What will Obama Do About Iraq Now?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Now what Obama? Are you going to let Baghdad fall in Taliban/Sunni hands? Make an alliance with Syria for one stronghold in the middle East?

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Saddam was a tyrant.

Saddam provided a strategic counter-weight to Iran.

Saddam provided a firewall against Al Qaeda.

On balance, all things considered, this was just another example of why we should keep our nose out of the business of other countries.

Well, that, and about a trillion dollars and the lives, limbs and minds of thousands of young American soldiers.

Somehow, I doubt we've learned this.

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Saddam was a tyrant.

Saddam provided a strategic counter-weight to Iran.

Saddam provided a firewall against Al Qaeda.

On balance, all things considered, this was just another example of why we should keep our nose out of the business of other countries.

Well, that, and about a trillion dollars and the lives, limbs and minds of thousands of young American soldiers.

Somehow, I doubt we've learned this.


I agree. All we ended up doing is empowering Iran.

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
This is turning into a real cluster.


Iraqi Cities Fall Like Dominoes to Al Qaeda-Inspired ISIL - NBC News

Iraqi Cities Fall Like Dominoes to Al Qaeda-Inspired ISIL

For the second time in as many days, the militants came, fought - and appear to have won.

Riding high on their stunning success in seizing Iraq’s second-largest city of Mosul, the al Qaeda breakaway group that sent government forces fleeing took over Saddam Hussain’s hometown of Tikrit – and appears to be pushing on, consolidating their territory and fighting their way towards Baghdad.

With Iraq’s key cities falling like dominoes to militants under the black banner of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), experts say the group’s success in the face of minimal resistance from government security forces is encouraging the group to expand its reach.
This might actually be a good thing for the present government in Iraq.

They are not seen as legitimate and have been failing miserably.

But they reached out to Kurdistan on this and are asking for help.

Played right, if they take the lead with US air power backing and in conjunction with the Kurds, this could rally the people behind the present government to push out the terrorists which are a conglomeration of some really nasty foreign fighters from around the region.

These guys are so bad, Al Qaeda is distancing themselves from them.
This might actually be a good thing for the present government in Iraq.

They are not seen as legitimate and have been failing miserably.

But they reached out to Kurdistan on this and are asking for help.

Played right, if they take the lead with US air power backing and in conjunction with the Kurds, this could rally the people behind the present government to push out the terrorists which are a conglomeration of some really nasty foreign fighters from around the region.

These guys are so bad, Al Qaeda is distancing themselves from them.

You really think Obama will allow airstrikes?

This might actually be a good thing for the present government in Iraq.

They are not seen as legitimate and have been failing miserably.

But they reached out to Kurdistan on this and are asking for help.

Played right, if they take the lead with US air power backing and in conjunction with the Kurds, this could rally the people behind the present government to push out the terrorists which are a conglomeration of some really nasty foreign fighters from around the region.

These guys are so bad, Al Qaeda is distancing themselves from them.

You really think Obama will allow airstrikes?



What are you talking about "Allow".

He will order them.
This might actually be a good thing for the present government in Iraq.

They are not seen as legitimate and have been failing miserably.

But they reached out to Kurdistan on this and are asking for help.

Played right, if they take the lead with US air power backing and in conjunction with the Kurds, this could rally the people behind the present government to push out the terrorists which are a conglomeration of some really nasty foreign fighters from around the region.

These guys are so bad, Al Qaeda is distancing themselves from them.

You really think Obama will allow airstrikes?



What are you talking about "Allow".

He will order them.

Oh, sounds like Obama has some 'authority' here

This might actually be a good thing for the present government in Iraq.

They are not seen as legitimate and have been failing miserably.

But they reached out to Kurdistan on this and are asking for help.

Played right, if they take the lead with US air power backing and in conjunction with the Kurds, this could rally the people behind the present government to push out the terrorists which are a conglomeration of some really nasty foreign fighters from around the region.

These guys are so bad, Al Qaeda is distancing themselves from them.

You really think Obama will allow airstrikes?



What are you talking about "Allow".

He will order them.
Actually the last thing I read said no airstrikes will be allowed.
Again, I don't see how this is our problem.

Maliki created a lot of this by excluding the Sunnis from his government.

What we may end up seeing is ISIL creating its own state within Iraq, with the Kurds declaring independence soon after.
Again, I don't see how this is our problem.

Maliki created a lot of this by excluding the Sunnis from his government.

What we may end up seeing is ISIL creating its own state within Iraq, with the Kurds declaring independence soon after.

Not to mention another hotbed for Al Q in alliance with Syria.

Now what Obama? Are you going to let Baghdad fall in Taliban/Sunni hands? Make an alliance with Syria for one stronghold in the middle East?


Since he found out about it in the paper a few days ago, his anger is palpable. He will have the state department investigate and he will hold those responsible, responsible. Period.
Now what Obama? Are you going to let Baghdad fall in Taliban/Sunni hands? Make an alliance with Syria for one stronghold in the middle East?


Since he found out about it in the paper a few days ago, his anger is palpable. He will have the state department investigate and he will hold those responsible, responsible. Period.

And he means it. It will be a red line if the insurgents take Mosul. Um, Tikrit. Um Baghdad.

All of this was the predictable and predicted result of Obama's failure to push a status of forces agreement in Iraq in his first term. This is what policy failure looks like.
Now what Obama? Are you going to let Baghdad fall in Taliban/Sunni hands? Make an alliance with Syria for one stronghold in the middle East?


Since he found out about it in the paper a few days ago, his anger is palpable. He will have the state department investigate and he will hold those responsible, responsible. Period.

And he means it. It will be a red line if the insurgents take Mosul. Um, Tikrit. Um Baghdad.

All of this was the predictable and predicted result of Obama's failure to push a status of forces agreement in Iraq in his first term. This is what policy failure looks like.

And this is a result of the price he paid to allow Putin to save her ass in Syria. Putin is playing Obama like a 6-string.

I say fuck em

It is the natural progression of the Bush Doctrine
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The neo-cons failed; the American people do not want BHO to go to war in Iraq.
The neo-cons failed; the American people do not want BHO to go to war in Iraq.

This one will really be about the oil


Islamist Insurgents Close In On Iraq's Biggest Oil Refinery Day After Assault On Mosul

TIKRIT, Iraq, June 11 (Reuters) - Sunni insurgents from an al Qaeda splinter group extended their control from the northern city of Mosul on Wednesday to an area further south that includes Iraq's biggest oil refinery in a devastating show of strength against the Shi'ite-led government.

Islamist Insurgents Close In On Iraq's Biggest Oil Refinery Day After Assault On Mosul

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