What will Trump do about Iran now?

Iran isn’t Iraq. And it’ll take more than a tweet to win a fight. I don’t think America has the stomach for more boots on the ground. And pussies like you certainly aren’t going to fight anyway

We have much to fear from a military that fought Iraq for 8 years to a draw. The issue is not what happens on Iranian soil, it is what happens here when the bombs start going off and children die.
We have much to fear from a military that fought Iraq for 8 years to a draw. The issue is not what happens on Iranian soil, it is what happens here when the bombs start going off and children die.

Unlikely they have a delivery system. Better now than later, when they nuke up. Now is a good time.
LMAO He doesn't have to do anything.

The only thing Iran will end is its mullah run country if it starts a fight with us and don't think they don't know it.


Well they just did, so now Trump has to act or he is no different than Obama and his stupid red line
I would test trump too
If he reacts he will be eaten up
If he doesnt, he is a pussy
This is where that big ass mouth gets him

Naaaaah. Trump can't/won't respond to every blowhard in Iran! This is a country where thousands gather in mobs and chant "Death to America!"

You have to keep the focus. Rouhani is the red line. He's the president, he said the original "nuke the Americans" thing.

I agree that I'm sort of hoping Rouhani keeps his mouth shut...……

But I like it that Trump is not afraid to hurt the feelings of other countries by expressing American power. Hey, every prez has a war: we've owed Iran a war since 1979, and I am very up for letting them have it.

Then he should not say that he is going to. That is the sort of thing that makes someone look like a blowhard
Iran isn’t Iraq. And it’ll take more than a tweet to win a fight. I don’t think America has the stomach for more boots on the ground. And pussies like you certainly aren’t going to fight anyway

We have much to fear from a military that fought Iraq for 8 years to a draw. The issue is not what happens on Iranian soil, it is what happens here when the bombs start going off and children die.

They fought Iraq to a draw for 8 years, we decimate Iraq's army in a few months. Why would our military fear them?
There's nothing he can do, he screwed this up like everything else.

Iran is now at liberty to pursue its nuclear program, the hardline regime is firmly in power, and the Iranian people are fully in support of that hardline government, all the consequence of Trump's incompetence and stupidity.

You're talking out of your ass now.

"and the Iranian people are fully in support of that hardline government, a"

2017–18 Iranian protests

A series of public protests occurred in various cities throughout Iran beginning on 28 December 2017 and continuing into 2018. The first protest took place in Mashhad, Iran's second-largest city by population, initially focused on the economic policies of the country's government; however, as protests spread throughout the country, their scope expanded to include political opposition to the theocratic regime of Iran and its longtime Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei.[24] According to The Washington Post,[25]protesters' chants and attacks on government buildings upended a system that had little tolerance for dissent, with some demonstrators even shouting "Death to the dictator!" — referring to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei — and asking security forces to join them.

The protests mark the most intense domestic challenge to the Iranian government since the 2009 presidential election protests.[26] However, these protests differ from the Green movement in participants, causes, goals, and chants.[27][28] While some analysts suggest the protests are a result of unfavorable economic policies adopted by the administration of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, others say that dissatisfaction with the theocratic regime and the Supreme Leader are the actual causes of the unrest.[2][29][30] Rouhani acknowledged on 8 J

2017–18 Iranian protests - Wikipedia
Iran isn’t Iraq. And it’ll take more than a tweet to win a fight. I don’t think America has the stomach for more boots on the ground. And pussies like you certainly aren’t going to fight anyway

We have much to fear from a military that fought Iraq for 8 years to a draw. The issue is not what happens on Iranian soil, it is what happens here when the bombs start going off and children die.

They fought Iraq to a draw for 8 years, we decimate Iraq's army in a few months. Why would our military fear them?

It wouldn't, that's my point.
Iran isn’t Iraq. And it’ll take more than a tweet to win a fight. I don’t think America has the stomach for more boots on the ground. And pussies like you certainly aren’t going to fight anyway

We have much to fear from a military that fought Iraq for 8 years to a draw. The issue is not what happens on Iranian soil, it is what happens here when the bombs start going off and children die.
Obama isn't president anymore.
That threat is pretty much history.
Except for that prick judge in Hawaii.

The real problem that Mullahs of Iran have isn't with America, but with Iranian people. Don't think for a second that America isn't backing Freedom Loving Iranians who want to restore the beloved Peacock Throne.

The Iranian Special Forces chief is probably shitting a brick right now. He spoke to the Media in confidence and they leaked this defamatory statement against America. That's the one thing Rouhani did not want to get out.

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