What will you do when they arrest Trump ?

It is treason to try to convict an ex-president of anything.
Look at Bush, who murdered over half a million innocent Iraqis?
Even if you discount the Iraqis, that is still 7,000 death US soldiers due to Bush deliberate lies.
That is simply not true. You believe the fat former guy is above the law. He isn't.
Sure, these "soldiers" are a real threat........


They know how to use the weapons they have been assigned.....

This is YOUR side:

Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors ?
Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops ?
Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary,Hunter and stuff ?

You havent got long to think about this.
if the dims are so loved, why did they have to resort to such widespread voter fraud?
IS it THAT..... they knew their own base was sick of their lies and their move towards communism that they had to employ the dead and anonymous voters?

"widespread voter fraud?"

And, of course you have not....but it IS interesting that you make such a claim. You are advocating stalking posters in real life now.

Oh, but I have. And no, waaaay back when, you were an idiot and posted pics of yourself. No help from me. Hell, what has been seen can't be unseen, and believe me, I wish I had never seen that pic! :eek:

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