What We Should Do Is Put This Jesus Tale To Sleep

You DO NOT have the right to bother anyone with your stupidity

Don't like the First Amendment either?

The first amendment gives you the right to say anything. It does not allow you 100% freedom.

For instance, You can stupidly use your freedom to view and download child porn. If you get caught with the child porn you will go to prison. If you scream fire in a crowded theater you can be arrested and go to jail. If someone is injured you WILL go to prison. In some states if you enter someones property ignoring signs that tell you clearly to not trespass and do so anyway just to tell the owner all about the wonders of the baby Jeebus...and... the property owner believes you are crazy...which you are...and the property owner shoots you and kills you there will be no "free speech" consequences to the owner.

Nope, a clear cut case of murder

Stupid crazy people are dangerous. They kill people all the time. Some of them even start wars and millions must die to satisfy them.
You DO NOT have the right to bother anyone with your stupidity

Don't like the First Amendment either?

The first amendment gives you the right to say anything. It does not allow you 100% freedom.

For instance, You can stupidly use your freedom to view and download child porn. If you get caught with the child porn you will go to prison. If you scream fire in a crowded theater you can be arrested and go to jail. If someone is injured you WILL go to prison. In some states if you enter someones property ignoring signs that tell you clearly to not trespass and do so anyway just to tell the owner all about the wonders of the baby Jeebus...and... the property owner believes you are crazy...which you are...and the property owner shoots you and kills you there will be no "free speech" consequences to the owner.

Nope, a clear cut case of murder

Not in Texas or Florida.
You DO NOT have the right to bother anyone with your stupidity

Don't like the First Amendment either?

The first amendment gives you the right to say anything. It does not allow you 100% freedom.

For instance, You can stupidly use your freedom to view and download child porn. If you get caught with the child porn you will go to prison. If you scream fire in a crowded theater you can be arrested and go to jail. If someone is injured you WILL go to prison. In some states if you enter someones property ignoring signs that tell you clearly to not trespass and do so anyway just to tell the owner all about the wonders of the baby Jeebus...and... the property owner believes you are crazy...which you are...and the property owner shoots you and kills you there will be no "free speech" consequences to the owner.

Nope, a clear cut case of murder

Stupid crazy people are dangerous. They kill people all the time. Some of them even start wars and millions must die to satisfy them.

sounds like the person killing someone for carrying a bible and knocking on their door is the crazy one.
You DO NOT have the right to bother anyone with your stupidity

Don't like the First Amendment either?

The first amendment gives you the right to say anything. It does not allow you 100% freedom.

For instance, You can stupidly use your freedom to view and download child porn. If you get caught with the child porn you will go to prison. If you scream fire in a crowded theater you can be arrested and go to jail. If someone is injured you WILL go to prison. In some states if you enter someones property ignoring signs that tell you clearly to not trespass and do so anyway just to tell the owner all about the wonders of the baby Jeebus...and... the property owner believes you are crazy...which you are...and the property owner shoots you and kills you there will be no "free speech" consequences to the owner.

Nope, a clear cut case of murder

Not in Texas or Florida.

Open season on unarmed bible toters in Florida and Texas?
I have had two experiences where I was literally down on my knees begging for an answer. And both times, God responded to me.

That may not prove God is real to you, but it proves it to me.

Your time would be better spent going to a psychiatrists office and getting down on your knees and begging for his/hers help.

Indeed. You atheists have all the brains: LOL!!

50 Nobel Laureates and Other Great Scientists Who Believe in God

Only 50?

And nary a one can offer a scrap of proof that a god exists or the stories about Jeebus are true.

I don't have all the brains. The itsy bitsy brain I was born with hasn't been fooled by the nonsense you sheep believe.

Yet you believe the Seahawks are going to the super bowl this year.
It's bigger than you...stop blabbering about something you supposedly don't believe in, you atheists talk, talk and talk about it and you look ridiculous

These are my heroes:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
~Dr. Albert Einstein~

"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding."
~Thomas Jefferson~
Dr Albert Einstein:
“I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one,” he wrote to a man who corresponded with him on the subject twice in the 1940s. “You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist. … I prefer an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our own being.”

Did Albert Einstein Believe in God or Not?

Have you seen this, Tilly?

In January of 1936, a young girl named Phyllis wrote toAlbert Einsteinon behalf of her Sunday school class, and asked, "Do scientists pray?"

Dr. Einstein answered as follows:

January 24, 1936

Dear Phyllis,

I will attempt to reply to your question as simply as I can. Here is my answer:

Scientists believe that every occurrence, including the affairs of human beings, is due to the laws of nature. Therefore a scientist cannot be inclined to believe that the course of events can be influenced by prayer, that is, by a supernaturally manifested wish.

However, we must concede that our actual knowledge of these forces is imperfect, so that in the end the belief in the existence of a final, ultimate spirit rests on a kind of faith. Such belief remains widespread even with the current achievements in science.

But also, everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that some spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe, one that is vastly superior to that of man. In this way the pursuit of science leads to a religious feeling of a special sort, which is surely quite different from the religiosity of someone more naive.

With cordial greetings,

your A. Einstein"
Letters of Note: Dear Einstein, Do Scientists Pray?
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.

I am a lapsed catholic at best, but I really really hope there is a hell, and I would pay a few eons in purgatory to be there to watch your reaction when you get there.

There in lies the REAL problem as I see it. What you folks believe is a fraud. NO ONE sees anything when the lights go out. There is NOTHING. You do not see "nothing". Your eyes do not work anymore. Your brain does not work anymore. If you were good you get no pass by some guy at some pearly gates. If you were bad you pay nothing for being an a-hole. NOTHING! Still you people hold this make believe story over each others heads, take their money, own enormous chunks of property and influence in governments. It's a fraud, plain and simple.
How do you know?
Another intolerant atheist.

They are so insecure in their beliefs that they need to put down and rid any other belief, to feel better about themselves.
I have had two experiences where I was literally down on my knees begging for an answer. And both times, God responded to me.

That may not prove God is real to you, but it proves it to me.

Your time would be better spent going to a psychiatrists office and getting down on your knees and begging for his/hers help.

Indeed. You atheists have all the brains: LOL!!

50 Nobel Laureates and Other Great Scientists Who Believe in God

Only 50?

And nary a one can offer a scrap of proof that a god exists or the stories about Jeebus are true.

I don't have all the brains. The itsy bitsy brain I was born with hasn't been fooled by the nonsense you sheep believe.

Yet you believe the Seahawks are going to the super bowl this year.

I want the Hawks to go back to the SB. Wilson has the highest QBR of any QB in the NFL at 110.1. That is a fact that supports the possibility. The Hawks have the #2 defense in the NFL. That is the highest ranking in the NFC. That is another fact that suggests the Hawks will make it back. The Hawks started the season with a completely new O-Line yet over the course of the season learned to play fairly well together and eventually gave Wilson enough of a protected pocket to have the time to throw 2 more TDs than any Hawk QB in team history. Also Wilson threw for 4000+ yards ran for 500 yds and 34 TDs something that NO QB has done in NFL history. These are more facts, including the fact that the Hawks have made the playoffs, that suggest that my desire the Seahawks make it back is not misplaced.
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.

I am a lapsed catholic at best, but I really really hope there is a hell, and I would pay a few eons in purgatory to be there to watch your reaction when you get there.

There in lies the REAL problem as I see it. What you folks believe is a fraud. NO ONE sees anything when the lights go out. There is NOTHING. You do not see "nothing". Your eyes do not work anymore. Your brain does not work anymore. If you were good you get no pass by some guy at some pearly gates. If you were bad you pay nothing for being an a-hole. NOTHING! Still you people hold this make believe story over each others heads, take their money, own enormous chunks of property and influence in governments. It's a fraud, plain and simple.
How do you know?

He doesn't....if he did he could prove God doesn't exist, to date it's a mystery and I suspect God meant for it to be
You DO NOT have the right to bother anyone with your stupidity

Don't like the First Amendment either?

The first amendment gives you the right to say anything. It does not allow you 100% freedom.

For instance, You can stupidly use your freedom to view and download child porn. If you get caught with the child porn you will go to prison. If you scream fire in a crowded theater you can be arrested and go to jail. If someone is injured you WILL go to prison. In some states if you enter someones property ignoring signs that tell you clearly to not trespass and do so anyway just to tell the owner all about the wonders of the baby Jeebus...and... the property owner believes you are crazy...which you are...and the property owner shoots you and kills you there will be no "free speech" consequences to the owner.

Nope, a clear cut case of murder

Stupid crazy people are dangerous. They kill people all the time. Some of them even start wars and millions must die to satisfy them.

sounds like the person killing someone for carrying a bible and knocking on their door is the crazy one.

Carrying a bible presumes the trespasser can read. Signs posted warning no trespassing should be complied with. There is a difference between believing something and acting on those beliefs in a way that infringes on other people's rights. Holding a bible and intruding past no trespassing signs only means you are disregarding the property owners rights. Who knows? It could be a burgler or any kind of person with bad intentions using the bible as guise to gain access to someone else's private property or home. At the very least the bible holder is stupid.
Atheists vs. Believers: which hopes that he is correct?
I'm agnostic, and I'm constantly amazed at the vitriol that spews forth from atheists toward Christains (never Islam). I don't understand why they can't live and let live. Since they can't, they should at least do the decent thing and give Islam a fair share of their attention. But they don't, they are far too craven to mess with Islam. Hypocrites.
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.

I am a lapsed catholic at best, but I really really hope there is a hell, and I would pay a few eons in purgatory to be there to watch your reaction when you get there.

There in lies the REAL problem as I see it. What you folks believe is a fraud. NO ONE sees anything when the lights go out. There is NOTHING. You do not see "nothing". Your eyes do not work anymore. Your brain does not work anymore. If you were good you get no pass by some guy at some pearly gates. If you were bad you pay nothing for being an a-hole. NOTHING! Still you people hold this make believe story over each others heads, take their money, own enormous chunks of property and influence in governments. It's a fraud, plain and simple.
How do you know?

Life is a non stop game of guessing based on what we learn along the way. Small children believe in Santa Claus. Adults do not. Small children chase balls into traffic and get killed. Most adults do not.

There is absolutely zero evidence that dead is anything more than dead. There is plenty of evidence that success in life is staying alive. No one has come back from being truly dead. If your Jeebus was truly hung up on a cross by his wrists and ankles with spikes and stabbed with a lance then even if he was still alive there is no medical way he could have moved a large stone to escape his resting place. The Bible is so full of holes it really begs the question if you people are capable of any clear thinking on the subject. I am not encumbered by the social pressure that must come to bare to make you people so blind to the obvious.

Faith is not fact. Faith is believing in the unbelievable. I choose to believe in what makes the most sense.
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.

I am a lapsed catholic at best, but I really really hope there is a hell, and I would pay a few eons in purgatory to be there to watch your reaction when you get there.

There in lies the REAL problem as I see it. What you folks believe is a fraud. NO ONE sees anything when the lights go out. There is NOTHING. You do not see "nothing". Your eyes do not work anymore. Your brain does not work anymore. If you were good you get no pass by some guy at some pearly gates. If you were bad you pay nothing for being an a-hole. NOTHING! Still you people hold this make believe story over each others heads, take their money, own enormous chunks of property and influence in governments. It's a fraud, plain and simple.
How do you know?

Life is a non stop game of guessing based on what we learn along the way. Small children believe in Santa Claus. Adults do not. Small children chase balls into traffic and get killed. Most adults do not.

There is absolutely zero evidence that dead is anything more than dead. There is plenty of evidence that success in life is staying alive. No one has come back from being truly dead. If your Jeebus was truly hung up on a cross by his wrists and ankles with spikes and stabbed with a lance then even if he was still alive there is no medical way he could have moved a large stone to escape his resting place. The Bible is so full of holes it really begs the question if you people are capable of any clear thinking on the subject. I am not encumbered by the social pressure that must come to bare to make you people so blind to the obvious.

Faith is not fact. Faith is believing in the unbelievable. I choose to believe in what makes the most sense.

Nobody is stopping you, with that said stop worrying about what other people believe in. Sick of it
Atheists vs. Believers: which hopes that he is correct?
I'm agnostic, and I'm constantly amazed at the vitriol that spews forth from atheists toward Christains (never Islam). I don't understand why they can't live and let live. Since they can't, they should at least do the decent thing and give Islam a fair share of their attention. But they don't, they are far too craven to mess with Islam. Hypocrites.

OK I'll bite. Islam is a fraud also....as is Bud-ism and all the make believe ism's. People are afraid and desperate for some answer...some purpose to our being here. There is a purpose to humanity.. in the USA it is to be a compliant consumer...in other places it is to give additional power to those willing to get, by hook and crook, to the top of the heap.
Future generations will be embarrassed when they discover that their ancestors actually fell for that unbelievable conglomeration of total fiction.

I am a lapsed catholic at best, but I really really hope there is a hell, and I would pay a few eons in purgatory to be there to watch your reaction when you get there.

There in lies the REAL problem as I see it. What you folks believe is a fraud. NO ONE sees anything when the lights go out. There is NOTHING. You do not see "nothing". Your eyes do not work anymore. Your brain does not work anymore. If you were good you get no pass by some guy at some pearly gates. If you were bad you pay nothing for being an a-hole. NOTHING! Still you people hold this make believe story over each others heads, take their money, own enormous chunks of property and influence in governments. It's a fraud, plain and simple.
How do you know?

Life is a non stop game of guessing based on what we learn along the way. Small children believe in Santa Claus. Adults do not. Small children chase balls into traffic and get killed. Most adults do not.

There is absolutely zero evidence that dead is anything more than dead. There is plenty of evidence that success in life is staying alive. No one has come back from being truly dead. If your Jeebus was truly hung up on a cross by his wrists and ankles with spikes and stabbed with a lance then even if he was still alive there is no medical way he could have moved a large stone to escape his resting place. The Bible is so full of holes it really begs the question if you people are capable of any clear thinking on the subject. I am not encumbered by the social pressure that must come to bare to make you people so blind to the obvious.

Faith is not fact. Faith is believing in the unbelievable. I choose to believe in what makes the most sense.

Nobody is stopping you, with that said stop worrying about what other people believe in. Sick of it

I understand. It is very upsetting to have long held beliefs questioned.
Don't like the First Amendment either?

The first amendment gives you the right to say anything. It does not allow you 100% freedom.

For instance, You can stupidly use your freedom to view and download child porn. If you get caught with the child porn you will go to prison. If you scream fire in a crowded theater you can be arrested and go to jail. If someone is injured you WILL go to prison. In some states if you enter someones property ignoring signs that tell you clearly to not trespass and do so anyway just to tell the owner all about the wonders of the baby Jeebus...and... the property owner believes you are crazy...which you are...and the property owner shoots you and kills you there will be no "free speech" consequences to the owner.

Nope, a clear cut case of murder

Stupid crazy people are dangerous. They kill people all the time. Some of them even start wars and millions must die to satisfy them.

sounds like the person killing someone for carrying a bible and knocking on their door is the crazy one.

Carrying a bible presumes the trespasser can read. Signs posted warning no trespassing should be complied with. There is a difference between believing something and acting on those beliefs in a way that infringes on other people's rights. Holding a bible and intruding past no trespassing signs only means you are disregarding the property owners rights. Who knows? It could be a burgler or any kind of person with bad intentions using the bible as guise to gain access to someone else's private property or home. At the very least the bible holder is stupid.

At the very least the bible holder is stupid.

And be shot on sight?
You DO NOT have the right to bother anyone with your stupidity

Don't like the First Amendment either?

The first amendment gives you the right to say anything. It does not allow you 100% freedom.

For instance, You can stupidly use your freedom to view and download child porn. If you get caught with the child porn you will go to prison. If you scream fire in a crowded theater you can be arrested and go to jail. If someone is injured you WILL go to prison. In some states if you enter someones property ignoring signs that tell you clearly to not trespass and do so anyway just to tell the owner all about the wonders of the baby Jeebus...and... the property owner believes you are crazy...which you are...and the property owner shoots you and kills you there will be no "free speech" consequences to the owner.

Nope, a clear cut case of murder

Not in Texas or Florida.

You are wrong. The laws and court cases over the decades allow for the freedom to practice your religion.

Shoot a person for coming on your property is illegal, whether you warn them or not. They pose no danger. Inconvenience yes, danger or threat no.
Atheists vs. Believers: which hopes that he is correct?
I'm agnostic, and I'm constantly amazed at the vitriol that spews forth from atheists toward Christains (never Islam). I don't understand why they can't live and let live. Since they can't, they should at least do the decent thing and give Islam a fair share of their attention. But they don't, they are far too craven to mess with Islam. Hypocrites.

"....give Islam a fair share of their attention."


Atheism is an essential element of communism. So saith Lenin stated: "Atheism is a natural and inseparable portion of Marxism, of the theory and practice of Scientific Socialism."

Liberalism is the spawn of communism, altered via the prism of America.

But both communism and Liberalism have the central theme of submission, the collectivization of the individuals.

So they must embrace their sister doctrine...hence the Progressive-Islamist Alliance.
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