What will we conclude from the Santa Barbara shootings?

What will we conclude from the Santa Barbara shootings? Satan and demons are on earth to kill and destroy,if you allow satan to blind you and use you as his tool,fool,puppet you too will be used and fooled as the Santa Barbara shooter!!! BEWARE!
You are a psychotic individual and your religious hoodoo rants are frightening to rational society. People like you should never hold public office or own a gun.
It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

People get killed.....just move on
Nothing we can do

Then explain what price is being paid by the people in over 100 countries that have a higher murder rate than the US and NO second amendment rights (in fact, virtual bans on civilian firearm ownership).

How did "doing something" work out for them?
"All men are created equal" except for blacks, Chinese, Mexicans, Irish, Italians, poor people of all skin tones, etc. etc. etc. etc.

Then perhaps you can point to an example of institutional racism that would support your statement. What laws or governmental regulations are in place that put put these people at a disadvantage at birth?
It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

People get killed.....just move on
Nothing we can do

Then explain what price is being paid by the people in over 100 countries that have a higher murder rate than the US and NO second amendment rights (in fact, virtual bans on civilian firearm ownership).

How did "doing something" work out for them?

Want to name some of those countries?

Bet they don't include Canada, UK, France,Germany, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Japan or South Korea...all with stricter gun control

Name those countries and why we should be more like them
What will we conclude from the Santa Barbara shootings? Satan and demons are on earth to kill and destroy,if you allow satan to blind you and use you as his tool,fool,puppet you too will be used and fooled as the Santa Barbara shooter!!! BEWARE!
You are a psychotic individual and your religious hoodoo rants are frightening to rational society. People like you should never hold public office or own a gun.

YES!! IF YOU REJECT GOD YOU HAVE GOOD REASON TO LIVE IN FEAR. JESUS will return and you will meet Him as your LORD and SAVIOR or as your final judge. you get to choose today!!!! best you choose wisely!!!
Fathers need to teach their sons not to treat women like a piece of meat that exists only for their own personal pleasure.

Just as mothers need to start teaching their daughters their proper place in the world. Oh gee, I forgot, most mothers in this day and age don't have the foggiest idea what a proper woman's place is in society.

When neither gender remembers their proper place and embreaces it, it's almost impossible for the other other gender to do so either.

Where the heck did you get any of that from what I said or this incident?
It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

People get killed.....just move on
Nothing we can do

Then explain what price is being paid by the people in over 100 countries that have a higher murder rate than the US and NO second amendment rights (in fact, virtual bans on civilian firearm ownership).

How did "doing something" work out for them?

Want to name some of those countries?

Bet they don't include Canada, UK, France,Germany, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Japan or South Korea...all with stricter gun control

Name those countries and why we should be more like them

Way to avoid the point...AND move the goalposts!

You first explain why 100 countries with bans on firearms have higher murder rates than the US, then I'll explain why I never said we should be more like them. We should be like us, which is to say, free.

The floor is yours.
Precisely. "All men are created equal" is the greatest lie of this country. It's an interesting philosophy to aspire to, but the controlling interests of the American system have simply never adopted it. "All men are created equal" except for blacks, Chinese, Mexicans, Irish, Italians, poor people of all skin tones, etc. etc. etc. etc...

You make the mistake of believing that "equal" means empowered. It doesn't and never did. It simply means that we are all born as worthless sacks of shit. Some people just have more drive to rise above that and overcome the obstacles in their way. Others prefer to just lay there in the mud and whine until their worthless lives are snuffed out.

And now the ruling class has so much wealth that they're "too big to fail", so now they really don't have to care about the common good. HSBC made billions off of laundering money for narco-terrorists and the company paid a fine. No one went to jail even after they confessed.

Nobody EVER cared about the common good. That's one of the most ridiculous concepts I hear. "common defense and general welfare" referred to the COUNTRY, not the individual citizens.

They don't have anything to fear from a corrupt Congress or yet another corporate tool of a President, so if gun owners in America want real justice, march down Wall Street with your AR-15s and make them fear the People again.

Not Wall Street. The place to start is downtown of every State Capital and Washington, DC.
What we will conclude from this latest tragedy is exactly nothing. It is characteristic of our heterogeneous federal country that the will of the majority takes generations to prevail over the will of a powerful minority, however small. America turned against slavery decades before the Civil War. Progressive reforms did not go int effect until twenty or so years after their popular acceptance. The New Deal was well on its way to repeal until Dr. Win-the-War came along. America is a stick-in-the-mud kind of democracy.
Where the heck did you get any of that from what I said or this incident?

You commented that fathers need to start teaching their sons to treat women "properly". I agree. Just as mothers need to start teaching their daughters to act properly. What you miss is that Chivalry was a two-way street. No Lord was expected to treat a commoner woman with any respect or dignity. Only Ladies were granted such treatment. To be a Lady one had to live up to certain expectations. American women now expect to be treated like Ladies while being allowed to live like commoners. Sorry, that's BS of the highest order.
What will we conclude from the Santa Barbara shootings? Satan and demons are on earth to kill and destroy,if you allow satan to blind you and use you as his tool,fool,puppet you too will be used and fooled as the Santa Barbara shooter!!! BEWARE!
You are a psychotic individual and your religious hoodoo rants are frightening to rational society. People like you should never hold public office or own a gun.

YES!! IF YOU REJECT GOD YOU HAVE GOOD REASON TO LIVE IN FEAR. JESUS will return and you will meet Him as your LORD and SAVIOR or as your final judge. you get to choose today!!!! best you choose wisely!!!
See? You're psychotic. Jesus isn't coming back. Jesus died a very, very long time ago. He's never coming back. That's not how it works. If you think that's how it works then you should be on some serious medication. And typing in caps and using a bunch of exclamation points just makes you look even more insane.
The conclusion??

Fucked up people with fucked up ideas and a fucked up leaning towards doing evil will do fucked up evil things with whatever they can use... whether it be a firearm, knife, bomb, sword, car, poison, or whatever else...
Whenever something like this Santa Barbara shooting happens, we always go through the usual "Oh my, why did he do it, what caused him to do it, what could we have done to prevent this" litany. Every time. I suppose it's only natural to think those things after some horrible tragedy like this.

But wondering what we could have done to prevent it, doesn't mean there WAS anything we could have done.

Seeing this thread just now, was the first I've heard of this event, and I know nothing about it except what's in the posts preceding this one.

But I can probably predict how things will go - since they have gone this way for every other mass murder like this.

The shooter's motives will be analyzed... and it will be found that he didn't really have any "normal" motives. He didn't hate the thirty or forty people he shot. He didn't even know most of them, perhaps didn't know any of them at all.

It will be found that he was a loner who was unhappy and a little weird, but not obviously homicidal. And/or his girlfriend jilted him last week. Or that he got a reprimand on his job. Or got a speeding ticket in his car. Or that he just got back from Iraq where he was greatly stressed. Or that his parents he was living with (if he was) suggested that he get off his duff and get a job. Or he got up two mornings ago, saw a green tree with a red bird in it, and decided from that to go and kill a bunch of people. Or some other thing happened that people can point to as the "trigger" that set him off.

And nobody, but nobody, will point out the fact that the thing that "set him off", is something that happens to various people every day, by the thousands or millions across this country... and none of THEM got a gun and started blasting away at everyone in sight. Not even the loners who were unhappy and a little weird... of which there are lots, in this country of 300 million people.

Why did he do it? Because there was something broken inside his head.

Not something that caused him to lurch around, drooling and babbling and slapping himself. But something that remained pretty much hidden, until a "stimulus" that hundreds of thousands of people get every day, happened to him this time. And the broken thing inside his head caused him to react very differently from the way everyone else has reacted over the eons.

What could have we done to prevent it? Not a damned thing. Because we don't have a "broken thing detector". Nothing else could have foretold that he would do this.

Even if we did have a "broken thing detector", it would probably register on 10% of the population, or more... the vast majority of whom will still never shoot anybody. What we don't know about the inner workings of the brain, would fill books, volumes, encyclopedia sets... if we knew enough about it to write them, which we don't. The "psychologists" we will see on TV for the next several weeks, are completely ignorant of what was wrong with this guy... and the honest ones will tell you that straight out. But those aren't the ones who will be on TV.

Well, that's what will happen over the next weeks. And a few people will say that if we make some laws about certain things, we will have "done something about it"... with no particular reason to think they will have any actual effect on the next guy with a broken thing inside his head.

Here we go again. As we did last time, and the time before that, and the time before that.

Useful result: ZERO. Just like last time, etc.
You are a psychotic individual and your religious hoodoo rants are frightening to rational society. People like you should never hold public office or own a gun.

YES!! IF YOU REJECT GOD YOU HAVE GOOD REASON TO LIVE IN FEAR. JESUS will return and you will meet Him as your LORD and SAVIOR or as your final judge. you get to choose today!!!! best you choose wisely!!!
See? You're psychotic. Jesus isn't coming back. Jesus died a very, very long time ago. He's never coming back. That's not how it works. If you think that's how it works then you should be on some serious medication. And typing in caps and using a bunch of exclamation points just makes you look even more insane.

you prove my point. =if you don't believe the Word of GOD,YOU WILL believe satan's lies. Satan is a liar and the father of liars!!!and you??
Where the heck did you get any of that from what I said or this incident?

You commented that fathers need to start teaching their sons to treat women "properly". I agree. Just as mothers need to start teaching their daughters to act properly. What you miss is that Chivalry was a two-way street. No Lord was expected to treat a commoner woman with any respect or dignity. Only Ladies were granted such treatment. To be a Lady one had to live up to certain expectations. American women now expect to be treated like Ladies while being allowed to live like commoners. Sorry, that's BS of the highest order.

I never mentioned chivalry. I talked about being a decent human being.
Precisely. "All men are created equal" is the greatest lie of this country. It's an interesting philosophy to aspire to, but the controlling interests of the American system have simply never adopted it. "All men are created equal" except for blacks, Chinese, Mexicans, Irish, Italians, poor people of all skin tones, etc. etc. etc. etc...
You make the mistake of believing that "equal" means empowered. It doesn't and never did. It simply means that we are all born as worthless sacks of shit. Some people just have more drive to rise above that and overcome the obstacles in their way. Others prefer to just lay there in the mud and whine until their worthless lives are snuffed out.
We can still try. Legalizing Cannabis Sativa again will level the playing field faster than a revolution.

And now the ruling class has so much wealth that they're "too big to fail", so now they really don't have to care about the common good. HSBC made billions off of laundering money for narco-terrorists and the company paid a fine. No one went to jail even after they confessed.
Nobody EVER cared about the common good. That's one of the most ridiculous concepts I hear. "common defense and general welfare" referred to the COUNTRY, not the individual citizens.
The citizens are the country. Unless we're all slaves, we all have a part to play in the common good. Is it for the common good that bankers and war criminals get away with their crimes? Certainly not.

They don't have anything to fear from a corrupt Congress or yet another corporate tool of a President, so if gun owners in America want real justice, march down Wall Street with your AR-15s and make them fear the People again.
Not Wall Street. The place to start is downtown of every State Capital and Washington, DC.
You want to start with the puppets? Why not just vote them out then and put someone else in place? Because that doesn't work, and all you're left with is another corporate muppet.

Go for the puppeteers- the global wealthy elite.
I never mentioned chivalry. I talked about being a decent human being.

Human beings are not decent creatures by nature. We are willful, aggresssive, self-centered creatures which exist best in smaller tribal settings rather than in large societies. In order to maintain "decency", chivalry or some other form of social engineering must be introduced into the equation. It's just that simple.
We can still try. Legalizing Cannabis Sativa again will level the playing field faster than a revolution.

Not a chance. All that's gonna do is require me to increase my stock of ammo to shoot all the fucking potheads.

The citizens are the country. Unless we're all slaves, we all have a part to play in the common good. Is it for the common good that bankers and war criminals get away with their crimes? Certainly not.

Sorry, I don't believe in the "common good" in the way you do. I believe in the opposite.... PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. The "common defense and general welfare" arguement is made by those who don't have enough reading comprehension to understand that those two concepts are thereafter EXCLUSIVELY DEFINED by the 18 items listed as one continues to read Article I, Section 8.

As for the bankers.... CAVEAT EMPTOR. I still don't see any war criminals around here, unless someone has dragged Abraham Lincoln out of his grave.

You want to start with the puppets? Why not just vote them out then and put someone else in place? Because that doesn't work, and all you're left with is another corporate muppet.

I want to start by burning the whole system to the ground and starting all over again. By repairing the Government, and making its limitations perfectly clear, along with removing all money and influence from the system, the bankers and globalists lose their power.

Go for the puppeteers- the global wealthy elite.

Unlike you, I don't fear or hate the wealthy.
And we continue to have a murder rate with guns like a third world nation. 32,000 a year. By next year, more people will be killed in this nation with guns than in automobile accidents. Yet, what do we need all these guns for? My guns are for hunting, they are not people guns like the assault weapons our gunnuts delight in. And, yes, I have had to experiance of having to defend myself with one of those guns. A single shot 12 gauge changed the minds of 10 people that had very ill intentions toward me. No war weopon needed, thank you.

But the NRA keeps pushing the proliferation these kinds of guns in the population. And, invariably, they fall into the hands of the crazies, and we get these massacres. A sad commentary on the sanity of all too many of our citizens.

Use your shotgun to defend yourself. I'll use one of many handguns. Unlike you, I would never try to take your weapons away from you.
Americans will not learn any lessons because Americans are ignorant, arrogant, and stupid.

As we were always intended to be. See, America was founded by people who didn't give a fuck what the Government, and especially European Governments and people feel about things.
Precisely. "All men are created equal" is the greatest lie of this country. It's an interesting philosophy to aspire to, but the controlling interests of the American system have simply never adopted it. "All men are created equal" except for blacks, Chinese, Mexicans, Irish, Italians, poor people of all skin tones, etc. etc. etc. etc.

And now the ruling class has so much wealth that they're "too big to fail", so now they really don't have to care about the common good. HSBC made billions off of laundering money for narco-terrorists and the company paid a fine. No one went to jail even after they confessed.

They don't have anything to fear from a corrupt Congress or yet another corporate tool of a President, so if gun owners in America want real justice, march down Wall Street with your AR-15s and make them fear the People again.

All men are created equal. Its govt that spreads inequality in hopes of fostering votes.

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