What would a 6c temperature charge look like in 87 years?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
What would a 6c temperature charge look like in 87 years? I'm expected that the climate zones will shift a few hundred miles.

The planet will be a little different.
Now...surely there is some sort of graph out there showing just how miserable we'll all be in 87 years...and how migration will change.

Matthew...you're slippin' up man! :D
possum thinks we oughta lissen to what dey got to say or dey might put us inna pot an' eat us...
African Leaders Criticize Climate Proposals by Developed World
December 03, 2012 - Africa came to the Doha climate change summit with a basket of expectations. But the first full week of negotiations have not been promising. Campaigners say rich countries have been evasive on almost every major issue, from climate finance to the reduction of emissions.
African campaigners said they do not expect a promising outcome. And as ministers prepared to join the talks at a higher level, campaigners took to the streets. Hundreds of activists from around the world joined the December 3rd march in the Qatari capital Doha, site of the 18th conference of parties to the UN Climate Change Convention, or the UNFCCC. The goal of the march was to draw global attention to the urgent need to tackle climate change and other related issues. For African participants, it was an opportunity to air their frustrations with the status of negotiations.

The marchers say despite warnings from the scientific community, rich nations refuse to undertake deep emissions cuts to help limit the rise in global temperatures to well below 1.5 degrees Celsius. They also fear industrialized countries will not make binding commitments to channel badly needed assistance to help poor countries deal with the adverse effects of climate change. Augustine Njamnshi is the chair of the steering committee of the PanAfrican Climate Justice Alliance, PACJA. The alliance is a group of over 300 African NGOs that’s been pushing for a fair deal at the Doha summit.

Njamnshi says Africa’s survival depends on rich nations taking responsibility for historic emissions that have caused climate change and by providing Africa with adaptation funds. "[If significant emission cuts are not made]," he said, "Africa will burn and its development will be compromised. Africa’s people will be in danger because of the negative effects of climate change like droughts and floods. These will be compounded by the lack of means to adapt to the situation. If there are no deep emission cuts, what we are seeing today will be compounded in the years ahead. These talks are very critical for Africa."

What would a 6c temperature charge look like in 87 years? I'm expected that the climate zones will shift a few hundred miles.

The planet will be a little different.

THe world would be wetter. Growing seasons would be longer by at least a couple of months and growing zones for most of our staple foods would be much larger so agricultural output would be through the roof. Deserts would probably be greening up nicely, and third world nations plagued by drought and famine would in all likelyhood begin to become self sufficient insofar as food goes.
What would a 6c temperature charge look like in 87 years? I'm expected that the climate zones will shift a few hundred miles.

The planet will be a little different.

THe world would be wetter. Growing seasons would be longer by at least a couple of months and growing zones for most of our staple foods would be much larger so agricultural output would be through the roof. Deserts would probably be greening up nicely, and third world nations plagued by drought and famine would in all likelyhood begin to become self sufficient insofar as food goes.

Of course. Just like the droughts in Russia and the US have improved food production. Like the floods in Thailand and Pakistan have improved food production in those nations.
Coalition Seeks Emergency Actions on Mississippi R - Waterways Today

The American Waterways Operators (AWO), National Waterways Conference (NWC), Waterways Council Inc. (WCI) and 15 other national organizations have submitted a letter to President Obama and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requesting a presidential declaration of emergency and seeking “immediate assistance in averting an economic catastrophe in the heartland of the United States.”

The publicly distributed letter calls attention to the worsening situation on the Mississippi River, which the groups say has already seen near historic low water levels that have restricted barge traffic on water transportation system since this summer. The groups add that the existing crisis has been heightened even further as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has begun reducing the water to the Mississippi River from dams on the upper Missouri River.

As a result of the drought and the actions of the USACE, the groups say the reduced flow of the Mississippi River has exposed rock pinnacles near Thebes and Grand Tower, Ill., potentially halting the flow of river commerce between St. Louis and New Orleans by mid-December.
The cavemen asked that 14,000 years ago when the world looked like this


and then it warmed 8 degrees


and see, it's still warm
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Of course. Just like the droughts in Russia and the US have improved food production. Like the floods in Thailand and Pakistan have improved food production in those nations.

There is no evidence that a warmer world would have more drought. In fact, a warmer world and drought are mutually exclusive. Dry is associated with cold, not warm. The paleo record tells us that warmer = wetter. The only thing suggesting that warmer equals more drought is climate models and everyone knows how much trust should be put in them....except maybe the truely wacko warmists.
Of course. Just like the droughts in Russia and the US have improved food production. Like the floods in Thailand and Pakistan have improved food production in those nations.

There is no evidence that a warmer world would have more drought. In fact, a warmer world and drought are mutually exclusive. Dry is associated with cold, not warm. The paleo record tells us that warmer = wetter. The only thing suggesting that warmer equals more drought is climate models and everyone knows how much trust should be put in them....except maybe the truely wacko warmists.

Floods, AGW

Droughts, AGW


That's AGW "Science" for ya
What would a 6c temperature charge look like in 87 years? I'm expected that the climate zones will shift a few hundred miles.

The planet will be a little different.

hey Matt- I dont have one handy, but have you ever seen those graphs that take real data and then add on the predicted temp or sea level rise out to 2100? it is a good visual image of just how ridiculous these claims are. to get the scale right you would have an almost flat line for recorded temps and then ~45 degree slope out to 2100.

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