What would America be like if the Left had total control?

OK...we all know the country would collapse. Now let's ask the same question only let's say only the right had full control....what happens? I would predict...

Lower wages...except for the high ups who don't do notmuch work. Well over half the nation has no health insurance or access to care, people working into their 80s. Less taxes, higher military participation, no abortions, a lot less immigrants, dirtier environment, less college graduates, worse infrastructure, less science and math. A more plutocratic system.... Not saying its good or bad....just the way I see it.

Christian theocracy

Perpetual warfare

Real life Hunger Games

Real Life A Handmaid's Tale

Death penalty even if someone is innocent


No social safety nets

The gap between the poor and wealthy widens, the middle class is squeezed

No birth control, no sex education, no contraception

Companies allowed to pollute at will and screw their workers

Oppression of gays and atheists

Not to mention a steep decline in the healthcare and education rankings.

We would be the world's most developed third world country.
America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.

How about taking a nice two week vacation to Venezuela and see how much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all is really like.

The simple minded righty cupcakes strike again. Shocking

Venezuela: How paradise got lost

(CNN)From its Caribbean beaches to the snow-capped Andes, Venezuela is a place of astonishing natural beauty. It also possesses the largest proven oil reserves in the world.

Many in a thriving professional class left the country when the late Hugo Chavez took power in 1999, but the early years of his rule saw a massive reduction in poverty, more children in school, and greater access to clean drinking water.

Today, however, Venezuelans are dealing with the highest rate of inflation in the world, bloody street protests and a climate of chaos. How did a potential paradise become so lost? Here are a few answers:

Plummeting oil prices put economy in reverse

The flow of dollars slowed to a trickle

Crashing oil prices also left the government with less foreign currency to buy goods from other countries. Venezuela's imports are down 50% from a year ago, according to Ecoanalitica, a national research firm. Now there are critical shortages of essential imports, including vital medicines.

Venezuela crisis: What happened? - CNN.com

The economy of Venezuela is largely based on the petroleum sector and manufacturing. Revenue from petroleum exports accounts for more than 50% of the country's GDP and roughly 95% of total exports.

If the left had total control over America, expect economic prosperity, war as a last resort, equality for everyone, healthcare as a right, true enforcement of freedom of religion, championing the elderly, poor and middle class and putting an end to the hegemony corporations exert over our nation.

Explain how America would prosper if 95% of all businesses (including corporations) were regulated out of existence?
See, this is where you folks go astray. Just as in Venezuela...printing money doesn't solve any problems. There has to be actual PRODUCTIVITY.

Who pays for all this healthcare...especially for millions upon million of illegals you would invite here?

I will agree that some corporations need a good smackdown...but we already HAVE the means to do that....it's called your wallet.

What would the right wing cupcakes EVER have without false premises, distortions and lies Cupcake?

How did the US do with 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies again? The Cheeto is going to put that on steroids

If the left had total control over America, expect economic prosperity, war as a last resort, equality for everyone, healthcare as a right, true enforcement of freedom of religion, championing the elderly, poor and middle class and putting an end to the hegemony corporations exert over our nation.

Explain how America would prosper if 95% of all businesses (including corporations) were regulated out of existence?
See, this is where you folks go astray. Just as in Venezuela...printing money doesn't solve any problems. There has to be actual PRODUCTIVITY.

Who pays for all this healthcare...especially for millions upon million of illegals you would invite here?

I will agree that some corporations need a good smackdown...but we already HAVE the means to do that....it's called your wallet.

What would the right wing cupcakes EVER have without false premises, distortions and lies Cupcake?

How did the US do with 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies again? The Cheeto is going to put that on steroids


Not to mention the government needs to crack down on corporations. They are out of control and an internal threat.
America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.

How about taking a nice two week vacation to Venezuela and see how much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all is really like.

America can be run by the left without becoming Venezuela.

Yeah, Kathy Griffen gave us evidence of that.

Funny How Trump Was Cool With Ted Nugent Joking About Killing The President

We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their [the Obama administration’s] heads off in November,” Nugent said at the time.

He added, “If Barack Obama becomes the next president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.”

Trump addressed Nugent’s comments directly. But rather than saying the musician should be “ashamed” of himself, as he said of Griffin, Trump declared that Nugent demonstrated “the anger people have towards” then–President Obama, even if his “figure of speech” was a bit “unfortunate.”

He would go on to say other things too, like a joke about assassinating Harry Reid, and that Obama and Hillary Clinton “should be tried for treason & hung.”

Nevertheless, Trump invited Nugent to the White House last month, where he posed for a photo with a man who has repeatedly called for the deaths of high-level government officials.
Funny How Trump Was Cool With Ted Nugent Joking About Killing The President | HuffPost
America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.

ROFLMAO...left loons are some of the most intolerant assholes on the planet...possibly second only to their allies....radical Islam

Radical Islam is a right wing, not left wing ideology. If the left is not tolerant, it's because we believe no tolerance for intolerance.

So you're intolerant. Thanks

I am intolerant of homophobia, Islamophibia, misogyny and racism.
Do you believe in free speech? If so, what kind of speech is protected by the First Amendment?

If the left had total control over America, expect economic prosperity, war as a last resort, equality for everyone, healthcare as a right, true enforcement of freedom of religion, championing the elderly, poor and middle class and putting an end to the hegemony corporations exert over our nation.

Explain how America would prosper if 95% of all businesses (including corporations) were regulated out of existence?
See, this is where you folks go astray. Just as in Venezuela...printing money doesn't solve any problems. There has to be actual PRODUCTIVITY.

Who pays for all this healthcare...especially for millions upon million of illegals you would invite here?

I will agree that some corporations need a good smackdown...but we already HAVE the means to do that....it's called your wallet.

What would the right wing cupcakes EVER have without false premises, distortions and lies Cupcake?

How did the US do with 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies again? The Cheeto is going to put that on steroids


Not to mention the government needs to crack down on corporations. They are out of control and an internal threat.

Our Hidden History of Corporations in the United States

When American colonists declared independence from England in 1776, they also freed themselves from control by English corporations that extracted their wealth and dominated trade. After fighting a revolution to end this exploitation, our country’s founders retained a healthy fear of corporate power and wisely limited corporations exclusively to a business role. Corporations were forbidden from attempting to influence elections, public policy, and other realms of civic society.

Initially, the privilege of incorporation was granted selectively to enable activities that benefited the public, such as construction of roads or canals. Enabling shareholders to profit was seen as a means to that end. The states also imposed conditions (some of which remain on the books, though unused) like these*:

Our Hidden History of Corporations in the United States
Sure, maybe political correctness can get excessive at times, but no political correctness at all would be chaotic for America.
IResist...can you name all the right wingers that openly and publicly joked about or suggested Obama's Murder?
Because there are tons of Left wingers who can be listed.....MANY in high places, elected office or celebrities.

Is that the "tolerance" you so highly speak of?

Ted Nugent said Obama was re-elected, he would be dead or in jail.

Terry Jones burned a mannequin of Obama.

A constituent at a Paul Broun townhall meeting asked who was going to shoot the president, then Obama, prompting laughter.

Nugent was talking about himself being offed, not Obama. Paranoid yes, but you got the target wrong.

I expect you to acknowledge the point.


“We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November,” he said of the Obama administration in April 2012. He added: “If Barack Obama becomes the next president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.”

...In a lengthy Facebook post last year, Nugent said Obama and Clinton should be tried for treason and hanged over their handling of the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.


The right is mad over Kathy Griffin’s gruesome Trump video. The left asks: Remember Ted Nugent?

Funny How Trump Was Cool With Ted Nugent Joking About Killing The President

The musician’s “figure of speech” was merely “unfortunate.”

...Nussbaum gave an example: when Nugent said that Obama should “suck on [his] machine gun.” Spicer had no answer and moved on to the next question.

Funny How Trump Was Cool With Ted Nugent Joking About Killing The President | HuffPost
IResist...can you name all the right wingers that openly and publicly joked about or suggested Obama's Murder?
Because there are tons of Left wingers who can be listed.....MANY in high places, elected office or celebrities.

Is that the "tolerance" you so highly speak of?

Ted Nugent said Obama was re-elected, he would be dead or in jail.

Terry Jones burned a mannequin of Obama.

A constituent at a Paul Broun townhall meeting asked who was going to shoot the president, then Obama, prompting laughter.

Nugent was talking about himself being offed, not Obama. Paranoid yes, but you got the target wrong.

I expect you to acknowledge the point.


“We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November,” he said of the Obama administration in April 2012. He added: “If Barack Obama becomes the next president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.”

...In a lengthy Facebook post last year, Nugent said Obama and Clinton should be tried for treason and hanged over their handling of the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.


The right is mad over Kathy Griffin’s gruesome Trump video. The left asks: Remember Ted Nugent?

Funny How Trump Was Cool With Ted Nugent Joking About Killing The President

The musician’s “figure of speech” was merely “unfortunate.”

...Nussbaum gave an example: when Nugent said that Obama should “suck on [his] machine gun.” Spicer had no answer and moved on to the next question.

Funny How Trump Was Cool With Ted Nugent Joking About Killing The President | HuffPost

Exactly. He was implying that. Of course, Ted is all bark. His avoidance of Vietnam was even more disgusting than Trump's was. Yet like Trump they both want to put our military on a pedestal after spitting in their face decades ago.
What would America be like if the Left had total control?
The answer depends, I suppose, on who and how vociferously people bitched about the lifestyle they enjoy as a result of the policies the left implements. The short answer is that some sort of major legislation/initiative would get passed, which is a good thing in my mind because like it or not, when something major gets done, we at least have the opportunity to learn from it, correct what's wrong with it, and build upon it. Even making a mistake is better than doing nothing.

The Right has had complete control of the presidency and Congress since January and thus far not one major piece of legislation has been enacted, not even the "easy" stuff. Hell, the easiest things to do because presidential fiat is all it takes to do them -- implement import tariffs and cancel NAFTA -- still haven't happened. (I don't think they should, but whether I think they should isn't what was asked about.)

The Left held sway during the Roosevelt years, and FDR got elected four times, after all, and that never happened prior to FDR and he was the only POTUS to have served more than two terms. People must have been pretty happy with his and the Left's policies for that to have happened. Back then, people seemed quite happy with government acting as their "savior" and that's about what Trumpkins are expecting of the government under Trump.
It stands to reason, therefore, that neither the Left nor Right has a lock on the notion of the government being the solution to all that ails us as a nation. In light of that, I doubt that it matters much whether the Left or Right has total control. The fact is that whichever party coddles the polity will be lionized.

While I disagree with you most of the time....thanks for the insightful answer.
However, I do feel that the FDR anomaly was a result of two major major events....the great depression being fresh on peoples minds and WW2 looming....and not so much his greatness.

Similarly, many call Bill Clinton an economic success....when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. He rode the Internet boom and got credit for all the economic stimulus that created.


BJ BILL in 1993 got the omnibus passed(without a single GOP vote) that got US back up to 19.6%-20% of GDP where Carter had US. He later had 4 budget surpluses, 3 after vetoing the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut

"Clinton's 1993 budget cuts, which reduced projected red ink by more than $400 billion over five years, sparked a major drop in interest rates that helped boost investment in all the equipment and systems that brought forth the New Age economy of technological innovation and rising productivity."
Business Week, May 19, 1997

"The deficit has come down, and I give the Clinton Administration and President Clinton himself a lot of credit for that. [He] did something about it, fast. And I think we are seeing some benefits."
Paul Volcker, Federal Reserve Board Chairman (1979-1987), in Audacity, Fall 1994

The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.
P. J. O'Rourke

FLASHBACK: In 1993, GOP Warned That Clinton’s Tax Plan Would ‘Kill Jobs,’ ‘Kill The Current Recovery’

So you're intolerant. Thanks

I am intolerant of homophobia, Islamophibia, misogyny and racism.

So which way does your tolerance go when homos are getting thrown off roof tops by muslims?
Or maybe when the Muslim is stoning some chick buried up to her neck?

You seem to believe in contradictions......

When Muslims throw them off the rooftops, shame on said Muslims. It doesn't mean shame on all Muslims.

You sound intolerant of homos since you encourage the roof tossers to migrate to the West.

I didn't notice every Muslim was a roof tosser.

But we do know that IResist is a salad tosser.....
It's hard to accurately predict what the nation would be like if the left had full control, but there would be more investment in programs for the poor. The middle class would get a tax cut while the wealthy would see a raise in their taxes. Voter suppression tactics would end. Big money would be removed from politics.
You DO understand that Shrillary spent $1.4 billion (with a "b") for her 2016 Democratic Party campaign, correct? Hell, Drumpf spent $958 million; much less than her.

America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.

How about taking a nice two week vacation to Venezuela and see how much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all is really like.

America can be run by the left without becoming Venezuela.

We seen that in Detroit, illionis would go bankrupt if it was legal, the huge problem of Unfunded pension programs...


It still isn't Venezuela.

Not yet...again it will burst..
If the Left controlled the Government, Russia would look like a free and democratic country compared to the left's version of the United States
IResist...can you name all the right wingers that openly and publicly joked about or suggested Obama's Murder?
Because there are tons of Left wingers who can be listed.....MANY in high places, elected office or celebrities.

Is that the "tolerance" you so highly speak of?

Ted Nugent said Obama was re-elected, he would be dead or in jail.

Terry Jones burned a mannequin of Obama.

A constituent at a Paul Broun townhall meeting asked who was going to shoot the president, then Obama, prompting laughter.

Ted Nugent....."A constituent"....Terry Jones.........so noone significant ?

Those are significant right there. I have also recalled pastor Steven Anderson wishing for Obama's death and another pastor not long ago saying cruel things about Obama.

So you are up to 5 people total, and you have no one of significance.


Those sound significant to me.

Only a lib would think 5 people out of about 320,000,000 is significant.
If the left had total control over America, expect economic prosperity, war as a last resort, equality for everyone, healthcare as a right, true enforcement of freedom of religion, championing the elderly, poor and middle class and putting an end to the hegemony corporations exert over our nation.

/---- So why didn't Obozo make all this happen? He had 8 years and a GOP who was terrified of being called racist

Obstruction. That was what happened.
/--- Except for his final USSC nominee tell me what the RINOs obstructed. What did Obozo not get?

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