What will those who support Romney do when he loses to Obama?

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Nov 17, 2011
This is a serious question to all who support this traitor Romney, for who I find no reason to vote any more then for Obama
Trying to treat this seriously, this is what will happen.

People like me will point out that Romney was an awful candidate from the get go. And they'll snarl at us for not supporting their bad choice.

Then some people will complain he wasn't "conservative" enough, and there will be some truth to that, but that isn't what cost him the election.

Romney is a bad choice. A guy who says "I like to fire people" isn't going to win a popularity contest when so many people have been fired.

But he is indicative of the GOP's bigger problem. It's a party that has put Wall Street in front of Main Steet, Billionaire ahead of working folks. Until they address THAT problem, they are going to keep losing elections.
Trying to treat this seriously, this is what will happen.

People like me will point out that Romney was an awful candidate from the get go. And they'll snarl at us for not supporting their bad choice.

Then some people will complain he wasn't "conservative" enough, and there will be some truth to that, but that isn't what cost him the election.

Romney is a bad choice. A guy who says "I like to fire people" isn't going to win a popularity contest when so many people have been fired.

But he is indicative of the GOP's bigger problem. It's a party that has put Wall Street in front of Main Steet, Billionaire ahead of working folks. Until they address THAT problem, they are going to keep losing elections.

Are you deliberately lying or are you stupid? Genuine question.

You keep claiming that Romney said "I like to fire people". He did not say that. So, you lie or you're stupid. I don't care which but I am curious as to whether you are honest enough to admit to either.
Congratulate him and watch him fuck things up for another 4-years. Just look at what will be happening in the next 4-years:

1. Medicare will be bankrupt
2. Hospitals will go bankrupt
3. The 30,000,000 freeloaders w/o health insurance will be expecting free medical care
4. The US currency will be downgraded again, which means no more borrowing
5. DC gridlock continues, with the GOP expected to pick-up both Senate and House seats
6. Probably another major economic dip when the EU crashes
7. Thats a quick look at what awaits in the next term...
Congratulate him and watch him fuck things up for another 4-years. Just look at what will be happening in the next 4-years:

1. Medicare will be bankrupt
2. Hospitals will go bankrupt
3. The 30,000,000 freeloaders w/o health insurance will be expecting free medical care
4. The US currency will be downgraded again, which means no more borrowing
5. DC gridlock continues, with the GOP expected to pick-up both Senate and House seats
6. Probably another major economic dip when the EU crashes
7. Thats a quick look at what awaits in the next term...

None of that is true.
People like me will point out that Romney was an awful candidate from the get go.

He is a bad choice.

And they'll snarl at us for not supporting their bad choice.

Doubt it.

Then some people will complain he wasn't "conservative" enough, and there will be some truth to that, but that isn't what cost him the election.

There's a lot of truth to that but youare correct, if he loses, it won't be because he wasn't conservative enough.

Romney is a bad choice.

You said that already.

A guy who says "I like to fire people" isn't going to win a popularity contest when so many people have been fired.

Now, you were doing so well, and then you had to go to stupid. Context is everything, find out the truth.

But he is indicative of the GOP's bigger problem. It's a party that has put Wall Street in front of Main Steet, Billionaire ahead of working folks. Until they address THAT problem, they are going to keep losing elections.

Now you've completely gone off the deep end. Put down the Kool Aid, and back away from the indoctrination supply window.
Congratulate him and watch him fuck things up for another 4-years. Just look at what will be happening in the next 4-years:

1. Medicare will be bankrupt
2. Hospitals will go bankrupt
3. The 30,000,000 freeloaders w/o health insurance will be expecting free medical care
4. The US currency will be downgraded again, which means no more borrowing
5. DC gridlock continues, with the GOP expected to pick-up both Senate and House seats
6. Probably another major economic dip when the EU crashes
7. Thats a quick look at what awaits in the next term...

None of that is true.

1. Medicare trustees say the fund is on its way to bankruptcy by 2017 | HealthPoint PA

2. Hospital Bankruptcies: Why You Should Take A Closer Look | Reporting on Health

3. The Heritage Foundation | Health Care Calculator

4. S&P Downgrades US To AA+, Outlook Negative - Full Text | ZeroHedge

5. Gridlock is all but assured, unless the dems agree to cut spending. The GOP will block anything not paid for by spending cuts.

Every claim I made about the coming 4-years is backed-up via credible links. Please provide similar links if you disagree.
Are you deliberately lying or are you stupid? Genuine question.

You keep claiming that Romney said "I like to fire people". He did not say that. So, you lie or you're stupid. I don't care which but I am curious as to whether you are honest enough to admit to either.

YOu're really going to whine and squeal about the exact words used in Romney's "Macaca" moment? Really? YOu think that's a winning strategy for you.

The guy just sank his campaign with those words. It was as fatal as Bush saying "Read my lips, No new taxes".
Congratulate him and watch him fuck things up for another 4-years. Just look at what will be happening in the next 4-years:

1. Medicare will be bankrupt
2. Hospitals will go bankrupt
3. The 30,000,000 freeloaders w/o health insurance will be expecting free medical care
4. The US currency will be downgraded again, which means no more borrowing
5. DC gridlock continues, with the GOP expected to pick-up both Senate and House seats
6. Probably another major economic dip when the EU crashes
7. Thats a quick look at what awaits in the next term...

None of that is true.

Don't you just love defeatist?
Congratulate him and watch him fuck things up for another 4-years. Just look at what will be happening in the next 4-years:

1. Medicare will be bankrupt
2. Hospitals will go bankrupt
3. The 30,000,000 freeloaders w/o health insurance will be expecting free medical care
4. The US currency will be downgraded again, which means no more borrowing
5. DC gridlock continues, with the GOP expected to pick-up both Senate and House seats
6. Probably another major economic dip when the EU crashes
7. Thats a quick look at what awaits in the next term...

If you can back all those points up with evidence I'll accept this as more than just another slippery slope fallacy.
People like me will point out that Romney was an awful candidate from the get go.

He is a bad choice.

And they'll snarl at us for not supporting their bad choice.

Doubt it.

There's a lot of truth to that but youare correct, if he loses, it won't be because he wasn't conservative enough.

You said that already.

A guy who says "I like to fire people" isn't going to win a popularity contest when so many people have been fired.

Now, you were doing so well, and then you had to go to stupid. Context is everything, find out the truth.

But he is indicative of the GOP's bigger problem. It's a party that has put Wall Street in front of Main Steet, Billionaire ahead of working folks. Until they address THAT problem, they are going to keep losing elections.

Now you've completely gone off the deep end. Put down the Kool Aid, and back away from the indoctrination supply window.

Guy, I've walked enough precincts and heard enough times from people, "Why are you working for the REpublicans, they are only for the rich" to realize, the GOP has a MASSIVE image problem, and nominating Richie Rich saying he like to fire people ain't going to help matters any.

Now, if you want to live in denial, that's your problem, but the thing is, when Romney loses (and he will lose) you will put all the blame on him and none of it on the larger concern.
Congratulate him and watch him fuck things up for another 4-years. Just look at what will be happening in the next 4-years:

1. Medicare will be bankrupt
2. Hospitals will go bankrupt
3. The 30,000,000 freeloaders w/o health insurance will be expecting free medical care
4. The US currency will be downgraded again, which means no more borrowing
5. DC gridlock continues, with the GOP expected to pick-up both Senate and House seats
6. Probably another major economic dip when the EU crashes
7. Thats a quick look at what awaits in the next term...

If you can back all those points up with evidence I'll accept this as more than just another slippery slope fallacy.

Please see my post #14 above
I guarantee the number one complaint from the Right if Romney loses to Obama will be that he wasn't conservative enough,

and then, when you ask them which 'conservative' candidate could have beaten Obama,

they'll mumble something incoherent, and wander off.

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