What Will Happen to the Post Office

Myth 1: The USPS' losses show that it's not a viable business
In the last decade or so, the USPS has been dogged by two significant changes. The most obvious is the advent of email, which has hurt postal volumes, especially first-class mail. That's a secular change that's not going away, and all the better for the many benefits it provides (spam notwithstanding).

The other change is political and imposes un-needed stress. In 2006, Congress passed the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, forcing USPS to pre-fund the present value of 75 years of its pension and health-benefit fund in 10 years -- about $5.5 billion annually for a business mandated to break even.

Listen only to the recent headlines and you might think the USPS is about to drop off the face of the earth. After all, officially it spurted red to the tune of $15.9 billion in 2012. Look closer.

Exactly $11.1 billion of that loss was due to the pre-funding mandate and half of that ($5.5 billion) was deferred from 2011 when the USPS defaulted on its payment in order to fund operations. Below are the official numbers and my adjusted figures accounting for Congress's mandate. How the Postal Service Is Being Gutted No other business operates this way and the the President and Congress keep trying to steal this money

It doesn't matter if it loses a fortune... It is a constitutional mandate...

I the RW want to say this outdated and needs to be modernised, OK... But if this part of the Constitution can be modernised then other parts should be open for changing too...
Wonder why libs did nothing when they controlled everything.........all talk ...no action.........wonder if they will even propose anything this session........
here is why they did nothing you moron ... to control the congress you first have to have the super majority ... the dems never had the super majority they only hand the majority ... or did you forget all those filibuster... go and learn how the government works moron ... it amazes me how you get through life with such stupid remarks like this.... that's ok moron ....theres a senator in one of the states that said he's going to filibuster every republican bill they try to pass that comes out of the house ... then we can say stupid shit just like you did
Glad you admit you have done nothing.......I.......
Anyone.............. Buhler....what have libs done to support the PO................
we have written bill after bill to repeal this 50 year retirement bill the republicans passed, to repeal it ... what have the republicans done ??? they won't bring it too the floor ... thats what they've done ...why because they know it will stop them from failing moron and make the union bigger
Yanno, as long as you fail to use the quote feature, nobody has a clue what you're talking about or who you're addressing with these non sequiturs...
Is it your thread...then it wasnt addressed to you pretty simple eh

Very good. Now go do that for the rest of your worthlessly acontextual droppings so they'll actually connect to something.

Say, just a wild guess... do you work for FedEx?
Cant help you dont know what threads you start..........and you havent read anything have you. Now go back and read and tell me if you think my posts are in favor of or against the PO be specific......

I don't have a fucking clue what your position is, and neither does anyone else. They're just islands, unconnected to anything, floating like turds in the toilet bowl of this thread. They amount to onanism, nothing more. I'm not wasting my time on noise.
Then you havent rread because it is clearly stated

Same service can be provided by the same org much more efficiently.

--- refers to what? Refers to who? :dunno: -- no quote context.

BTW a lot of this inefficiency is enforced thru UPS and FEDEX lobbying efforts

--- refers to what? Refers to who? :dunno: -- no quote context.

Now back to your partisan nonsense

--- refers to what? Refers to who? :dunno: -- no quote context.

Funny I havent seen any such thing or heard it from my father who worked there.

--- refers to what? Refers to who? :dunno: -- no quote context.


Wonder why libs did nothing when they controlled everything.........all talk ...no action.........wonder if they will even propose anything this session........
here is why they did nothing you moron ... to control the congress you first have to have the super majority ... the dems never had the super majority they only hand the majority ... or did you forget all those filibuster... go and learn how the government works moron ... it amazes me how you get through life with such stupid remarks like this.... that's ok moron ....theres a senator in one of the states that said he's going to filibuster every republican bill they try to pass that comes out of the house ... then we can say stupid shit just like you did
Glad you admit you have done nothing.......I.......
glad you admit you're a dumb fuck
I have heard Obama keeps trying to steal the money they have socked away but the union keeps fighting them off
Behold the liberal lies and deceit...blame repubs for doing what they havent done themselves while Obama tries to steal their pension money
It is obsolete in its current role. We need to change that role. Let them be the face of government to most people.
I still haven't seen any private companies stepping up to deliver a letter door to door, cross country for fifty cents

They can't, moron. It's illegal.
Worse, it's unprofitable

No, it's just illegal. Ho can you know whether it's unprofitable if private firms are not allowed to provide the service? If the Post Office does such a great job, then why not open it up to competition?
well if this private firm that you feel can do the job then they too have to hold a retirement plan 50 years out too... I wonder how many of your private firms will jump at deal ...

Wrong. They are free to make any deal with their employees that any other private company is legally allowed to make.

are you really this stupid ??? the republicans passed a bill, this bill makes the post office pay for their retirement plan 50 years out .... this isn't a union Idea.... this was a republican idea, this is whats causing them to fail you ... they cant change shit ....they have to get the congress to repeal it ... where the hell have you been ...thats why they are failing ... they are n't free to make and such deal ... it is law ... that was passed by the republicans under george bush
Behold the liberal lies and deceit...blame repubs for doing what they havent done themselves while Obama tries to steal their pension money
lets see here George bush and the republican party pass the bill that requires
It is obsolete in its current role. We need to change that role. Let them be the face of government to most people.
I still haven't seen any private companies stepping up to deliver a letter door to door, cross country for fifty cents

They can't, moron. It's illegal.
Worse, it's unprofitable

No, it's just illegal. Ho can you know whether it's unprofitable if private firms are not allowed to provide the service? If the Post Office does such a great job, then why not open it up to competition?
well if this private firm that you feel can do the job then they too have to hold a retirement plan 50 years out too... I wonder how many of your private firms will jump at deal ...

Wrong. They are free to make any deal with their employees that any other private company is legally allowed to make.
this was not a deal with their employee's idiot ...this was a law that was passed by the republican party, and sign into law by George bush ... that said they have to have their retirement program paid for 50 years out ... this wasn't their employee voting for it ...this wasn't their union who voted for it ... they all want it repealed ... this was the republican party passing unreal laws on the PO ... pull your head out of your ass... do you ever know what the hell you're saying
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Once more go back and read......Think I said no other co operates under this .........try to keep up......btw did you ever attempt repeal...........I bet not every repub voted for this when it passed...surely you could have found supporters to get it repealed............
Of all of the governmental programs the GOP has in it's sight to cut, one of the most interesting ones will be the Post Office. We haven't heard the GOP speak much about it lately during their "repackaging" initiative. Given the employment demographic of the USPS and the fact that they are unionized which is always a target for the GOP.

What is the over/under on when a postal reform will be brought up? I believe this is one area where Obama will potentially cave dependent on how much of a fight he wants to pick with Congress.
Ideally the Post Office will be reconstituted as an actual Federal entity with its primary purpose to serve the American people, not make a 'profit.'
Once more go back and read......Think I said no other co operates under this .........try to keep up......btw did you ever attempt repeal...........I bet not every repub voted for this when it passed...surely you could have found supporters to get it repealed............
you would lose that bet ... . bernie sanders has tried along with many dems trying to bring it to the floor... even by going around boehner to bring it to the floor... and we just didn't have the vote ... go and do some god damn research instead of shooting off your big mouth... it amazes me how much people like you who hate every thing a liberal says and never does any kind of research at all
How many dems...........I bet not near enough.......since you were what one short of super majority in Sen........pretty sad that even when people are on your side you have to try to make enemies....why is that...........does that help or hinder...............
The Post Office isn't like UPS and Fed Ex. for the simple reason that government agencies don't give a shit whether they operate efficiently because the workers are guaranteed a salary courtesy of the taxpayers. There must be ways to make it more efficient.

It is profitable and it doesn't use a penny of tax dollars. Fucking learn something.

It costs a lot more than it should cost. When you see postal workers driving brand new Corvettes, you know something isn't right.
  1. While CEO of FedEx in 2008, Frederick W. Smith earned a total compensation of $10,434,589, which included a base salary of$1,430,466, a cash bonus of $2,705,000, stocks granted of $0, and options granted of $5,461,575.
Corvettes No, Rolls Royce Yes.

Your point? The shareholders of FEDEX are free to pay their CEO any amount they like. Taxpayers don't have that option with the Post Office.

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