What will Trump supporters do now that there leader is a target of a major criminal probe.

In reference to the OP, the Trump cult sore-losers will:

Keep on melting down in an especially amusing fashion.

Repeat all the newest cult talking points whenever commanded to do so.

Talk big about violence, but then expect someone else to do it. It's not like they're going to leave their trailer. They will masturbate frantically as they read about any of their pals engaging in violence.

Most importantly, they'll weep even more bitter yet sweet fascist sore-loser tears. MMmmmmm. So delicious. More plz, Trump cultists.
You crying pussy libs have been after Trump since 2015. Even worse after he beat the hag hillary. The one crying like bitches are you, bitch.


Donald Trump says he's invoking the Fifth Amendment in New York AG's deposition​

Now couple this fact with the fact that he previously said, on film, that anyone who invoked the 5th was by definition GUILTY, he is apparently CONFESSING...!!!
No bullshit JH. There is no doubt Trump and his crazed followers will be neutered by our justice system. Our justice system is very constrained with the purpose of protecting the innocent. It takes longer to prosecute the guilty. Trump is guilty of many crimes. Trumpism will overturn our Democracy if not stopped. Both are going down. Trump and Trumpism will be the biggest shit stain on US history, Bigger than the confederacy. You must feel good that you are a part of that shit stain.
Ah, all your Trumped up charges that haven’t gone anywhere.
The charges will stick. It took years to get Al Capone, but they got him. Trump is dirtier than Capone, but the same type of individual. They will get him.
Capone had his gang of dirt bags. Trump has his gang of dirt bags and you are one of them.
The Police are fine with the GQP - as long as they target Blacks and Asians and Mexicans.

The FBI (and any Alphabet Agency) is the most wonderful organisation on the Planet as long as they target Liberals, Democrats and Antifa. However - as soon as they target any real criminals - they are suddenly a force for evil?

Yes - to any thinking person it is an immense comedy - to anyone with feelings it is borderline Tragedy.

The ability of so many people to excuse corruption and criminal activities when it is their own leaders involved in those actions is absolutely staggering to behold? And yet here it is - a tragi-comedic theatre of the absurd being played out in real time in front of cameras and microphones where the absurdities can be recorded and compared to the similar historical recorded sentiments of the recent past - the hypocrisy documented - and yet the cult masses refuse to believe the evidence of their own eyes and ears. It is astonishing in its duplicitousness and dishonesty.It is staggering in its implications for trying to ensure that we remain a nation of laws.

The cult does not mind that their guy stole important classified documents. They do not mind that he destroyed all the evidence of massive corruption on an unprecedented scale? They don't fucking care that their leaders are crooks? It's a mindfuck well beyond my pay grade and understanding. It demolishes any credibility such folks could ever have had for being taken seriously or "unbiased?" They lie to protect the liars and thieves. They lie when it is obvious they are lying? They are blind to crimes committed right under their noses? They don't mind being fucked in the ass by their heroes - they continue to bend their backsides in the direction of the cult leaders?

I cannot understand such mental defectives. Such moral perverts. Such bastardised representatives of all that is disgusting and evil in humanity? These are not even people that Jesus would waste any oxygen trying to save as they are beyond any possible divine redemption...
This is much more serious than anything he has faced. Plus he does not have the protection of the Presidency.
Yeah, it's serious all right. Biggest tailspin dumb Democrats ever put themselves in, but they're gonna get trounced in November anyway, so they might as well go out with a bang, no ?
What will Trump supporters do now that there leader is a target of a major criminal probe.

When the Trump minions believed the lie that the election was stolen they rushed the Capitol and tried to stop Congress from certifying the election.

I predict we will see more violence from the Trump minions. How far will they go?
We will laugh at you wackos like we always do and vote in the upcoming midterms.
Tick tick tick...
Yeah, it's serious all right. Biggest tailspin dumb Democrats ever put themselves in, but they're gonna get trounced in November anyway, so they might as well go out with a bang, no ?
The mid-terms is more than Republicans vs Democrats.
It is, also, Trump Republicans vs true Republicans. Will the Republican party reject more fraudulent Trump Republicans.. Trumpism is a disease that has infected the Republican party but it will be cured.
Haven't seen any facts from the lying left yet.

Haven't seen any facts from the lying left yet.
how's this fact?

Didn’t Trump say that no one takes the 5th if they are innocent?​

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Andrew Wortman @AmoneyResists Do you know how ** king guilty you have to be for a federa judge that you appointed to sign off on a search warrant issued by an FBI director that you also appointed and executed by a DOJ attorney that you also appointed?'
The mid-terms is more than Republicans vs Democrats.
It is, also, Trump Republicans vs true Republicans. Will the Republican party reject more fraudulent Trump Republicans.. Trumpism is a disease that has infected the Republican party but it will be cured.
What drug have you taking ? Undisputedly, Trump is the leader of the Republican party with massive support. Take a look at the thrashing that Wyoming voters are going to hand Liz Cheney in a few days. Take also a look at the overwhelming success of Trump-endorsed candidates in recent primaries.

The foolish attack on Trump by Merrit Garland is bolstering this support even more solid. The "disease" of TDS will be further eradicated this November.

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