What will you do when they arrest Trump ?

The Russian history is far more noble than that of the US.
Russia did not help eastern Europe, China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, etc., with any profits in mind.
Russia spent much more helping them than Russia got back.
Russia is the good guys, compared to the US, who obviously are the bad guys internationally.
We have been invading and murdering for centuries, like Manifest Destiny murdering native Americans, 2 illegal invasions of Mexico, the Spanish American war, the Moro Rebellion, WWI, the Korean War, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Chile, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Egypt, etc.

So why don't you go live there?
Some would, but not many. Most in the military takes their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic," very seriously; and wouldn't fight against the Constitution it by mutinously abandoning the elected Commander-in-Chief in favor of a rogue leader who lost his election in a landslide.
There are things I do not disagree with with Progs. But it is to degree. To many deplorables trust the police and we back them up but when they are unleashed, they can do stupid stuff. And against their own benefactors. The military will most likely back the Progs but I believe many of them are not happy with what the Progs have done them.
Tommy is a troll, he only wants to gaslight, he doesn't want a real discussion and he can't handle that, so he gaslights and trolls.
I suspected as much, however I think it is important to try to convice people that we are not at the point of taking up arms to defend our Consttution.

The Biden administration has been telling people that conservative groups are the biggest problem in our nation while they make no effort to arrest and imprison members of Black Life Matters and Antifa who burned down cites and killed innocent people.

The Attorney General is even worried about parents who yell at school board meetings.

Plus it appears the FBI instigated a plot to kidnap the Governor of Michigan.

The Biden administration and the Deep State would love it if a couple conservative groups decide to launch an armed insurrection against our government. The next thing you know there woluld be legislation in process to ban and confiscate all civialian owned firearms.

I say just don’t play stupid games. First try voting the Democrats out. Elect a President will to fight the Deep State and the bureaucracy. I think we can do this but of course we have to make damn sure the elections are not rigged.
and you would love nothing more than to turn the miltary against fellow americans.

Trump's "army" would be promptly squashed by our military.
What would you do with our children?
Sell them into sex slavery? Give some to sniffy Joe? Make them serve as household slaves and to be properly brainwashed to hate their dead or imprisoned parents? Forced Trans surgery?

Something to think about.
of course they will. he's a private citizen AND the SS work for the gov'ment...

lol ... they are also private citizens who will be arrested for obstruction & harboring a criminal.

you're a full tilt cultist & it won't end well for donny no matter what.

Wow, and I thought Skews was the biggest TDS inflicted moron on this forum.
There are things I do not disagree with with Progs. But it is to degree. To many deplorables trust the police and we back them up but when they are unleashed, they can do stupid stuff. And against their own benefactors. The military will most likely back the Progs but I believe many of them are not happy with what the Progs have done them.

The military would not be defending "the Progs." They'd be defending the U.S. Constitution.
What would you do with our children?
Sell them into sex slavery? Give some to sniffy Joe? Make them serve as household slaves and to be properly brainwashed to hate their dead or imprisoned parents? Forced Trans surgery?

Something to think about.


I'll leave thinking about that to you.
but but HUNTER!!!!!!!!!!!! has replaced but but HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO ONE is above the law & if hunter is ever proven to have broken the law - then he should be held responsible.

see how easy that is? except for you & yer ilk; who are full tilt in the cult.

He should be, but won't be. "Rules for thee, but not for me", is the mantra of the left.
The military would not be defending "the Progs." They'd be defending the U.S. Constitution.

The progs are the ones wiping their ass with the COTUS. So, yes, the military will be wiping out the wipers.

Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors?
Here comes Tommy talking out of his ass again about stuff he knows nothing about. That is where most of his higher cognitive functions occur.

Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops?
Says the guy who owns no guns, has never owned nor even held a gun, couldn't be trusted with one and couldn't buy one even to save his own life.

Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary, Hunter and stuff?
Now we are getting closer to Tommy's true level of skills. He's an expert on squatting, couches, watching television and burbling to himself and his pet turtle.
Here comes Tommy talking out of his ass again about stuff he knows nothing about. That is where most of his higher cognitive functions occur.

Says the guy who owns no guns, has never owned nor even held a gun, couldn't be trusted with one and couldn't buy one even to save his own life.

Now we are getting closer to Tommy's true level of skills. He's an expert on squatting, couches, watching television and burbling to himself and his pet turtle.
Your TWS is making you sound like a fool.
Trump's "army" talks a good game, but few of them are in good enough physical shape to even take on a US soldier.

So you and your fellow leftist feelings are the military is going to pick up arms against fellow Americans on the orders of Strand Soldiers In Afghanistan *Joe.
Leftists are the Dumbest MFers on the planet.

Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors ?
Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops ?
Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary,Hunter and stuff ?

You havent got long to think about this.

You need to wake up............or pull your head outta your butt...............

Either way, you need to get a dose of reality.
So you and your fellow leftist feelings are the military is going to pick up arms against fellow Americans on the orders of Strand Soldiers In Afghanistan *Joe.
Leftists are the Dumbest MFers on the planet.
Apparently you MAGATs didn't learn anything from your failed Jan. 6th 2021 coup attempt did you?
A bunch of idiot Trumptards breaking into the U.S. Capitol were quickly dispached by Capitol Police.
You don't seem to understand how the U.S. Military works.
Would our soldiers put down fringe lunatic, white nationalist insurrectionists posing as a threat to The U.S. Constitution?
In a heartbeat.
"Against ALL enemies foreign AND domestic."
Unless you guys send buffalo-robe boy in first....you lnow....like you did on Jan. 6th.
He was pretty SCARY!
Now HE might back an army down.

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