What will you do if he doesnt win?

The better question is what will the winner do. That's far more important to me than any actual winner. If the winner fucks us raw, well, did you really win (presumably you didnt want to get raped) based on your choice? This is why politics shouldn't be treated like a sport. But simple is as simple does.
I honestly wouldnt worry about the ACA. I dont think Romney can repeal it even if he gets elected, however if he does, hes promised to enact romneycare and so far everything hes said about makes it sound exactly like the ACA. *shrug*

He is going to give waivers to every state and leave it up to the states weather or not they want it. THE WAY it should have gone in the first place.

There is a VERY good reason we DO NOT revert back to states rights. come correct.

Because you are totalitarians who want to control every aspects of our lives?
Romney is a very principled man. I know the media likes to portray him otherwise. But it doesnt change reality.

His only principle is winning.

It's impossible to look at his record and come to any other conclusion. And that's fine. If you want to win, you want to win. I'd rather see that desire tempered with some other principles, but to date, I haven't seen anything to give evidence to the idea he has any other principles besides his desire to win.
He being, whoever you are rooting for. Will anything change in your life? Will it have any real effect on you? Will you avoid the boards for awhile? It seems both sides are supremely confident, so i except a decent amount of crowing from whoever wins.

1) Buy long term put options on the S&P 500
2) Assume out of my wife and myself the likelihood is one of us will lose our jobs. The Republicans hate public science and they hate equal access to justice for the poor even more, so they'll probably ax the NSF and funding for legal services.
I look forward to the pain that Pres. Obama will feel at the humiliation of being yet another one term Democrat President.

I am looking forward to the gross humiliation of Obama and the liberal Dems in the election. It will be a nuclear attack on them. They will be the most discredited, humiliated party and president in history. Obama will have to leave the country and settle in France to write his memoirs to escape the stench of his defeat. His name will be a byword of failure and incompetence. Policy makers will consider a proposal and someone wil interject "That sounds like something from the Obama Administration" and the whole idea will be dropped like a hot potato.
That's what Im talking about.

You probably shouldn't check out the electoral vote breakdowns, as Romney is in pretty sad shape in the electoral college.

Romney may yet win, but it won't be a "repudiation" of Obama. It'll be a close election that Obama lost to an opponent with no principles but huge stacks of cash.

Please.....inform the class on Obama's principles. We've been waiting to find out what (vote present) really stands for since before he was elected. Romney is a frickin' open book compared to Dear Ruler.

Anarchists aren't exactly "right wing," moron.

They're a bunch of fucking Chomskyites.

Anti-Fed Christian militias? Pretty much the definition of Rightie.

See, this is how folks like you get off claiming the shit on your side smells like roses. When it's your guys, they're either crazy or secretly leftists. When it's the other side, they totally represent everything and everyone on the other side.

That's reasoning so flawed it's not even caveman level.

Are there crazies out there? You betcha.

Are there some who lean left and right. Sure thing.

Does a crazy that bombs an abortion clinic represent the Right any more than a crazy that bombs a lunberjack site? Only a moron would think so.
I predict an Obama win, 52/48.

Gary Johnson is polling at 4.5% I say he takes at least 7% of the vote...

Oh and what happens? I laugh at whoever loses...I don't like either one of the corporate whores and don't really care who wins although I prefer Willard lose since we can then have Republicans and Democrats running in 2016.Plus Obama is doing a great job of destroying the country I want him to finish the job so we can begin anew.

You're going to laugh at Gary Johnson?
Romney is a very principled man. I know the media likes to portray him otherwise. But it doesnt change reality.

His only principle is winning.

It's impossible to look at his record and come to any other conclusion. And that's fine. If you want to win, you want to win. I'd rather see that desire tempered with some other principles, but to date, I haven't seen anything to give evidence to the idea he has any other principles besides his desire to win.

You should get out more often.
Romney is a very principled man. I know the media likes to portray him otherwise. But it doesnt change reality.

His only principle is winning.

It's impossible to look at his record and come to any other conclusion. And that's fine. If you want to win, you want to win. I'd rather see that desire tempered with some other principles, but to date, I haven't seen anything to give evidence to the idea he has any other principles besides his desire to win.

You should get out more often.

You should pay more attention to your candidate.
IF Mitt wins i would be worried about my student loans and about being kicked off my parents healthcare and about mitt starting a war with Iran.

Crazy idea. Get a job. Then you dont have to worry about it.
His only principle is winning.

It's impossible to look at his record and come to any other conclusion. And that's fine. If you want to win, you want to win. I'd rather see that desire tempered with some other principles, but to date, I haven't seen anything to give evidence to the idea he has any other principles besides his desire to win.

You should get out more often.

You should pay more attention to your candidate.

I already have. You obviously have not. Turn off MSNBC and read something. It's a great way to learn.
I would really like to avoid a war with Iran. As it stands right now Obama and Romney have the same stance on Iran. If that changes, and it seems certain one favors military action over the other, well then my vote will shift from Johnson to whoever favors peace.

We don't necessarily require a War to eliminate Iran's Nuclear capability... Israel gave us a fine example of that years ago when they went after Iraq's Reactors. Obama and Romney have the same stance because it is the right stance... Iran must not be allowed to have nukes, end of story.

This I do agree with. If it takes war to do that, then that's what it takes. I'd personally prefer to try something else while we still have the options on the table. We CAN NOT afford a war right now any more than we can afford a nuclear Iran. So I really want to see someone come up with a third way.

I agree. We definitely cant afford a war or a nuclear Iran. We need to get our house in order.

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