What will those who support Romney do when he loses to Obama?

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Are you purposely dense when it comes to this subject? What Romney was pointing out was that if you had government controlled health care insurance and you weren't happy with the service you were receiving then you're pretty much shit out of luck...whereas if you had private health care and were unhappy you could "fire" your insurance company and give your money to someone else who better served you. That isn't an option that only "rich" people have. It's the option that all consumers have in a free market economy. Duh?

Obviously, you've never been in a fight with an insurance company to get service they've deemed "elective". If you have, you wouldn't make ass-poundingly stupid statements like this.
This is a serious question to all who support this traitor Romney, for who I find no reason to vote any more then for Obama

Anyone but Ron Paul gets elected and its time to step in line and start saluting. If I were a minority I would find a way to leave the country. It is only a matter of time before the economy fails, and when that happens the same loudmouths who tell people what to think today will tell people its the fault of A) The poor. b) Illegal immigrants c)Any group of people that cannot sufficiently defend themselves from mob rule
This is a serious question to all who support this traitor Romney, for who I find no reason to vote any more then for Obama

What treason did he commit?

did he support and pass an unconstitutional law?

did he foment class warfare?

Waste our tax money on useless shovel ready jobs that he knew would be wasted b/c his advisers told him so.

did he murder an American citizen?
Why don't you look up the complete statement he said yourself instead of believing what you hear?? God your stupid!

"I want individuals to have their own insurance," he said. "That means the insurance company will have an incentive to keep you healthy. It also means if you don't like what they do, you can fire them. I like being able to fire people who provide services to me. . . You know, if someone doesn't give me a good service that I need, I want to say I'm going to go get someone else to provide that service to me."
The real problem with Romney

Stop lying!

I have looked at the "whole context". Which doesn't excuse it. It's also a little silly.

The insurance company has no incentive to keep you healthy, really. They have an incentive to only insure healthy people. This notion that we should all be able to get individual policies is absurd. The chronically ill would never be able to get insurance. Employer group plans work because at any given time, you only have one or two people on it who really use it, and even then, there is an incentive to only hire the young and healthy.

Thus the problem. This is a guy who has never had to wait in line for something, has never not had people at his beck and call ready to jump at his command. He's just clueless to what the rest of us have to go through. He probably can bully his insurance company the way he bullies his employees. The rest of us don't really have that option, do we?

We get sick, our insurance companies would look for an excuse to drop us.

And you think Obamacare is going to be any different?? You think the govt cares so much more? If you think you've waited in lines before, just wait till you have to wait for the govt to help you. Good luck with that! :lol:
Well, do what we do for anyone else. Move on to the next candidate. What else is there to do?
And you think Obamacare is going to be any different?? You think the govt cares so much more? If you think you've waited in lines before, just wait till you have to wait for the govt to help you. Good luck with that! :lol:

Well, yeah, I think government cares because they know angry people tend to vote their asses out. The insurance companies answer their shareholders first, the employers who pay for insurance second, and the guy who is actually covered, third.

And the usual result of that equation is what happened at my last job, where the folks with medical issues were the first to get downsized.

Actually, all ObamaCare really did was force people into the private insurance market who didn't want to be there. The uninsured aren't the problem, the rising costs of health care is.

All ObamaCare did was force insurance companies to cover more people, and force people who didn't want to be customers to be customers. (Although I think the latter will be VERY difficult to enforce.)

Probably, inevitably, we are going to go to a single payer government system like every other civilized country has.
Are you purposely dense when it comes to this subject? What Romney was pointing out was that if you had government controlled health care insurance and you weren't happy with the service you were receiving then you're pretty much shit out of luck...whereas if you had private health care and were unhappy you could "fire" your insurance company and give your money to someone else who better served you. That isn't an option that only "rich" people have. It's the option that all consumers have in a free market economy. Duh?

Obviously, you've never been in a fight with an insurance company to get service they've deemed "elective". If you have, you wouldn't make ass-poundingly stupid statements like this.

And what do you think is going to happen when the government handles everyone's health care insurance? Instant approval of all claims? Are you really that naive, Joe? You might want to check out the problems that people have getting treatment in countries like Canada and Great Britain when care is rationed. Romney's point is still valid...if you see a problem with a private health care insurance company not honoring service you can take your business elsewhere...good luck with that if it's government controlled and the only game in town!
Actually, all ObamaCare really did was force people into the private insurance market who didn't want to be there. The uninsured aren't the problem, the rising costs of health care is.

It did a bit more than that.

Romney's point is still valid...if you see a problem with a private health care insurance company not honoring service you can take your business elsewhere...good luck with that if it's government controlled and the only game in town!

Sounds like Romney's touting the health insurance exchange model pioneered in Massachusetts--multiple private insurers competing for the consumer's business.

Unfortunately for Romney's hopes of drawing an election year distinction, the President has proven to be rather fond of that model, as well.
And you think Obamacare is going to be any different?? You think the govt cares so much more? If you think you've waited in lines before, just wait till you have to wait for the govt to help you. Good luck with that! :lol:

Well, yeah, I think government cares because they know angry people tend to vote their asses out. The insurance companies answer their shareholders first, the employers who pay for insurance second, and the guy who is actually covered, third.

And the usual result of that equation is what happened at my last job, where the folks with medical issues were the first to get downsized.

Actually, all ObamaCare really did was force people into the private insurance market who didn't want to be there. The uninsured aren't the problem, the rising costs of health care is.

All ObamaCare did was force insurance companies to cover more people, and force people who didn't want to be customers to be customers. (Although I think the latter will be VERY difficult to enforce.)

Probably, inevitably, we are going to go to a single payer government system like every other civilized country has.

The employers are now charging the employees so much more in premiums - my premiums at work have doubled! Yes, insurance companies will have to cover more people, the higher costs are going to go to the people too whether they're insured on their own or through the company they work for. I'm paying quite alot more in premiums, but getting less coverage and higher deductible.

I'm also not saying we didn't need some kind of changes to health insurance, but Obamacare was crammed down our throats, there's alot of garbage in it that didn't need to be there, and Obama had to lie twist arms to get it passed (remember Stupak?). What does that tell you? To me it sounds pretty sneaky, and everything Obama has done has been that way.

Besides, why are you ok with the Govt "forcing" anyone to do what they don't want to do? I thought they worked for us, not the other way around. But Obama has YET to listen to what the majority wants. He only does what is going to benefit him...now he can say he got healthcare passed, whether anyone liked it or not.
My question is what will America do when Romney beats Obama and it just so happens to turn out he's not that much different then Obama...

...just like we keep trying to tell the people.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHhrZgojY1Q]The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again - YouTube[/ame]

And how sweet is it going to be to see this fat fuck in a state of epic misery??:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Dream about it, you lunatic. But forget about it ever REALLY happening. You have always been a weirdo but I think you have finally gone over the edge.
If you don't see the difference between 'being able to' and what you claim he said then so be it. You have chosen to remain a liar, and an idiot. That's fine - I'm a supporter of personal choice... and you have made yours.

Lying idiot.

Okay, let's play the little game here...

"I like to be able to murder people"

"I like to be able to rape people".

"I like to be able to rob people"

"I like to be able to fire people".

Which one of those statements isn't damned scary? None of them.

Sorry, Romney just told the world who he is...

Let's play a different game. You try and post a logical, rational, reasoned opinion, based on facts instead of fantasy. See if you can do that.
This is a serious question to all who support this traitor Romney, for who I find no reason to vote any more then for Obama

What treason did he commit?

did he support and pass an unconstitutional law?

did he foment class warfare?

Waste our tax money on useless shovel ready jobs that he knew would be wasted b/c his advisers told him so.

did he murder an American citizen?

I've asked about the 'treason' thing too. Don't hold your breath waiting for a rational response.... apparently, 'treason' these days is like 'racism', call anyone you disagree with a 'traitor' or a 'racist'... words don't need to be rationalized.
Congratulate him and watch him fuck things up for another 4-years. Just look at what will be happening in the next 4-years:

1. Medicare will be bankrupt
2. Hospitals will go bankrupt
3. The 30,000,000 freeloaders w/o health insurance will be expecting free medical care
4. The US currency will be downgraded again, which means no more borrowing
5. DC gridlock continues, with the GOP expected to pick-up both Senate and House seats
6. Probably another major economic dip when the EU crashes
7. Thats a quick look at what awaits in the next term...

We will lose the dollar as the reserve currency of the world within one year of either of the two Obama's taking the white house. Both the white Obama, and the black Obama.
This is a serious question to all who support this traitor Romney, for who I find no reason to vote any more then for Obama

What treason did he commit?

did he support and pass an unconstitutional law?

did he foment class warfare?

Waste our tax money on useless shovel ready jobs that he knew would be wasted b/c his advisers told him so.

did he murder an American citizen?

I've asked about the 'treason' thing too. Don't hold your breath waiting for a rational response.... apparently, 'treason' these days is like 'racism', call anyone you disagree with a 'traitor' or a 'racist'... words don't need to be rationalized.

Did he vote for NDAA? If so then he is a traitor and he should be tried.
Did he vote for the Patriot act? If so then he is a traitor and he should be tried.
Did he vote for SOPA? If so then he is a traitor and should be tried.

Those charges alone I can think of in under 30 seconds.

What we are talking about is an attempted coup of the United States Government by an Oligarchy that is trying to legalize dictatorial power. Now maybe you dont respect the constitution, or see any relevance to it, but most of the country thinks otherwise. Might want to take a look at gun sales for the last 5 years. There is alot of people that take that piece of paper real damned serious.
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What treason did he commit?

did he support and pass an unconstitutional law?

did he foment class warfare?

Waste our tax money on useless shovel ready jobs that he knew would be wasted b/c his advisers told him so.

did he murder an American citizen?

I've asked about the 'treason' thing too. Don't hold your breath waiting for a rational response.... apparently, 'treason' these days is like 'racism', call anyone you disagree with a 'traitor' or a 'racist'... words don't need to be rationalized.

Did he vote for NDAA? If so then he is a traitor and he should be tried.
Did he vote for the Patriot act? If so then he is a traitor and he should be tried.
Did he vote for SOPA? If so then he is a traitor and should be tried.

Those charges alone I can think of in under 30 seconds.

You are entitled to your opinion. I doubt Romney voted or signed any such laws.
And when Romney chooses Governor Susana Martinez of NM as his veep candidate, he goes along way to closing the minorities gap on Obama.
I've asked about the 'treason' thing too. Don't hold your breath waiting for a rational response.... apparently, 'treason' these days is like 'racism', call anyone you disagree with a 'traitor' or a 'racist'... words don't need to be rationalized.

Did he vote for NDAA? If so then he is a traitor and he should be tried.
Did he vote for the Patriot act? If so then he is a traitor and he should be tried.
Did he vote for SOPA? If so then he is a traitor and should be tried.

Those charges alone I can think of in under 30 seconds.

You are entitled to your opinion. I doubt Romney voted or signed any such laws.

The latest fraud to be put on the American people? hr 3166. Stripping citizenship of any person that is at odds with the government. Who decides if you are at odds? Executive branch.

hr 3166 is the exact same bill that nazi germany passed called the Nuremberg act.

Its freedom, or its fascism in 2012. Judging by the comments of the liberals on this board I would say most people are blindly walking into fascism.
May libs and cons on the board are unhappy with the laws, don't be one sided.

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