What win's or loses were most important?


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
For me it didn't have anything to do with the Senate, it was Walker and Scott holding on to their governorships.

Good riddance to bad rubbish Charlie Crist.

Hard to believe 47% of Floridians would vote for that charlatan.

How about you?



Please ignore that superfluous apostrophe. :S
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Gardner's win in Colorado, and Robert's win in Kansas.

In Colorado voters didn't fall for the "Republicans are coming for your Uterus" line, and in Kansas, they saw through the fake "independent" Schtick of Orman.
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I would positively jump with glee if Giliaspe(sp?) manages to eek out a win in Virginia....

He ran an issues only campaign and stayed true to the conservative principles...in a deep blue state....

This would send a message to other conservatives that they don't have to pander to the media or the phony conservatives in the GOP who are afraid of looking mean.

I doubt he'll win it....but the fact that he is in there right to the end gives Me hope that sometimes, people do listen to principles and not just sound bites.
For me it didn't have anything to do with the Senate, it was Walker and Scott holding on to their governorships.

Good riddance to bad rubbish Charlie Crist.

Hard to believe 47% of Floridians would vote for that charlatan.

How about you?



Please ignore that superfluous apostrophe. :S
For me, it was seeing the race card trumped and the war on women exposed as fraud in Georgia and North Carolina.

IMNSHO, Harry Reid's PACs disgusting ads and intrusion into NC politics cost Hagan her job.

Good riddance.
Martha Coakley losing in MA was great.
Michelle Nunn losing in GA was great.
But for pure Schadenfreude nothing beats seeing Abortion Barbie go down in flames, total flames, in Texas.
I would positively jump with glee if Giliaspe(sp?) manages to eek out a win in Virginia....

He ran an issues only campaign and stayed true to the conservative principles...in a deep blue state....

This would send a message to other conservatives that they don't have to pander to the media or the phony conservatives in the GOP who are afraid of looking mean.

I doubt he'll win it....but the fact that he is in there right to the end gives Me hope that sometimes, people do listen to principles and not just sound bites.
Is there going to be a recount?
Martha Coakley losing in MA was great.
Michelle Nunn losing in GA was great.
But for pure Schadenfreude nothing beats seeing Abortion Barbie go down in flames, total flames, in Texas.
Windy was just a fart in the wind.

She never had a chance except in the minds of deluded Austinites.
For me it didn't have anything to do with the Senate, it was Walker and Scott holding on to their governorships.

Good riddance to bad rubbish Charlie Crist.

Hard to believe 47% of Floridians would vote for that charlatan.

How about you?



Please ignore that superfluous apostrophe. :S

They've already had Crist. I'm really surprised that he was in there to begin with. He was not well liked.

The one that I saw coming was Bruce Rauner in Illinois.
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53 Senate seats means the Pres has to pay attention, making Mitch McConnell the biggest winner of the election.

The beat down smashing of the TPM means Boehner and McConnell have room

If the Pres EO's immigration reform, everything else is workable.

ACA is a nonplayer, off the table.
Gardner's win in Colorado, and Robert's win in Kansas.

In Colorado voters didn't fall for the "Republicans are coming for your Uterus" line, and in Kansas, they saw through the fake "independent" Schtick of Orman.

Indeed. Couldn't agree more. This BS "war on women" is over. The Republicans won. :dance: :dance: :dance:
53 Senate seats means the Pres has to pay attention, making Mitch McConnell the biggest winner of the election.

The beat down smashing of the TPM means Boehner and McConnell have room

If the Pres EO's immigration reform, everything else is workable.

ACA is a nonplayer, off the table.

Jesus....you still ringing the "I'm a republican" bell? Your party is toast for the next few years. Go away. Oh, and this TPM crap that you are always spouting? Give it up. AMERICA won last night. THAT is the TEA Party, you fool.
Randall, old age is melting your brain.

The TPM was crushed in the primaries.

Boehner and McConnell finally have some room to work.

Far left and far right don't count now.
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I would positively jump with glee if Giliaspe(sp?) manages to eek out a win in Virginia....

He ran an issues only campaign and stayed true to the conservative principles...in a deep blue state....

This would send a message to other conservatives that they don't have to pander to the media or the phony conservatives in the GOP who are afraid of looking mean.

I doubt he'll win it....but the fact that he is in there right to the end gives Me hope that sometimes, people do listen to principles and not just sound bites.
Is there going to be a recount?
I think there will....but I don't know for sure.
I'm not one to gloat, so I will let you suffer in silence, without rubbing it in....

AMERICA voted last night and you Liberal Nazis are done for the next few years.

"Clark, I haven't seen a beating like that since somebody stuffed a banana in my pants and turned a monkey loose" - Cousin Eddie "Vegas Vacation"

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
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Obama is no longer relevant in American politics.

Yup, they said that to Clinton, and he kicked the GOP in the face.

So will Obama. He has the veto, SL, and he will use it on behalf of ACA.

He will take immigration off the table, possibly today, with an EO.

Then he will say to Mitch and John, what can I do for you?
Obama is no longer relevant in American politics.

Yup, they said that to Clinton, and he kicked the GOP in the face.

So will Obama. He has the veto, SL, and he will use it on behalf of ACA.

He will take immigration off the table, possibly today, with an EO.

Then he will say to Mitch and John, what can I do for you?

The butthurt is strong in this one.....

Obama COULDN'T EVEN GET THE GOVERNOR ELECTED IN ILLINOIS YOU FOOL. Barry worked his ass off for the democrat and he got trounced.

Now, that faculty lounge communist may, indeed, play dictator for the next two years. Egomaniacs do that sort of thing. So do spoiled rotten children.

So what is it? Is your boy Napoleon? Or is he Stalin? Or will he do the SMART thing and work with the new Congress?
I loved Gardner's win. He was steady all thru the campaign and it seemed that by his ability to calmly deal with the lies Udall's team was throwing at him it drove the Democrats to become intensely shrill.

It's pretty bad when Colorado media started calling Udall "Senator Uterus". ETA: one of the best campaigns I've ever followed.

Biden definitely helped Orman lose. Too funny with that "Of course he'll caucus with the Democrats" gaffe. TYJoe!

Tillis. Wow. That was a mega scrap. That victory is very very sweet.

Boy there are so many. but the really "it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas" moments happened for me to find out the Republican candidates were taking blue state Governor's races.


Don't get your hopes up Rs. Nothing much will change.

The State will continue to grow and impose it's tyranny on the citizen.

If the Rs were really about liberty and limited government, they would immediately eliminate the IRS, NSA, and DHS. They would cut defense significantly and the rest of the bloated federal budget. Terminate the Fed and return the nation to sound money policies.

But I KNOW this is all but wishful thinking...the welfare/warfare police state will continue unabated.

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