what would americans think which ethnicity i am

which ethnicity would you think i am

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OK, you are a gypsy...you told us in another thread. What is your point? Are you warning us not to do business with you? What is your point. Why should we care?

im a roma, yes. but i doubt that many americans would straight away guess me as roma. im curious what i would be guessed as by americans. if i tell them im roma they would not doubt it though, and then know it of course, also gypsy is a loaded word, and people could be suspicious of me, for example in some states gypsies are forbidden of going to shopping mall because many shop lifters were among them and now all gypsies are banned etc. also people would generally think thieve or nomad or fortune teller etc. if they hear gypsy, because gypsy is a word with such connotations, like in "gyped" (i have been "gyped") etc. they probably wouldnt know what roma meants or romanie and would think romania or capitol of italy.
Damn, aced it! Living in Europe most of my life, especially the last 16 in CZ doesn't hurt. Here, they are almost universally despised for many of the same reasons blacks are looked down on in the US.

are you american in europe? im from europe too, and yes they are universally despised but i dont think many people would openly attack or insult a roma if not in a fight etc. behind closed doors they would say "damn gypsies" etc. but i dont experience a attack or such, also i live normal life (housing and all that)
OK, you are a gypsy...you told us in another thread. What is your point? Are you warning us not to do business with you? What is your point. Why should we care?

im a roma, yes. but i doubt that many americans would straight away guess me as roma. im curious what i would be guessed as by americans. if i tell them im roma they would not doubt it though, and then know it of course, also gypsy is a loaded word, and people could be suspicious of me, for example in some states gypsies are forbidden of going to shopping mall because many shop lifters were among them and now all gypsies are banned etc. also people would generally think thieve or nomad or fortune teller etc. if they hear gypsy, because gypsy is a word with such connotations, like in "gyped" (i have been "gyped") etc. they probably wouldnt know what roma meants or romanie and would think romania or capitol of italy.
I'm just off to the Gym in a few hours to train with my gypsy friend and fellow bare knuckle fighting beast Paddy. Jews and Gypsies have always been good fighters,
My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding's Paddy Doherty walks free after funeral punch-up | Mail Online
im a roma, yes. but i doubt that many americans would straight away guess me as roma. im curious what i would be guessed as by americans. if i tell them im roma they would not doubt it though, and then know it of course, also gypsy is a loaded word, and people could be suspicious of me, for example in some states gypsies are forbidden of going to shopping mall because many shop lifters were among them and now all gypsies are banned etc. also people would generally think thieve or nomad or fortune teller etc. if they hear gypsy, because gypsy is a word with such connotations, like in "gyped" (i have been "gyped") etc. they probably wouldnt know what roma meants or romanie and would think romania or capitol of italy.
Damn, aced it! Living in Europe most of my life, especially the last 16 in CZ doesn't hurt. Here, they are almost universally despised for many of the same reasons blacks are looked down on in the US.

are you american in europe? im from europe too, and yes they are universally despised but i dont think many people would openly attack or insult a roma if not in a fight etc. behind closed doors they would say "damn gypsies" etc. but i dont experience a attack or such, also i live normal life (housing and all that)
Yeah, I'm Greek-American but live in Prague now. Roma are not popular in Greece, but it pales in comparison with Central Europe. Except for the occasional skinhead, Roma are not openly confronted but distrusted and disliked. In all honesty, I do understand the sentiment. Political correctness is still a distant doctrine and people are much more likely to express their thoughts without the bleating of "racist" which invariably follows in other parts of the world.
Damn, aced it! Living in Europe most of my life, especially the last 16 in CZ doesn't hurt. Here, they are almost universally despised for many of the same reasons blacks are looked down on in the US.

are you american in europe? im from europe too, and yes they are universally despised but i dont think many people would openly attack or insult a roma if not in a fight etc. behind closed doors they would say "damn gypsies" etc. but i dont experience a attack or such, also i live normal life (housing and all that)
Yeah, I'm Greek-American but live in Prague now. Roma are not popular in Greece, but it pales in comparison with Central Europe. Except for the occasional skinhead, Roma are not openly confronted but distrusted and disliked. In all honesty, I do understand the sentiment. Political correctness is still a distant doctrine and people are much more likely to express their thoughts without the bleating of "racist" which invariably follows in other parts of the world.

i see it with diverse mind. obviously no one should be called racist if he expresses concerns about lack of roma integration or that they do bad etc. there should be open discussion etc. but obviously many parties and such view them as threat to racial and national purity and want to deport them to india, even the mixed people or people who are integrated largely etc. this obviously stems from racist ideas. it is because of their race and because of their behaviour, they are viewed as caste of people and race of people etc. it is complex phenomenon not every anti-roma sentiment stems form racism but there is also some etc. it is complex. it is a own phenomenon just like anti-semitism, it is called anti-ciganism etc. but thats too off topic in my thread.
are you american in europe? im from europe too, and yes they are universally despised but i dont think many people would openly attack or insult a roma if not in a fight etc. behind closed doors they would say "damn gypsies" etc. but i dont experience a attack or such, also i live normal life (housing and all that)
Yeah, I'm Greek-American but live in Prague now. Roma are not popular in Greece, but it pales in comparison with Central Europe. Except for the occasional skinhead, Roma are not openly confronted but distrusted and disliked. In all honesty, I do understand the sentiment. Political correctness is still a distant doctrine and people are much more likely to express their thoughts without the bleating of "racist" which invariably follows in other parts of the world.

i see it with diverse mind. obviously no one should be called racist if he expresses concerns about lack of roma integration or that they do bad etc. there should be open discussion etc. but obviously many parties and such view them as threat to racial and national purity and want to deport them to india, even the mixed people or people who are integrated largely etc. this obviously stems from racist ideas. it is because of their race and because of their behaviour, they are viewed as caste of people and race of people etc. it is complex phenomenon not every anti-roma sentiment stems form racism but there is also some etc. it is complex. it is a own phenomenon just like anti-semitism, it is called anti-ciganism etc. but thats too off topic in my thread.
I am not sure about that. There is a very large community of Vietnamese in CZ, a legacy of the war and the international brotherhood of communism, and they work very hard, integrate and their children excel in schools. They are certainly tolerated far more than Roma and even admired by some, despite being of a decidedly different nationality and race.
Yeah, I'm Greek-American but live in Prague now. Roma are not popular in Greece, but it pales in comparison with Central Europe. Except for the occasional skinhead, Roma are not openly confronted but distrusted and disliked. In all honesty, I do understand the sentiment. Political correctness is still a distant doctrine and people are much more likely to express their thoughts without the bleating of "racist" which invariably follows in other parts of the world.

i see it with diverse mind. obviously no one should be called racist if he expresses concerns about lack of roma integration or that they do bad etc. there should be open discussion etc. but obviously many parties and such view them as threat to racial and national purity and want to deport them to india, even the mixed people or people who are integrated largely etc. this obviously stems from racist ideas. it is because of their race and because of their behaviour, they are viewed as caste of people and race of people etc. it is complex phenomenon not every anti-roma sentiment stems form racism but there is also some etc. it is complex. it is a own phenomenon just like anti-semitism, it is called anti-ciganism etc. but thats too off topic in my thread.
I am not sure about that. There is a very large community of Vietnamese in CZ, a legacy of the war and the international brotherhood of communism, and they work very hard, integrate and their children excel in schools. They are certainly tolerated far more than Roma and even admired by some, despite being of a decidedly different nationality and race.

you can be selectively racist like for example you value asians but hate blacks, like many white supremacists do who view asians as high race like whites but blacks as low race etc. there is obviously racist element to anti-roma sentiment, dont try to denie that.
Damn, aced it! Living in Europe most of my life, especially the last 16 in CZ doesn't hurt. Here, they are almost universally despised for many of the same reasons blacks are looked down on in the US.

are you american in europe? im from europe too, and yes they are universally despised but i dont think many people would openly attack or insult a roma if not in a fight etc. behind closed doors they would say "damn gypsies" etc. but i dont experience a attack or such, also i live normal life (housing and all that)
Yeah, I'm Greek-American but live in Prague now. Roma are not popular in Greece, but it pales in comparison with Central Europe. Except for the occasional skinhead, Roma are not openly confronted but distrusted and disliked. In all honesty, I do understand the sentiment. Political correctness is still a distant doctrine and people are much more likely to express their thoughts without the bleating of "racist" which invariably follows in other parts of the world.
my mil is Serbian my fil is Croatian, Czechs are regarded as cheap untrustworthy people in Croatia, its a very strange world.
i see it with diverse mind. obviously no one should be called racist if he expresses concerns about lack of roma integration or that they do bad etc. there should be open discussion etc. but obviously many parties and such view them as threat to racial and national purity and want to deport them to india, even the mixed people or people who are integrated largely etc. this obviously stems from racist ideas. it is because of their race and because of their behaviour, they are viewed as caste of people and race of people etc. it is complex phenomenon not every anti-roma sentiment stems form racism but there is also some etc. it is complex. it is a own phenomenon just like anti-semitism, it is called anti-ciganism etc. but thats too off topic in my thread.
I am not sure about that. There is a very large community of Vietnamese in CZ, a legacy of the war and the international brotherhood of communism, and they work very hard, integrate and their children excel in schools. They are certainly tolerated far more than Roma and even admired by some, despite being of a decidedly different nationality and race.

you can be selectively racist like for example you value asians but hate blacks, like many white supremacists do who view asians as high race like whites but blacks as low race etc. there is obviously racist element to anti-roma sentiment, dont try to denie that.
I am not denying anything. I simply do not know where the divide between expressing truth and being racist lies. It seems to be very of personal interpretation. What I was stating is that your observation of national purity simply does not jibe, allowing for conjecture that it can be the behavior of groups that reflects what you might call racism.
I am not sure about that. There is a very large community of Vietnamese in CZ, a legacy of the war and the international brotherhood of communism, and they work very hard, integrate and their children excel in schools. They are certainly tolerated far more than Roma and even admired by some, despite being of a decidedly different nationality and race.

you can be selectively racist like for example you value asians but hate blacks, like many white supremacists do who view asians as high race like whites but blacks as low race etc. there is obviously racist element to anti-roma sentiment, dont try to denie that.
I am not denying anything. I simply do not know where the divide between expressing truth and being racist lies. It seems to be very of personal interpretation. What I was stating is that your observation of national purity simply does not jibe, allowing for conjecture that it can be the behavior of groups that reflects what you might call racism.

to me racism has a definition. like dividing people along "races" mostly ranking those races like "whites, asians"=superior "black, gypsies=inferior" etc. and that race determines everything in life like human rights, job, housing etc. personal achievement and role in society etc. often anti-miscgenationist etc. if you apply that definition there is a racist element to anti-roma sentiment etc. obviously it is not exclusively only racist and not everyone who dislikes roma for some reason is a racist or like that. but racism to roma was what happened in nazi germany for example, racism to jews and roma etc.
We can run around definitions till kingdom come. Simply, some groups display anti-social and offensive characteristics at far greater rates than others. The reasons can be disputed but the facts cannot. I am not prejudicial on a personal basis, but I'll be damned if I am going to be effected by self-righteous bleating for not getting on the anti-racist bandwagon. I will not condemn those who express what to me are perfectly legitimate sentiments.
We can run around definitions till kingdom come. Simply, some groups display anti-social and offensive characteristics at far greater rates than others. The reasons can be disputed but the facts cannot. I am not prejudicial on a personal basis, but I'll be damned if I am going to be effected by self-righteous bleating for not getting on the anti-racist bandwagon. I will not condemn those who express what to me are perfectly legitimate sentiments.

i said it already, i dont need to repeat myself. everything is there you simply ignore what i said and keep denying.
Look, I know what you're trying to say. I also understand that the obvious premise of this thread was to prove, to Americans at least, race is an abstraction. It is not. You look Roma. That's it.
Look, I know what you're trying to say. I also understand that the obvious premise of this thread was to prove, to Americans at least, race is an abstraction. It is not. You look Roma. That's it.

no there is no intention to prove anything, it is a survey for my own interest, because i want to know how i would be perceived. you read too much into it, and you come across as a asshole.
and how many of you would think mexican or central or south american? or native american maybe?



I voted, "other"; race is unimportant so I don't care.
Oh, stop with the reps either way ffs. Never understood that.

I never understood being nasty to people for no good reason. What did your asinine comment accomplish, other than perhaps makes someone's day a little less joyful?

Does being a whiny little bitch all the time make you "joyful"?

Unlike you, I don't just randomly attack people to puff my chest. I call a spade a spade, and a pile of shit, a pile of shit, like you. :lol:

Fuck off, loudmouth. :eusa_clap:
I never understood being nasty to people for no good reason. What did your asinine comment accomplish, other than perhaps makes someone's day a little less joyful?

Does being a whiny little bitch all the time make you "joyful"?

Unlike you, I don't just randomly attack people to puff my chest. I call a spade a spade...

Oh, when you do it you are just calling a spade a spade, but if anyone else isn't as sweet and lovely as you (who the fuck are you again) demand it's something nefarious. STFU you idiotic hypocrite. You spend half your time being a pointless stalker hurling your own insults and the the other half trying to play Captain Sunshine, demanding that everyone be 'nice' according to your standard. You're a fucking joke.
Does being a whiny little bitch all the time make you "joyful"?

Unlike you, I don't just randomly attack people to puff my chest. I call a spade a spade...

Oh, when you do it you are just calling a spade a spade, but if anyone else isn't as sweet and lovely as you (who the fuck are you again) demand it's something nefarious. STFU you idiotic hypocrite. You spend half your time being a pointless stalker hurling your own insults and the the other half trying to play Captain Sunshine, demanding that everyone be 'nice' according to your standard. You're a fucking joke.


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