What we the older generation KNOW that the politically correct,Millennials, don't know...

In 2019, an EMP attack (just like a nuclear attack) IS a thing to fear

I wonder if the EMP scenario is mimicking the Y2K scare. I was in a supermarket on 1/1/2000 and all of the cash registers suddenly went silent due to an electrical outage. It may be that low tech attacks on our infrastructure are a greater danger than more grandiose story lines.
I wonder if the EMP scenario is mimicking the Y2K scare. I was in a supermarket on 1/1/2000 and all of the cash registers suddenly went silent due to an electrical outage. It may be that low tech attacks on our infrastructure are a greater danger than more grandiose story lines.
Low tech (or no tech) infrastructure failure is an issue deserving attention. So is the EMP threat, and not having pre-computer era back ups is just plain stupid.
Don't sell yourselves short. Ya'll are also very good at ballooning our debt, handing the bill to your grandchildren, and, patting yourselves on the back.

Criticizing the boomers for this seems a little silly. God TV told them who to vote for, and who to vote for created the framework and the spending that led us here. It's not like Gen X or the millennials broke the code on that one. We're still mostly taking our cues from God TV and voting for the current faces put forward by the exact same cabal of dipshits that convinced the boomers to put them in power.

Ultimately, the boomers' deficiencies that subsequent generations like to put on blast are deficiencies that our generations share. On top of that, they're like, "I'll see your ability to easily set up the wifi on your smart phone, and raise you one I can survive in the fucking wilderness." Don't let the easy comparison to the great depression surviving WWII victors that preceded them fool you. Pound for pound, the boomers still outpunch any generation since, even if by simple virtue of existing earlier on in the continuous decline that has followed the greatest generation.

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