What would America be like if the Left had total control?

Let's assume for one moment that the Left managed to gain absolute control over both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the White House and an overwhelming majority of all Governors offices and state legislative branches. Just roll with it for a moment even if it's not possible....

Given the Lefts' propensity for open borders, strict adherence to climate control agendas, large bureaucracies and free trade.....how would America change?

Please don;t just say "America would be worse" or "America would be better". Those are deadhead answers expected of morons. Please explain why.

I personally would expect a very swift collapse both economically and socially due to unrealistic expectations of the availability of resources to support such agendas. I would expect massive business failures due to unrealistic climate agendas that only hurt the USA along with stifling regulations that would be impossible to accommodate.. I would expect the military to be reduced to nothing more than a symbolic gesture. I would expect a massive increase in social programs even as funds dried up for such programs. Ultimately, I would expect a dictator to rise from the corruption as the Left tends to be far more corrupt than the right even though there is indeed corruption on both sides. Before long, I can't see how America would avoid becoming the next Venezuela.

Liberal utopian cities such as Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore would be the norm. Citizens would be left defenseless against the hoards of criminals supported by the leftists. Income tax would be 90% so the pigs could continue to prop up their Ponzi scheme. Child abuse and rape would soar, because leftists love that shit. They would place statues of Kim Jong Il and Putin alongside the statue they already built to honor Lenin. Christians would be placed in work camps, and a tribunal of radical terrorists would replace the existing Supreme Court. They would follow the lead of their heroes and attempt to starve to death any internal opposition. Free elections would be a concept that is scrubbed from the history books, and children would be used as informants against their families. Attempts to resist would be meet with extreme violence by the black shirts. This is the liberal dream. This is what they want. This is what they support. Today's liberals are violently attacking free speech, building monuments to evil men, and punishing success and individual accomplishments. They refuse to educate children and continue to flood our country with no-skill illegals. The only way they survive is by creating a permanent underclass dependent on them for their every need.
IResist...can you name all the right wingers that openly and publicly joked about or suggested Obama's Murder?
Because there are tons of Left wingers who can be listed.....MANY in high places, elected office or celebrities.

Is that the "tolerance" you so highly speak of?

Ted Nugent said Obama was re-elected, he would be dead or in jail.

Terry Jones burned a mannequin of Obama.

A constituent at a Paul Broun townhall meeting asked who was going to shoot the president, then Obama, prompting laughter.

Ted Nugent....."A constituent"....Terry Jones.........so noone significant ?

Those are significant right there. I have also recalled pastor Steven Anderson wishing for Obama's death and another pastor not long ago saying cruel things about Obama.

But "Goddamn America" was OK, right?

When did I say that?

You didn't...but you like to quote pastors. Google it....
IResist...can you name all the right wingers that openly and publicly joked about or suggested Obama's Murder?
Because there are tons of Left wingers who can be listed.....MANY in high places, elected office or celebrities.

Is that the "tolerance" you so highly speak of?

Ted Nugent said Obama was re-elected, he would be dead or in jail.

Terry Jones burned a mannequin of Obama.

A constituent at a Paul Broun townhall meeting asked who was going to shoot the president, then Obama, prompting laughter.

Ted Nugent....."A constituent"....Terry Jones.........so noone significant ?

Those are significant right there. I have also recalled pastor Steven Anderson wishing for Obama's death and another pastor not long ago saying cruel things about Obama.

No they're not. Name elected officials......name well know celebs..... sure, there are going to be some nuts advocating this and that.....but only he left has such a long list of well known, currently significant people advocating his demise. It is by and large an OVERWHELMINGLY left thing.
Ted Nugent said Obama was re-elected, he would be dead or in jail.

Terry Jones burned a mannequin of Obama.

A constituent at a Paul Broun townhall meeting asked who was going to shoot the president, then Obama, prompting laughter.

Ted Nugent....."A constituent"....Terry Jones.........so noone significant ?

Those are significant right there. I have also recalled pastor Steven Anderson wishing for Obama's death and another pastor not long ago saying cruel things about Obama.

But "Goddamn America" was OK, right?

When did I say that?

You didn't...but you like to quote pastors. Google it....

I'm well familiar of it.
What would America be like if the Left had total control?
The answer depends, I suppose, on who and how vociferously people bitched about the lifestyle they enjoy as a result of the policies the left implements. The short answer is that some sort of major legislation/initiative would get passed, which is a good thing in my mind because like it or not, when something major gets done, we at least have the opportunity to learn from it, correct what's wrong with it, and build upon it. Even making a mistake is better than doing nothing.

The Right has had complete control of the presidency and Congress since January and thus far not one major piece of legislation has been enacted, not even the "easy" stuff. Hell, the easiest things to do because presidential fiat is all it takes to do them -- implement import tariffs and cancel NAFTA -- still haven't happened. (I don't think they should, but whether I think they should isn't what was asked about.)

The Left held sway during the Roosevelt years, and FDR got elected four times, after all, and that never happened prior to FDR and he was the only POTUS to have served more than two terms. People must have been pretty happy with his and the Left's policies for that to have happened. Back then, people seemed quite happy with government acting as their "savior" and that's about what Trumpkins are expecting of the government under Trump.

It stands to reason, therefore, that neither the Left nor Right has a lock on the notion of the government being the solution to all that ails us as a nation. In light of that, I doubt that it matters much whether the Left or Right has total control. The fact is that whichever party coddles the polity will be lionized.
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I have to leave to go work. Yes, work, something conservatives stereotype liberals of not doing.
IResist...can you name all the right wingers that openly and publicly joked about or suggested Obama's Murder?
Because there are tons of Left wingers who can be listed.....MANY in high places, elected office or celebrities.

Is that the "tolerance" you so highly speak of?

Ted Nugent said Obama was re-elected, he would be dead or in jail.

Terry Jones burned a mannequin of Obama.

A constituent at a Paul Broun townhall meeting asked who was going to shoot the president, then Obama, prompting laughter.

Ted Nugent....."A constituent"....Terry Jones.........so noone significant ?

Those are significant right there. I have also recalled pastor Steven Anderson wishing for Obama's death and another pastor not long ago saying cruel things about Obama.

But "Goddamn America" was OK, right?

When did I say that?

It was glaringly screaming out when you omitted it from the pastor rant.
ROFLMAO...left loons are some of the most intolerant assholes on the planet...possibly second only to their allies....radical Islam

Radical Islam is a right wing, not left wing ideology. If the left is not tolerant, it's because we believe no tolerance for intolerance.

So you're intolerant. Thanks

I am intolerant of homophobia, Islamophibia, misogyny and racism.

So which way does your tolerance go when homos are getting thrown off roof tops by muslims?
Or maybe when the Muslim is stoning some chick buried up to her neck?

You seem to believe in contradictions......

When Muslims throw them off the rooftops, shame on said Muslims. It doesn't mean shame on all Muslims.

You sound intolerant of homos since you encourage the roof tossers to migrate to the West.
What would America be like if the Left had total control?
The answer depends, I suppose, on who and how vociferously people bitched about the lifestyle they enjoy as a result of the policies the left implements. The short answer is that some sort of major legislation/initiative would get passed, which is a good thing in my mind because like it or not, when something major gets done, we at least have the opportunity to learn from it, correct what's wrong with it, and build upon it. Even making a mistake is better than doing nothing.

The Right has had complete control of the presidency and Congress since January and thus far not one major piece of legislation has been enacted, not even the "easy" stuff. Hell, the easiest things to do because presidential fiat is all it takes to do them -- implement import tariffs and cancel NAFTA -- still haven't happened. (I don't think they should, but whether I think they should isn't what was asked about.)

The Left held sway during the Roosevelt years, and FDR got elected four times, after all, and that never happened prior to FDR and he was the only POTUS to have served more than two terms. People must have been pretty happy with his and the Left's policies for that to have happened. Back then, people seemed quite happy with government acting as their "savior" and that's about what Trumpkins are expecting of the government under Trump.
It stands to reason, therefore, that neither the Left nor Right has a lock on the notion of the government being the solution to all that ails us as a nation. In light of that, I doubt that it matters much whether the Left or Right has total control. The fact is that whichever party coddles the polity will be lionized.

While I disagree with you most of the time....thanks for the insightful answer.
However, I do feel that the FDR anomaly was a result of two major major events....the great depression being fresh on peoples minds and WW2 looming....and not so much his greatness.

Similarly, many call Bill Clinton an economic success....when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. He rode the Internet boom and got credit for all the economic stimulus that created.
America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.

ROFLMAO...left loons are some of the most intolerant assholes on the planet...possibly second only to their allies....radical Islam

Radical Islam is a right wing, not left wing ideology. If the left is not tolerant, it's because we believe no tolerance for intolerance.
Uh.....leftwing and rightwing are both fascist ideologies.

The center is really the only tolerant position.

To some degree I see your point. But I do see the Left exhibiting far more of these fascist behaviors recently.
Not really.
The real rightwing isn't Republicans. It's Islamic terrorists. Republicans are more center-right than so-called liberals are center-left....much more.
IResist...can you name all the right wingers that openly and publicly joked about or suggested Obama's Murder?
Because there are tons of Left wingers who can be listed.....MANY in high places, elected office or celebrities.

Is that the "tolerance" you so highly speak of?

Ted Nugent said Obama was re-elected, he would be dead or in jail.

Terry Jones burned a mannequin of Obama.

A constituent at a Paul Broun townhall meeting asked who was going to shoot the president, then Obama, prompting laughter.

Nugent was talking about himself being offed, not Obama. Paranoid yes, but you got the target wrong.

I expect you to acknowledge the point.

That's not how I took it, especially given Nugent's hostile rhetoric.

Then you took it wrong. Context means things.
If the left had total control over America, expect economic prosperity, war as a last resort, equality for everyone, healthcare as a right, true enforcement of freedom of religion, championing the elderly, poor and middle class and putting an end to the hegemony corporations exert over our nation.

Who would pay for it? Because I sure as well would go on welfare.

America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.

ROFLMAO...left loons are some of the most intolerant assholes on the planet...possibly second only to their allies....radical Islam

Radical Islam is a right wing, not left wing ideology. If the left is not tolerant, it's because we believe no tolerance for intolerance.
Uh.....leftwing and rightwing are both fascist ideologies.

The center is really the only tolerant position.

No kidding, and liberals are holding the center???
Nope.....not even close.
America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.

How about taking a nice two week vacation to Venezuela and see how much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all is really like.

America can be run by the left without becoming Venezuela.

We seen that in Detroit, illionis would go bankrupt if it was legal, the huge problem of Unfunded pension programs...

Radical Islam is a right wing, not left wing ideology. If the left is not tolerant, it's because we believe no tolerance for intolerance.

So you're intolerant. Thanks

I am intolerant of homophobia, Islamophibia, misogyny and racism.

So which way does your tolerance go when homos are getting thrown off roof tops by muslims?
Or maybe when the Muslim is stoning some chick buried up to her neck?

You seem to believe in contradictions......

When Muslims throw them off the rooftops, shame on said Muslims. It doesn't mean shame on all Muslims.

You sound intolerant of homos since you encourage the roof tossers to migrate to the West.

I'm not intolerant of homos...but too many of the ones I met who happened to be friends of a girlfriend or of other friends had pythons or other snakes for pets...that struck me as odd.
What's up with the fascination for snakes among gay men?

What would America be like if the Left had total control?
The answer depends, I suppose, on who and how vociferously people bitched about the lifestyle they enjoy as a result of the policies the left implements. The short answer is that some sort of major legislation/initiative would get passed, which is a good thing in my mind because like it or not, when something major gets done, we at least have the opportunity to learn from it, correct what's wrong with it, and build upon it. Even making a mistake is better than doing nothing.

The Right has had complete control of the presidency and Congress since January and thus far not one major piece of legislation has been enacted, not even the "easy" stuff. Hell, the easiest things to do because presidential fiat is all it takes to do them -- implement import tariffs and cancel NAFTA -- still haven't happened. (I don't think they should, but whether I think they should isn't what was asked about.)

The Left held sway during the Roosevelt years, and FDR got elected four times, after all, and that never happened prior to FDR and he was the only POTUS to have served more than two terms. People must have been pretty happy with his and the Left's policies for that to have happened. Back then, people seemed quite happy with government acting as their "savior" and that's about what Trumpkins are expecting of the government under Trump.
It stands to reason, therefore, that neither the Left nor Right has a lock on the notion of the government being the solution to all that ails us as a nation. In light of that, I doubt that it matters much whether the Left or Right has total control. The fact is that whichever party coddles the polity will be lionized.

I can agree with most of what you say, even about legislative action. If only we could get Congress to halt their constant recesses and get to work.
Let's assume for one moment that the Left managed to gain absolute control over both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the White House and an overwhelming majority of all Governors offices and state legislative branches. Just roll with it for a moment even if it's not possible....

Given the Lefts' propensity for open borders, strict adherence to climate control agendas, large bureaucracies and free trade.....how would America change?

Please don;t just say "America would be worse" or "America would be better". Those are deadhead answers expected of morons. Please explain why.

I personally would expect a very swift collapse both economically and socially due to unrealistic expectations of the availability of resources to support such agendas. I would expect massive business failures due to unrealistic climate agendas that only hurt the USA along with stifling regulations that would be impossible to accommodate.. I would expect the military to be reduced to nothing more than a symbolic gesture. I would expect a massive increase in social programs even as funds dried up for such programs. Ultimately, I would expect a dictator to rise from the corruption as the Left tends to be far more corrupt than the right even though there is indeed corruption on both sides. Before long, I can't see how America would avoid becoming the next Venezuela.


Well, let's just hope you have toilet paper stocked somewhere...

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