What we the older generation KNOW that the politically correct,Millennials, don't know...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How to grow our own food!
From 5 years old up to a senior in high school, I helped my Dad grow the food and raise the chickens that provided eggs and meat for our family of six...in the 1950s.
"Most Americans ate what they grew or hunted locally. Corn and beans were common, along with pork. In the north, cows provided milk, butter, and beef, while in the south, where cattle were less common, venison and other game provided meat. Preserving food in 1815, before the era of refrigeration, required smoking, drying, or salting meat. Vegetables were kept in a root cellar or pickled. More than four out of every five Americans during the early 19th century still lived on farms.
Many farmers during this time also made goods by hand that they’d use, barter, or sell, such as barrels, furniture, or horseshoes. Cities remained relatively small and were clustered around East Coast seaports: New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, and Charleston, South Carolina. "


Today absolutely NO time or effort is required by MOST Americans in producing food for survival.
Within 5 minutes and $5.00 a hearty McDonald's meal can be had. No effort on the part of the consumer.

Now why is this important?

My generation and generations before me SPENT TIME effort, planting, tending and harvesting food
WE would eat for survival. We had no time for TV, computers, etc. as while there were none, we wouldn't have time to use them!

So when we read/hear about how terrible America is today, for those of you few people that can really THINK... consider how much time is spent by Most Americans today compared to the 1800s is spent in planting, raising and harvesting food for your own consumption. Zero!

As a consequent, instead of using your brains and understanding how the world works... millennials, et.al. PLAY! Video games. Jogging. all sorts of ways to fill the time. How totally pathetic!
Don't sell yourselves short. Ya'll are also very good at ballooning our debt, handing the bill to your grandchildren, and, patting yourselves on the back.
Don't sell yourselves short. Ya'll are also very good at ballooning our debt, handing the bill to your grandchildren, and, patting yourselves on the back.

Why are you ragging on Obama? His face is on the 10 Trillion dollar bill, show some respect.
Don't sell yourselves short. Ya'll are also very good at ballooning our debt, handing the bill to your grandchildren, and, patting yourselves on the back.

Why are you ragging on Obama? His face is on the 10 Trillion dollar bill, show some respect.

Neither party gives the slightest of shits when it comes to our unsustainable spending habits. It's all lip service and bullshit for the window lickers.
With age learning is increased because we have time to see patterns

Because older are more conservative that proves that is the best system which comes from experience with more information and data

This proves educators as totally crooked for not explaining this issue to the students who would then be a lot less liberal
Don't sell yourselves short. Ya'll are also very good at ballooning our debt, handing the bill to your grandchildren, and, patting yourselves on the back.
Interesting how you took a self sustainability thread and turned it into the one thing that matters least... money. You’re living on a 24 hour island. Without daily food supplies to the cities they are out in one day. There’s not enough government to keep NY, Chicago and LA supplied. So when you decide to rule the nation with socialism from your blue bubble, keep in mind who you’re fucking with. We don’t need your money, we don’t need your laws and we don’t need to blow anything up. We just stop shipping. In two weeks your war will be over.
Don't sell yourselves short. Ya'll are also very good at ballooning our debt, handing the bill to your grandchildren, and, patting yourselves on the back.
Interesting how you took a self sustainability thread and turned it into the one thing that matters least... money. You’re living on a 24 hour island. Without daily food supplies to the cities they are out in one day. There’s not enough government to keep NY, Chicago and LA supplied. So when you decide to rule the nation with socialism from your blue bubble, keep in mind who you’re fucking with. We don’t need your money, we don’t need your laws and we don’t need to blow anything up. We just stop shipping. In two weeks your war will be over.

Yeah, I am not interested in ruling through socialism or any of these retarded civil war fantasies. I am here to laugh at all the old farts wank each other off and whine about jogging whipper-snappers.
How to grow our own food!
From 5 years old up to a senior in high school, I helped my Dad grow the food and raise the chickens that provided eggs and meat for our family of six...in the 1950s.
"Most Americans ate what they grew or hunted locally. Corn and beans were common, along with pork. In the north, cows provided milk, butter, and beef, while in the south, where cattle were less common, venison and other game provided meat. Preserving food in 1815, before the era of refrigeration, required smoking, drying, or salting meat. Vegetables were kept in a root cellar or pickled. More than four out of every five Americans during the early 19th century still lived on farms.
Many farmers during this time also made goods by hand that they’d use, barter, or sell, such as barrels, furniture, or horseshoes. Cities remained relatively small and were clustered around East Coast seaports: New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, and Charleston, South Carolina. "


Today absolutely NO time or effort is required by MOST Americans in producing food for survival.
Within 5 minutes and $5.00 a hearty McDonald's meal can be had. No effort on the part of the consumer.

Now why is this important?

My generation and generations before me SPENT TIME effort, planting, tending and harvesting food
WE would eat for survival. We had no time for TV, computers, etc. as while there were none, we wouldn't have time to use them!

So when we read/hear about how terrible America is today, for those of you few people that can really THINK... consider how much time is spent by Most Americans today compared to the 1800s is spent in planting, raising and harvesting food for your own consumption. Zero!

As a consequent, instead of using your brains and understanding how the world works... millennials, et.al. PLAY! Video games. Jogging. all sorts of ways to fill the time. How totally pathetic!
We old timers used to get about on horseback, It took days to travel out of state. That's why most Americans of our time were born, lived, and died without ever leaving town. The only news we received was by the post roads.

Life was slow cooked and savored. We would spend hours listening to circuit lecturers and reading books in several languages. I don't see any of you young'uns able to sit for that long.

Now you whippersnappers are zipping to and fro in your horseless carriages, always in a hurry to get somewhere else. Your receive news of the outside world in bite sized pieces over your newfangled "radios". Always in a hurry. Even your music is at a high tempo.

How totally pathetic!
Politically correct millennials represent profound ignorance, i.e., they don't know that they don't know everything. Past generations have grown out of this, but I'm not so sure about this current crop.
All the computer-run utilities and other necessities of society, are at extreme risk of being annihilated by an EMP attack. Airhead young people who have created this monstrosity, are too young to even remember the years before computers, when everything was run quite well without them. (won 2 world wars that way)

If their brains weren't in their asses, they would be establishing millions of the older systems, as backups to the modern day computerized ones. I don't see this happening anywhere.
The things the "older generation" know that the "millennial generation" don't know, and will probably never know, would fill volumes...
All the computer-run utilities and other necessities of society, are at extreme risk of being annihilated by an EMP attack. Airhead young people who have created this monstrosity, are too young to even remember the years before computers, when everything was run quite well without them. (won 2 world wars that way)

If their brains weren't in their asses, they would be establishing millions of the older systems, as backups to the modern day computerized ones. I don't see this happening anywhere.
Everything was run quite well before horseless carriages, too!
Don't sell yourselves short. Ya'll are also very good at ballooning our debt, handing the bill to your grandchildren, and, patting yourselves on the back.
Interesting how you took a self sustainability thread and turned it into the one thing that matters least... money. You’re living on a 24 hour island. Without daily food supplies to the cities they are out in one day. There’s not enough government to keep NY, Chicago and LA supplied. So when you decide to rule the nation with socialism from your blue bubble, keep in mind who you’re fucking with. We don’t need your money, we don’t need your laws and we don’t need to blow anything up. We just stop shipping. In two weeks your war will be over.

Once the trucks stop rolling they'll be out in the streets in urban and heavy suburban areas killing and stealing what they can to survive from each other ......forced collective farming also may be in their futures

Captureliberal retards.JPG
Everything was run quite well before horseless carriages, too!
When they had no fear of everything being shut down by an EMP attack.

But what is your point ?
AH! There's the key word: fear.

You are just the kind of sap the fear-mongering propagandists prey upon.

My point? Wow. It sucks when you have to explain the obvious.

Every generation thinks the next generation is a bunch of wet behind the ears whippersnappers who don't know nuthin.
AH! There's the key word: fear.

You are just the kind of sap the fear-mongering propagandists prey upon.

My point? Wow. It sucks when you have to explain the obvious.

Every generation thinks the next generation is a bunch of wet behind the ears whippersnappers who don't know nuthin.
You are just the kind of sap that Democrats brainwash into living by favorite catchwords and phrases >> white Supremacists, fear-mongering, conspiracy theories, etc

EARTH TO G5000: There are things to fear. And there are things to not fear. In 2019, an EMP attack (just like a nuclear attack) IS a thing to fear, or at least be ready to deal with, and only a complete imbecile would ignore it, and do nothing about it.

As I said, the proper (and obvious) thing to do, is to establish millions of the older systems, as backups to the modern day computerized ones. And millennials ? They'll wait for it to happen, and then say "Oh, we could've done that"

How to grow our own food!
From 5 years old up to a senior in high school, I helped my Dad grow the food and raise the chickens that provided eggs and meat for our family of six...in the 1950s.
"Most Americans ate what they grew or hunted locally. Corn and beans were common, along with pork. In the north, cows provided milk, butter, and beef, while in the south, where cattle were less common, venison and other game provided meat. Preserving food in 1815, before the era of refrigeration, required smoking, drying, or salting meat. Vegetables were kept in a root cellar or pickled. More than four out of every five Americans during the early 19th century still lived on farms.
Many farmers during this time also made goods by hand that they’d use, barter, or sell, such as barrels, furniture, or horseshoes. Cities remained relatively small and were clustered around East Coast seaports: New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, and Charleston, South Carolina. "


Today absolutely NO time or effort is required by MOST Americans in producing food for survival.
Within 5 minutes and $5.00 a hearty McDonald's meal can be had. No effort on the part of the consumer.

Now why is this important?

My generation and generations before me SPENT TIME effort, planting, tending and harvesting food
WE would eat for survival. We had no time for TV, computers, etc. as while there were none, we wouldn't have time to use them!

So when we read/hear about how terrible America is today, for those of you few people that can really THINK... consider how much time is spent by Most Americans today compared to the 1800s is spent in planting, raising and harvesting food for your own consumption. Zero!

As a consequent, instead of using your brains and understanding how the world works... millennials, et.al. PLAY! Video games. Jogging. all sorts of ways to fill the time. How totally pathetic!
We old timers used to get about on horseback, It took days to travel out of state. That's why most Americans of our time were born, lived, and died without ever leaving town. The only news we received was by the post roads.

Life was slow cooked and savored. We would spend hours listening to circuit lecturers and reading books in several languages. I don't see any of you young'uns able to sit for that long.

Now you whippersnappers are zipping to and fro in your horseless carriages, always in a hurry to get somewhere else. Your receive news of the outside world in bite sized pieces over your newfangled "radios". Always in a hurry. Even your music is at a high tempo.

How totally pathetic!
Says the guy that can’t fix a flat tire.
All the computer-run utilities and other necessities of society, are at extreme risk of being annihilated by an EMP attack. Airhead young people who have created this monstrosity, are too young to even remember the years before computers, when everything was run quite well without them. (won 2 world wars that way)

If their brains weren't in their asses, they would be establishing millions of the older systems, as backups to the modern day computerized ones. I don't see this happening anywhere.
Everything was run quite well before horseless carriages, too!
Very few people are economic and financial gurus. During the Clinton administration we eliminated an economic barometer called M3. It was the total of everything we do in our nation to form the Gross National Product. Money was created by the Federal Reserve to be just a bit more then that by estimation. Inflation was part of the difference between the creation of the fiat money and the total of everything we do. The government rid us of M3. Why? Because we are printing money up the wazoo now. Way more then M3. It has to go somewhere for inflation. Stock market and housing being two of them. It also goes overseas somehow. People suffer and worse. And you see it. We are in fact living beyond our means by this scenario. All of this currency is juggled and swashes through the domestic and world systems. A lot of people are owed paybacks on bonds and debt sold and at times there is a threat of not getting that. The 2007/2008 debacle was the last one that went out of hand. And each one has gotten worse over the decades as we live off of massive deficit spending that returns less and less but keeps us treading water. If this inflation was put into our fuel and food products you would know pretty quickly. Again I am not a financial CEO. But I told you the direction.
Don't sell yourselves short. Ya'll are also very good at ballooning our debt, handing the bill to your grandchildren, and, patting yourselves on the back.

Why are you ragging on Obama? His face is on the 10 Trillion dollar bill, show some respect.

Neither party gives the slightest of shits when it comes to our unsustainable spending habits. It's all lip service and bullshit for the window lickers.

Welcome to the Tea Party. It costs you nothing and you'll get your self esteem back.

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