What will you do when they arrest Trump ?

I’m going to sit back and watch it be prevented from happening
Now maybe they can break in at 3 in the morning “for everyone’s safety and well being” and kidnap him but otherwise the secret service will not permit him to be taken into custody.

The corruption is right there in front of you with Biden...but you don't want to see THAT.
No they weren’t.

Absurd. You not knowing why he had them is not the same as your guesswork being in any way meaningful. 👍

I don’t. In fact i have a history of opposing them. Shrillary. Obumbler. Brandon.
There is only one Putin bitch and that is The Donald. Did you forget about the Helsinki ass-kissing?
They are not ordinary government employee. They are released from many constraints in order to protect the President and former Presidents. They will not permit Trump to be cuffed and carted off away from them and only you lib loon ghouls are getting boners over the idea of conflict
They will do as instructed or be cuffed and carted off themselves.
Unless his name is hunter biden.


but but HUNTER!!!!!!!!!!!! has replaced but but HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO ONE is above the law & if hunter is ever proven to have broken the law - then he should be held responsible.

see how easy that is? except for you & yer ilk; who are full tilt in the cult.
Apples to door knobs Once Again


Secret service allowing access to a property is no where near same as permitting Trump to be taken into custody and out of Secret Service hands and care.

again ... they work for the gov'ment. THAT'S who signs their paycheck.

They won’t allow it


so you Fauci worshiping ghouls may get another garish wish come true when the shoot out begins.

you're cray cray.
View attachment 686286
The corruption is right there in front of you with Biden...but you don't want to see THAT.


“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion. ~ DJT


again ... they work for the gov'ment. THAT'S who signs their paycheck.


you're cray cray.
It is an interesting dilemma. On the one hand the Secret Service Agents have an ongoing duty to protect the former President. On the other hand, they are also law enforcement agents if our Federal Government. So, if and/or when some FBI agents were to come to place President Trump under arrest, that scenario would have to be very carefully coordinated ahead of time.

It is obviously a retarded notion to seek an indictment against Trump, at all. But Brandon is as dumb as AOC. So, if they do get an indictment, Trump will need to appear before a judge for his arraignment.

My hunch is that they will arrange it so that he can simply arrive at the court house . All that arrest processing and paperwork can be done with more decorum than the usual process. No reason not to.

I don’t believe that even this idiot AG will ask the court for “bail.”

And once the arraignment is over, President Trump will be free to travel wherever he wishes whenever he wishes. I am pretty sure that would be to campaign.

The gates of hell will have been opened by Meritless Garland and by Brandon. Then the real show will commence.
? Rigby is off his meds.

Obviously the point is that even an ex-president has the support of and represents a significant portion of the population.
So any attack on an ex-president is essentially a civil war, against the people who supported him.
And that is diametrically opposed to what a democratic republic is supposed to be.

And if ANYONE should have ever been prosecuted, it would have been Bush, who deliberately lied and caused over half a million murders.

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