What Will Happen to the Post Office

The USPS is a necessary function of our government. It is efficient, reliable and available to EVERYONE. It is profitable and if not for the poison pill that the GOP fed it a few years back....would have zero financial problems to speak of.
that poison pill as i have said a dozen times in postal threads here, was just as much the Democrats pill.....they co-sponsored it and havent done jack shit to repeal it....and that includes the President....
The USPS is a necessary function of our government. It is efficient, reliable and available to EVERYONE. It is profitable and if not for the poison pill that the GOP fed it a few years back....would have zero financial problems to speak of.
that poison pill as i have said a dozen times in postal threads here, was just as much the Democrats pill.....they co-sponsored it and havent done jack shit to repeal it....and that includes the President....

Yeah....OK. There were no politics involved. The Dems want the post office dead just like the GOP. Sure thing. I believe you.
I get very little in the mail other than the throw away junk mail. All of my bills are online and all my payments are paid online.

I can't remember the last piece of mail I got that was of any significance.

Environmentally the USPS is a disaster, look how much fuel they use and how many trees are cut down.

I agree with charging companies a lot more money to send junk mail. $5-$10 would be fine by me, then it would eliminate 99% of the mail.
Papa....the PO does not cut down those trees.....the people who do the mailings are responsible for that.....and right now they operate one of the world’s largest fleet of alternative fuel-capable vehicles .... more than 42,000 of them and every year they are adding more
Of all of the governmental programs the GOP has in it's sight to cut, one of the most interesting ones will be the Post Office. We haven't heard the GOP speak much about it lately during their "repackaging" initiative. Given the employment demographic of the USPS and the fact that they are unionized which is always a target for the GOP.

What is the over/under on when a postal reform will be brought up? I believe this is one area where Obama will potentially cave dependent on how much of a fight he wants to pick with Congress.

[/QUOTECongress is the author of its problems

Congress is preventing reform. A Post Office in every small town isnt necessary or profitable. COngress mandates this archaic business model
have to agree here......
The Post Office isn't like UPS and Fed Ex. for the simple reason that government agencies don't give a shit whether they operate efficiently because the workers are guaranteed a salary courtesy of the taxpayers. There must be ways to make it more efficient.

I can't believe how many of you people are so downright uninformed.

The US PO has been self sufficient since the 1980s. Not one penny of tax dollars goes to pay the salaries of the employees of the PO.

With the exception of some voting material to the disabled and Americans overseas, the US PO doesn't take one penny of our tax dollars.

Then where does the millions of dollars they are LOSING every day come from? They may not take tax money NOW...but they WILL!
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Here in the sticks the USPS sometimes handles package deliveries for other carriers like FedEx.
Wish they'd make that full-time rather than leave it to the incompetent.

Not just the sticks...happens in cities, too. Generally, it adds 1-2 days to the transit time!
As long as we have hacks like Federal Express fucking up the simple act of package delivery, the USPS will remain the go-to system. I send and receive packages pretty regularly here in the sticks and I'd say 75% of incoming and 100% of outgoing is via the Post Office, which make no mistake is unquestionably the best in the world.
They can't handle big items though, can they?

I have never had a problem with Fed Ex, UPS or the postal service, when it came to sending a package.

Mail usually works too.

I just hate all the junk, especially junk made to look "official".

Like most of government USPS is corporate welfare for the most part and taxpayers should not subsidize the delivery of junk mail they despise.
how do they subsidize junk mail?.....it pays most of the bills in the place.....
What do you think of the new Sunday package delivery?
the carriers think it is not necessary and i agree.....that book from Amazon is not that important.....if you dont get it on Sat. you get it on Monday....no biggie....but the biggest problem with this is,they are using Temps and the real new people to deliver these.....and they are leaving them door side if not home, and quite often i hear.... the person no longer lives there.....new people are not going to know this....its a waste of time and money.....
It is obsolete in its current role. We need to change that role. Let them be the face of government to most people.
I still haven't seen any private companies stepping up to deliver a letter door to door, cross country for fifty cents

They can't, moron. It's illegal.
Worse, it's unprofitable

No, it's just illegal. Ho can you know whether it's unprofitable if private firms are not allowed to provide the service? If the Post Office does such a great job, then why not open it up to competition?

If we abolish the USPS do we have a choice but to make it legal?

How much would FedEx or UPS charge to send a letter cross country and deliver it door to door?
About 6 dollars. You know those troops we have in Korea, Iraq, Europe, etc... They will see their good will care packages dwindle down to almost zero. International starts at about $41.00. That'd be a shame.

How much to ship them to Jersey? Because that's where the military takes over shipping!
As long as we have hacks like Federal Express fucking up the simple act of package delivery, the USPS will remain the go-to system. I send and receive packages pretty regularly here in the sticks and I'd say 75% of incoming and 100% of outgoing is via the Post Office, which make no mistake is unquestionably the best in the world.
the other guys dont want to deliver in the sticks.....and the PO fucks up plenty to Pogo....

Obviously they don't, but they have no qualms about claiming they did.
I've had a total of one problem with the USPS and it turned out I put the wrong address on it. But what I've never had is the USPS claiming they were here when they weren't.
STILL waiting for an answer on how being ripped off by a courier makes one an "asshole".
I'm left to assume it's for having the temerity to question the almighty Corporatia and suggest it might be less than flawless. :dunno:

It doesn't...but whining like a bandsaw does! Make a fucking insurance claim with the seller or FedEx and get on with your life!
As long as we have hacks like Federal Express fucking up the simple act of package delivery, the USPS will remain the go-to system. I send and receive packages pretty regularly here in the sticks and I'd say 75% of incoming and 100% of outgoing is via the Post Office, which make no mistake is unquestionably the best in the world.
They can't handle big items though, can they?

I have never had a problem with Fed Ex, UPS or the postal service, when it came to sending a package.

Mail usually works too.

I just hate all the junk, especially junk made to look "official".

Like most of government USPS is corporate welfare for the most part and taxpayers should not subsidize the delivery of junk mail they despise.
how do they subsidize junk mail?.....it pays most of the bills in the place.....
What do you think of the new Sunday package delivery?
the carriers think it is not necessary and i agree.....that book from Amazon is not that important.....if you dont get it on Sat. you get it on Monday....no biggie....but the biggest problem with this is,they are using Temps and the real new people to deliver these.....and they are leaving them door side if not home, and quite often i hear.... the person no longer lives there.....new people are not going to know this....its a waste of time and money.....

Funny you should mention Amazon - I got a book from Amazon Saturday, via USPS along with two other parcels -- on the same day at the same time FedEx claims to have delivered a far more valuable package, which was a lie.
The USPS is a necessary function of our government. It is efficient, reliable and available to EVERYONE. It is profitable and if not for the poison pill that the GOP fed it a few years back....would have zero financial problems to speak of.
that poison pill as i have said a dozen times in postal threads here, was just as much the Democrats pill.....they co-sponsored it and havent done jack shit to repeal it....and that includes the President....

Yeah....OK. There were no politics involved. The Dems want the post office dead just like the GOP. Sure thing. I believe you.
look who sponsored the bill ....2 Republicans and 2 Democrats....what has your precious party done about it since then?.....the President?....talk to my Union LL the N.A.L.C......they had some choice words for those 2 Democrats on that bill because both of those assholes came to our convention in the year before that and said that they are for a viable post office....yeah sure.....by the way LL...how long have you worked there?........
Worse, it's unprofitable

No, it's just illegal. Ho can you know whether it's unprofitable if private firms are not allowed to provide the service? If the Post Office does such a great job, then why not open it up to competition?

If we abolish the USPS do we have a choice but to make it legal?

How much would FedEx or UPS charge to send a letter cross country and deliver it door to door?

They would probably charge a lot less than the Post Office. That's why the Post Office fights tooth and nail to prevent Congress from abolishing its legal monopoly on 1st class mail.

I think you will find Article I, section 8, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution created the Post Offices and Post Roads...

The Congress shall have Power To
. . . . .
To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

In short, it doesn't mandate the creation of a Post Office. It simply gives the government to create a Post Office if it so desires.

You really need to take a class in reading comprehension.

...and basic civics.
The Post Office isn't like UPS and Fed Ex. for the simple reason that government agencies don't give a shit whether they operate efficiently because the workers are guaranteed a salary courtesy of the taxpayers. There must be ways to make it more efficient.

It is profitable and it doesn't use a penny of tax dollars. Fucking learn something.

It costs a lot more than it should cost. When you see postal workers driving brand new Corvettes, you know something isn't right.
so what?......a single person working there can live pretty good....
I get very little in the mail other than the throw away junk mail. All of my bills are online and all my payments are paid online.

I can't remember the last piece of mail I got that was of any significance.

Environmentally the USPS is a disaster, look how much fuel they use and how many trees are cut down.

I agree with charging companies a lot more money to send junk mail. $5-$10 would be fine by me, then it would eliminate 99% of the mail.
Papa....the PO does not cut down those trees.....the people who do the mailings are responsible for that.....and right now they operate one of the world’s largest fleet of alternative fuel-capable vehicles .... more than 42,000 of them and every year they are adding more

How many of those "alternative fuel" vehicles (most of which are nothing more than E85-capable delivery trucks) actually burn anything but gasoline?
The Post Office isn't like UPS and Fed Ex. for the simple reason that government agencies don't give a shit whether they operate efficiently because the workers are guaranteed a salary courtesy of the taxpayers. There must be ways to make it more efficient.

It is profitable and it doesn't use a penny of tax dollars. Fucking learn something.

It costs a lot more than it should cost. When you see postal workers driving brand new Corvettes, you know something isn't right.

Your jealousy over the bank accounts of hard working postal employees notwithstanding, the USPS is efficient and profitable. It is not a consumer of tax dollars. If they can pay their employees well and still operate at a profit, what are you bitching about?

What profit"?

August 11, 2014

"WASHINGTON — The U.S. Postal Service ended the June 30, 2014, quarter with a net loss of $2.0 billion, compared to a net loss of $740 million for the same period last year. The Postal Service has recorded a loss in 21 of the last 23 quarters, the excepted quarters being the two in which Congress rescheduled the Retiree Health Benefits prefunding payments."

USPS has 2 revenue increase 2 billion loss in quarter 3
The Post Office isn't like UPS and Fed Ex. for the simple reason that government agencies don't give a shit whether they operate efficiently because the workers are guaranteed a salary courtesy of the taxpayers. There must be ways to make it more efficient.

It is profitable and it doesn't use a penny of tax dollars. Fucking learn something.

It costs a lot more than it should cost. When you see postal workers driving brand new Corvettes, you know something isn't right.

Your jealousy over the bank accounts of hard working postal employees notwithstanding, the USPS is efficient and profitable. It is not a consumer of tax dollars. If they can pay their employees well and still operate at a profit, what are you bitching about?

It's not jealousy, asshole. I have to pay for their bank accounts. I couldn't care how much money someone makes as long as I'm not forced to contribute to it.

The Post Office is not efficient. It's a government enforced monopoly, which means the prices it charges are far higher than the market price.
and yet i heard from so many people over the years how the PO is cheaper than everyone....
Of all of the governmental programs the GOP has in it's sight to cut, one of the most interesting ones will be the Post Office. We haven't heard the GOP speak much about it lately during their "repackaging" initiative. Given the employment demographic of the USPS and the fact that they are unionized which is always a target for the GOP.

What is the over/under on when a postal reform will be brought up? I believe this is one area where Obama will potentially cave dependent on how much of a fight he wants to pick with Congress.

LOL. If the USPS goes under it'll be due to its own incompetence. If it wants to survive it has to stop thinking like the Dems (you know ... that money-grows-on-trees mentality) and start acting like a capitalist business. Reduce overhead; fire deadbeat employees (there's lots of them); run their routes more efficiently; and make a profit. Simple math, really.
The Post Office isn't like UPS and Fed Ex. for the simple reason that government agencies don't give a shit whether they operate efficiently because the workers are guaranteed a salary courtesy of the taxpayers. There must be ways to make it more efficient.

It is profitable and it doesn't use a penny of tax dollars. Fucking learn something.

It costs a lot more than it should cost. When you see postal workers driving brand new Corvettes, you know something isn't right.

Your jealousy over the bank accounts of hard working postal employees notwithstanding, the USPS is efficient and profitable. It is not a consumer of tax dollars. If they can pay their employees well and still operate at a profit, what are you bitching about?

It's not jealousy, asshole. I have to pay for their bank accounts. I couldn't care how much money someone makes as long as I'm not forced to contribute to it.

The Post Office is not efficient. It's a government enforced monopoly, which means the prices it charges are far higher than the market price.
and yet i heard from so many people over the years how the PO is cheaper than everyone....
It is -- as anyone who's mailed something from another country well knows. I've asked these wags several times to show me somewhere that does it faster or cheaper. I've yet to hear an answer. Just a lot of whining.

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