What Will Happen to the Post Office

Funny I havent seen any such thing or heard it from my father who worked there.
Yes it is funny, no one else does their job everyday and knows what they are doing.

Down right amusing, thanks again.

Maybe you should order reading comprehension lessons by mail. What that post means is that the postal carrier is here (and everywhere) daily, whereas the last time a FedEx truck was here was maybe two years ago.

Given that, which one do you think knows an address from his asshole?

Let me know if you need more clues.

Gee, I'm in the transportation industry and given that there is GPS, you are the ASSHOLE. LOL! You are truly very funny today. Keep on making me smile.

Want to essplain where my expensive microphone is then?

Nope. Neither does FedEx.
As I said -- completely unaccountable.

So let me get this straight --- I paid a tidy three-figure sum, on time, in good faith, for this piece of equipment --- and I'm the asshole when it doesn't show up? Are you drunk?

STILL waiting for an answer on how being ripped off by a courier makes one an "asshole".
I'm left to assume it's for having the temerity to question the almighty Corporatia and suggest it might be less than flawless. :dunno:

Gee, just saw the post, i don't monitor when you post, nor do I care, I am not here for you, I am here for me. I really think you are hilarious, I have you telling me a story, is it true? :dunno: Did you get insurance? :dunno: Did you ask for the company, you are paying good money to, to ship it USPS? :dunno:

Have you acted like an asshole to me in the past, yes.

I stand by my statement. Have a good night.

That's not an answer.

The question is, again, how does being on the shitty end of a courier's stick make me an "asshole"? Explain the bridge between premise and conclusion. Note that the question is not about your feewings; it's how my receiving Absolutely Nothing because of a courier's blatant incompetence (and lying) makes me the asshole. Explain how you got from that point A to that point B.

Yanno, maybe I'm overthinking. Let's look at your actual words:
>> Gee, I'm in the transportation industry and given that there is GPS, you are the ASSHOLE. <<

So I guess technically I'm not an asshole because FedEx fucked up ---- I'm an asshole because GPS exists and because you are in the transportation industry. Apparently that's a deadly combination.

Still waiting on that bridge.

Perhaps its one a them troll bridges...
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Oh please they are setting up everyone to steal their money...ever heard of bail in.........its the latest scheme Obama approved, now the banks get your money if they need because of their fraud.......but they could never steal any FED govt entities funds noooooooooo.........They have plans to steal your 401 and IRA's make them Federal programs........try to keep up
well if this private firm that you feel can do the job then they too have to hold a retirement plan 50 years out too... I wonder how many of your private firms will jump at deal ...

Wrong. They are free to make any deal with their employees that any other private company is legally allowed to make.

are you really this stupid ??? the republicans passed a bill, this bill makes the post office pay for their retirement plan 50 years out .... this isn't a union Idea.... this was a republican idea, this is whats causing them to fail you ... they cant change shit ....they have to get the congress to repeal it ... where the hell have you been ...thats why they are failing ... they are n't free to make and such deal ... it is law ... that was passed by the republicans under george bush

I wasn't referring to the Post Office, you dumb shit. I was referring to any future private competitors it may have if Congress repeals the Postal Monopoly.
no you weren't ... you just caught yourself saying stupid shit ...you said the po is free to change it... they are not... then you came back here and saw what a stupid statement you made ... then you say oooooooooh I was talking about something else ...the you try to say we're libs are dumb!!!!
priceless !!!!

You're a moron. Yes I was referring to any future private competitors it may have if Congress repeals the Postal Monopoly. Anyone can read what I said for themselves.
no you weren't...you got caught being stupid agains... now you're tap dancing around it... we get it ...another repub-lie-tard being retarded... whats new
It is obsolete in its current role. We need to change that role. Let them be the face of government to most people.
I still haven't seen any private companies stepping up to deliver a letter door to door, cross country for fifty cents

They can't, moron. It's illegal.
Worse, it's unprofitable

No, it's just illegal. Ho can you know whether it's unprofitable if private firms are not allowed to provide the service? If the Post Office does such a great job, then why not open it up to competition?

If we abolish the USPS do we have a choice but to make it legal?

How much would FedEx or UPS charge to send a letter cross country and deliver it door to door?

They would probably charge a lot less than the Post Office. That's why the Post Office fights tooth and nail to prevent Congress from abolishing its legal monopoly on 1st class mail.
Good God!

Are you really that stupid or just playing games?
Do you really claim that FedEx/UPS could send a letter door to door, coast to coast for fifty cents?
They don't have ANY rate that is close to that

What exactly will they do for fifty cents? Bet they won't even deliver a letter to your next door neighbor
About 6 dollars. You know those troops we have in Korea, Iraq, Europe, etc... They will see their good will care packages dwindle down to almost zero. International starts at about $41.00. That'd be a shame.
That's pretty stupid by any standard.
What is stupid about it?

Do you have better numbers?
APO and FPO are not going to disappear, especially with an administration which supports the military.

Drop dead stupid, by any standard.
Why would you oppose convenient government services in every town?

Because we need to ditch the Post Office. It's a big money sucking black hole.
It is obsolete in its current role. We need to change that role. Let them be the face of government to most people.
I still haven't seen any private companies stepping up to deliver a letter door to door, cross country for fifty cents

They can't, moron. It's illegal.
No it isn't. I often get letters delivered by FedEx.

Wrong. It's illegal. They are in a different class that costs a lot more than 1st class delivery.
link to it being illegal, moron.
Of all of the governmental programs the GOP has in it's sight to cut, one of the most interesting ones will be the Post Office. We haven't heard the GOP speak much about it lately during their "repackaging" initiative. Given the employment demographic of the USPS and the fact that they are unionized which is always a target for the GOP.

What is the over/under on when a postal reform will be brought up? I believe this is one area where Obama will potentially cave dependent on how much of a fight he wants to pick with Congress.
its not just the GOP.....the Democrats are just as bad......and Obama caved on this years ago....
Of all of the governmental programs the GOP has in it's sight to cut, one of the most interesting ones will be the Post Office. We haven't heard the GOP speak much about it lately during their "repackaging" initiative. Given the employment demographic of the USPS and the fact that they are unionized which is always a target for the GOP.

What is the over/under on when a postal reform will be brought up? I believe this is one area where Obama will potentially cave dependent on how much of a fight he wants to pick with Congress.
Didn't he just appoint the first female Postmaster General?

I have some suggestions.

1. Charge $5.00 minimum for anything addressed to OCCUPANT.

2. Charge $5.00 minimum for any political ad.

3. Charge $5.00 minimum for any flyers for businesses.

Also, since the bulk of my mail these days is bullshit from Medicare, make them get their shit together.

But mainly, eliminate unsolicited mail by high fees, and leave the postal service to those of us who pay bills by mail and send cards and write letters.

Of course, if the USPS was no longer subsidized and subsidizing, and concentrated on meeting the needs of people, and not politicians and businesses, probably 80% of the overpaid union workers would have to be laid off.
Didn't he just appoint the first female Postmaster General?

As long as we have hacks like Federal Express fucking up the simple act of package delivery, the USPS will remain the go-to system. I send and receive packages pretty regularly here in the sticks and I'd say 75% of incoming and 100% of outgoing is via the Post Office, which make no mistake is unquestionably the best in the world.
the other guys dont want to deliver in the sticks.....and the PO fucks up plenty to Pogo....
We need to redefine the functions of the Post Office. They are in every town. They should be a focal point for government services. Social Security services, draft registration, tax questions[/QUOTE

I guess we need a new cabinet position and executive department.

A Czar of Centralized Governmental Intrusion Into Your Life.

I just want a post office that delivers the mail for a reasonable price.
find one cheaper......
As long as we have hacks like Federal Express fucking up the simple act of package delivery, the USPS will remain the go-to system. I send and receive packages pretty regularly here in the sticks and I'd say 75% of incoming and 100% of outgoing is via the Post Office, which make no mistake is unquestionably the best in the world.

How does FEDEX fuck up package delivery? Privatizing the Post Office would lead to lower prices and faster, more reliable delivery - also less junkmail.
you wont believe this Bri.....but in my 33 years in the PO there were outside outfits always testing the PO's delivery performance against UPS and Fed-X.....and they found that none were really any better then the others.....and out on the route talking to the Drivers on my route and the people who use the 3.....they were right.....we all had fuck ups and we all did great.....
As long as we have hacks like Federal Express fucking up the simple act of package delivery, the USPS will remain the go-to system. I send and receive packages pretty regularly here in the sticks and I'd say 75% of incoming and 100% of outgoing is via the Post Office, which make no mistake is unquestionably the best in the world.
They can't handle big items though, can they?

I have never had a problem with Fed Ex, UPS or the postal service, when it came to sending a package.

Mail usually works too.

I just hate all the junk, especially junk made to look "official".

Like most of government USPS is corporate welfare for the most part and taxpayers should not subsidize the delivery of junk mail they despise.
how do they subsidize junk mail?.....it pays most of the bills in the place.....
As long as we have hacks like Federal Express fucking up the simple act of package delivery, the USPS will remain the go-to system. I send and receive packages pretty regularly here in the sticks and I'd say 75% of incoming and 100% of outgoing is via the Post Office, which make no mistake is unquestionably the best in the world.
They can't handle big items though, can they?

I have never had a problem with Fed Ex, UPS or the postal service, when it came to sending a package.

Mail usually works too.

I just hate all the junk, especially junk made to look "official".

Like most of government USPS is corporate welfare for the most part and taxpayers should not subsidize the delivery of junk mail they despise.

One consideration is that tampering with the mail is a federal offense; tampering with a FedEx delivery -- even on the driver's end -- is just "oh well, our records say delivered, that's the end of it, tough shit".
and they have cameras everywhere.....except the bathrooms.....
As long as we have hacks like Federal Express fucking up the simple act of package delivery, the USPS will remain the go-to system. I send and receive packages pretty regularly here in the sticks and I'd say 75% of incoming and 100% of outgoing is via the Post Office, which make no mistake is unquestionably the best in the world.
They can't handle big items though, can they?

I have never had a problem with Fed Ex, UPS or the postal service, when it came to sending a package.

Mail usually works too.

I just hate all the junk, especially junk made to look "official".

Like most of government USPS is corporate welfare for the most part and taxpayers should not subsidize the delivery of junk mail they despise.
how do they subsidize junk mail?.....it pays most of the bills in the place.....
What do you think of the new Sunday package delivery?
The Post Office isn't like UPS and Fed Ex. for the simple reason that government agencies don't give a shit whether they operate efficiently because the workers are guaranteed a salary courtesy of the taxpayers. There must be ways to make it more efficient.
the tax payers do not pay the postal salaries....
The Post Office isn't like UPS and Fed Ex. for the simple reason that government agencies don't give a shit whether they operate efficiently because the workers are guaranteed a salary courtesy of the taxpayers. There must be ways to make it more efficient.

Again, bullshit. You want an example of workers not giving a shit, look no further than FedEx. Now the mailman, he comes every day and if I need to send something they have offices where I can just walk in, not have to sign up with a freaking account and they don't charge me an arm and a leg. And when they say they deliver, they actually do it.
to be fair we had our share of people who were just useless and did not give a dam about what they were delivering.....
We need to redefine the functions of the Post Office. They are in every town. They should be a focal point for government services. Social Security services, draft registration, tax questions[/QUOTE

I guess we need a new cabinet position and executive department.

A Czar of Centralized Governmental Intrusion Into Your Life.

I just want a post office that delivers the mail for a reasonable price.

Why would you oppose convenient government services in every town?

Because we need to ditch the Post Office. It's a big money sucking black hole.
thanks to Congress .....before 2006 the PO was in the black quite often.....and had none of the problems they have now....
As long as we have hacks like Federal Express fucking up the simple act of package delivery, the USPS will remain the go-to system. I send and receive packages pretty regularly here in the sticks and I'd say 75% of incoming and 100% of outgoing is via the Post Office, which make no mistake is unquestionably the best in the world.

How does FEDEX fuck up package delivery? Privatizing the Post Office would lead to lower prices and faster, more reliable delivery - also less junkmail.

Bullshit. Try the post office in any other country and get back to me on how "expensive" ours is. And when they track something, it's pretty much balls-on accurate.

FeEx is a complete hack operation. Don't use them, ever. Even UPS doesn't fuck up that bad, and when UPS is outperforming you, you got a problem.

So, compare our government run Post Office with other government run Post Offices? How does that indicate how it compares to private delivery?
when i was there Bri.....those other Govts PO's would come here to see how its done.....we had the most advanced mail sorting machines on the planet...and they were amazed at the amount of mail that this country moved.....NYC processes more mail than the UK does in a year.........

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