What will you do when they arrest Trump ?

You know that using "sheeple" really helps us define you and your intellect.
Yes, Sheeple always use words like "us" and "we".

It is simply too frightening to them to be an adult individual, as they have a pathological need to be nurtured like a child through shared identity.

Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors ?
Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops ?
Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary,Hunter and stuff ?

You havent got long to think about this.

I know you are British and not very bright....but again....as President, Trump could declassify any document he wanted...including anything he took with him to Mar A Lago.......this is a nothing story as far as the documents go.....

The actual story is the democrat party, the leftist party, of course, using the FBI as their gestapo, to attack the opposing political party.....that should terrify you, since we essentially make your country possible now.....

It won't, cause, again, you are not very bright....
Laugh my ass off, fold my arms and get a smug, satisfied look on my face because he'll FINALLY have to face consequences for his misdeeds...if it happens. :)


The walls are closing in.........you really, super dooper, have him right where you want him....just like all those other times....

Sadly, you think the fact that he had the power to declassify everything there doesn't play a part in this charade............

When your pay masters in China see this post, they aren't going to be happy with you.......
Only COMPLETELY diseased scumbags and imbeciles would celebrate an unjust arrest.

So, feel obliged to GFY.
Come on man, that's just not fair! Tommy, of all people does not have to be told such things.

He has the most impressive collection of toys imaginable in his collection and is quite expert on their application.
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I know you are British and not very bright....but again....as President, Trump could declassify any document he wanted...including anything he took with him to Mar A Lago.......this is a nothing story as far as the documents go.....

The actual story is the democrat party, the leftist party, of course, using the FBI as their gestapo, to attack the opposing political party.....that should terrify you, since we essentially make your country possible now.....

It won't, cause, again, you are not very bright....
You should call Donny and offer your services. The Judge would be mighty impressed with the argument of a Citizen Journalist like yourself.
They`re well trained parrots earning their crackers.
They use sheeple when they know that everyone else in the world disagrees with them. Its like a comfort blanket. They wrap themselves in it,stick a pencil up each nostril and bang on the tin foil hat.
They use sheeple when they know that everyone else in the world disagrees with them. Its like a comfort blanket. They wrap themselves in it,stick a pencil up each nostril and bang on the tin foil hat.

What color wool do they shear off of you?
See no evil; hear no evil? Well, we all saw it!
No. There wasn’t any. And therefore nobody “saw it.” You are just one of those who reads the wrong thing into the things you observe. Your problem is probably a clinical condition. Seek professional help.
Again, a president has total jurisdiction over what he wants to take with him.
No one else has any authority to say anything about it.
If Trump wanted to declassify the docs he wanted to take with him, that is totally up to him.
The only reason to go through any procedure for declassifying, is if he wanted they to be declassified for everyone to look at.
As long as he was not making them public, he was not obligated to do a single thing except take them with him.
Wrong! There is a procedure for declassifying documents and Trump did none of it. Furthermore, as I stated before, Trump did not have the authority to declassify documents relating to nuclear weapons or national security. As an American, why do you want a dictator?
why haven’t they arrested trump? the xiden admin knew about this docs since at least February.

what’s the hold up?
The Russian history is far more noble than that of the US.
Russia did not help eastern Europe, China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, etc., with any profits in mind.
Russia spent much more helping them than Russia got back.
Russia is the good guys, compared to the US, who obviously are the bad guys internationally.
We have been invading and murdering for centuries, like Manifest Destiny murdering native Americans, 2 illegal invasions of Mexico, the Spanish American war, the Moro Rebellion, WWI, the Korean War, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Chile, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Egypt, etc.
Are you a bot? Russia is the good guys? Tell that to the Ukranian's or Britney Griner!
Secret service will not permit him to be cuffed and carted away from their care
FBI is an investigative agency, Secret Service is protective and higher up
The only manner in which Secret Service would relinquish him is After a trial in which he had been found guilty and federal marshals were to take him into custody
All this other baloney currently circulating is Lib loons, Once Again, circulating their hurt feelings and bad wishes as current, occurrent fact

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