What will you do when they arrest Trump ?

No fear tactics have been employed. You are a silly frightened ignorant little girl. :cuckoo:

oh so you're just a run of the mill trump humping troll & not one of them thar 'civil war ' predictors. makes no difference to me.

I’m talking about the horror you will feel when you realize that all of the cheap ass Pelousy and Schifthead and Brandon tactics and manipulations are about to amount to a big fat zero.

okey dokey!

Trump is very likely to win re-election!


Thank God.


Secret service will not permit him to be taken into custody and armed personal security could make it more interesting
Figured lib loons would find a way to witch hunt up a shoot out.
6-1 favorable response means So Nice it needs saying twice
There is only one Putin bitch and that is The Donald. Did you forget about the Helsinki ass-kissing?

The Russian history is far more noble than that of the US.
Russia did not help eastern Europe, China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, etc., with any profits in mind.
Russia spent much more helping them than Russia got back.
Russia is the good guys, compared to the US, who obviously are the bad guys internationally.
We have been invading and murdering for centuries, like Manifest Destiny murdering native Americans, 2 illegal invasions of Mexico, the Spanish American war, the Moro Rebellion, WWI, the Korean War, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Chile, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Egypt, etc.
I disagree.

Ok. You’re allowed. You’re wrong. But you have the right to be confused, misguided and slovenly in your thinking.
Unlike some legal principles that are essential and intrinsic, like "blind justice", "presumption of innocence", etc., the constitution is an arbitrary divide of jurisdiction, negotiated in trying times.

The Constitution is far far more than that.
Since then, we have essentially totally ignored the Constitution,
Not true. But we have been been largely ignoring it to our collective detriment for many years.
and it has not been totally horrific.
For example, the BATF, DEA, FDA, etc., are all totally illegal according to the constitution,

I don’t know that that’s true. But it is something which can certainly be explored and debated. It might prove fruitful.
but most people do not seem to mind?

I agree that many people don’t seem to notice or care.

Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors ?
Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops ?
Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary,Hunter and stuff ?

You havent got long to think about this.
I will ask why on Earth do you keep on trolling for so many insults?
2 weeks since the break in and zip falling on Trump and in fact the legal issues so far are with that which broke in.
okey dokey pokey!
Utterly useless. No humor. No wit. No intelligence. It’s a mystery why you even bother posting. You’re almost never on topic, either.

Naptime: Save yourself the trouble of responding. Since you’re nothing but a dull troll libtard with nothing of value to share with this board, I am banishing you to the Phantom Zone. Welcome to my personal ignore list.

Buh bye. :fu:
Utterly useless. No humor. No wit. No intelligence. It’s a mystery why you even bother posting. You’re almost never on topic, either.

Naptime: Save yourself the trouble of responding. Since you’re nothing but a dull troll libtard with nothing of value to share with this board, I am banishing you to the Phantom Zone. Welcome to my personal ignore list.

Buh bye. :fu:
Speaking of children, what happened to the Fort Fun fart?
Speaking of children, what happened to the Fort Fun fart?
I don’t know. I think maybe I put his dopey useless ass on ignore. Or maybe he took a “vacation” from the board?

EDIT. It seems he did post some nonsense at about 2:30. And I had not put him on ignore.
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Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors ?
Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops ?
Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary,Hunter and stuff ?

You havent got long to think about this.
I'll rip a bong hit and enjoy life not in jail.
Now that right there is downright amusing. The military has been cleaned, purged and diversified into junk status. Even what's left would split, like the police. Don't count on a loyal military.

Some would, but not many. Most in the military takes their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic," very seriously; and wouldn't fight against the Constitution it by mutinously abandoning the elected Commander-in-Chief in favor of a rogue leader who lost his election in a landslide.

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