What would America be like if the Left had total control?

If the left had total control over America, expect economic prosperity, war as a last resort, equality for everyone, healthcare as a right, true enforcement of freedom of religion, championing the elderly, poor and middle class and putting an end to the hegemony corporations exert over our nation.

Working a 40 hour week and bring home pocket change after taxes., if the libs had not run your company out of business by regulating them to death.
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By definition, that would be INTOLERANCE

We are intolerant of intolerance.
So, you are intolerant. But we knew this.

We are intolerant of other people's intolerance.
Which means you justify your violence and hatred. Its an old trick, learned by people long before you were born.

I am intolerant of what Greg Gianforte did.

I am intolerant of the right wing Nazi salutes of the elections.

I am intolerant of the disparaging names of what some people call gay people on here.

I am intolerant of people wanting to ban Islam.

I am intolerant of the way some view women in this country.

Welcome to the Republican Party!
Let's assume for one moment that the Left managed to gain absolute control over both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the White House and an overwhelming majority of all Governors offices and state legislative branches. Just roll with it for a moment even if it's not possible....

Given the Lefts' propensity for open borders, strict adherence to climate control agendas, large bureaucracies and free trade.....how would America change?

Please don;t just say "America would be worse" or "America would be better". Those are deadhead answers expected of morons. Please explain why.

I personally would expect a very swift collapse both economically and socially due to unrealistic expectations of the availability of resources to support such agendas. I would expect massive business failures due to unrealistic climate agendas that only hurt the USA along with stifling regulations that would be impossible to accommodate.. I would expect the military to be reduced to nothing more than a symbolic gesture. I would expect a massive increase in social programs even as funds dried up for such programs. Ultimately, I would expect a dictator to rise from the corruption as the Left tends to be far more corrupt than the right even though there is indeed corruption on both sides. Before long, I can't see how America would avoid becoming the next Venezuela.


/---- Cuba is what happens when liberals get everything they want.
IResist...can you name all the right wingers that openly and publicly joked about or suggested Obama's Murder?
Because there are tons of Left wingers who can be listed.....MANY in high places, elected office or celebrities.

Is that the "tolerance" you so highly speak of?

Ted Nugent said Obama was re-elected, he would be dead or in jail.

Terry Jones burned a mannequin of Obama.

A constituent at a Paul Broun townhall meeting asked who was going to shoot the president, then Obama, prompting laughter.

Ted Nugent....."A constituent"....Terry Jones.........so noone significant ?

Those are significant right there. I have also recalled pastor Steven Anderson wishing for Obama's death and another pastor not long ago saying cruel things about Obama.

So you are up to 5 people total, and you have no one of significance.

If the left had total control over America, expect economic prosperity, war as a last resort, equality for everyone, healthcare as a right, true enforcement of freedom of religion, championing the elderly, poor and middle class and putting an end to the hegemony corporations exert over our nation.

/---- So why didn't Obozo make all this happen? He had 8 years and a GOP who was terrified of being called racist
Ted Nugent....."A constituent"....Terry Jones.........so noone significant ?

Those are significant right there. I have also recalled pastor Steven Anderson wishing for Obama's death and another pastor not long ago saying cruel things about Obama.

But "Goddamn America" was OK, right?

When did I say that?

You didn't...but you like to quote pastors. Google it....

I'm well familiar of it.

You is good at English to! [/sarcasm]
So you're intolerant. Thanks

I am intolerant of homophobia, Islamophibia, misogyny and racism.

So which way does your tolerance go when homos are getting thrown off roof tops by muslims?
Or maybe when the Muslim is stoning some chick buried up to her neck?

You seem to believe in contradictions......

When Muslims throw them off the rooftops, shame on said Muslims. It doesn't mean shame on all Muslims.

You sound intolerant of homos since you encourage the roof tossers to migrate to the West.

I'm not intolerant of homos...but too many of the ones I met who happened to be friends of a girlfriend or of other friends had pythons or other snakes for pets...that struck me as odd.
What's up with the fascination for snakes among gay men?


Perhaps they are into trouser snakes?
OK...we all know the country would collapse. Now let's ask the same question only let's say only the right had full control....what happens? I would predict...

Lower wages...except for the high ups who don't do notmuch work. Well over half the nation has no health insurance or access to care, people working into their 80s. Less taxes, higher military participation, no abortions, a lot less immigrants, dirtier environment, less college graduates, worse infrastructure, less science and math. A more plutocratic system.... Not saying its good or bad....just the way I see it.
allow the title of the thread to soak in ... bitching/whining horseshit.
the end.

True to yourself - you are unable to differentiate between relevant discussion and bitching.
(Not that you would ever tolerate an opposing view in any event)

The venue was open for intelligent discussion and invited. Don't blame others if you were not capable.

Allow that to soak in.
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OK...we all know the country would collapse. Now let's ask the same question only let's say only the right had full control....what happens? I would predict...

Lower wages...except for the high ups who don't do notmuch work. Well over half the nation has no health insurance or access to care, people working into their 80s. Less taxes, higher military participation, no abortions, a lot less immigrants, dirtier environment, less college graduates, worse infrastructure, less science and math. A more plutocratic system.... Not saying its good or bad....just the way I see it.

It may well be as long as we have career politicians in control.... guided by their master....the establishment.
It's one of the reasons (if not THE reason) Mr Trump was so popular. People are tired of career politicians.
The thinking people anyway.
IResist and others on the left claim that tolerance would be the way of things in America if the Left had total control....

Here's an example of just how delusional they are.......

This woman simply wants to be accepted as an African American...yet her "peers" at the Baltimore Book Fair (I doubt there is even ONE person on the right in attendance or on the board).....has rejected her attendance...along with practically 100 job offers and everywhere she turns to her "peers" on the liberal left.
So THIS is that wonderful tolerance the left claims to be their way?

I think it's fair to say an African American woman would do FAR better being accepted as white in the Right world.

Rachel Dolezal disinvited from Baltimore Book Festival after public backlash

The "Public backlash" being all those tolerant Democrats. Yeah, tolerant my ass.
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America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.
You left leaning nut jobs are some of the most intolerant people on the planet.
Shove your bullshit clichés up your ass and embrace reality! :)

Reality is that left leaning groups tolerate more groups of people and champion the rights of groups more than the right does.

Only because the right opposes them. If they were for it you would be against it.
What would America be like if the Left had total control?

Pretty much like this ....

"Before you are fields full of distress and torment terrible. Burning tombs are littered about the landscape. Inside these flaming sepulchers suffer the heretics, failing to believe in God and the afterlife, who make themselves audible by doleful sighs. You will join the wicked that lie here, and will be offered no respite. The three infernal Furies stained with blood, with limbs of women and hair of serpents, dwell in this circle of Hell."
-- Dante Alighieri, The Inferno
Let's assume for one moment that the Left managed to gain absolute control over both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the White House and an overwhelming majority of all Governors offices and state legislative branches. Just roll with it for a moment even if it's not possible....

Given the Lefts' propensity for open borders, strict adherence to climate control agendas, large bureaucracies and free trade.....how would America change?

Please don;t just say "America would be worse" or "America would be better". Those are deadhead answers expected of morons. Please explain why.

I personally would expect a very swift collapse both economically and socially due to unrealistic expectations of the availability of resources to support such agendas. I would expect massive business failures due to unrealistic climate agendas that only hurt the USA along with stifling regulations that would be impossible to accommodate.. I would expect the military to be reduced to nothing more than a symbolic gesture. I would expect a massive increase in social programs even as funds dried up for such programs. Ultimately, I would expect a dictator to rise from the corruption as the Left tends to be far more corrupt than the right even though there is indeed corruption on both sides. Before long, I can't see how America would avoid becoming the next Venezuela.

Well the next 2 years will determine control of the SCOTUS.

Since DJ Trump, Pence, Ryan, and Hatch are all GOP then there is no chance the POTUS will be other than GOP for the next 4 years no matter if Trump is impeached or not.

So in the next 2 years at least the SCOTUS will be reconstituted with a generous majority of strict constructionist jurists. And so the SCOTUS is safe from the DEM's. And 2A is safe from the DEM's too.

The rest of the Federal Govt will probably swing DEM in 2018 and 2020 however mostly because of the mess that Trump and Ryan are currently creating. And that is whether Trump gets impeached or not.

At any rate this is the reality.
Let's assume for one moment that the Left managed to gain absolute control over both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the White House and an overwhelming majority of all Governors offices and state legislative branches. Just roll with it for a moment even if it's not possible....

Given the Lefts' propensity for open borders, strict adherence to climate control agendas, large bureaucracies and free trade.....how would America change?

Please don;t just say "America would be worse" or "America would be better". Those are deadhead answers expected of morons. Please explain why.

I personally would expect a very swift collapse both economically and socially due to unrealistic expectations of the availability of resources to support such agendas. I would expect massive business failures due to unrealistic climate agendas that only hurt the USA along with stifling regulations that would be impossible to accommodate.. I would expect the military to be reduced to nothing more than a symbolic gesture. I would expect a massive increase in social programs even as funds dried up for such programs. Ultimately, I would expect a dictator to rise from the corruption as the Left tends to be far more corrupt than the right even though there is indeed corruption on both sides. Before long, I can't see how America would avoid becoming the next Venezuela.

Hypotheticall if it did happen however, then you would see the 2nd Amendment disappear eventually, and you would see higher taxes on the rich back up to 75% like pre-Reagan, and less oil drilling, and no coal mining, and ACA would be safe, and OASDI and Medicare/Medicaid would be safe.

There would be pro's and con's.
America would be a much more safer, humane and loving place tolerant of all.
You left leaning nut jobs are some of the most intolerant people on the planet.
Shove your bullshit clichés up your ass and embrace reality! :)

Reality is that left leaning groups tolerate more groups of people and champion the rights of groups more than the right does.

Your toxic movement's selection of pets, pawns, puppets, and pit bulls: gangbangers, welfare queens, sleeper cells, pedophiles, nagologists, Unabombers, cowards, crybabies, jurinalists, crackheads, invading illegals, misfits, mutants, and psychos.

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