What Will Happen to the Post Office

Why would you oppose convenient government services in every town?

Because we need to ditch the Post Office. It's a big money sucking black hole.
It is obsolete in its current role. We need to change that role. Let them be the face of government to most people.
I still haven't seen any private companies stepping up to deliver a letter door to door, cross country for fifty cents

They can't, moron. It's illegal.
Worse, it's unprofitable

No, it's just illegal. Ho can you know whether it's unprofitable if private firms are not allowed to provide the service? If the Post Office does such a great job, then why not open it up to competition?
there is a reason for that but i bet if i told you you would say im full of shit....
A post office in every small town is necessary if you live in one of those small towns. If it were done right, we'd be able to do all sorts of things at a post office. Banking......voting.....paying taxes......etc.

FEDEX manages to deliver to virtually every town in this country.

Again - bullshit. They claim to but they don't show up. And they're completely unaccountable for that.

Ever think that maybe the driver has met you...and just knows what an asshole you are?

Funny how great the union postal worker is and how bad the union FedEx and UPS workers are. Of course the FedEx and the UPS don't do their job everyday and they don't know what they are doing like the USPS carriers do. LOL!
Fed-x drivers are non-union.....and as i said we all have fucked up.......

Does the Post Office still have their contract deal with Fed-Ex?
How does FEDEX fuck up package delivery? Privatizing the Post Office would lead to lower prices and faster, more reliable delivery - also less junkmail.

Bullshit. Try the post office in any other country and get back to me on how "expensive" ours is. And when they track something, it's pretty much balls-on accurate.

Horseshit. USPS tracking is dreadful...mostly because packages simply ARE NOT SCANNED properly. Last FedEx package I got, I got tracking updates texted to me in real time!

FeEx is a complete hack operation. Don't use them, ever. Even UPS doesn't fuck up that bad, and when UPS is outperforming you, you got a problem.

Stupid statement.

Google "FedEx package didn't show up" like I did. It's a loooooong line to get in the back of.
For even more fun, read their disclaimer where they're not responsible for their own fuckups. I got it right here.
that means something else Pogo.....they are responsible if their Delivery person fucks up....believe me....
How does FEDEX fuck up package delivery? Privatizing the Post Office would lead to lower prices and faster, more reliable delivery - also less junkmail.

Bullshit. Try the post office in any other country and get back to me on how "expensive" ours is. And when they track something, it's pretty much balls-on accurate.

Horseshit. USPS tracking is dreadful...mostly because packages simply ARE NOT SCANNED properly. Last FedEx package I got, I got tracking updates texted to me in real time!

FeEx is a complete hack operation. Don't use them, ever. Even UPS doesn't fuck up that bad, and when UPS is outperforming you, you got a problem.

Stupid statement.

Google "FedEx package didn't show up" like I did. It's a loooooong line to get in the back of.
For even more fun, read their disclaimer where they're not responsible for their own fuckups. I got it right here.
that means something else Pogo.....they are responsible if their Delivery person fucks up....believe me....

We shall see in the latest example Harry. So far I'm being advised to take my complaint to the sender and leave it to them and FedEx to settle between themselves, which I've also done. So far, crickets. The sender has my money, FedEx has a bullshit delivery claim, and I have nothing.
the PO will tell you the same thing.....if they cant resolve it for you....
FEDEX manages to deliver to virtually every town in this country.

Again - bullshit. They claim to but they don't show up. And they're completely unaccountable for that.

Ever think that maybe the driver has met you...and just knows what an asshole you are?

Funny how great the union postal worker is and how bad the union FedEx and UPS workers are. Of course the FedEx and the UPS don't do their job everyday and they don't know what they are doing like the USPS carriers do. LOL!
Fed-x drivers are non-union.....and as i said we all have fucked up.......

Does the Post Office still have their contract deal with Fed-Ex?
Of all of the governmental programs the GOP has in it's sight to cut, one of the most interesting ones will be the Post Office. We haven't heard the GOP speak much about it lately during their "repackaging" initiative. Given the employment demographic of the USPS and the fact that they are unionized which is always a target for the GOP.

What is the over/under on when a postal reform will be brought up? I believe this is one area where Obama will potentially cave dependent on how much of a fight he wants to pick with Congress.
the only reason the gop put this unreal retirement requirement bull, shit, that no other company has in the entire history of companies being in existance is because they are a strong democrat voting union... that's the only reason the gop is going after them
oh geezus another one........
It is obsolete in its current role. We need to change that role. Let them be the face of government to most people.
I still haven't seen any private companies stepping up to deliver a letter door to door, cross country for fifty cents

They can't, moron. It's illegal.
Worse, it's unprofitable

No, it's just illegal. Ho can you know whether it's unprofitable if private firms are not allowed to provide the service? If the Post Office does such a great job, then why not open it up to competition?

If we abolish the USPS do we have a choice but to make it legal?

How much would FedEx or UPS charge to send a letter cross country and deliver it door to door?

They would probably charge a lot less than the Post Office. That's why the Post Office fights tooth and nail to prevent Congress from abolishing its legal monopoly on 1st class mail.
no it isnt.....
Bullshit. Try the post office in any other country and get back to me on how "expensive" ours is. And when they track something, it's pretty much balls-on accurate.

Horseshit. USPS tracking is dreadful...mostly because packages simply ARE NOT SCANNED properly. Last FedEx package I got, I got tracking updates texted to me in real time!

FeEx is a complete hack operation. Don't use them, ever. Even UPS doesn't fuck up that bad, and when UPS is outperforming you, you got a problem.

Stupid statement.

Google "FedEx package didn't show up" like I did. It's a loooooong line to get in the back of.
For even more fun, read their disclaimer where they're not responsible for their own fuckups. I got it right here.
that means something else Pogo.....they are responsible if their Delivery person fucks up....believe me....
Bullshit. Try the post office in any other country and get back to me on how "expensive" ours is. And when they track something, it's pretty much balls-on accurate.

Horseshit. USPS tracking is dreadful...mostly because packages simply ARE NOT SCANNED properly. Last FedEx package I got, I got tracking updates texted to me in real time!

FeEx is a complete hack operation. Don't use them, ever. Even UPS doesn't fuck up that bad, and when UPS is outperforming you, you got a problem.

Stupid statement.

Google "FedEx package didn't show up" like I did. It's a loooooong line to get in the back of.
For even more fun, read their disclaimer where they're not responsible for their own fuckups. I got it right here.
that means something else Pogo.....they are responsible if their Delivery person fucks up....believe me....

We shall see in the latest example Harry. So far I'm being advised to take my complaint to the sender and leave it to them and FedEx to settle between themselves, which I've also done. So far, crickets. The sender has my money, FedEx has a bullshit delivery claim, and I have nothing.
the PO will tell you the same thing.....if they cant resolve it for you....

The PO would trace it down and compensate if I filed a claim. But they've never flat-out lied to me about being here when they weren't like RedEx has.
Wonder why libs did nothing when they controlled everything.........all talk ...no action.........wonder if they will even propose anything this session........
here is why they did nothing you moron ... to control the congress you first have to have the super majority ... the dems never had the super majority they only hand the majority ... or did you forget all those filibuster... go and learn how the government works moron ... it amazes me how you get through life with such stupid remarks like this.... that's ok moron ....theres a senator in one of the states that said he's going to filibuster every republican bill they try to pass that comes out of the house ... then we can say stupid shit just like you did
so what did they do for them?.....
Anyone.............. Buhler....what have libs done to support the PO................
we have written bill after bill to repeal this 50 year retirement bill the republicans passed, to repeal it ... what have the republicans done ??? they won't bring it too the floor ... thats what they've done ...why because they know it will stop them from failing moron and make the union bigger
no they havent......geezus christ.....they have been talking about this with that ridiculous committee they set up for almost 8 years now..... all they have done is eat lunch and name 15 PO's around the Country...
They can't, moron. It's illegal.
Worse, it's unprofitable

No, it's just illegal. Ho can you know whether it's unprofitable if private firms are not allowed to provide the service? If the Post Office does such a great job, then why not open it up to competition?
well if this private firm that you feel can do the job then they too have to hold a retirement plan 50 years out too... I wonder how many of your private firms will jump at deal ...

Wrong. They are free to make any deal with their employees that any other private company is legally allowed to make.

are you really this stupid ??? the republicans passed a bill, this bill makes the post office pay for their retirement plan 50 years out .... this isn't a union Idea.... this was a republican idea, this is whats causing them to fail you ... they cant change shit ....they have to get the congress to repeal it ... where the hell have you been ...thats why they are failing ... they are n't free to make and such deal ... it is law ... that was passed by the republicans under george bush
not a Republican idea alone.....your godamned party co-sponsored the fucking thing........
The Post Office isn't like UPS and Fed Ex. for the simple reason that government agencies don't give a shit whether they operate efficiently because the workers are guaranteed a salary courtesy of the taxpayers. There must be ways to make it more efficient.

It is profitable and it doesn't use a penny of tax dollars. Fucking learn something.

It costs a lot more than it should cost. When you see postal workers driving brand new Corvettes, you know something isn't right.
  1. While CEO of FedEx in 2008, Frederick W. Smith earned a total compensation of $10,434,589, which included a base salary of$1,430,466, a cash bonus of $2,705,000, stocks granted of $0, and options granted of $5,461,575.
Corvettes No, Rolls Royce Yes.

Your point? The shareholders of FEDEX are free to pay their CEO any amount they like. Taxpayers don't have that option with the Post Office.
the tax payers dont pay the PMG....
I have heard Obama keeps trying to steal the money they have socked away but the union keeps fighting them off
you are ignorant ... obama can,t touch any of their funds ever... why do you say such stupid shit
sure he cant billy.....they have been taking postal funds since the first day i worked there....who do you think owns and runs it?.....
Funny I havent seen any such thing or heard it from my father who worked there.

It's amazing how many people think that the world revolves around themselves. What they experience is what everyone experiences.

Just because you haven't seen anything about it doesn't mean it didn't happen:

Issa Blocks Fix Of Post Office Pension Prepay Time Bomb, Says Robert Weiner,... -- WASHINGTON, June 15, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --
Issa is head of that useless committee i mentioned earlier....and as i have known for years the guys an asshole...but the other people on that Comm. just eat lunch and talk...waste of time....
Horseshit. USPS tracking is dreadful...mostly because packages simply ARE NOT SCANNED properly. Last FedEx package I got, I got tracking updates texted to me in real time!

Stupid statement.

Google "FedEx package didn't show up" like I did. It's a loooooong line to get in the back of.
For even more fun, read their disclaimer where they're not responsible for their own fuckups. I got it right here.
that means something else Pogo.....they are responsible if their Delivery person fucks up....believe me....
Horseshit. USPS tracking is dreadful...mostly because packages simply ARE NOT SCANNED properly. Last FedEx package I got, I got tracking updates texted to me in real time!

Stupid statement.

Google "FedEx package didn't show up" like I did. It's a loooooong line to get in the back of.
For even more fun, read their disclaimer where they're not responsible for their own fuckups. I got it right here.
that means something else Pogo.....they are responsible if their Delivery person fucks up....believe me....

We shall see in the latest example Harry. So far I'm being advised to take my complaint to the sender and leave it to them and FedEx to settle between themselves, which I've also done. So far, crickets. The sender has my money, FedEx has a bullshit delivery claim, and I have nothing.
the PO will tell you the same thing.....if they cant resolve it for you....

The PO would trace it down and compensate if I filed a claim. But they've never flat-out lied to me about being here when they weren't like RedEx has.
well everyone has their own horror stories.....i know i sure seen and heard a few in my time........
Behold the liberal lies and deceit...blame repubs for doing what they havent done themselves while Obama tries to steal their pension money

Either you made that lie up yourself or someone in the right wing media fed it to you.

The president can't touch the funds for pensions at the PO.

I have a feeling that your father either doesn't talk to you much or that was just another lie from you.

The democrats passed the bill in 2012 in the Senate. It went to the house and was promptly killed by daryl issa. The person who wrote the bill in the house was a democratic congressman by the name of Stephen Lynch from Massachusetts.

So if you want to complain about the problem, get it right. The republicans created the problem and then when the democrats tried to fix the problem, republican daryl issa killed the bill.

NAPUS: Senate Passes Postal Bill S 1789 By 62-37 Vote |

Issa Blocks Fix Of Post Office Pension Prepay Time Bomb, Says Robert Weiner, Former Spokesman for U.S. House Govt Reform Comm.; Bipartisan Bill Has 229 Sponsors But Chairman Issa Pushes Privatization - The Business Journals
by the way my Union thought his bill was pretty shitty too.....and were actually glad it died.......
I get very little in the mail other than the throw away junk mail. All of my bills are online and all my payments are paid online.

I can't remember the last piece of mail I got that was of any significance.

Environmentally the USPS is a disaster, look how much fuel they use and how many trees are cut down.

I agree with charging companies a lot more money to send junk mail. $5-$10 would be fine by me, then it would eliminate 99% of the mail.
Papa....the PO does not cut down those trees.....the people who do the mailings are responsible for that.....and right now they operate one of the world’s largest fleet of alternative fuel-capable vehicles .... more than 42,000 of them and every year they are adding more

How many of those "alternative fuel" vehicles (most of which are nothing more than E85-capable delivery trucks) actually burn anything but gasoline?
when i seen them they were all lined up plugged into an power outlet.......my guess?..... none of those ones anyway....
Of all of the governmental programs the GOP has in it's sight to cut, one of the most interesting ones will be the Post Office. We haven't heard the GOP speak much about it lately during their "repackaging" initiative. Given the employment demographic of the USPS and the fact that they are unionized which is always a target for the GOP.

What is the over/under on when a postal reform will be brought up? I believe this is one area where Obama will potentially cave dependent on how much of a fight he wants to pick with Congress.

LOL. If the USPS goes under it'll be due to its own incompetence. If it wants to survive it has to stop thinking like the Dems (you know ... that money-grows-on-trees mentality) and start acting like a capitalist business. Reduce overhead; fire deadbeat employees (there's lots of them); run their routes more efficiently; and make a profit. Simple math, really.
they cant do anything major without Congressional approval...and most carriers run their routes pretty efficiently ......and they are mandated to try and break even.....and one of the PMG's we had from Coca-Cola said that aint as easy as it sounds....
The post office already uses fed ex for their priority mail when it has to be flown.
As long as we have hacks like Federal Express fucking up the simple act of package delivery, the USPS will remain the go-to system. I send and receive packages pretty regularly here in the sticks and I'd say 75% of incoming and 100% of outgoing is via the Post Office, which make no mistake is unquestionably the best in the world.

How does FEDEX fuck up package delivery? Privatizing the Post Office would lead to lower prices and faster, more reliable delivery - also less junkmail.
they use Fed-X to fly ALL their First Class....
The USPS is a necessary function of our government. It is efficient, reliable and available to EVERYONE. It is profitable and if not for the poison pill that the GOP fed it a few years back....would have zero financial problems to speak of.
that poison pill as i have said a dozen times in postal threads here, was just as much the Democrats pill.....they co-sponsored it and havent done jack shit to repeal it....and that includes the President....

Actually yes the democrats have tried to do something about it. The republicans keep preventing the necessary changes.

The democrats were able to get it passed in the senate in 2012. A democrat in the House wrote the House side bill. daryl issa killed it in committee.

NAPUS: Senate Passes Postal Bill S 1789 By 62-37 Vote |

Issa Blocks Fix Of Post Office Pension Prepay Time Bomb, Says Robert Weiner, Former Spokesman for U.S. House Govt Reform Comm.; Bipartisan Bill Has 229 Sponsors But Chairman Issa Pushes Privatization - The Business Journals

Can you please give me some information on the democrats who cosponsored that bill? I would like to email them and let them know what I think of them.
one of them just retired....that little weasel Waxmen out here from my State.....the other guy i cant recall his name right now.... let me look up the bill again and ill let you know....ill post it to you when i get it here in this thread......

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