What will Donald Trump do the first 100 days if he is elected as President?

Thankfully the polls are telling us that Trump will never have the opportunity to do anything in the first 100 days of the Clinton Presidency
Actually, you are wrong.
Why am I wrong? Are the polls wrong?

Could Trump Pull A Brexit-Style Surprise In November?
If this make you happy enjoy it until election day when Trump gets plastered, as he should. No candidate can alienate as many groups of voters as Trump has and expect to win

I have told my wife and our friends that he's about to get a real ass kicking. I don't expect it to be a little bit close.
Yep......as long as you keep listening to the media which is in collusion with Hillary, that's all you can expect. Why isn't Hillary 50 points ahead you might ask?
Because their aren't enough people stupid enough to buy this woman's line of BS.
Hmmm...anyone else notice that the cell phones people were filming with actually reflected whats on stage?
The one standout is his plan to bring overseas money owned by US corporations who refuse to pay taxes on it and back into the country and use it for rebuilding something.
Replace health insurance with "health savings accounts". How long will it take the average person to save up 25 grand for a single operation?

And the crowd cheered.
The wall that Mexico is paying for. He said he discussed this with the President of Mexico two and a half months ago.
The one standout is his plan to bring overseas money owned by US corporations who refuse to pay taxes on it and back into the country and use it for rebuilding something.

Yes, patriots give money to the government. Hmm ... seems you're not a patriot, Deanie Baby. Neither is Hillary
The one standout is his plan to bring overseas money owned by US corporations who refuse to pay taxes on it and back into the country and use it for rebuilding something.

Yes, patriots give money to the government. Hmm ... seems you're not a patriot, Deanie Baby. Neither is Hillary
This was tried before a couple of times. The tax is suspended with the thinking that corporations will bring the money back and then "create jobs".

Only it didn't happen. The money came back and right away, went into rich people's dividends and bank accounts. It wasn't used to build. And it's not the government's money. Since the taxes weren't paid, it didn't even help the country.

Just another rich people's scam. And the minions are buying it. Look at you.
The one standout is his plan to bring overseas money owned by US corporations who refuse to pay taxes on it and back into the country and use it for rebuilding something.

We can either allow US corporations that made profits overseas to bring that money back into the US to invest...injecting trillions of dollars into the economy and stimulating growth...or we can do what Hillary proposes and spend trillions on government programs to stimulate the economy which will have to be paid for by the taxpayer! Gee whiz...let's not do the former because it might be something good for corporations! Instead let's add trillions to the national debt which is already out of control!
The one standout is his plan to bring overseas money owned by US corporations who refuse to pay taxes on it and back into the country and use it for rebuilding something.

Yes, patriots give money to the government. Hmm ... seems you're not a patriot, Deanie Baby. Neither is Hillary
This was tried before a couple of times. The tax is suspended with the thinking that corporations will bring the money back and then "create jobs".

Only it didn't happen. The money came back and right away, went into rich people's dividends and bank accounts. It wasn't used to build. And it's not the government's money. Since the taxes weren't paid, it didn't even help the country.

Just another rich people's scam. And the minions are buying it. Look at you.

As far as what is done with the money once it comes back? Simply put stipulations that it must be spent on investment and job creation. How hard is that? Pull your head out of your ass and think for a change, R-Derp! Your knee jerk rejection of anything that helps businesses is why progressives like yourself can't create jobs.
The one standout is his plan to bring overseas money owned by US corporations who refuse to pay taxes on it and back into the country and use it for rebuilding something.

Yes, patriots give money to the government. Hmm ... seems you're not a patriot, Deanie Baby. Neither is Hillary
This was tried before a couple of times. The tax is suspended with the thinking that corporations will bring the money back and then "create jobs".

Only it didn't happen. The money came back and right away, went into rich people's dividends and bank accounts. It wasn't used to build. And it's not the government's money. Since the taxes weren't paid, it didn't even help the country.

Just another rich people's scam. And the minions are buying it. Look at you.

As far as what is done with the money once it comes back? Simply put stipulations that it must be spent on investment and job creation. How hard is that? Pull your head out of your ass and think for a change, R-Derp! Your knee jerk rejection of anything that helps businesses is why progressives like yourself can't create jobs.

What a stupid idea, you really want government making that decision? It just becomes another stupid cat and mouse game.

Other western powers don't charge a repatriation of money tax because it's butt stupid to prevent our businesses from bringing money they earned overseas home.

Think about that, we have the most complex business tax code, we have the highest corporate taxes and we're the only ones who put up a wall to money coming home by taxing it.

And you wonder why the economy stays completely lethargic? Just observe the obvious
Yes, helping our Veterans is just soo 'insane.' He should be more 'sane' like Obama and Clinton. And completely fuck our Veterans.

Clinton Bootlickers are craaazy as all hell. :cuckoo:
The one standout is his plan to bring overseas money owned by US corporations who refuse to pay taxes on it and back into the country and use it for rebuilding something.

How is he going to do that? He says he's going to do things but doesn't say how it will get done.

The republicans have been using that issue for years. Mostly to say taxes on business is too high so it should be lowered to bring that money back.

Which is so stupid.

Cutting taxes only puts more money in the hands of the rich who don't spend it nor use it to create jobs. Tax cuts also creates more deficits and debt.

We tried cutting taxes in the reagan years. All it did was send our economy into a horrible tailspin and the worst recession since the republican great depression in the 1930s.

We tried cutting taxes in the bush boy years. That and deregulation collapsed our economy.

Tax cuts, the bush boy's wars and unfunded give away to the drug companies with expanding medicare to include drugs, reversed the balanced budget back to deficits and exploded the debt.

There was no deficit when the bush boy took office. When he left office it was 1.4 trillion dollars. Obama has slashed it in half so far.
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Yes, helping our Veterans is just soo 'insane.' He should be more 'sane' like Obama and Clinton. And completely fuck our Veterans.

Clinton Bootlickers are craaazy as all hell. :cuckoo:
Yep. Bring in syrian isis plants give them $2300/mo while American veterans freeze outside or stand in lines at "shelters". Because "this is who we are".
Great first 100 days policy speech just given by Donald Trump.

Watch the trolls paid by the Clinton campaign attempt to obscure Trump's message.

Word to the wise: If a poster criticizes without any substance about the issue criticized just ignore them. The paid trolls are parasites - allowing themselves to become near worthless human beings.


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