What Will Happen to the Post Office

Based on far left propaganda talking points?

USPS already uses Fed Ex or did that not make it into the far left programming?

A union based government controlled entity is using a non-union private company..

They don't use them to deliver ballots. Do you have any idea how much the cost of holding an election will rise if you deliver ballots via Fedex or UPS?

I am sure to the far left programmed mind it would rise, but since there are no really facts to back up such propaganda. One can only make such claims based on their political bias. And since you are far left we already know how you think.

USPS uses Fed-Ex..
they are both making money....they and UPS have a working deal too....

And USPS made these deals to save money right?
they made the deal with Fed-X because they can fly when commercial airlines cant....do you realize how many days mail would sit on a dock somewhere waiting to be flown but cant because the Commercial airlines were grounded?.....Fed-X doesnt have those restrictions....so they fly the First Class and got their Boxes put at PO's around the country.....and the PO delivers MANY of their parcels for them in certain areas.....a win for both....

So it save USPS money!
My 2 cents, as a small business owner, the US POSTAL SERVICE is the BEST thing since sliced bread!!!

I have shipped over 600 packages with them since I opened my shop 3 years ago, and only 1 package was lost, out of the 600.

I had to send another to the customer, but then USPS found the package and delivered it to her.....so she got 2 of what she ordered....big deal, I lost $20 bucks.

USPS is kick ass GREAT. They have improved tremendously, in just the last 3 years, and they are trying to give UPS and FEDX a run for their money on packages...USPS is NOT about snail mail, it is about supporting ALL of us small business owners, with excellent service and excellent product.

USPS Priority Mail for packages, INCLUDES $100 in insurance on all of their packages now, you can track them online, all are delivered and in the hands of the customer in 2 to 3 days at the longest, they also have regional rate boxes that saves money, you can request a package pick up on line, for any Priority mail or International first class mail that you are shipping, and throw your first class mail packages going out, in there too... They are opened on Saturdays and deliver and pick up on Saturdays which I utilize and my customers appreciate as well...

And NOW, I just got a note that they will be delivering 7 days a week, starting today, through Christmas...HOLY COW,

they are just AWESOME....and are truly focusing on their customer's needs, and have truly reformed themselves!

USPS AND FEDX, are very expensive and do not offer the big bulk discounts that LARGE corporations get, to the small business...they serve their purpose, for the BIG GUNS, but us small peons out here, are forever grateful, for the US postal service....it is the face to face partnership that small businesses are used to dealing with...
They don't use them to deliver ballots. Do you have any idea how much the cost of holding an election will rise if you deliver ballots via Fedex or UPS?

I am sure to the far left programmed mind it would rise, but since there are no really facts to back up such propaganda. One can only make such claims based on their political bias. And since you are far left we already know how you think.

USPS uses Fed-Ex..
they are both making money....they and UPS have a working deal too....

And USPS made these deals to save money right?
they made the deal with Fed-X because they can fly when commercial airlines cant....do you realize how many days mail would sit on a dock somewhere waiting to be flown but cant because the Commercial airlines were grounded?.....Fed-X doesnt have those restrictions....so they fly the First Class and got their Boxes put at PO's around the country.....and the PO delivers MANY of their parcels for them in certain areas.....a win for both....

So it save USPS money!
it doesnt matter they will just blow it......monetary waste in the PO is quite common.....every couple of months we would see someone walking around the office with a clipboard making at least 60 thousand a year marking things down on that board that was.....you would have to see it to believe it.....some people had "jobs" that were ....once again.....OMG lol.....
No, it's just illegal. Ho can you know whether it's unprofitable if private firms are not allowed to provide the service? If the Post Office does such a great job, then why not open it up to competition?
there is a reason for that but i bet if i told you you would say im full of shit....

Yes I would.
thats why i said what i said.....but i can back up what i say....you wont be able to back up what you think the reason is......
Sure I will.
go ahead give it a shot.....tell me your theory about the govt wanting to be the only one doing first class .....and why?....

The Postal Union wants to be the only one doing first class mail because otherwise they would have to compete, and that would mean lower wages and losing those gold plated benefits.

Politicians love government, so they obviously want government to have control over the mail.

Did I leave anyone out?
My 2 cents, as a small business owner, the US POSTAL SERVICE is the BEST thing since sliced bread!!!

I have shipped over 600 packages with them since I opened my shop 3 years ago, and only 1 package was lost, out of the 600.

I had to send another to the customer, but then USPS found the package and delivered it to her.....so she got 2 of what she ordered....big deal, I lost $20 bucks.

USPS is kick ass GREAT. They have improved tremendously, in just the last 3 years, and they are trying to give UPS and FEDX a run for their money on packages...USPS is NOT about snail mail, it is about supporting ALL of us small business owners, with excellent service and excellent product.

USPS Priority Mail for packages, INCLUDES $100 in insurance on all of their packages now, you can track them online, all are delivered and in the hands of the customer in 2 to 3 days at the longest, they also have regional rate boxes that saves money, you can request a package pick up on line, for any Priority mail or International first class mail that you are shipping, and throw your first class mail packages going out, in there too... They are opened on Saturdays and deliver and pick up on Saturdays which I utilize and my customers appreciate as well...

And NOW, I just got a note that they will be delivering 7 days a week, starting today, through Christmas...HOLY COW,

they are just AWESOME....and are truly focusing on their customer's needs, and have truly reformed themselves!

USPS AND FEDX, are very expensive and do not offer the big bulk discounts that LARGE corporations get, to the small business...they serve their purpose, for the BIG GUNS, but us small peons out here, are forever grateful, for the US postal service....it is the face to face partnership that small businesses are used to dealing with...
delivering 7 days a week Care?.....
Of all of the governmental programs the GOP has in it's sight to cut, one of the most interesting ones will be the Post Office. We haven't heard the GOP speak much about it lately during their "repackaging" initiative. Given the employment demographic of the USPS and the fact that they are unionized which is always a target for the GOP.

What is the over/under on when a postal reform will be brought up? I believe this is one area where Obama will potentially cave dependent on how much of a fight he wants to pick with Congress.

And yet as possibly the most fiscally conservative member on the board I'm a USPS fan. They are one of the most under appreciated services in government imo, simple math does not tell the whole story when it comes to the USPS. They are an enabler and I don't think we calculate the value add they bring to the economy and society.
The bottom line is that privatizing Postal delivery would make it cheaper and better. No one is arguing to do away with mail delivery altogether, so that argument is a non sequitur.
I assume that means the guy in charge of the PO. The PO is a government enforced monopoly. The taxpayers may not pay through taxes, but the money you pay for stamps is essentially a tax because you don't have the alternative of going elsewhere.
if you want to look at it like that....but no one is forcing you to buy those stamps are they?.....stick a letter in sealed Fed-X envelope and send it that way....

That's the same "choice" a mugger gives you: hand over your wallet or take a bullet in the chest.
but i thought you said Fed-X is better and cheaper?....you can stick a First Class letter in one of their Envelopes and pay the 25 bucks or whatever it is and send it with them.....no one is stopping you....

It's better and cheaper at delivering the classes of mail it's allowed to deliver. We both know the government doesn't allow it to deliver 1st class mail. So you're telling me I should pay for a much higher class of mail to have my 1st class mail delivered.
It's better and cheaper at delivering the classes of mail it's allowed to deliver.

like i stated earlier thats been proven too be a myth.....they aint no better.....i have seen this many a time in my time there....

You haven't proven jack shit. I've seen it take two weeks for a letter to travel a total distance of 70 miles. In all the studies I've seen that evaluate the reliability and speed of FEDEX, UPS and USPS, the later always comes out dead last.

So you're telling me I should pay for a much higher class of mail to have my 1st class mail delivered.
hey you are the one saying the PO sucks at delivering....not me.....i know better......

How does forcing me to take a raw deal prove the Post Office doesn't suck?
there is a reason for that but i bet if i told you you would say im full of shit....

Yes I would.
thats why i said what i said.....but i can back up what i say....you wont be able to back up what you think the reason is......
Sure I will.
go ahead give it a shot.....tell me your theory about the govt wanting to be the only one doing first class .....and why?....

The Postal Union wants to be the only one doing first class mail because otherwise they would have to compete, and that would mean lower wages and losing those gold plated benefits.

Politicians love government, so they obviously want government to have control over the mail.

Did I leave anyone out?
ok i see what you were getting at......you are saying right now, that the Union is the one who is making the biggest stink about privatization.....i was talking why it was enacted in the first place back when........but you are absolutely right they are.....but looking at what they are supposed to be.....would you not expect them to put up a stand against it? they are just doing what they were created to do.....looking out for their members .....shit if they were not....as a Union member....i would be asking.....WHY they are not.....they fight harder than the PO's management i will say that much for them.......Donohue the outgoing guy should have been asked to retire,or resign .....certainly replaced long ago ......
Politicians love government, so they obviously want government to have control over the mail.
the PO has LOTS of Cameras in all the offices .....here is a Quote from one of the guys who helped design the system saying what it was designed for...

"This is not really a security system," says Robert Landino, a principal with Southwest Security Consultants International of Dallas. "The word security has the wrong connotation for what we're doing here. This is an access control system designed to maintain employee accountability and to provide a totally controlled environment."..
.....there you have it.....and one of the reasons we have a Union....
My 2 cents, as a small business owner, the US POSTAL SERVICE is the BEST thing since sliced bread!!!

I have shipped over 600 packages with them since I opened my shop 3 years ago, and only 1 package was lost, out of the 600.

I had to send another to the customer, but then USPS found the package and delivered it to her.....so she got 2 of what she ordered....big deal, I lost $20 bucks.

USPS is kick ass GREAT. They have improved tremendously, in just the last 3 years, and they are trying to give UPS and FEDX a run for their money on packages...USPS is NOT about snail mail, it is about supporting ALL of us small business owners, with excellent service and excellent product.

USPS Priority Mail for packages, INCLUDES $100 in insurance on all of their packages now, you can track them online, all are delivered and in the hands of the customer in 2 to 3 days at the longest, they also have regional rate boxes that saves money, you can request a package pick up on line, for any Priority mail or International first class mail that you are shipping, and throw your first class mail packages going out, in there too... They are opened on Saturdays and deliver and pick up on Saturdays which I utilize and my customers appreciate as well...

And NOW, I just got a note that they will be delivering 7 days a week, starting today, through Christmas...HOLY COW,

they are just AWESOME....and are truly focusing on their customer's needs, and have truly reformed themselves!

USPS AND FEDX, are very expensive and do not offer the big bulk discounts that LARGE corporations get, to the small business...they serve their purpose, for the BIG GUNS, but us small peons out here, are forever grateful, for the US postal service....it is the face to face partnership that small businesses are used to dealing with...
delivering 7 days a week Care?.....
let me see if I can find the announcement that I thought I had read on it.... be back in a few minutes...
My 2 cents, as a small business owner, the US POSTAL SERVICE is the BEST thing since sliced bread!!!

I have shipped over 600 packages with them since I opened my shop 3 years ago, and only 1 package was lost, out of the 600.

I had to send another to the customer, but then USPS found the package and delivered it to her.....so she got 2 of what she ordered....big deal, I lost $20 bucks.

USPS is kick ass GREAT. They have improved tremendously, in just the last 3 years, and they are trying to give UPS and FEDX a run for their money on packages...USPS is NOT about snail mail, it is about supporting ALL of us small business owners, with excellent service and excellent product.

USPS Priority Mail for packages, INCLUDES $100 in insurance on all of their packages now, you can track them online, all are delivered and in the hands of the customer in 2 to 3 days at the longest, they also have regional rate boxes that saves money, you can request a package pick up on line, for any Priority mail or International first class mail that you are shipping, and throw your first class mail packages going out, in there too... They are opened on Saturdays and deliver and pick up on Saturdays which I utilize and my customers appreciate as well...

And NOW, I just got a note that they will be delivering 7 days a week, starting today, through Christmas...HOLY COW,

they are just AWESOME....and are truly focusing on their customer's needs, and have truly reformed themselves!

USPS AND FEDX, are very expensive and do not offer the big bulk discounts that LARGE corporations get, to the small business...they serve their purpose, for the BIG GUNS, but us small peons out here, are forever grateful, for the US postal service....it is the face to face partnership that small businesses are used to dealing with...
delivering 7 days a week Care?.....
YES, 7 days a week, starting November 17th, in major cities/metro areas, which helps me, because most of my internet customers live in metro areas!

Mail early, and be aware of the various deadlines for cards and packages to arrive by Christmas, the United States Postal Service said Thursday.

The Postal Service also said that beginning Nov. 17 and through Christmas Day it will deliver packages seven days a week in major cities and high-volume areas.
Postal Service announces holiday mail deadlines
if you want to look at it like that....but no one is forcing you to buy those stamps are they?.....stick a letter in sealed Fed-X envelope and send it that way....

That's the same "choice" a mugger gives you: hand over your wallet or take a bullet in the chest.
but i thought you said Fed-X is better and cheaper?....you can stick a First Class letter in one of their Envelopes and pay the 25 bucks or whatever it is and send it with them.....no one is stopping you....

It's better and cheaper at delivering the classes of mail it's allowed to deliver. We both know the government doesn't allow it to deliver 1st class mail. So you're telling me I should pay for a much higher class of mail to have my 1st class mail delivered.
It's better and cheaper at delivering the classes of mail it's allowed to deliver.

like i stated earlier thats been proven too be a myth.....they aint no better.....i have seen this many a time in my time there....

You haven't proven jack shit. I've seen it take two weeks for a letter to travel a total distance of 70 miles. In all the studies I've seen that evaluate the reliability and speed of FEDEX, UPS and USPS, the later always comes out dead last.

So you're telling me I should pay for a much higher class of mail to have my 1st class mail delivered.
hey you are the one saying the PO sucks at delivering....not me.....i know better......

How does forcing me to take a raw deal prove the Post Office doesn't suck?

. In all the studies I've seen that evaluate the reliability and speed of FEDEX, UPS and USPS, the later always comes out dead last.

believe what you want Bri.....i have something you dont have and i seriously doubt you ever will....practical experience of actually being out there delivering with the other kids......WE knew what was what....we knew the truth about us.........we had outside tests going on 2-3 times a year Internal ones all the time........and i know that in EVERY test the PO does NOT come out last......
I am sure to the far left programmed mind it would rise, but since there are no really facts to back up such propaganda. One can only make such claims based on their political bias. And since you are far left we already know how you think.

USPS uses Fed-Ex..
they are both making money....they and UPS have a working deal too....

And USPS made these deals to save money right?
they made the deal with Fed-X because they can fly when commercial airlines cant....do you realize how many days mail would sit on a dock somewhere waiting to be flown but cant because the Commercial airlines were grounded?.....Fed-X doesnt have those restrictions....so they fly the First Class and got their Boxes put at PO's around the country.....and the PO delivers MANY of their parcels for them in certain areas.....a win for both....

So it save USPS money!
it doesnt matter they will just blow it......monetary waste in the PO is quite common.....every couple of months we would see someone walking around the office with a clipboard making at least 60 thousand a year marking things down on that board that was.....you would have to see it to believe it.....some people had "jobs" that were ....once again.....OMG lol.....

So regardless of who delivers the letters in that monopoly position, there is no real over sight to stop many of the lower level spending problems.

Do not know that many companies that cold survive spending their way to prosperity..
I'd be happy if those USPS idiots would stop leaving my neighbor's mail in my mailbox.
if you have that happening to you, you may not have a Regular carrier....if you do you have one and he/she is that bad.....ask him if his name is ShootSpeeders.....a girl TruthMatters.....there you have it.....
My 2 cents, as a small business owner, the US POSTAL SERVICE is the BEST thing since sliced bread!!!

I have shipped over 600 packages with them since I opened my shop 3 years ago, and only 1 package was lost, out of the 600.

I had to send another to the customer, but then USPS found the package and delivered it to her.....so she got 2 of what she ordered....big deal, I lost $20 bucks.

USPS is kick ass GREAT. They have improved tremendously, in just the last 3 years, and they are trying to give UPS and FEDX a run for their money on packages...USPS is NOT about snail mail, it is about supporting ALL of us small business owners, with excellent service and excellent product.

USPS Priority Mail for packages, INCLUDES $100 in insurance on all of their packages now, you can track them online, all are delivered and in the hands of the customer in 2 to 3 days at the longest, they also have regional rate boxes that saves money, you can request a package pick up on line, for any Priority mail or International first class mail that you are shipping, and throw your first class mail packages going out, in there too... They are opened on Saturdays and deliver and pick up on Saturdays which I utilize and my customers appreciate as well...

And NOW, I just got a note that they will be delivering 7 days a week, starting today, through Christmas...HOLY COW,

they are just AWESOME....and are truly focusing on their customer's needs, and have truly reformed themselves!

USPS AND FEDX, are very expensive and do not offer the big bulk discounts that LARGE corporations get, to the small business...they serve their purpose, for the BIG GUNS, but us small peons out here, are forever grateful, for the US postal service....it is the face to face partnership that small businesses are used to dealing with...
delivering 7 days a week Care?.....
YES, 7 days a week, starting November 17th, in major cities/metro areas, which helps me, because most of my internet customers live in metro areas!

Mail early, and be aware of the various deadlines for cards and packages to arrive by Christmas, the United States Postal Service said Thursday.

The Postal Service also said that beginning Nov. 17 and through Christmas Day it will deliver packages seven days a week in major cities and high-volume areas.
Postal Service announces holiday mail deadlines
oh packages.....i thought you meant the daily mail delivery.....sorry.....
they are both making money....they and UPS have a working deal too....

And USPS made these deals to save money right?
they made the deal with Fed-X because they can fly when commercial airlines cant....do you realize how many days mail would sit on a dock somewhere waiting to be flown but cant because the Commercial airlines were grounded?.....Fed-X doesnt have those restrictions....so they fly the First Class and got their Boxes put at PO's around the country.....and the PO delivers MANY of their parcels for them in certain areas.....a win for both....

So it save USPS money!
it doesnt matter they will just blow it......monetary waste in the PO is quite common.....every couple of months we would see someone walking around the office with a clipboard making at least 60 thousand a year marking things down on that board that was.....you would have to see it to believe it.....some people had "jobs" that were ....once again.....OMG lol.....

So regardless of who delivers the letters in that monopoly position, there is no real over sight to stop many of the lower level spending problems.

Do not know that many companies that cold survive spending their way to prosperity..
its not lower management,they are like the workers,they have to put up with Middle Management shit too......they have to be the ones to make something that will not work...work....which ends up turning them into assholes and then they get a higher up spot.....many people in Middle Management are not nice people...at least at work....Middle Management is who have the "ideas" on how to make my job easier for me....even though many have never carried mail....they were clerks....lots of time and money wasted....
personally, I prefer it to be a federal offense, if someone unauthorized goes in to my mail box, and prefer it to be a federal offense if someone takes my mail and opens it...

It's not like the competition would be a bunch of shippers like UPS, FEDX and US mail competing with each other to deliver your mail faster and cheaper than the guy next to them....it would be only ONE COMPANY in your area, contracted to deliver your mail who bids on the contract, then ALL COMPETITION is WIPED OUT, so no real, and true competition when privatized and contract in hand.... just like electricity being privatized or water and sewer being privatized, just 1 business holds the monopoly on it....

Each citizen would have to have 3 or more separate mail boxes if it were not done by contract as one per region....

and that's precisely what we have now with the Post office, 1 business responsible...
Once, sometimes twice a year we mail out over 200,000 ballots to absentee voters...that same delivery using FEDEX or UPS would cost a fortune...and the taxpayers would foot the bill.

Based on far left propaganda talking points?

USPS already uses Fed Ex or did that not make it into the far left programming?

A union based government controlled entity is using a non-union private company..

They don't use them to deliver ballots. Do you have any idea how much the cost of holding an election will rise if you deliver ballots via Fedex or UPS?

I am sure to the far left programmed mind it would rise, but since there are no really facts to back up such propaganda. One can only make such claims based on their political bias. And since you are far left we already know how you think.

USPS uses Fed-Ex..

I'm not denying that they do, but they don't use Fed Ex to deliver ballots. Do you know how much the cost of having an election would go up if ballots had to be delivered via Fed Ex?

Never claimed that they did, you were the one trying to claim that..

Once again you posing a false projection based on programmed far left religious propaganda.

Yet USPS is saving money by using a non-union private company which counters any far left propaganda you post.

Did you get it now? Oh that's right, the far left is irony impaired..

Why are you trying to divert from what I said with non sequiturs? Fact: thousands of ballots delivered by FedEx will cost considerably more than thousands delivered by the USPS and that cost will be born by taxpayers.
Of all of the governmental programs the GOP has in it's sight to cut, one of the most interesting ones will be the Post Office. We haven't heard the GOP speak much about it lately during their "repackaging" initiative. Given the employment demographic of the USPS and the fact that they are unionized which is always a target for the GOP.

What is the over/under on when a postal reform will be brought up? I believe this is one area where Obama will potentially cave dependent on how much of a fight he wants to pick with Congress.
Didn't he just appoint the first female Postmaster General?

I have some suggestions.

1. Charge $5.00 minimum for anything addressed to OCCUPANT.

2. Charge $5.00 minimum for any political ad.

3. Charge $5.00 minimum for any flyers for businesses.

Also, since the bulk of my mail these days is bullshit from Medicare, make them get their shit together.

But mainly, eliminate unsolicited mail by high fees, and leave the postal service to those of us who pay bills by mail and send cards and write letters.

Of course, if the USPS was no longer subsidized and subsidizing, and concentrated on meeting the needs of people, and not politicians and businesses, probably 80% of the overpaid union workers would have to be laid off.
As long as we have hacks like Federal Express fucking up the simple act of package delivery, the USPS will remain the go-to system. I send and receive packages pretty regularly here in the sticks and I'd say 75% of incoming and 100% of outgoing is via the Post Office, which make no mistake is unquestionably the best in the world.
They can't handle big items though, can they?

I have never had a problem with Fed Ex, UPS or the postal service, when it came to sending a package.

Mail usually works too.

I just hate all the junk, especially junk made to look "official".

Like most of government USPS is corporate welfare for the most part and taxpayers should not subsidize the delivery of junk mail they despise.
Have you been in a hole or just plane out of touch? The Post Office is not subsidized by the US Government - years ago it was but not now that is why they are always in the financial hole.

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