What will be the next great entitlement?

Yea I listened to this just now. Again. Sure enough he was joking with his audience. They even laughed. You can hear them if you listen.

But then again, you have to be intelligent to "get" subtle humor. Something you don't ever have to worry about ODDA.

Yes stick with that.

You have a real problem with facts. Don't you.
many think I'm mean nasty cause I call them repub-lie tards or names ...either they are lying or they are retarded ... look at his answers ... its like he doesn't get it or he's lying his ass off ... they believe what they want to believe ... look at mac tap dancing all over the place ..
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Yes stick with that.

You have a real problem with facts. Don't you.
many think I'm mean nasty cause I call them repub-lie tards or names ...either they are lying or they are retarded ... look at his answers ... its like he doesn't get it or he's lyiong his ass off ... they believe what they want to believe ... look at mac tap dancing all over the place ..

Yes Obama was making a joke about 57 states in that clip. Run with that.

Anyone that believes different is a liar and racist.
really ... so you're saying that the roads to your home, that was built by some corporation that you paid taxes for that road didn't help you ???

Roads and infrastructure to my home were built by a corporation.

Those roads and infrastructure do help me.

you're hopeless ... one more time... if you didn't have any roads or water system and a electrical grid, do you think an company could exist ??? yes or no
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It's already here. It's Blue States being soaked by Red States and their failed conservative policies. The Blue States simply have to stop the money transfer to Red States. It's just that simple.
It will get worse actually. Investment in red states outperforms investment in blue states 3 to 1 since the meltdown. Low taxes attract investment. High taxes promote disinvestment. Soon Chicago, NYC and Boston will go the way of Detroit and if China builds the Nicaragua canal the left coast will go the same way. Shipping across mountains is expensive. Expect an even higher investment differential going forward.

You wish. We already had a thread on the high cost of minimum wage. How those low paying jobs need to be subsidized with health care and food stamps.

Look at Texas. The only "talent" coming into that state is "imported" from either Blue States or overseas.

Either way, there is no way to keep "conservative purity" if you keep importing talented and smart people. Clearly, people who don't believe in science and who think education is a liberal plot can't learn anything of value.

And worst of all? In China, a million "$174 a month" are being replaced with robots. What will "anti education" right wingers be able to do? Not build them. Not service them. Not design them.

And the final blow? People who do get an education tend to vote anything but Republican.
right in the bill for the affordable care act it states. that illegels can't get paid health care from the government ... I could care less what Kaiser says it what the law says ... try doing some research ...look at the god damn bill ... it is on line

In spite of the "bill" illegals are getting care paid for by US taxpayers.

if a illegal goes to the emergency room, the law says this, that they are to be stabilised and sent back to their country of origin that's the law ... what Im' talking about is our new health care system ..."the affordable care act" says they can't buy into our health care system unless they are citizens ...try and keep up
you're hopeless ... one more time... if you didn't have any roads or water system and a electrical grid, do you think an company could exist ??? yes or no easy

If you didn't have the company you wouldn't have any roads.

.gov just administers the projects / programs (and poorly at that)

Today private dollars have build far more local roads and infrastructure that tax dollars.
right in the bill for the affordable care act it states. that illegels can't get paid health care from the government ... I could care less what Kaiser says it what the law says ... try doing some research ...look at the god damn bill ... it is on line

In spite of the "bill" illegals are getting care paid for by US taxpayers.

if a illegal goes to the emergency room, the law says this, that they are to be stabilised and sent back to their country of origin that's the law ... what Im' talking about is our new health care system ..."the affordable care act" says they can't buy into our health care system unless they are citizens ...try and keep up

Illegals are getting more than stabilization.
In spite of the "bill" illegals are getting care paid for by US taxpayers.

if a illegal goes to the emergency room, the law says this, that they are to be stabilised and sent back to their country of origin that's the law ... what Im' talking about is our new health care system ..."the affordable care act" says they can't buy into our health care system unless they are citizens ...try and keep up

Illegals are getting more than stabilization.

They can't get food stamps.

They can't get welfare.

Besides minimum wage jobs Republicans are too old, fat and out of shape to do, what are they getting? At least they tend to have the same level of education.

So what exactly are they getting? Be specific. Give proof.
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if a illegal goes to the emergency room, the law says this, that they are to be stabilised and sent back to their country of origin that's the law ... what Im' talking about is our new health care system ..."the affordable care act" says they can't buy into our health care system unless they are citizens ...try and keep up

Illegals are getting more than stabilization.

They can't get food stamps.

They can't get welfare.

Besides minimum wage jobs Republicans are too old, fat and out of shape to do, what are they getting? At least they tend to have the same level of education.

So what exactly are they getting? Be specific. Give proof.

USDA to Mexico: Illegal immigrants can have food stamps | WashingtonExaminer.com
The government sponsored minimum income.

Yep, this is it.

It began with "you didn't build that" and continues with the demonization and increased regulation of private business. You're owed a "living wage", you're owed enough of an income to support a family no matter how old you are (so a 19-year old single kid who lives with mom and dad should make enough to support a family), no matter how many bills you've created with your lifestyle, no matter how irresponsible you are.

Private business will be soaked for this, which means we'll all pay for it, and it will attract a massive groundswell of support since most people don't own a business. Why not? As we all know, all business owners are mean and rich and evil. And I'm entitled. This will dis-incentivize new business development, of course, but we're not looking that deep.

Get ready, you evil, rich and greedy business owners, you didn't sacrifice and take the risks to get that thing off the ground because you didn't build that, and here it comes.

Mac you are ate up with this fear of the "government" forcing those beloved companies to pay more wages. Why is that? Would those wages be coming out of your pocket?

And why do you keep taking that one statement of "you didn't build this" out of context so that you might score some brownie points with right wing nuts on here?

You do know what "context" means. Right? I only ask because so many right wingers on here don't know what "context" means. So I was just checking.

And why do you keep taking that one statement of "you didn't build this" out of context so that you might score some brownie points with right wing nuts on here?

Here we go again...That old gag! Obama was taken out of context when he said if you got a business you didn't build that.Someone else made that happen.

Or how about this little gem.

"If you like your health care plan you can keep it"

Or this one...

"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.Period"

Was he taken out of context here as well..... :lol:
How many of us here, on either side of the debate, are seeing the centralization of control underlying these entitlements? It's not about helping people. It's about controlling them.
Anything that doesn't play out how Obama thought it would is taken out of context.
Anything less is racist.
you're hopeless ... one more time... if you didn't have any roads or water system and a electrical grid, do you think an company could exist ??? yes or no easy

If you didn't have the company you wouldn't have any roads.

.gov just administers the projects / programs (and poorly at that)

Today private dollars have build far more local roads and infrastructure that tax dollars.

you are stupider then I thought ... who pays that private dollar??? they pay for it by themselves to get you where ??? when ???how??? no company pays for the roads to it ... as long as Ive been alive every road to any company was paid by the tax payer water system electrical grid you really need to get educated ...
How many of us here, on either side of the debate, are seeing the centralization of control underlying these entitlements? It's not about helping people. It's about controlling them.

Yep, that's the bottom line. The Left has become emboldened during Obama's presidency -- "you didn't build that" is just an example -- and now they're full speed ahead on a far more centralized and powerful federal government. A far more collectivist way of moving forward. They've been very effective. So picking individual issues to discuss is difficult, because it's so broad and deep.

The Right has done a lousy job of addressing this publicly, and it may be too late anyway.

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you're hopeless ... one more time... if you didn't have any roads or water system and a electrical grid, do you think an company could exist ??? yes or no easy

If you didn't have the company you wouldn't have any roads.

.gov just administers the projects / programs (and poorly at that)

Today private dollars have build far more local roads and infrastructure that tax dollars.

you are stupider then I thought ... who pays that private dollar??? they pay for it by themselves to get you where ??? when ???how??? no company pays for the roads to it ... as long as Ive been alive every road to any company was paid by the tax payer water system electrical grid you really need to get educated ...

Your just ignorant of the development and planning process. Developers build or improve local roads / infrastructure as a condition of development approvals.

Every day, across this nation.

Live in a subdivision ? Pull and read the face of your plat.

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