What Would Be The Best Way to Turn This Country Around In The New Year?

I'd like to see the new congress, the House in particular, commence immediately on the fiscal year 2024 budget to achieve some fiscal sanity from the government that's been missing these last 22 years.
You saying it doesn’t make it true. Look it up.

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I live in a red state. The poorest of the poor are Democrats and they suck up a LOT of federal funding.

The people in those states suckling from the government are by far Democratic voters, but don’t let the facts get in the way.

An individual’s likelihood of being a Democrat decreases with every additional dollar he or she earns. Democrats have a huge advantage (63 percent) with voters earning less than $15,000 per year. This advantage carries forward for individuals earning up to $50,000 per year, and then turns in the Republicans’ favor — with just 36 percent of individuals earning more than $200,000 per year supporting Democrats.

Interestingly, the median household income in the United States is $49,777 — right near the point where the Democratic advantage disappears and the Republicans take over.

Economic Demographics of Democrats & Liberals – Politics & Debt
I live in a red state. The poorest of the poor are Democrats and they suck up a LOT of federal funding.

The people in those states suckling from the government are by far Democratic voters, but don’t let the facts get in the way.
Yea. Sure. There are millions more democrats in blue states that aren’t having the problems the red states have with a tiny fraction of democrats. Face it. That’s a lie. What state are you in so I can destroy your position by showing you the poverty rates state wide by county?
Biden has enacted the most consequential legislation in decades in just 2 years with a narrow majority, mostly bi-partisan. A quick history search shows you have been calling him inept and confused since day 1. Why would I listen to someone who has been so wrong? You compared him to being no better than Trump while the actual lasting record of impact is substantial for Biden. He’s not an eloquent speaker but he’s administering his ass off.
Printing currency is not great political leadership. Most of these politicians have pulled the wool over our eyes. Men and women in a much less corrupted nation would pay 25% less or so in taxes easily. This does not even consider the current inflation tax of the evil with citizens paying near 20 per cent more and which is darkening our world now. The evil from Ukraine showed up on our shores and our elected leadership genuflected to it in that insurrectionist building. We phuk our own responsible citizens over domestically and pay everyone else off who are ums at home and agendas internationally.
Yea. Sure. There are millions more democrats in blue states that aren’t having the problems the red states have with a tiny fraction of democrats. Face it. That’s a lie. What state are you in so I can destroy your position by showing you the poverty rates state wide by county?

Read the income link I posted above. The actual FACTS don’t matter to you do they?

Yes, the poor are poorer in red states than in blue states. They collect more benefits on average. They are very, very heavily Democratic.
Besides impeaching both Biden and Harris that is. It's not going to happen, but if it were, what do you guys think would be the proper New Year's Resolutions to get America back in working order or at least start to in 2023? (Most likely it won't even begin to happen until 2024. That is if we can even have a secure election again.)
What do you think the ultimate results would be if we impeached both Biden and Harris?
i was going to say stop the division that this country has embraced but then i realized the op is just spewing hate...sadly
Building a giant colony ship, all automated, to fly to the sun. For safety we will go at night.
Printing currency is not great political leadership. Most of these politicians have pulled the wool over our eyes. Men and women in a much less corrupted nation would pay 25% less or so in taxes easily. This does not even consider the current inflation tax of the evil with citizens paying near 20 per cent more and which is darkening our world now. The evil from Ukraine showed up on our shores and our elected leadership genuflected to it in that insurrectionist building. We phuk our own responsible citizens over domestically and pay everyone else off who are ums at home and agendas internationally.
Our economic engine is strong. That drives over 75% of our economy. Government spending is a small but important piece and most spending goes to necessary functions.

Taxes are your duty if you are making it in this country. It should be your proud honor, not something you despise.

The fact you don’t want to stand up to Russia with international support shouldn’t cloud everything you do.

Regardless Biden has exceeded my expectations and almost all of his predecessors accomplishments since JFK probably, since Reagan for sure.
Before you can heal the patient, you have to stop the bleeding and get the patient out of shock.

That won't be happening any time soon, and certainly not this coming year.
Besides impeaching both Biden and Harris that is. It's not going to happen, but if it were, what do you guys think would be the proper New Year's Resolutions to get America back in working order or at least start to in 2023? (Most likely it won't even begin to happen until 2024. That is if we can even have a secure election again.)
Put Trump in prison for the rest of his life.

There. Fixed it.
I have a giant Costco pack of BEEF ribs waiting to be grilled. Freaking climate change though, it's 20 degrees outside. We need to burn some fossil fuels and warm up the planet.
What's for dessert? Trump's ass?
Call /e-mail your representatives and Senators to give them a big fat ...F...often. We should be flooding them with complaints...all of them.

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