What will you do when they arrest Trump ?

You lied, FruitLoops. Provably.

You falsely claimed most Americans believe the election was stolen. But as proof, you posted a poll, not of adults, which would represent Americans; but of "likely voters," which is a small subset of Americans, And even then, mostly Republicans, who are too deranged to recognize reality.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
You got him this time! There is nothing there, if there was. He would already be arrested.
Oh, they got him. Just a question of whether or not they'll do anything about it.

I'm betting...they will. Even if he doesn't go to prison, it will be worse than humiliating for him.
And Trump hates being humiliated above all else. He hates looking like a fool. :)
Meanwhile Hillary and her unsecured private server are both laughing at the idea of being arrested for mishandling classified documents LOL

Don't be stupid. Hillary is barely computer savvy. She screwed up, but it was in no way deliberate.

Most Americans in government service are still patriots. Trump is not the norm.
Oh, they got him. Just a question of whether or not they'll do anything about it.

I'm betting...they will. Even if he doesn't go to prison, it will be worse than humiliating for him.
And Trump hates being humiliated above all else. He hates looking like a fool. :)
If they had him, he would be in jail. The democrats have abused their power for over 6 years to put him away.
When I look at the Sheeple here, I imagine them as the grubby townspeople in Medieval times cheering on the Authorities as they toss some hapless woman into a lake to determine if she is a witch.

You know what they say -- you can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you sure can fool all of the democrats all of the time.
When I look at the Sheeple here, I imagine them as the grubby townspeople in Medieval times cheering on the Authorities as they toss some hapless woman into a lake to determine if she is a witch.

You know what they say -- you can fool all of the people some of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you sure can fool all of the democrats all of the time.
You know that using "sheeple" really helps us define you and your intellect.
No, arrested and impeached and removed from office since he won the last election.

That is what the hearings are all about, right?
One of the televised hearings was spent proving beyond all doubt that he lost the election and he knew he lost. How much of the $250 million that he scammed Deplorables for, came from you. They`ll be more hearings. Watch one of them. It`s his own people that are ratting him out including the daughter he wants to fuck. The dems have taken a back seat in the hearings. Up next? The investigation into the documents he stole from the Whitehouse.

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