What will the GOP look like in 10 years?

He flew the MOST dangerous aircraft of that era. And he flew it more then required. he also volunteered to go to Viet Nam.

I find it insulting that you would disparage the guard. Tell us what service you were in?

Bush was in Vietnam? I didn't know.

No but he volunteered. But I know you guys like to ignore that.

But he flew those big scary dangerous planes. And they didn't need him?

Even you can't be so stupid that you believe he volunteered to go to Vietnam.
evil? are you a SOCON? :eusa_pray: and there are non-conservatives in the military :thup:


I was stationed in Baumholder, Germany in the 70's and the military looks very different than when I was on Active Duty.

In ten years it will look much different than it does now.

More Hispanic?
Fewer educated.

The money running out.

Power gone.

Failed policies.

What will the GOP look like in 10 years?
They will look like progressives of today, but will be labeled right wing extremists.
Just a simple truth. If Democrats dominate, do you honestly think Republicans will defend a country dominated by the evil of democrats? Do you honestly think that no one would take advantage of that?

evil? are you a SOCON? :eusa_pray: and there are non-conservatives in the military :thup:

if they are as pussyfied as you, will it matter.....just askin....
I wouldn't be so quick to anticipate, hope for or celebrate either of the two major political parties becoming extinct. Ponder for a minute how quickly a fascist dictatorship would spark up with no checks on his/their power?

Be thankful for both parties and their differences every single day you wake up. Pray that neither one goes away.
oh goody leftard; it the GOP goes away who will you blame PROGRESSIVE FAILURE on?
the GOP will never die as long as the loser Left needs them to blame the failures of the Left-wing agenda and failed left-wing ideology on
I wouldn't be so quick to anticipate, hope for or celebrate either of the two major political parties becoming extinct. Ponder for a minute how quickly a fascist dictatorship would spark up with no checks on his/their power?

Be thankful for both parties and their differences every single day you wake up. Pray that neither one goes away.

they both can go straight to hell as far as i am concerned....maybe when they stop playing their little games with each other at the expense of the Country i may change my mind...until then fuck them both.....
they can't produce enough angry white guys to replace even existing Repub-voters let alone increase their #'s :( :boohoo:
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the GOP will never die as long as the loser Left needs them to blame the failures of the Left-wing agenda and failed left-wing ideology on

Like Iraq, the Bush Tax Cuts, after Katrina, Wall Street Deregulation, WMD's, tens of thousands of Americans from Iraq dead and maimed for life? Like that?

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