What will be the next great entitlement?

How many of us here, on either side of the debate, are seeing the centralization of control underlying these entitlements? It's not about helping people. It's about controlling them.
The plan all along. Ends justifies the means.

Like controlling women's bodies?
Do they really? I thought that was personal choice/responsibility.
Like controlling elections through voter suppression?
Oh, and showing an ID card to prove that you say whom you are is hardly 'suppression'.

Like controlling the legislation process with a record number of filibusters?
You mean like what Harry Reid and Obama complained about when the Republicans threatened it but DID NOT do it...as it was to get them to simmer down and negotiate civilly, like adults? But now Reid has taken that out of the equation...just change the rules you don't like to run roughshod over the minority? I thought Democrats championed minorities? Guess not.
Like that? Is that what you are talking about?

You Deany must lead a very sad life...you live in lies and falsehoods and they're plastered all over these boards. MOST are in the BADLANDS...I wonder why?

Political rhetoric noise aside, it seems like the next three will be higher minimum wage, immigration reform and single payer. So the question is, in which order.

My guess is that single payer will come on its own, that it will be instituted once the ACA has had enough problems, the plan all along.

From what I've seen in the press, immigration reform is next then, no?


Political rhetoric noise aside, it seems like the next three will be higher minimum wage, immigration reform and single payer. So the question is, in which order.

My guess is that single payer will come on its own, that it will be instituted once the ACA has had enough problems, the plan all along.

From what I've seen in the press, immigration reform is next then, no?

Yeah I belive so. Obama is out in the countryside touting it as his next cause...
We all know that Progressives are still plotting to create the next great entitlement after Obamacare passed, so what will be the next one?

They are like ravinous locusts. They simply devour and take no thought of the destruction that they leave behind.

Not sure about the next entitlement but it will hard to match the "Corporations are Citizens" entitlement and of course no investigation into lying about WMD's was a huge entitlement for republicans.

You need to review what "entitlement" means before posting again. You sound like an ignorant moron.
Obama said he was going to Transform us, he just didn't say it would be for the WORSE..

but he duped a lot of people, so now we all get to poor and in poverty because to him that's, ONLY FAIR

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A new National Holiday will be declared that will fall somewhere between Kwanzaa and MLK Day. The acronym will be RACAD or Rob-A-Creepy-Ass-Cracker-Day. :)

Really, if you think about....it is the most efficient means of wealth redistribution.

boy ... you really hate black people ... with all of your pictures of blacks in places where they are projected in a bad light as you need some psychiatric help...yesterday you posted as your avatar a obeast black woman, today this mess

He's a racist!!!! AHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh. :lol:
How many of us here, on either side of the debate, are seeing the centralization of control underlying these entitlements? It's not about helping people. It's about controlling them.
The plan all along. Ends justifies the means.

Like controlling women's bodies?

Like controlling elections through voter suppression?

Like controlling the legislation process with a record number of filibusters?

Like that? Is that what you are talking about?

More far left propaganda and hypocrisy.
A new National Holiday will be declared that will fall somewhere between Kwanzaa and MLK Day. The acronym will be RACAD or Rob-A-Creepy-Ass-Cracker-Day. :)

Really, if you think about....it is the most efficient means of wealth redistribution.

boy ... you really hate black people ... with all of your pictures of blacks in places where they are projected in a bad light as you need some psychiatric help...yesterday you posted as your avatar a obeast black woman, today this mess

He's a racist!!!! AHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh. :lol:
When in trouble, they play that race card. Last resort! :lol:
Cable TV will be next. As long as they give free access to the DNC channel.
It will get worse actually. Investment in red states outperforms investment in blue states 3 to 1 since the meltdown. Low taxes attract investment. High taxes promote disinvestment. Soon Chicago, NYC and Boston will go the way of Detroit and if China builds the Nicaragua canal the left coast will go the same way. Shipping across mountains is expensive. Expect an even higher investment differential going forward.

you need to do some research ...chicago didn't fall because of taxes ... they fell because of republican regulations ...

Because Republicans have controlled Chicago forever, right?

The GOP is the same reason Detroit is in ruins and the former USSR is in ruins.

Geesh, you don't know your history, do you.
The government sponsored minimum income.

Yep, this is it.

It began with "you didn't build that" and continues with the demonization and increased regulation of private business. You're owed a "living wage", you're owed enough of an income to support a family no matter how old you are (so a 19-year old single kid who lives with mom and dad should make enough to support a family), no matter how many bills you've created with your lifestyle, no matter how irresponsible you are.

Private business will be soaked for this, which means we'll all pay for it, and it will attract a massive groundswell of support since most people don't own a business. Why not? As we all know, all business owners are mean and rich and evil. And I'm entitled. This will dis-incentivize new business development, of course, but we're not looking that deep.

Get ready, you evil, rich and greedy business owners, you didn't sacrifice and take the risks to get that thing off the ground because you didn't build that, and here it comes.


You didn't build that? Hack.
We all know that Progressives are still plotting to create the next great entitlement after Obamacare passed, so what will be the next one?

They are like ravinous locusts. They simply devour and take no thought of the destruction that they leave behind.

Hopefully we can funnel even more public money to banks and other private corporations, because throwing money at the job creators always leads to more job creation. We don't need no stinkin middle class.
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We all know that Progressives are still plotting to create the next great entitlement after Obamacare passed, so what will be the next one?

They are like ravinous locusts. They simply devour and take no thought of the destruction that they leave behind.

Hopefully we can funnel even more public money to banks and other private corporations, because throwing money at the job creators always leads to more job creation. We don't need no stinkin middle class.

Never fear, it's on the way. ACA is just kicking in. The insurance and health care industries will be sucking up a large chunk of the federal budget in no time!

And of course providing high paying jobs for all!
none. if the grip over the majority by the government is reached ( and it is already) - there would only be a rollback - becasue what you need and how much will be decided by the gubmint. This all expansion was done just for this agenda - to get control over YOU.
Get ready to be equal. In misery :D

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