What will you do when they arrest Trump ?


Obviously the point is that even an ex-president has the support of and represents a significant portion of the population.
So any attack on an ex-president is essentially a civil war, against the people who supported him.
And that is diametrically opposed to what a democratic republic is supposed to be.
An attack of this nature (political in the costume of criminal) is a kind of attack on all of his supporters. We are not a democratic republic. We are a Constitutional republic.

And if ANYONE should have ever been prosecuted, it would have been Bush, who deliberately lied and caused over half a million murders.
No evidence of any lie. And no. Obviously he shouldn’t have been prosecuted either. Thankfully, nobody in office after he left was retarded enough (as Brandon is) to even try it.
If a president, or an ex-president commits a treasonable offense, it's the duty of congress or the DOJ to bring those charges.

Congress has ZERO jurisdiction over anyone except members of congress.
The impeachment process is NOT to convict, but to remove immunity that presidents have, and requires both the legislative AND judicial branches.
And no, it is not the duty of anyone to press any charges, if the person who would be charged lawfully represents the will of the people who elected them.
Arresting Trump would be a disaster for Democrats. He is the most beatable Republican. He couldn’t beat Biden. He lost by 7.4M votes. Jesus. Please put Trump up as the 2024 candidate!!

Where did you get the idea that the Trumpster is the "most" beatable candidate?

I get the idea that you libs think that Sleepy Joe is doing a tremendous job and will schlong the GOP in 2024.

But how do you think that JEB! or Liz or Mitt are so strong?
An attack of this nature (political in the costume of criminal) is a kind of attack on all of his supporters. We are not a democratic republic. We are a Constitutional republic.

No evidence of any lie. And no. Obviously he shouldn’t have been prosecuted either. Thankfully, nobody in office after he left was retarded enough (as Brandon is) to even try it.

The rest of the world did not at all believe Chalabi's lies about Saddam and the WMD lies.
So Bush should not have either.
But the POINT is Bush committed mass murder.
There is nothing nearly as horrendous by Trump, in comparison.
We are not a democratic republic. We are a Constitutional republic.

Technically we are democratically elected, representative, constitutional, republic.
But to me, the "constitutional" part is the least important, because the founders clearly told us that the constitution grants no rights, that individual rights are infinite so can never be listed, and have to pre-exist so can't be granted.

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ummm... america is worth it.

so bring it, troll. your fear tactics are impotent.
No fear tactics have been employed. You are a silly frightened ignorant little girl. :cuckoo:

I’m talking about the horror you will feel when you realize that all of the cheap ass Pelousy and Schifthead and Brandon tactics and manipulations are about to amount to a big fat zero. Trump is very likely to win re-election! Thank God.
Technically we are democratically elected, representative, constitutional, republic.

That’s closer than you were before. I consider it progress for you.
But to me, the "constitutional" part is the least important, because the founders clearly told us that the constitution grants no rights, that individual rights are infinite so can never be listed, and have to pre-exist so can't be granted.
Don’t believe I’ve ever claimed that the Constitution grants right. So, thanks for the unneeded and irrelevant lecture.

However, you’re wrong. The most important part about being a Constitutional republic is the Constitution.
Political rivals do not violate the Espionage Act 300 times.

Again, a president has total jurisdiction over what he wants to take with him.
No one else has any authority to say anything about it.
If Trump wanted to declassify the docs he wanted to take with him, that is totally up to him.
The only reason to go through any procedure for declassifying, is if he wanted they to be declassified for everyone to look at.
As long as he was not making them public, he was not obligated to do a single thing except take them with him.

Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors ?
Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops ?
Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary,Hunter and stuff ?

You havent got long to think about this.
Why would I go out and kill some cops? What good would that do. I am not a member of Black Lives Matter.

In my opinion this mess can be resolved peacefully through the courts and the ballot box. The dems and the Deep State are trying to get conservatives to take up arms and do something stupid so they can pass laws to disarm us. Don't fall for that trick.

Hopefully the time for an uprising in our nation will never occur. Admittedly we are getting closer to that point but I feel we still have a ways to go.
Emotionally overwrought lib loons presenting their wishes and hopes as fact once again
FBI is an investigative body. Secret Service a protective agency. The investigators are Not cuffing and hauling away Trump for more dog and pony show while the agency assigned to protect him just stands there.
Why would I go out and kill some cops? What good would that do. I am not a member of Black Lives Matter.

In my opinion this mess can be resolved peacefully through the courts and the ballot box. The dems and the Deep State are trying to get conservatives to take up arms and do something stupid so they can pass laws to disarm us. Don't fall for that trick.

Hopefully the time for an uprising in our nation will never occur. Admittedly we are getting closer to that point but I feel we still have a ways to go.
Tommy is a troll, he only wants to gaslight, he doesn't want a real discussion and he can't handle that, so he gaslights and trolls.
That’s closer than you were before. I consider it progress for you.

Don’t believe I’ve ever claimed that the Constitution grants right. So, thanks for the unneeded and irrelevant lecture.

However, you’re wrong. The most important part about being a Constitutional republic is the Constitution.

I disagree.
Unlike some legal principles that are essential and intrinsic, like "blind justice", "presumption of innocence", etc., the constitution is an arbitrary divide of jurisdiction, negotiated in trying times.
Since then, we have essentially totally ignored the Constitution, and it has not been totally horrific.
For example, the BATF, DEA, FDA, etc., are all totally illegal according to the constitution, but most people do not seem to mind?

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