What will be the next great entitlement?

My favorite....

JOAN WALSH: I’ve been told by reliable sources that it also means Obama likes to play golf, which is code speak for he likes watermelon.

Funny I thought it meant Obama likes to play golf!
My favorite....

JOAN WALSH: I’ve been told by reliable sources that it also means Obama likes to play golf, which is code speak for he likes watermelon.

Funny I thought it meant Obama likes to play golf!

It is well known that black people are often stereotyped playing golf.

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Period" is code for "If I like your plan, you can keep your plan."
The ultimate entitlement is that we each work according to our abilities and receive according to our needs, as determined by our Benevolent Technocrat Bureaucrat Overlords.

And remember, Some Pigs are more equal than others.
Yep, this is it.

It began with "you didn't build that" and continues with the demonization and increased regulation of private business. You're owed a "living wage", you're owed enough of an income to support a family no matter how old you are (so a 19-year old single kid who lives with mom and dad should make enough to support a family), no matter how many bills you've created with your lifestyle, no matter how irresponsible you are.

Private business will be soaked for this, which means we'll all pay for it, and it will attract a massive groundswell of support since most people don't own a business. Why not? As we all know, all business owners are mean and rich and evil. And I'm entitled. This will dis-incentivize new business development, of course, but we're not looking that deep.

Get ready, you evil, rich and greedy business owners, you didn't sacrifice and take the risks to get that thing off the ground because you didn't build that, and here it comes.

Mac you are ate up with this fear of the "government" forcing those beloved companies to pay more wages. Why is that? Would those wages be coming out of your pocket?

And why do you keep taking that one statement of "you didn't build this" out of context so that you might score some brownie points with right wing nuts on here?

You do know what "context" means. Right? I only ask because so many right wingers on here don't know what "context" means. So I was just checking.

And why do you keep taking that one statement of "you didn't build this" out of context so that you might score some brownie points with right wing nuts on here?

Here we go again...That old gag! Obama was taken out of context when he said if you got a business you didn't build that.Someone else made that happen.

Or how about this little gem.

"If you like your health care plan you can keep it"

Or this one...

"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.Period"

Was he taken out of context here as well..... :lol:

lol, you know Obama's so "brilliant us little people just don't understand what he Means...And just love these people (obamabots) telling us this very thing...good gawd
Illegals are getting more than stabilization.

They can't get food stamps.

They can't get welfare.

Besides minimum wage jobs Republicans are too old, fat and out of shape to do, what are they getting? At least they tend to have the same level of education.

So what exactly are they getting? Be specific. Give proof.

USDA to Mexico: Illegal immigrants can have food stamps | WashingtonExaminer.com

From your article:

The USDA said the program is designed to help American children. (I know, I know, fuck kids. Republicans only care about babies before they are born. Once born, fuck 'em. Right?)

The food stamp program may be cut when Congress moves to pass a farm bill this year.

See? It was.

SNAP Benefits Will Be Cut for All Participants in November 2013 : Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

And those food stamps? Did they go to illegal immigrants? Or American children Republicans don't care about anyway. Same difference?

But for the GOP, the most exciting thing they did was this:

Nearly 1 Million Vets Face Food Stamps Cut | Military.com
What corporation?

The developer.

What developer? Name a corporation that provides roads and sewers that wasn't hired and paid by the US Government?

You are ignorant of development and the construction of roads and infrastructure which is then dedicated to the public and accepted by the county or municipality.


Developers of subdivisions build most of Virginia's new roads. Streets built to the standards in VDOT's subdivision street requirements and The Pavement Design Guide are eligible to become state-maintained.
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They can't get food stamps.

They can't get welfare.

Besides minimum wage jobs Republicans are too old, fat and out of shape to do, what are they getting? At least they tend to have the same level of education.

So what exactly are they getting? Be specific. Give proof.

USDA to Mexico: Illegal immigrants can have food stamps | WashingtonExaminer.com

From your article:

The USDA said the program is designed to help American children. (I know, I know, fuck kids. Republicans only care about babies before they are born. Once born, fuck 'em. Right?)

The food stamp program may be cut when Congress moves to pass a farm bill this year.

See? It was.

SNAP Benefits Will Be Cut for All Participants in November 2013 : Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

And those food stamps? Did they go to illegal immigrants? Or American children Republicans don't care about anyway. Same difference?

But for the GOP, the most exciting thing they did was this:

Nearly 1 Million Vets Face Food Stamps Cut | Military.com

Yes I see. Proven wrong. Change the focus.
Mac you are ate up with this fear of the "government" forcing those beloved companies to pay more wages. Why is that? Would those wages be coming out of your pocket?

And why do you keep taking that one statement of "you didn't build this" out of context so that you might score some brownie points with right wing nuts on here?

You do know what "context" means. Right? I only ask because so many right wingers on here don't know what "context" means. So I was just checking.

And why do you keep taking that one statement of "you didn't build this" out of context so that you might score some brownie points with right wing nuts on here?

Here we go again...That old gag! Obama was taken out of context when he said if you got a business you didn't build that.Someone else made that happen.

Or how about this little gem.

"If you like your health care plan you can keep it"

Or this one...

"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.Period"

Was he taken out of context here as well..... :lol:

lol, you know Obama's so "brilliant us little people just don't understand what he Means...And just love these people (obamabots) telling us this very thing...good gawd

When you found out that 900,000 veterans had their food stamps cut, did you get "moist"? Just a little.
And why do you keep taking that one statement of "you didn't build this" out of context so that you might score some brownie points with right wing nuts on here?

Here we go again...That old gag! Obama was taken out of context when he said if you got a business you didn't build that.Someone else made that happen.

Or how about this little gem.

"If you like your health care plan you can keep it"

Or this one...

"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.Period"

Was he taken out of context here as well..... :lol:

lol, you know Obama's so "brilliant us little people just don't understand what he Means...And just love these people (obamabots) telling us this very thing...good gawd

When you found out that 900,000 veterans had their food stamps cut, did you get "moist"? Just a little.
YOU are sick Deany.
How many of us here, on either side of the debate, are seeing the centralization of control underlying these entitlements? It's not about helping people. It's about controlling them.
The plan all along. Ends justifies the means.

Like controlling women's bodies?

Like controlling elections through voter suppression?

Like controlling the legislation process with a record number of filibusters?

Like that? Is that what you are talking about?
lol, you know Obama's so "brilliant us little people just don't understand what he Means...And just love these people (obamabots) telling us this very thing...good gawd

When you found out that 900,000 veterans had their food stamps cut, did you get "moist"? Just a little.
YOU are sick Deany.

I know. Sick of the GOP and what they do to Americans that need help. It's outrageous. Worse, they enjoy it.
What developer? Name a corporation that provides roads and sewers that wasn't hired and paid by the US Government?

Eubank Asphalt Paving & Sealing of Charlotte TN. To name one of many many.
You are wrong because you are RDean.

Gallery - Category: Past Projects

And their projects are State roads. They were hired by the state. Paid for with tax payer money. Duh!

Duh. You asked for one contractor not hired by the US government. I fulfilled that.
Ewing is a private company. Are you going to argue they are not? Merely getting paid by the government does not make them not private. You get that, right?
Eubank Asphalt Paving & Sealing of Charlotte TN. To name one of many many.
You are wrong because you are RDean.

Gallery - Category: Past Projects

And their projects are State roads. They were hired by the state. Paid for with tax payer money. Duh!

Duh. You asked for one contractor not hired by the US government. I fulfilled that.
Ewing is a private company. Are you going to argue they are not? Merely getting paid by the government does not make them not private. You get that, right?
Dean is of the mind that without Gubmint...the private sector would cease to be...little does he understand that you kill the private sector, you kill liberty as the Founders designed it, the Government has succeeded in tyranny, and that is what he applauds, tyranny.
How many of us here, on either side of the debate, are seeing the centralization of control underlying these entitlements? It's not about helping people. It's about controlling them.
The plan all along. Ends justifies the means.

Like controlling women's bodies?

Like controlling elections through voter suppression?

Like controlling the legislation process with a record number of filibusters?

Like that? Is that what you are talking about?

Sure. Each another 'brick in the wall'. Why not help tear down the wall, rather that building up another section?
We all know that Progressives are still plotting to create the next great entitlement after Obamacare passed, so what will be the next one?

They are like ravinous locusts. They simply devour and take no thought of the destruction that they leave behind.

Not sure about the next entitlement but it will hard to match the "Corporations are Citizens" entitlement and of course no investigation into lying about WMD's was a huge entitlement for republicans.

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