"Pascal's Wager is an argument in apologetic philosophy devised by the seventeenth-century Frenchphilosopher, mathematician and physicistBlaise Pascal (1623–62).[1] It posits that humans all bet with their lives either that God exists or that he does not. Based on the assumption that the stakes are infinite if God exists and that there is at least a small probability that God in fact exists, Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas they stand to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell).[2]"
Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, your view is that Pascal was stupid.
Stupid is pretending to believe in Jesus, while embracing greed and hatred and killing, and expecting to be exonerated for a life of sin for the mere faith that belief of Jesus will get you into heaven.

Stupid is also belief that creation is an accident, so there are no consequences for your actions.
Believers in a creator believe that creation is intentional, Professor.
So what else is new?
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.
The extremist right wing evangelicals are so proud of their belief that Jesus is God....the extremist left wing atheists are proud of their belief that Jesus is a fairy tale.

No cure for stupid.

"Pascal's Wager is an argument in apologetic philosophy devised by the seventeenth-century Frenchphilosopher, mathematician and physicistBlaise Pascal (1623–62).[1] It posits that humans all bet with their lives either that God exists or that he does not. Based on the assumption that the stakes are infinite if God exists and that there is at least a small probability that God in fact exists, Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas they stand to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell).[2]"
Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, your view is that Pascal was stupid.


I don't believe you're bright enough to recognize the trick question: it identified you and any who answer "yes."
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.
The extremist right wing evangelicals are so proud of their belief that Jesus is God....the extremist left wing atheists are proud of their belief that Jesus is a fairy tale.

No cure for stupid.

"Pascal's Wager is an argument in apologetic philosophy devised by the seventeenth-century Frenchphilosopher, mathematician and physicistBlaise Pascal (1623–62).[1] It posits that humans all bet with their lives either that God exists or that he does not. Based on the assumption that the stakes are infinite if God exists and that there is at least a small probability that God in fact exists, Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas they stand to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell).[2]"
Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, your view is that Pascal was stupid.
Stupid is pretending to believe in Jesus, while embracing greed and hatred and killing, and expecting to be exonerated for a life of sin for the mere faith that belief of Jesus will get you into heaven.

Stupid is also belief that creation is an accident, so there are no consequences for your actions.

An accident? In what way? Like someone pushed the wrong button? :lol:

Clearly we are here as is the universe. The evidence suggests strongly that all that is, was, at least before the bang condensed in a remarkably small and extremely dense ball. What set it off to expand to what we now are an extremely small part of I don't think anyone knows for certain.

What I AM fairly certain of is that once the human being became capable of "wonder" he/she has placed more importance of our existence to the whole totality of the universe than can realistically be justified. Gods were invented, then reinvented and on and on until now the reversal of this comical side track has seemingly become impossible.

I do not share the fear of those that can't accept death as an end to our existence.

But as much as you are afraid you will be just as dead as I when your time comes. In my opinion you would benefit getting right with your fears ..then you could go forth will less to worry about. That peace of mind is a clear benefit. It is for me anyway.
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.

It is your right not to believe in Jesus but that is where your right stops. I am not a Christian and hate it when a Christian will preach to me about how I should accept their Lord and Savior, but I also get pissed off when someone tell a Christian they have no right to believe in a Deity or Messiah.

So embrace your way of thinking and allow others to believe in what they believe in...

I have never once heard a non believer tell anyone they do not have the right to believe in nonsense. Where christians and others get into trouble is when they take the supposed directives they believe exist in their ancient writings to "spread the word". You DO NOT have the right to bother anyone with your stupidity even if you believe your god has sent you on some mission to convince people they must be saved. Your god and savior is a made up fairy tale. Keep it to yourself.

I don't believe this OP was started by any Christian attempting to force his/her views upon anyone though was it? Most of these OP are not Christians forcing their views upon anyone. Moost often these OP's are from atheists and agnostics attempting to force their views upon others.

Is THAT what you told your mommy and daddy when they tried to explain to you that there was no Santa Claus?

That means only that you are deflecting from who actually started the OP.
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.

I am a lapsed catholic at best, but I really really hope there is a hell, and I would pay a few eons in purgatory to be there to watch your reaction when you get there.

There in lies the REAL problem as I see it. What you folks believe is a fraud. NO ONE sees anything when the lights go out. There is NOTHING. You do not see "nothing". Your eyes do not work anymore. Your brain does not work anymore. If you were good you get no pass by some guy at some pearly gates. If you were bad you pay nothing for being an a-hole. NOTHING! Still you people hold this make believe story over each others heads, take their money, own enormous chunks of property and influence in governments. It's a fraud, plain and simple.

Could you explain just how what someone whom you don't even know and is not related to you believes or does not believe gets your drawers in a knot? Are you stupid, a busybody, or a juvenile?
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.
The extremist right wing evangelicals are so proud of their belief that Jesus is God....the extremist left wing atheists are proud of their belief that Jesus is a fairy tale.

No cure for stupid.

"Pascal's Wager is an argument in apologetic philosophy devised by the seventeenth-century Frenchphilosopher, mathematician and physicistBlaise Pascal (1623–62).[1] It posits that humans all bet with their lives either that God exists or that he does not. Based on the assumption that the stakes are infinite if God exists and that there is at least a small probability that God in fact exists, Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas they stand to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell).[2]"
Pascal's Wager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, your view is that Pascal was stupid.
Stupid is pretending to believe in Jesus, while embracing greed and hatred and killing, and expecting to be exonerated for a life of sin for the mere faith that belief of Jesus will get you into heaven.

Stupid is also belief that creation is an accident, so there are no consequences for your actions.

An accident? In what way? Like someone pushed the wrong button? :lol:

Clearly we are here as is the universe. The evidence suggests strongly that all that is, was, at least before the bang condensed in a remarkably small and extremely dense ball. What set it off to expand to what we now are an extremely small part of I don't think anyone knows for certain.

What I AM fairly certain of is that once the human being became capable of "wonder" he/she has placed more importance of our existence to the whole totality of the universe than can realistically be justified. Gods were invented, then reinvented and on and on until now the reversal of this comical side track has seemingly become impossible.

I do not share the fear of those that can't accept death as an end to our existence.

But as much as you are afraid you will be just as dead as I when your time comes. In my opinion you would benefit getting right with your fears ..then you could go forth will less to worry about. That peace of mind is a clear benefit. It is for me anyway.

I believe you summed it all up when you admitted you don't know.
I have had two experiences where I was literally down on my knees begging for an answer. And both times, God responded to me.

That may not prove God is real to you, but it proves it to me.

Your time would be better spent going to a psychiatrists office and getting down on your knees and begging for his/hers help.

Indeed. You atheists have all the brains: LOL!!

50 Nobel Laureates and Other Great Scientists Who Believe in God

Only 50?

And nary a one can offer a scrap of proof that a god exists or the stories about Jeebus are true.

I don't have all the brains. The itsy bitsy brain I was born with hasn't been fooled by the nonsense you sheep believe.

Now we're getting somewhere. You admit you don't have all the brains.
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.

I am a lapsed catholic at best, but I really really hope there is a hell, and I would pay a few eons in purgatory to be there to watch your reaction when you get there.

There in lies the REAL problem as I see it. What you folks believe is a fraud. NO ONE sees anything when the lights go out. There is NOTHING. You do not see "nothing". Your eyes do not work anymore. Your brain does not work anymore. If you were good you get no pass by some guy at some pearly gates. If you were bad you pay nothing for being an a-hole. NOTHING! Still you people hold this make believe story over each others heads, take their money, own enormous chunks of property and influence in governments. It's a fraud, plain and simple.
How do you know?

Life is a non stop game of guessing based on what we learn along the way. Small children believe in Santa Claus. Adults do not. Small children chase balls into traffic and get killed. Most adults do not.

There is absolutely zero evidence that dead is anything more than dead. There is plenty of evidence that success in life is staying alive. No one has come back from being truly dead. If your Jeebus was truly hung up on a cross by his wrists and ankles with spikes and stabbed with a lance then even if he was still alive there is no medical way he could have moved a large stone to escape his resting place. The Bible is so full of holes it really begs the question if you people are capable of any clear thinking on the subject. I am not encumbered by the social pressure that must come to bare to make you people so blind to the obvious.

Faith is not fact. Faith is believing in the unbelievable. I choose to believe in what makes the most sense.

There's no Santa Claus? Really? I thought Santa Claus gave me all those gifts that were under the tree Christmas.
I am a lapsed catholic at best, but I really really hope there is a hell, and I would pay a few eons in purgatory to be there to watch your reaction when you get there.

There in lies the REAL problem as I see it. What you folks believe is a fraud. NO ONE sees anything when the lights go out. There is NOTHING. You do not see "nothing". Your eyes do not work anymore. Your brain does not work anymore. If you were good you get no pass by some guy at some pearly gates. If you were bad you pay nothing for being an a-hole. NOTHING! Still you people hold this make believe story over each others heads, take their money, own enormous chunks of property and influence in governments. It's a fraud, plain and simple.
How do you know?

Life is a non stop game of guessing based on what we learn along the way. Small children believe in Santa Claus. Adults do not. Small children chase balls into traffic and get killed. Most adults do not.

There is absolutely zero evidence that dead is anything more than dead. There is plenty of evidence that success in life is staying alive. No one has come back from being truly dead. If your Jeebus was truly hung up on a cross by his wrists and ankles with spikes and stabbed with a lance then even if he was still alive there is no medical way he could have moved a large stone to escape his resting place. The Bible is so full of holes it really begs the question if you people are capable of any clear thinking on the subject. I am not encumbered by the social pressure that must come to bare to make you people so blind to the obvious.

Faith is not fact. Faith is believing in the unbelievable. I choose to believe in what makes the most sense.

Nobody is stopping you, with that said stop worrying about what other people believe in. Sick of it

I understand. It is very upsetting to have long held beliefs questioned.

Not by the retarded.
I have had two experiences where I was literally down on my knees begging for an answer. And both times, God responded to me.

That may not prove God is real to you, but it proves it to me.

Your time would be better spent going to a psychiatrists office and getting down on your knees and begging for his/hers help.

Indeed. You atheists have all the brains: LOL!!

50 Nobel Laureates and Other Great Scientists Who Believe in God

Only 50?

And nary a one can offer a scrap of proof that a god exists or the stories about Jeebus are true.

I don't have all the brains. The itsy bitsy brain I was born with hasn't been fooled by the nonsense you sheep believe.

Now we're getting somewhere. You admit you don't have all the brains.
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.

I am a lapsed catholic at best, but I really really hope there is a hell, and I would pay a few eons in purgatory to be there to watch your reaction when you get there.

There in lies the REAL problem as I see it. What you folks believe is a fraud. NO ONE sees anything when the lights go out. There is NOTHING. You do not see "nothing". Your eyes do not work anymore. Your brain does not work anymore. If you were good you get no pass by some guy at some pearly gates. If you were bad you pay nothing for being an a-hole. NOTHING! Still you people hold this make believe story over each others heads, take their money, own enormous chunks of property and influence in governments. It's a fraud, plain and simple.
How do you know?

Life is a non stop game of guessing based on what we learn along the way. Small children believe in Santa Claus. Adults do not. Small children chase balls into traffic and get killed. Most adults do not.

There is absolutely zero evidence that dead is anything more than dead. There is plenty of evidence that success in life is staying alive. No one has come back from being truly dead. If your Jeebus was truly hung up on a cross by his wrists and ankles with spikes and stabbed with a lance then even if he was still alive there is no medical way he could have moved a large stone to escape his resting place. The Bible is so full of holes it really begs the question if you people are capable of any clear thinking on the subject. I am not encumbered by the social pressure that must come to bare to make you people so blind to the obvious.

Faith is not fact. Faith is believing in the unbelievable. I choose to believe in what makes the most sense.

There's no Santa Claus? Really? I thought Santa Claus gave me all those gifts that were under the tree Christmas.

I was just kidding. There definitely IS a Santa Claus. How else could all those presents get under the tree?

See? I'm not the meany you thought! :lol:

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