What Will Happen to the Post Office

As long as we have hacks like Federal Express fucking up the simple act of package delivery, the USPS will remain the go-to system. I send and receive packages pretty regularly here in the sticks and I'd say 75% of incoming and 100% of outgoing is via the Post Office, which make no mistake is unquestionably the best in the world.

How does FEDEX fuck up package delivery? Privatizing the Post Office would lead to lower prices and faster, more reliable delivery - also less junkmail.

Bullshit. Try the post office in any other country and get back to me on how "expensive" ours is. And when they track something, it's pretty much balls-on accurate.

Horseshit. USPS tracking is dreadful...mostly because packages simply ARE NOT SCANNED properly. Last FedEx package I got, I got tracking updates texted to me in real time!

FeEx is a complete hack operation. Don't use them, ever. Even UPS doesn't fuck up that bad, and when UPS is outperforming you, you got a problem.

Stupid statement.
the PO does real time now.....but you can blame Congress for not letting them keep up with the latest shit.....

The Post Office is a nationalized ---socialized -- entity. As has been shown a gazillion times centralized planning , socialism does NOT work.

like i said.....blame it on the Congress......
As long as we have hacks like Federal Express fucking up the simple act of package delivery, the USPS will remain the go-to system. I send and receive packages pretty regularly here in the sticks and I'd say 75% of incoming and 100% of outgoing is via the Post Office, which make no mistake is unquestionably the best in the world.
They can't handle big items though, can they?

I have never had a problem with Fed Ex, UPS or the postal service, when it came to sending a package.

Mail usually works too.

I just hate all the junk, especially junk made to look "official".

Like most of government USPS is corporate welfare for the most part and taxpayers should not subsidize the delivery of junk mail they despise.

One consideration is that tampering with the mail is a federal offense; tampering with a FedEx delivery -- even on the driver's end -- is just "oh well, our records say delivered, that's the end of it, tough shit".
and they have cameras everywhere.....except the bathrooms.....

The USPS has cameras everywhere except the bathroom as you stated. As a very young man I spent a couple of years as a Postal Service electrician getting the bulk mail system started in Atlanta and New York City. (actually it was on the Jersey side between the Lincoln and Holland tunnels.) I then spent 5 years at Fedex in Memphis and 8 years at UPS in Louisville as a consultant on their aircraft systems and have seen both systems in operation up close.

The operations were similar, but the USPS had tighter security because they were the only one that had First Class Mail responsibility. UPS and FEDEX had reasonable security to prevent employee theft. The basic difference that I observed was when an employee came to word stoned or drunk at the post office they were sent home, and at UPS and FEDEX they were usually fired.
UPS is Teamsters....he wasnt fired.....
How does FEDEX fuck up package delivery? Privatizing the Post Office would lead to lower prices and faster, more reliable delivery - also less junkmail.

Bullshit. Try the post office in any other country and get back to me on how "expensive" ours is. And when they track something, it's pretty much balls-on accurate.

Horseshit. USPS tracking is dreadful...mostly because packages simply ARE NOT SCANNED properly. Last FedEx package I got, I got tracking updates texted to me in real time!

FeEx is a complete hack operation. Don't use them, ever. Even UPS doesn't fuck up that bad, and when UPS is outperforming you, you got a problem.

Stupid statement.
the PO does real time now.....but you can blame Congress for not letting them keep up with the latest shit.....

The Post Office is a nationalized ---socialized -- entity. As has been shown a gazillion times centralized planning , socialism does NOT work.

like i said.....blame it on the Congress......

The mail clause merely enables Congress to direct where post offices should be located and on what roads mail should be carried,
Behold the liberal lies and deceit...blame repubs for doing what they havent done themselves while Obama tries to steal their pension money

Either you made that lie up yourself or someone in the right wing media fed it to you.

The president can't touch the funds for pensions at the PO.

I have a feeling that your father either doesn't talk to you much or that was just another lie from you.

The democrats passed the bill in 2012 in the Senate. It went to the house and was promptly killed by daryl issa. The person who wrote the bill in the house was a democratic congressman by the name of Stephen Lynch from Massachusetts.

So if you want to complain about the problem, get it right. The republicans created the problem and then when the democrats tried to fix the problem, republican daryl issa killed the bill.

NAPUS: Senate Passes Postal Bill S 1789 By 62-37 Vote |

Issa Blocks Fix Of Post Office Pension Prepay Time Bomb, Says Robert Weiner, Former Spokesman for U.S. House Govt Reform Comm.; Bipartisan Bill Has 229 Sponsors But Chairman Issa Pushes Privatization - The Business Journals
by the way my Union thought his bill was pretty shitty too.....and were actually glad it died.......

At least the democrats tried to do something about it.

daryl issa killed the bill in the house.

It's not fair to say that the democrats have not tried to do anything to fix the problem. They have.
The USPS is a necessary function of our government. It is efficient, reliable and available to EVERYONE. It is profitable and if not for the poison pill that the GOP fed it a few years back....would have zero financial problems to speak of.
that poison pill as i have said a dozen times in postal threads here, was just as much the Democrats pill.....they co-sponsored it and havent done jack shit to repeal it....and that includes the President....

Actually yes the democrats have tried to do something about it. The republicans keep preventing the necessary changes.

The democrats were able to get it passed in the senate in 2012. A democrat in the House wrote the House side bill. daryl issa killed it in committee.

NAPUS: Senate Passes Postal Bill S 1789 By 62-37 Vote |

Issa Blocks Fix Of Post Office Pension Prepay Time Bomb, Says Robert Weiner, Former Spokesman for U.S. House Govt Reform Comm.; Bipartisan Bill Has 229 Sponsors But Chairman Issa Pushes Privatization - The Business Journals

Can you please give me some information on the democrats who cosponsored that bill? I would like to email them and let them know what I think of them.
one of them just retired....that little weasel Waxmen out here from my State.....the other guy i cant recall his name right now.... let me look up the bill again and ill let you know....ill post it to you when i get it here in this thread......

I found the house bill. Yes 2 democrats co sponsored the bill. Henry Waxman was one of them. I was very surprised to see his name as a co sponsor. I have never heard of the other one, Danny Davis of Illinois.

I'll email both of them and let them both know what I think of that bill and the fact that they co sponsored it.

Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (2006; 109th Congress H.R. 6407) - GovTrack.us
Bullshit. Try the post office in any other country and get back to me on how "expensive" ours is. And when they track something, it's pretty much balls-on accurate.

Horseshit. USPS tracking is dreadful...mostly because packages simply ARE NOT SCANNED properly. Last FedEx package I got, I got tracking updates texted to me in real time!

FeEx is a complete hack operation. Don't use them, ever. Even UPS doesn't fuck up that bad, and when UPS is outperforming you, you got a problem.

Stupid statement.
the PO does real time now.....but you can blame Congress for not letting them keep up with the latest shit.....

The Post Office is a nationalized ---socialized -- entity. As has been shown a gazillion times centralized planning , socialism does NOT work.

like i said.....blame it on the Congress......

The mail clause merely enables Congress to direct where post offices should be located and on what roads mail should be carried,

That's not true at all.

It's a simple one sentence in section 8 of the constitution. Read the sentence is dark text.

Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;—And

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. [1]
Behold the liberal lies and deceit...blame repubs for doing what they havent done themselves while Obama tries to steal their pension money

Either you made that lie up yourself or someone in the right wing media fed it to you.

The president can't touch the funds for pensions at the PO.

I have a feeling that your father either doesn't talk to you much or that was just another lie from you.

The democrats passed the bill in 2012 in the Senate. It went to the house and was promptly killed by daryl issa. The person who wrote the bill in the house was a democratic congressman by the name of Stephen Lynch from Massachusetts.

So if you want to complain about the problem, get it right. The republicans created the problem and then when the democrats tried to fix the problem, republican daryl issa killed the bill.

NAPUS: Senate Passes Postal Bill S 1789 By 62-37 Vote |

Issa Blocks Fix Of Post Office Pension Prepay Time Bomb, Says Robert Weiner, Former Spokesman for U.S. House Govt Reform Comm.; Bipartisan Bill Has 229 Sponsors But Chairman Issa Pushes Privatization - The Business Journals
by the way my Union thought his bill was pretty shitty too.....and were actually glad it died.......

At least the democrats tried to do something about it.

daryl issa killed the bill in the house.

It's not fair to say that the democrats have not tried to do anything to fix the problem. They have.
Too bad not when ya controlled everything leading me to believe dems dont really care about it but it was another convenient issue at that time they did try.
Bullshit. Try the post office in any other country and get back to me on how "expensive" ours is. And when they track something, it's pretty much balls-on accurate.

Horseshit. USPS tracking is dreadful...mostly because packages simply ARE NOT SCANNED properly. Last FedEx package I got, I got tracking updates texted to me in real time!

FeEx is a complete hack operation. Don't use them, ever. Even UPS doesn't fuck up that bad, and when UPS is outperforming you, you got a problem.

Stupid statement.
the PO does real time now.....but you can blame Congress for not letting them keep up with the latest shit.....

The Post Office is a nationalized ---socialized -- entity. As has been shown a gazillion times centralized planning , socialism does NOT work.

like i said.....blame it on the Congress......

The mail clause merely enables Congress to direct where post offices should be located and on what roads mail should be carried,
the PO cant take a piss without Congress giving its approval.....
Horseshit. USPS tracking is dreadful...mostly because packages simply ARE NOT SCANNED properly. Last FedEx package I got, I got tracking updates texted to me in real time!

Stupid statement.
the PO does real time now.....but you can blame Congress for not letting them keep up with the latest shit.....

The Post Office is a nationalized ---socialized -- entity. As has been shown a gazillion times centralized planning , socialism does NOT work.

like i said.....blame it on the Congress......

The mail clause merely enables Congress to direct where post offices should be located and on what roads mail should be carried,
the PO cant take a piss without Congress giving its approval.....

Did Congress approve of all the prices that are currently used at the post office?
They can't, moron. It's illegal.
Worse, it's unprofitable

No, it's just illegal. Ho can you know whether it's unprofitable if private firms are not allowed to provide the service? If the Post Office does such a great job, then why not open it up to competition?

If we abolish the USPS do we have a choice but to make it legal?

How much would FedEx or UPS charge to send a letter cross country and deliver it door to door?

They would probably charge a lot less than the Post Office. That's why the Post Office fights tooth and nail to prevent Congress from abolishing its legal monopoly on 1st class mail.
no it isnt.....

"No it isn't" what?
The Post Office isn't like UPS and Fed Ex. for the simple reason that government agencies don't give a shit whether they operate efficiently because the workers are guaranteed a salary courtesy of the taxpayers. There must be ways to make it more efficient.

It is profitable and it doesn't use a penny of tax dollars. Fucking learn something.

It costs a lot more than it should cost. When you see postal workers driving brand new Corvettes, you know something isn't right.
  1. While CEO of FedEx in 2008, Frederick W. Smith earned a total compensation of $10,434,589, which included a base salary of$1,430,466, a cash bonus of $2,705,000, stocks granted of $0, and options granted of $5,461,575.
Corvettes No, Rolls Royce Yes.

Your point? The shareholders of FEDEX are free to pay their CEO any amount they like. Taxpayers don't have that option with the Post Office.
the tax payers dont pay the PMG....

I assume that means the guy in charge of the PO. The PO is a government enforced monopoly. The taxpayers may not pay through taxes, but the money you pay for stamps is essentially a tax because you don't have the alternative of going elsewhere.
Because we need to ditch the Post Office. It's a big money sucking black hole.
It is obsolete in its current role. We need to change that role. Let them be the face of government to most people.
I still haven't seen any private companies stepping up to deliver a letter door to door, cross country for fifty cents

They can't, moron. It's illegal.
Worse, it's unprofitable

No, it's just illegal. Ho can you know whether it's unprofitable if private firms are not allowed to provide the service? If the Post Office does such a great job, then why not open it up to competition?
there is a reason for that but i bet if i told you you would say im full of shit....

Yes I would.
Behold the liberal lies and deceit...blame repubs for doing what they havent done themselves while Obama tries to steal their pension money

Either you made that lie up yourself or someone in the right wing media fed it to you.

The president can't touch the funds for pensions at the PO.

I have a feeling that your father either doesn't talk to you much or that was just another lie from you.

The democrats passed the bill in 2012 in the Senate. It went to the house and was promptly killed by daryl issa. The person who wrote the bill in the house was a democratic congressman by the name of Stephen Lynch from Massachusetts.

So if you want to complain about the problem, get it right. The republicans created the problem and then when the democrats tried to fix the problem, republican daryl issa killed the bill.

NAPUS: Senate Passes Postal Bill S 1789 By 62-37 Vote |

Issa Blocks Fix Of Post Office Pension Prepay Time Bomb, Says Robert Weiner, Former Spokesman for U.S. House Govt Reform Comm.; Bipartisan Bill Has 229 Sponsors But Chairman Issa Pushes Privatization - The Business Journals
by the way my Union thought his bill was pretty shitty too.....and were actually glad it died.......

At least the democrats tried to do something about it.

daryl issa killed the bill in the house.

It's not fair to say that the democrats have not tried to do anything to fix the problem. They have.
yes it is fair because its all talk....just because Senator so and so is saying how we have to save the post office and then sits down and goes back to eating his lunch.....does not mean he is trying to fix the problem....i sat in on many a Union meeting since 06.....this special Committee is all bullshit....this is one of the reasons i have grown to hate the Democrats as much as the Republicans because they are 2 faced basterds.....at least Darrel the asshole will stand up and say fuck the PO.....Henry the weasel Waxmen talked at a workshop and said ...."you guys are great im for a viable healthy PO"....and then Co-Sponsors that fucking bill....by the way Dana ....the jerk who sponsored the bill was Tom Davis R- Virginia.....the Co-Sponsors were John McHugh R-NY.....Danny Davis D-ILL....and Henry Waxmen D-Ca.....Waxmen and McHugh were considered "friends" of the Union.....some friends......
It is profitable and it doesn't use a penny of tax dollars. Fucking learn something.

It costs a lot more than it should cost. When you see postal workers driving brand new Corvettes, you know something isn't right.
  1. While CEO of FedEx in 2008, Frederick W. Smith earned a total compensation of $10,434,589, which included a base salary of$1,430,466, a cash bonus of $2,705,000, stocks granted of $0, and options granted of $5,461,575.
Corvettes No, Rolls Royce Yes.

Your point? The shareholders of FEDEX are free to pay their CEO any amount they like. Taxpayers don't have that option with the Post Office.
the tax payers dont pay the PMG....

I assume that means the guy in charge of the PO. The PO is a government enforced monopoly. The taxpayers may not pay through taxes, but the money you pay for stamps is essentially a tax because you don't have the alternative of going elsewhere.
if you want to look at it like that....but no one is forcing you to buy those stamps are they?.....stick a letter in sealed Fed-X envelope and send it that way....
It costs a lot more than it should cost. When you see postal workers driving brand new Corvettes, you know something isn't right.
  1. While CEO of FedEx in 2008, Frederick W. Smith earned a total compensation of $10,434,589, which included a base salary of$1,430,466, a cash bonus of $2,705,000, stocks granted of $0, and options granted of $5,461,575.
Corvettes No, Rolls Royce Yes.

Your point? The shareholders of FEDEX are free to pay their CEO any amount they like. Taxpayers don't have that option with the Post Office.
the tax payers dont pay the PMG....

I assume that means the guy in charge of the PO. The PO is a government enforced monopoly. The taxpayers may not pay through taxes, but the money you pay for stamps is essentially a tax because you don't have the alternative of going elsewhere.
if you want to look at it like that....but no one is forcing you to buy those stamps are they?.....stick a letter in sealed Fed-X envelope and send it that way....

That's the same "choice" a mugger gives you: hand over your wallet or take a bullet in the chest.
It is obsolete in its current role. We need to change that role. Let them be the face of government to most people.
I still haven't seen any private companies stepping up to deliver a letter door to door, cross country for fifty cents

They can't, moron. It's illegal.
Worse, it's unprofitable

No, it's just illegal. Ho can you know whether it's unprofitable if private firms are not allowed to provide the service? If the Post Office does such a great job, then why not open it up to competition?
there is a reason for that but i bet if i told you you would say im full of shit....

Yes I would.
thats why i said what i said.....but i can back up what i say....you wont be able to back up what you think the reason is......
  1. While CEO of FedEx in 2008, Frederick W. Smith earned a total compensation of $10,434,589, which included a base salary of$1,430,466, a cash bonus of $2,705,000, stocks granted of $0, and options granted of $5,461,575.
Corvettes No, Rolls Royce Yes.

Your point? The shareholders of FEDEX are free to pay their CEO any amount they like. Taxpayers don't have that option with the Post Office.
the tax payers dont pay the PMG....

I assume that means the guy in charge of the PO. The PO is a government enforced monopoly. The taxpayers may not pay through taxes, but the money you pay for stamps is essentially a tax because you don't have the alternative of going elsewhere.
if you want to look at it like that....but no one is forcing you to buy those stamps are they?.....stick a letter in sealed Fed-X envelope and send it that way....

That's the same "choice" a mugger gives you: hand over your wallet or take a bullet in the chest.
but i thought you said Fed-X is better and cheaper?....you can stick a First Class letter in one of their Envelopes and pay the 25 bucks or whatever it is and send it with them.....no one is stopping you....
Your point? The shareholders of FEDEX are free to pay their CEO any amount they like. Taxpayers don't have that option with the Post Office.
the tax payers dont pay the PMG....

I assume that means the guy in charge of the PO. The PO is a government enforced monopoly. The taxpayers may not pay through taxes, but the money you pay for stamps is essentially a tax because you don't have the alternative of going elsewhere.
if you want to look at it like that....but no one is forcing you to buy those stamps are they?.....stick a letter in sealed Fed-X envelope and send it that way....

That's the same "choice" a mugger gives you: hand over your wallet or take a bullet in the chest.
but i thought you said Fed-X is better and cheaper?....you can stick a First Class letter in one of their Envelopes and pay the 25 bucks or whatever it is and send it with them.....no one is stopping you....

It's better and cheaper at delivering the classes of mail it's allowed to deliver. We both know the government doesn't allow it to deliver 1st class mail. So you're telling me I should pay for a much higher class of mail to have my 1st class mail delivered.
They can't, moron. It's illegal.
Worse, it's unprofitable

No, it's just illegal. Ho can you know whether it's unprofitable if private firms are not allowed to provide the service? If the Post Office does such a great job, then why not open it up to competition?
there is a reason for that but i bet if i told you you would say im full of shit....

Yes I would.
thats why i said what i said.....but i can back up what i say....you wont be able to back up what you think the reason is......
Sure I will.
As long as we have hacks like Federal Express fucking up the simple act of package delivery, the USPS will remain the go-to system. I send and receive packages pretty regularly here in the sticks and I'd say 75% of incoming and 100% of outgoing is via the Post Office, which make no mistake is unquestionably the best in the world.
They can't handle big items though, can they?

I have never had a problem with Fed Ex, UPS or the postal service, when it came to sending a package.

Mail usually works too.

I just hate all the junk, especially junk made to look "official".

Like most of government USPS is corporate welfare for the most part and taxpayers should not subsidize the delivery of junk mail they despise.

One consideration is that tampering with the mail is a federal offense; tampering with a FedEx delivery -- even on the driver's end -- is just "oh well, our records say delivered, that's the end of it, tough shit".
and they have cameras everywhere.....except the bathrooms.....

The USPS has cameras everywhere except the bathroom as you stated. As a very young man I spent a couple of years as a Postal Service electrician getting the bulk mail system started in Atlanta and New York City. (actually it was on the Jersey side between the Lincoln and Holland tunnels.) I then spent 5 years at Fedex in Memphis and 8 years at UPS in Louisville as a consultant on their aircraft systems and have seen both systems in operation up close.

The operations were similar, but the USPS had tighter security because they were the only one that had First Class Mail responsibility. UPS and FEDEX had reasonable security to prevent employee theft. The basic difference that I observed was when an employee came to word stoned or drunk at the post office they were sent home, and at UPS and FEDEX they were usually fired.
UPS is Teamsters....he wasnt fired.....

You are probably right. The fact that the two or three examples I heard about were probably suspensions. I did hear they were offered a drug treatment program.

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