What will you do if Hillary wins?

What will you do if Hillary wins?

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What will you do if Hillary wins?

Leave the country
Commit suicide
Laugh and celebrate.

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What is there to celebrate? Seriously. OH YAY A PERSON WITH A VAGINA "WON" yeah...that's gonna help the country!

Hey. If MarcATL wants to laugh and celebrate then I say we should let him.
Well simple minds are easily amused but I am curious exactly WHAT is there to celebrate? Lemme guess "free college" eh? Ummm her tax raise she plans for the middle class? Her already announced plans for dealing with ISIS? Oh I got it her plan to allow 550% more Muslims into the country that way we can have daily terrorist attacks!? Hell least I don't live in nor visit large cities on a daily basis so most everyone they will kill or maim will be her own fucking idiot supporters so they deserve it.
I think I'll await learning the results until the first tell-all book on the campaign comes out. Please, nobody spoil t it by posting the winner here.
Hillary has no shot of "winning." You mean, what will I do if she steals the election?

Doing be such a puss. She doesn't have to steal anything to beat that boob. You are just trying to set up excuses for the trump /GOP loss because you are too much of a coward to face reality .

It's clear that Trump has the overwhelming support of the non-elitists. Hillary has zero percent chance of winning a legitimate election. You can call all the names you want; this is clear to people. And it basically makes sense; last I checked, most people don't want a felon to lead them.

Trump is super unqualified. You act like it's shocking that he loses !? What planet are you on ?

It's like blaming the refs before the game even starts ! Loser talk!

I don't think you give a sh** about "qualified" given that you are supporting a notorious felon.
Hillary has no shot of "winning." You mean, what will I do if she steals the election?

Doing be such a puss. She doesn't have to steal anything to beat that boob. You are just trying to set up excuses for the trump /GOP loss because you are too much of a coward to face reality .

It's clear that Trump has the overwhelming support of the non-elitists. Hillary has zero percent chance of winning a legitimate election. You can call all the names you want; this is clear to people. And it basically makes sense; last I checked, most people don't want a felon to lead them.

Trump is super unqualified. You act like it's shocking that he loses !? What planet are you on ?

It's like blaming the refs before the game even starts ! Loser talk!

I don't think you give a sh** about "qualified" given that you are supporting a notorious felon.

Who's the felon? Trump is a tax cheat level 3 sex offender .
I will feel that we made the right choice as a nation when Hillary wins this election. As for the rightwingnutjobs threatening violence, that is something that the laws cover, as well as the federal laws concerning sedition. Should the police need help, I would be quite willing to offer it.
Hillary has no shot of "winning." You mean, what will I do if she steals the election?

Doing be such a puss. She doesn't have to steal anything to beat that boob. You are just trying to set up excuses for the trump /GOP loss because you are too much of a coward to face reality .

It's clear that Trump has the overwhelming support of the non-elitists. Hillary has zero percent chance of winning a legitimate election. You can call all the names you want; this is clear to people. And it basically makes sense; last I checked, most people don't want a felon to lead them.

Trump is super unqualified. You act like it's shocking that he loses !? What planet are you on ?

It's like blaming the refs before the game even starts ! Loser talk!

I don't think you give a sh** about "qualified" given that you are supporting a notorious felon.

Who's the felon? Trump is a tax cheat level 3 sex offender .

Manufactured stories that have been debunked right and left. Anyways, we know all about the Clinton's dirty deeds. This has been well documented. You get behind a felon and you deserve what's coming to you.
For this election, rational self interest isn't what drives my decision. Between Mrs. Clinton and Trump, Trump is the one who's more likely to have an impact on my life, but that's more because the U.S. is what it is and he'd be running it, or more accurately ruining it, and the destructive and divisive effects will reverberate around the world and affect everyone.
For this election, rational self interest isn't what drives my decision. Between Mrs. Clinton and Trump, Trump is the one who's more likely to have an impact on my life, but that's more because the U.S. is what it is and he'd be running it, or more accurately ruining it, and the destructive and divisive effects will reverberate around the world and affect everyone.

Well, nobody had any doubt that your vote would be based on selfish reasons. Nice people don't support felons.
For this election, rational self interest isn't what drives my decision. Between Mrs. Clinton and Trump, Trump is the one who's more likely to have an impact on my life, but that's more because the U.S. is what it is and he'd be running it, or more accurately ruining it, and the destructive and divisive effects will reverberate around the world and affect everyone.

Well, nobody had any doubt that your vote would be based on selfish reasons. Nice people don't support felons.

There are no felons on the ballot. Do you know what a felon is?

fel - on (noun) a person who has been convicted of a felony.

I'm not aware of any candidate who meets that criteria. Even if there is a candidate that is a felon it is one of the lesser known third party candidates that won't win.

You my friend are a complete idiot that doesn't know the definition of felon. It means you are retarded but I think it is ok to be completely fucking retarded. I"m not sure but it could be. Just learn the definition of felon. It could help you look less and less stupid.

Just clarify for me. Did you really not know the definition of felon or were you just lying like crazy? I don't get it.
For this election, rational self interest isn't what drives my decision. Between Mrs. Clinton and Trump, Trump is the one who's more likely to have an impact on my life, but that's more because the U.S. is what it is and he'd be running it, or more accurately ruining it, and the destructive and divisive effects will reverberate around the world and affect everyone.

Well, nobody had any doubt that your vote would be based on selfish reasons. Nice people don't support felons.

There are no felons on the ballot. Do you know what a felon is?

fel - on (noun) a person who has been convicted of a felony.

I'm not aware of any candidate who meets that criteria. Even if there is a candidate that is a felon it is one of the lesser known third party candidates that won't win.

You my friend are a complete idiot that doesn't know the definition of felon. It means you are retarded but I think it is ok to be completely fucking retarded. I"m not sure but it could be. Just learn the definition of felon. It could help you look less and less stupid.

Just clarify for me. Did you really not know the definition of felon or were you just lying like crazy? I don't get it.

Hillary is a big time felon.
No point in waiting until Hillary wins. I am doing the same that I did before Obama was elected. Buying more stock funds. With the orange loose cannon gone, the economy will continue to improve.
For this election, rational self interest isn't what drives my decision. Between Mrs. Clinton and Trump, Trump is the one who's more likely to have an impact on my life, but that's more because the U.S. is what it is and he'd be running it, or more accurately ruining it, and the destructive and divisive effects will reverberate around the world and affect everyone.
Well good luck with that because Hillary is most likely to have an impact on your life.

If the GOP retains control of the Senate then that impact will be very minimal however.
Who's the felon? Trump is a tax cheat level 3 sex offender .
I would call him a felon even though he has not yet been convicted of any felonies.

All those pussies that he groped however are seeking political revenge now.

This has united almost all of the women against him except those that would love to have their pussies groped.
For this election, rational self interest isn't what drives my decision. Between Mrs. Clinton and Trump, Trump is the one who's more likely to have an impact on my life, but that's more because the U.S. is what it is and he'd be running it, or more accurately ruining it, and the destructive and divisive effects will reverberate around the world and affect everyone.
Well good luck with that because Hillary is most likely to have an impact on your life.

If the GOP retains control of the Senate then that impact will be very minimal however.

  • How do you know what, if any, impact Mrs. Clinton will have on my life?
  • How do you know whether, if she were to have an impact, it'd be good or bad for me?

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