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What Would Be So Awful About Overturning Roe v. Wade & Saving Unborn Children's Lives?

Q. What did women do before Roe v. Wade?

A. They prevented unwanted pregnancy.

Liberals would have us believe that women have no control over whether or not they become pregnant, therefore the world will be overrun with unwanted children. Ending abortion on demand would bring a temporary spike in births, but it wouldn't last long. Pregnancy can be prevented. The money used to fund abortion clinics should be used for more effective birth control or elective sterilization.

Are you prepared to allow the government to help the mothers that can't afford those babies? I doubt it. "Lol fuck you. Shoulda kept your legs closed, slut."

You really need to ask yourself why mothers 'can't afford' their babies. Heck even a fucking bird knows to make a secure nest.

Most of these mothers are black women.

In fact, there are now more black abortions than births.

Planned Parenthood was created by Margaret Sanger to kill off the black population and she is not smiling somewhere in the deepest part of hell.

Yes, Margaret Sanger prevailed and the supposed 'champions' of Blacks in this country back her abortion clinics. That should tell you something.

Blacks are now convinced that the very party that liberated them from slavery are their natural enemies.
Thats because the racists switched parties.
Q. What did women do before Roe v. Wade?

A. They prevented unwanted pregnancy.

Liberals would have us believe that women have no control over whether or not they become pregnant, therefore the world will be overrun with unwanted children. Ending abortion on demand would bring a temporary spike in births, but it wouldn't last long. Pregnancy can be prevented. The money used to fund abortion clinics should be used for more effective birth control or elective sterilization.


That article relies heavily on "estimated" and most likely inflated statistics. The loss of life for the "estimated" 5000 botched abortions is tragic, if true, but we don't have to rely on estimates to know that nearly a million unborn human beings have their lives taken annually by abortion as birth control.

The slaughter of the unborn also takes a toll on the collective psyche. If even your own child is disposable, why should people have regard for the lives of others? Overwhelming, they don't and abortion on demand is a contributing factor.
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Um...the asshole parents that conceived the child. Both of them. So simple, only a progressive could be confused by it.

Again, said like a guy who has never had sex.


So a couple uses contraception, they get pregnant anyway, your solution is that they should take care of a child they didn't want and aren't ready for...

Ah... policy by moral scolds... doesn't work in the real world...
Matters not if the contraception failed, you own up to your responsibility after finding out that your girlfriend or wife is going to have your baby. And women, don't let the left convince you that it's trendy to just go get that abortion even if the idiot shows his true colors in the ordeal and then bolts.

The little one who is on the way might actually become the one who saves the life of the mother be it mentally or physically one day. So many millions of positive stories out there on the subject of life born out of adverse circumstances.
I think you miss the part where no one cares what you think people should do. Youre hardly qualified to make that decision on your own let alone for someone else.
Anyone who is a taxpayer better care, because it's their tax dollars that will be used to help either get that abortion or to allow the baby daddy to bolt or to encourage the baby momma to have 4 more than the one she's got for a bigger government check to come in the mail. All compliments of the Demon-crat party and their misguided ways..

If a woman is abandoned and has been left in a situation she has truly learned by, and she wants to have her baby (the only one close to her in her life at the time), then that is completely ok in my book.

Not for abusing the system as was spoken of above, and I do not support abortion as a contraceptive after the fact.

Best to use contraceptives as a preventive if think that you aren't with the one you love.

Common sense folks, just common sense is all it is.
No stupid. I said it couldnt be murder because murder is a legal term. Since abortion is legal there is no murder. :cuckoo:
And I pointed out that lynching negroes was “legal” in the 1700’s and 1800’s. So do you believe that not a single negro was murdered in that era? :laugh:

Unfortunately, because abortion is a billion dollar industry and women are rewarded monetarily for killing off their children, abortion will probably not be over turned any time soon. However, like the profitability of slavery, a time will come when a man rises up with a staff and a desert God and will subdue them and they will find themselves on the wrong side of history.
"... are rewarded monetarily for killing off their children"

Link please. Are you saying women are being paid to have abortions?
The Demographics of Abortion: It's Not What You Think

Abortion is a monetary decision.
Can you quote the part that says women are being paid to have abortions? I couldnt find anything.
Do you think all incentives are done in Cash ?? Many may see financial relief or reward as a means of pay off in their future, so it's off with it's poor little head before it can see the first Ray of light.
Are you prepared to allow the government to help the mothers that can't afford those babies? I doubt it. "Lol fuck you. Shoulda kept your legs closed, slut."

You really need to ask yourself why mothers 'can't afford' their babies. Heck even a fucking bird knows to make a secure nest.

Most of these mothers are black women.

In fact, there are now more black abortions than births.

Planned Parenthood was created by Margaret Sanger to kill off the black population and she is not smiling somewhere in the deepest part of hell.

Yes, Margaret Sanger prevailed and the supposed 'champions' of Blacks in this country back her abortion clinics. That should tell you something.

Blacks are now convinced that the very party that liberated them from slavery are their natural enemies.
Thats because the racists switched parties.

You were told to believe that there is no real proof.. Did you select that meme feom the list your neo-marxist minders gave you?
So abortion is for the leftist women who can't control their will to resist sex outside of marriage or don't have enough sense to use protection when having sex outside of marriage ??

Naw, leftist women have the good sense to use contraception.

Abortion is for right wing Christian cows who don't use contraception, get pregnant, have abortions, and then fucking lecture to the rest of us because they are fucking hypocrites.

Can you find me any celebrity or conservative women that had an abortion because they couldn't control themselves, and therefore they wanted an abortion out of convience ?? Would be interesting to know.

No, dummy, they'd be drummed out of the clubhouse if they admited they had abortions.
1. Says the asshole who supported Obamacare and claimed that the government has the right to force people to carry health insurance.

Naw, man, that was Mitt Romney's idea, which you guys were fine with until the Black Guy did it.

I wanted universal single payer like every other country has.

2. Nobody’s body would be “controlled” you hyperbolic drama queen

Really? It strikes me that the government is telling a woman and her doctor she can't have a medical procedure that is safer than the alternative (Pregnancy has more health risks than abortion), that is controlling their bodies.

3. It’s up to the people to decide. If they agree with you, it won’t happen. If they don’t agree with you - go fuck yourself. The people have spoken constitutionally.

The people said no to Trump and his agenda. You can't cite the people, here, buddy. The people said "No".

You won under the fucked up rules devised by slave rapists 200 year ago who didn't trust the people... but the people got this one right.

Yep. Because that’s what responsibile human beings do, you lazy fuck. Actions have consequences. You’re not free from those consequences just because you’re a lazy communist asshole.

The thing is, the "consequences' you list are only going to be there because a few religious assholes want to impose their backwards ass superstitions on other people. Abortion is perfectly acceptable and safer than pregnancy.
And Joey wonders why Donald Trump is President of the United States and Republicans control everything coast-to-coast. Keep it up, stupid! Conservatives greatly appreciate your anti-American, radical fascist advocacy.

Power doesn’t belong at the federal level. The U.S. Constitution says so. And the U.S. Constitution is still the supreme law of the land!

Nobody looks at the clowns in their state capitals and say, "Yeah, I want THOSE clowns to have more power over my day-to-day life."


Guy, Trump won on a fluke.. we'll be rid of him soon enough.
What exactly would be so awful or terrible about overturning Roe v. Wade, allowing the states to resume control over the issue, and saving thousands or tens of thousands of unborn babies' lives?

Roe v. Wade was based on junk science, junk law, and on the myth of an epidemic of "back alley abortions." Legalized elective abortion is far more of a stain on our nation's history than slavery was. The number of babies killed by abortion dwarfs the number of slaves who were killed by abusive slaveholders.

If Roe v. Wade were overturned, state governments would retake control of the issue. Some states would legalize all abortion except partial-birth abortion (which is illegal under federal law). Other states would place significant restrictions on abortion. And some states would ban most or all abortions. Undoubtedly, thousands or tens of thousands of babies would be saved from abortion.

If women were really determined to kill their babies for their own convenience (i.e., elective abortion), they could always go to a state where elective abortion were legal.

Debunking the myth of ‘back-alley’ abortions

U.S. Abortion Statistics

Chilean Study Proves that Outlawing Abortion Does Not Lead to "Coat-hanger Deaths"


Science Has Advanced Since Roe v. Wade But Abortion Laws Haven’t

It's a scientific fact: Human life begins at conception

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception

When Does Life Begin | Just The Facts

"What exactly would be so awful or terrible about overturning Roe v. Wade, allowing the states to resume control over the issue, and saving thousands or tens of thousands of unborn babies' lives?"

I love how your dumb ass keeps using that phrase. By the current standards of today - it was murder. By any normal, logical, rational standard, it was cold-blooded murder. And the same goes with abortion. History will look at you as the uneducated, uncivilized, nitwit the way we look at the idiots who lynched negroes.

Um, no.

YOu see, even when Abortion was illegal, they didn't arrest women for having them, and didn't charge the doctors who performed them with 'Murder".

If we take your logic that abortion is murder, then you should advocate arresting and prosecuting women for murder for having them.
Q. What did women do before Roe v. Wade?

A. They prevented unwanted pregnancy.

Liberals would have us believe that women have no control over whether or not they become pregnant, therefore the world will be overrun with unwanted children. Ending abortion on demand may bring a temporary spike in births, but it wouldn't last long. Pregnancy can be prevented. The money used to fund abortion clinics should be used for more effective birth control or elective sterilization.

Before Roe v Wade women did NOT prevent unwanted pregnancies. There were orphanages throughout the country, and homes for unwed mothers. And women died from botched illegal abortions.

Roe v Wade had no effect on the number of live births in America. This means that women were already obtaining abortions illegally before abortion was legal. What ended, were women turning up in emergency rooms suffering the effect of botched illegal abortions.
It is revealing that the pro-abortion lobby even opposed Micah's Law (aka the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act), which would have banned abortions after 20 weeks because of the clear scientific evidence that babies can feel pain after 20 weeks (or five months). It's one thing to say that a woman should be allowed to kill her baby when he or she is only a few weeks old and can feel no pain. It's quite another thing to say that a woman should be able to kill her baby even when he or she can feel pain. Both are immoral choices, but the latter is worse than the former.

As always, pro-abortion arguments mirror antebellum pro-slavery arguments by denying the humanity of the victim. According to the slave lobby, slavery was not a moral choice but just a business or property choice--the slave's humanity, much less his or her rights, never came up. Similarly, according to the pro-abortion lobby, abortion is not a moral choice but just a medical one--the baby's humanity, much less his or her rights, never enter into their arguments.
1. Says the asshole who supported Obamacare and claimed that the government has the right to force people to carry health insurance.

Naw, man, that was Mitt Romney's idea, which you guys were fine with until the Black Guy did it.

I wanted universal single payer like every other country has.

2. Nobody’s body would be “controlled” you hyperbolic drama queen

Really? It strikes me that the government is telling a woman and her doctor she can't have a medical procedure that is safer than the alternative (Pregnancy has more health risks than abortion), that is controlling their bodies.

3. It’s up to the people to decide. If they agree with you, it won’t happen. If they don’t agree with you - go fuck yourself. The people have spoken constitutionally.

The people said no to Trump and his agenda. You can't cite the people, here, buddy. The people said "No".

You won under the fucked up rules devised by slave rapists 200 year ago who didn't trust the people... but the people got this one right.

Yep. Because that’s what responsibile human beings do, you lazy fuck. Actions have consequences. You’re not free from those consequences just because you’re a lazy communist asshole.

The thing is, the "consequences' you list are only going to be there because a few religious assholes want to impose their backwards ass superstitions on other people. Abortion is perfectly acceptable and safer than pregnancy.
Where does this leave the leftist morals in life ?? Oh that's right they have none, so it's easy for the leftist to just blabber on about killing and the justification of it like it's so normal a thing in their world of thinking. This country made some of the biggest mistakes it ever made in the 60's when allowing the do gooder hippies a voice that put this nation in some sort of downward spiral straight into hell. It's been digging a hole for itself ever since, and it ain't done yet.
Q. What did women do before Roe v. Wade?

A. They prevented unwanted pregnancy.

Liberals would have us believe that women have no control over whether or not they become pregnant, therefore the world will be overrun with unwanted children. Ending abortion on demand may bring a temporary spike in births, but it wouldn't last long. Pregnancy can be prevented. The money used to fund abortion clinics should be used for more effective birth control or elective sterilization.

Before Roe v Wade women did NOT prevent unwanted pregnancies. There were orphanages throughout the country, and homes for unwed mothers. And women died from botched illegal abortions.

Roe v Wade had no effect on the number of live births in America. This means that women were already obtaining abortions illegally before abortion was legal. What ended, were women turning up in emergency rooms suffering the effect of botched illegal abortions.
I have two friends that were raised in orphanages/children's homes, and me and the wife hooked them up on a date together.

Well to make a long story short, they are still married after 25 years or more, and they are millionaires together now.
And Joey wonders why Donald Trump is President of the United States and Republicans control everything coast-to-coast. Keep it up, stupid! Conservatives greatly appreciate your anti-American, radical fascist advocacy.

Power doesn’t belong at the federal level. The U.S. Constitution says so. And the U.S. Constitution is still the supreme law of the land!

Nobody looks at the clowns in their state capitals and say, "Yeah, I want THOSE clowns to have more power over my day-to-day life."


Guy, Trump won on a fluke.. we'll be rid of him soon enough.
Y'all won't be rid of nobody with your bat-crap-crazy ways. Keep dreaming.
Q. What did women do before Roe v. Wade?

A. They prevented unwanted pregnancy.

Liberals would have us believe that women have no control over whether or not they become pregnant, therefore the world will be overrun with unwanted children. Ending abortion on demand may bring a temporary spike in births, but it wouldn't last long. Pregnancy can be prevented. The money used to fund abortion clinics should be used for more effective birth control or elective sterilization.

Before Roe v Wade women did NOT prevent unwanted pregnancies. There were orphanages throughout the country, and homes for unwed mothers. And women died from botched illegal abortions.

Roe v Wade had no effect on the number of live births in America. This means that women were already obtaining abortions illegally before abortion was legal. What ended, were women turning up in emergency rooms suffering the effect of botched illegal abortions.
Some of the greatest citizens this country has ever known came from orphanages etc.

They have a right to live like anyone else, and I thought the libs we're for open borders, yet they want to close the borders where a baby crosses from the mothers birth canal, and into the light of day. Hypocrites.... LOL
Let's end our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; they don't save unborn lives and even harm the unborn, through collateral damage.

And, the right wing is not fiscally responsible enough or moral enough, to Pay real times of War tax rates for them. Why not? Are those alleged Wars, "illegitimate"?

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